rakefile.rb in rhodes-1.2.2 vs rakefile.rb in rhodes-1.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,21 +1,51 @@
require 'find'
require 'erb'
+require 'rake/rdoctask'
+#Look, another big fat hack. Make it so we can remove tasks from rake -T by setting comment to nil
+module Rake
+ class Task
+ attr_accessor :comment
+ end
chdir File.dirname(__FILE__)
require 'lib/build/jake.rb'
load 'platform/bb/build/bb.rake'
load 'platform/android/build/android.rake'
load 'platform/iphone/rbuild/iphone.rake'
load 'platform/wm/build/wm.rake'
load 'platform/linux/tasks/linux.rake'
+namespace "framework" do
+ task :spec do
+ loadpath = $LOAD_PATH.inject("") { |load_path,pe| load_path += " -I" + pe }
+ rhoruby = ""
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
+ rhoruby = 'res\\build-tools\\RhoRuby'
+ elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/
+ rhoruby = 'res/build-tools/RubyMac'
+ else
+ rhoruby = 'res/build-tools/rubylinux'
+ end
+ puts `#{rhoruby} -I#{File.expand_path('spec/framework_spec/app/')} -I#{File.expand_path('lib/framework')} -I#{File.expand_path('lib/test')} -Clib/test framework_test.rb`
+ end
namespace "config" do
task :common do
$startdir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+ $binextensions = []
buildyml = 'rhobuild.yml'
buildyml = ENV["RHOBUILD"] unless ENV["RHOBUILD"].nil?
$config = Jake.config(File.open(buildyml))
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
@@ -25,56 +55,272 @@
if $app_path.nil? #if we are called from the rakefile directly, this wont be set
#load the apps path and config
$app_path = $config["env"]["app"]
+ unless File.exists? $app_path
+ puts "Could not find rhodes application. Please verify your application setting in #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/rhobuild.yml"
+ exit 1
+ end
$app_config = YAML::load_file($app_path + "/build.yml")
+ out = `javac -version 2>&1`
+ puts "\n\nYour java bin folder does not appear to be on your path.\nThis is required to use rhodes.\n\n" unless $? == 0
def copy_assets(asset)
dest = File.join($srcdir,'apps/public')
cp_r asset + "/.", dest, :remove_destination => true
+def check_extension_file
+ extfile = ""
+ File.open($startdir + "/platform/shared/ruby/ext/rho/extensions.c","r") do |f|
+ f.each_line do |line|
+ if line !~ /;/
+ extfile << line
+ else
+ loaded = false
+ $binextensions.each { |loadedext| loaded = line.include? loadedext; break if loaded }
+ extfile << line if loaded
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if extfile != ""
+ File.open($startdir + "/platform/shared/ruby/ext/rho/extensions.c","w") { |f| f.write extfile }
+ end
+def clear_linker_settings
+ if $config["platform"] == "iphone"
+# outfile = ""
+# IO.read($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj").each_line do |line|
+# if line =~ /EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = /
+# outfile << line.gsub(/EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = ".*"/, 'EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = ""')
+# else
+# outfile << line
+# end
+# end
+# File.open($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj","w") {|f| f.write outfile}
+ $ldflags = ""
+ end
+def add_linker_library(libraryname)
+# if $config["platform"] == "iphone"
+# outfile = ""
+# IO.read($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj").each_line do |line|
+# if line =~ /EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = /
+# outfile << line.gsub(/";/, " $(TARGET_TEMP_DIR)/#{libraryname}\";")
+# else
+# outfile << line
+# end
+# end
+# File.open($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj","w") {|f| f.write outfile}
+# end
+ simulator = $sdk =~ /iphonesimulator/
+ tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"]
+ else
+ tmpdir = $startdir + "/platform/iphone/build/rhorunner.build/#{$configuration}-" +
+ ( simulator ? "iphonesimulator" : "iphoneos") + "/rhorunner.build"
+ end
+ $ldflags << "#{tmpdir}/#{libraryname}\n" unless $ldflags.nil?
+def set_linker_flags
+ if $config["platform"] == "iphone"
+ simulator = $sdk =~ /iphonesimulator/
+ tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"]
+ else
+ tmpdir = $startdir + "/platform/iphone/build/rhorunner.build/#{$configuration}-" +
+ ( simulator ? "iphonesimulator" : "iphoneos") + "/rhorunner.build"
+ end
+ mkdir_p tmpdir unless File.exist? tmpdir
+ File.open(tmpdir + "/rhodeslibs.txt","w") { |f| f.write $ldflags }
+# puts `export $EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS`
+ end
+def add_extension(path,dest)
+ start = pwd
+ chdir path if File.directory?(path)
+ Dir.glob("*").each { |f| cp_r f,dest unless f =~ /^ext(\/|(\.yml)?$)/ }
+ if File.exist? "ext.yml"
+ extension_config = YAML::load_file("ext.yml")
+ if extension_config["entry"] and extension_config["entry"] != ""
+ extfile = ""
+ File.open($startdir + "/platform/shared/ruby/ext/rho/extensions.c","r") do |f|
+ externstart = false
+ externwritten = false
+ callstart = false
+ callwritten = false
+ f.each_line do |line|
+ # puts line
+ #are we starting a replacement area?
+ externstart = true if line =~ /EXTERNS/
+ callstart = true if line =~ /CALLS/
+ #if we arent in our replacement area, just copy the line
+ unless externstart or callstart
+ extfile << line
+ else
+ #always write an end marker
+ extfile << line if line =~ /END/
+ #did we just start the extern replacement area?
+ if externstart and not externwritten
+ #write marker and our new extension
+ extfile << line
+ extfile << "extern void #{extension_config["entry"]}(void);\n"
+ externwritten = true
+ end
+ #same for calls
+ if callstart and not callwritten
+ extfile << line
+ extfile << "#{extension_config["entry"]}();\n"
+ callwritten = true
+ end
+ #did we leave a replacement area
+ externstart = false if externstart and line =~ /END/
+ callstart = false if callstart and line =~ /END/
+ #if we are in a replacement area, check for lines that are there
+ #that we have marked as loaded and copy those over
+ #this is to make sure we are only loading things we explicitly marked
+ #leaving out lines that came from a previous run
+ if externstart or callstart
+ loaded = false
+ $binextensions.each { |loadedext| loaded = line.include? loadedext; break if loaded }
+ extfile << line if loaded
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ $binextensions << extension_config["entry"]
+ end
+ if extfile != ""
+ File.open($startdir + "/platform/shared/ruby/ext/rho/extensions.c","w") { |f| f.write extfile }
+ end
+ end
+ if extension_config["libraries"] and extension_config["libraries"].is_a? Array
+ extension_config["libraries"].each { |lib| add_linker_library(lib) }
+ end
+ end
+ chdir start
def common_bundle_start(startdir, dest)
app = $app_path
rhodeslib = "lib/framework"
rm_rf $srcdir
mkdir_p $srcdir
mkdir_p dest if not File.exists? dest
mkdir_p File.join($srcdir,'apps')
+ start = pwd
chdir rhodeslib
- Dir.glob("*").each { |f|
- src = f
- cp_r src,dest
- }
+ Dir.glob("*").each { |f| cp_r f,dest }
chdir dest
Dir.glob("**/rhodes-framework.rb").each {|f| rm f}
Dir.glob("**/erb.rb").each {|f| rm f}
Dir.glob("**/find.rb").each {|f| rm f}
$excludelib.each {|e| Dir.glob(e).each {|f| rm f}}
+ chdir start
+ clear_linker_settings
+ extensions = []
+ extensions += $app_config["extensions"] if $app_config["extensions"] and
+ $app_config["extensions"].is_a? Array
+ extensions += $app_config[$config["platform"]["extensions"]] if $config["platform"] and
+ $config["platform"]["extensions"] and $config["platform"]["extensions"].is_a? Array
+ $app_config["extensions"] = extensions
+ $app_config["extensions"].each do |extname|
+ rhoextpath = "lib/extensions/" + extname
+ appextpath = $app_path + "/extensions/" + extname
+ extpath = nil
+ if File.exists? appextpath
+ extpath = appextpath
+ elsif File.exists? rhoextpath
+ extpath = rhoextpath
+ end
+ unless extpath.nil?
+ add_extension(extpath, dest)
+ end
+ end
+ check_extension_file
+ set_linker_flags
+ unless $app_config["constants"].nil?
+ File.open("rhobuild.rb","w") do |file|
+ file << "module RhoBuild\n"
+ $app_config["constants"].each do |key,value|
+ value.gsub!(/"/,"\\\"")
+ file << " #{key.upcase} = \"#{value}\"\n"
+ end
+ file << "end\n"
+ end
+ end
chdir startdir
#throw "ME"
cp_r app + '/app',File.join($srcdir,'apps')
cp_r app + '/public', File.join($srcdir,'apps')
cp app + '/rhoconfig.txt', File.join($srcdir,'apps')
copy_assets($assetfolder) if ($assetfolder and File.exists? $assetfolder)
+ chdir File.join($srcdir,'apps')
+ Dir.glob("**/*.#{$config['platform']}.*").each do |file|
+ oldfile = file.gsub(Regexp.new(Regexp.escape('.') + $config['platform'] + Regexp.escape('.')),'.')
+ rm oldfile if File.exists? oldfile
+ mv file,oldfile
+ end
+ Dir.glob("**/*.wm.*").each { |f| rm f }
+ Dir.glob("**/*.iphone.*").each { |f| rm f }
+ Dir.glob("**/*.bb.*").each { |f| rm f }
+ Dir.glob("**/*.android.*").each { |f| rm f }
def create_manifest
dir = File.join($srcdir, 'apps')
fname = "config.rb"
@@ -100,11 +346,13 @@
#needs $config, $srcdir, $excludelib, $bindir
app = $app_path
startdir = pwd
dest = $srcdir
xruby = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/res/build-tools/xruby-0.3.3.jar'
+ compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/bb.rb"
+ rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework"
if not $config["excludedirs"].nil?
if $config["excludedirs"].has_key?($config["platform"])
chdir File.join($srcdir, 'apps')
@@ -113,47 +361,72 @@
excl.each do |mask|
Dir.glob(mask).each {|f| rm_rf f}
+ cp_r File.join(startdir, "res/build-tools/db"), File.join($srcdir, 'apps')
chdir startdir
#create manifest
#"compile ERB"
- ext = ".erb"
- Find.find($srcdir) do |path|
- if File.extname(path) == ext
- rbText = ERB.new( IO.read(path) ).src
- newName = File.basename(path).sub('.erb','_erb.rb')
- fName = File.join(File.dirname(path), newName)
- frb = File.new(fName, "w")
- frb.write( rbText )
- frb.close()
- end
+ #ext = ".erb"
+ #Find.find($srcdir) do |path|
+ # if File.extname(path) == ext
+ # rbText = ERB.new( IO.read(path) ).src
+ # newName = File.basename(path).sub('.erb','_erb.rb')
+ # fName = File.join(File.dirname(path), newName)
+ # frb = File.new(fName, "w")
+ # frb.write( rbText )
+ # frb.close()
+ # end
+ #end
+ cp compileERB, $srcdir
+ puts "Running bb.rb"
+ puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb"`
+ unless $? == 0
+ puts "Error interpreting erb code"
+ exit 1
+ rm "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb"
chdir $bindir
- puts `java -jar "#{xruby}" -v -c RhoBundle 2>&1`
+ # -n#{$bundleClassName}
+ output = `java -jar "#{xruby}" -v -c RhoBundle 2>&1`
+ output.each_line { |x| puts ">>> " + x }
unless $? == 0
puts "Error interpreting ruby code"
exit 1
chdir startdir
chdir $srcdir
Dir.glob("**/*.rb") { |f| rm f }
Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f }
+ # RubyIDContainer.* files takes half space of jar why we need it?
+ #Jake.unjar("../RhoBundle.jar", $tmpdir)
+ #Dir.glob($tmpdir + "/**/RubyIDContainer.class") { |f| rm f }
+ #rm "#{$bindir}/RhoBundle.jar"
+ #chdir $tmpdir
+ #puts `jar cf #{$bindir}/RhoBundle.jar #{$all_files_mask}`
+ #rm_rf $tmpdir
+ #mkdir_p $tmpdir
+ #chdir $srcdir
puts `jar uf ../RhoBundle.jar apps/#{$all_files_mask}`
unless $? == 0
puts "Error creating Rhobundle.jar"
exit 1
chdir startdir
task :noxruby do
app = $app_path
rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework"
@@ -161,27 +434,28 @@
compileRB = "lib/build/compileRB/compileRB.rb"
startdir = pwd
dest = $srcdir + "/lib"
+ chdir startdir
cp compileERB, $srcdir
puts "Running default.rb"
- puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/default.rb`
+ puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/default.rb"`
unless $? == 0
puts "Error interpreting erb code"
exit 1
rm "#{$srcdir}/default.rb"
cp compileRB, $srcdir
puts "Running compileRB"
- puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/compileRB.rb`
+ puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/compileRB.rb"`
unless $? == 0
puts "Error interpreting ruby code"
exit 1
@@ -200,21 +474,22 @@
# Simple rakefile that loads subdirectory 'rhodes' Rakefile
# run "rake -T" to see list of available tasks
#desc "Get versions"
task :get_version do
- bbver = "unknown"
+ genver = "unknown"
iphonever = "unknown"
#symver = "unknown"
wmver = "unknown"
androidver = "unknown"
- File.open("rhobuild.yml","r") do |f|
+ File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") do |f|
file = f.read
if file.match(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/)
- bbver = $1
+ genver = $1
File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","r") do |f|
file = f.read
@@ -247,54 +522,46 @@
if file.match(/versionName="(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)"/)
androidver = $1
+ gemver = "unknown"
rhodesver = "unknown"
- rbuildver = "unknown"
- rframever = "unknown"
- rgenver = "unknown"
+ frameworkver = "unknown"
- File.open("rhodes/rhodes/lib/rhodes.rb","r") do |f|
+ File.open("lib/rhodes.rb","r") do |f|
file = f.read
if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/)
- rhodesver = $1
+ gemver = $1
- File.open("lib/build/version.rb","r") do |f|
+ File.open("lib/framework/rhodes.rb","r") do |f|
file = f.read
if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/)
- rbuildver = $1
+ rhodesver = $1
File.open("lib/framework/version.rb","r") do |f|
file = f.read
if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/)
- rframever = $1
+ frameworkver = $1
- File.open("rhodes/rhodes-generator/lib/version.rb","r") do |f|
- file = f.read
- if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/)
- rgenver = $1
- end
- end
puts "Versions:"
- puts " Blackberry: " + bbver
+ puts " Generator: " + genver
puts " iPhone: " + iphonever
#puts " Symbian: " + symver
- puts " WinMo: " + wmver
+ #puts " WinMo: " + wmver
puts " Android: " + androidver
+ puts " Gem: " + gemver
puts " Rhodes: " + rhodesver
- puts " Rhodes Build: " + rbuildver
- puts " Rhodes Framework: " + rframever
- puts " Rhodes Generator: " + rgenver
+ puts " Framework: " + frameworkver
#desc "Set version"
task :set_version, [:version] do |t,args|
throw "You must pass in version" if args.version.nil?
@@ -306,19 +573,15 @@
throw "Invalid version format. Must be in the format of: major.minor.build" if major.nil? or minor.nil? or build.nil?
verstring = major+"."+minor+"."+build
origfile = ""
- File.open("rhobuild.yml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read }
- File.open("rhobuild.yml","w") do |f|
+ File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read }
+ File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","w") do |f|
f.write origfile.gsub(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/, "version: #{verstring}")
- File.open("rhodes/rhodes-generator/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read }
- File.open("rhodes/rhodes-generator/generators/templates/application/build.yml","w") do |f|
- f.write origfile.gsub(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/, "version: #{verstring}")
- end
File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","r") { |f| origfile = f.read }
File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","w") do |f|
f.write origfile.gsub(/CFBundleVersion<\/key>(\s+)<string>(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)<\/string>/, "CFBundleVersion</key>\n <string>#{verstring}</string>")
@@ -339,15 +602,11 @@
f.write origfile
- ["rhodes/rhodes/lib/rhodes.rb",
- "lib/build/version.rb",
- "lib/framework/version.rb",
- "lib/framework/rhodes.rb",
- "rhodes/rhodes-generator/lib/version.rb"].each do |versionfile|
+ ["lib/rhodes.rb","lib/framework/rhodes.rb","lib/framework/version.rb"].each do |versionfile|
File.open(versionfile,"r") { |f| origfile = f.read }
File.open(versionfile,"w") do |f|
origfile.gsub!(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/, "VERSION = '#{verstring}'")
origfile.gsub!(/DBVERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/, "DBVERSION = '#{verstring}'")
@@ -359,11 +618,11 @@
namespace "buildall" do
namespace "bb" do
-# desc "Build all jdk versions for blackberry"
+ # desc "Build all jdk versions for blackberry"
task :production => "config:common" do
$config["env"]["paths"].each do |k,v|
if k.to_s =~ /^4/
$app_config["bbver"] = k
@@ -411,11 +670,11 @@
puts "Building gem"
gemfile = Gem::Builder.new(spec).build
task :tasks do
- Rake::Task.tasks.each {|t| puts t.to_s}
+ Rake::Task.tasks.each {|t| puts t.to_s.ljust(27) + "# " + t.comment.to_s}
task :switch_app => "config:common" do
rhobuildyml = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/rhobuild.yml"
if File.exists? rhobuildyml
@@ -426,6 +685,19 @@
config["env"]["app"] = $app_path.gsub(/\\/,"/")
File.open( rhobuildyml, 'w' ) do |out|
YAML.dump( config, out )
+Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd|
+ rd.main = "README.textile"
+ rd.rdoc_files.include("README.textile", "lib/framework/**/*.rb")
+task :rdocpush => :rdoc do
+ puts "Pushing RDOC. This may take a while"
+ `scp -r html/* dev@dev.rhomobile.com:dev.rhomobile.com/rhodes/`