in rhoconnect-3.1.0.beta2 vs in rhoconnect-3.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+## 3.1.0 (2012-01-31)
+* #23977723 - Bug fix (Rspec examples fails for both Ruby 1.8.7 and ree-2011.12 (p357))
+* #23982399 - Add to RhoConnect installer support for ree 2012.01
+* Support of latest versions of Ruby (Ruby 1.8.7 and ree-2011.12 (p357), Jruby- on Linux and Mac OS X platforms
## 3.1.0.beta2 (2012-01-24)
* #21859561 - bug fix (Sync With Sugar CE Brings No Records and Generates An Error from Zendesk ticket #1871)
* #22399583 - bug fix (Creates are happening multiple times for the same data from Zendesk ticket #1964)
* #22765085 - 1.9.3 Ruby support - all platforms (Mac,Linux,Windows)
* #22801803 - support rack 1.4 (bundle dependency '~> 1.4.1')
@@ -11,10 +16,10 @@
* #23641103 - .NET plugin needs to have an ability to be partitioned by app
* #23641329 - JAVA plugin needs to have an ability to return "app" partition
* #23638123 - Checking for duplicate creates from Zendesk ticket #2097
* #21237229 - Docs for rhoconnect-benchmark commands
* #23767161 - Bug fix (java-plugin doc fails to index with indextank)
-* added code coverage for Ruby 1.9 (gem 'simplecov')
+* Added code coverage for Ruby 1.9 (gem 'simplecov')
## 3.1.0.beta1 (2011-12-31)
* #20396499 - saving rhoconnect-benchmark results into the file
* #21630639 - rhoconnect-benchmark post-processing (GRUFF png images and EXCEL spreadsheets generation)
* #21363347 - rhoconnect-benchmark - support for varying the number of concurrent clients and payload, distributed AWS clients