lib/rhack/js/browser/xmlw3cdom_2.js in rhack-1.1.8 vs lib/rhack/js/browser/xmlw3cdom_2.js in rhack-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,2744 +1,2744 @@
- * @method W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap.toString - Serialize this NamespaceNodeMap into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- // identify namespaces declared local to this Element (ie, not inherited)
- for (var ind = 0; ind < this._nodes.length; ind++) {
- // if namespace declaration does not exist in the containing node's, parentNode's namespaces
- var ns = null;
- try {
- var ns = this.parentNode.parentNode._namespaces.getNamedItem(this._nodes[ind].localName);
- }
- catch (e) {
- //breaking to prevent default namespace being inserted into return value
- break;
- }
- if (!(ns && (""+ ns.nodeValue == ""+ this._nodes[ind].nodeValue))) {
- // display the namespace declaration
- ret += this._nodes[ind].toString() +" ";
- }
- }
- return ret;
- * @class W3CDOMNode - The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
- * It represents a single node in the document tree.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMNode = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMNode");
- if (ownerDocument) {
- this._id = ownerDocument._genId(); // generate unique internal id
- }
- this.namespaceURI = ""; // The namespace URI of this node (Level 2)
- this.prefix = ""; // The namespace prefix of this node (Level 2)
- this.localName = ""; // The localName of this node (Level 2)
- this.nodeName = ""; // The name of this node
- this.nodeValue = ""; // The value of this node
- this.nodeType = 0; // A code representing the type of the underlying object
- // The parent of this node. All nodes, except Document, DocumentFragment, and Attr may have a parent.
- // However, if a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, this is null
- this.parentNode = null;
- // A NodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no children, this is a NodeList containing no nodes.
- // The content of the returned NodeList is "live" in the sense that, for instance, changes to the children of the node object
- // that it was created from are immediately reflected in the nodes returned by the NodeList accessors;
- // it is not a static snapshot of the content of the node. This is true for every NodeList, including the ones returned by the getElementsByTagName method.
- this.childNodes = new W3CDOMNodeList(ownerDocument, this);
- this.firstChild = null; // The first child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null
- this.lastChild = null; // The last child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
- this.previousSibling = null; // The node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
- this.nextSibling = null; // The node immediately following this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
- this.attributes = new W3CDOMNamedNodeMap(ownerDocument, this); // A NamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node (if it is an Element) or null otherwise.
- this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument; // The Document object associated with this node
- this._namespaces = new W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap(ownerDocument, this); // The namespaces in scope for this node
- this._readonly = false;
-// nodeType constants
- * @method W3CDOMNode.hasAttributes
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( & David Joham (
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.hasAttributes = function W3CDOMNode_hasAttributes() {
- if (this.attributes.length == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- else {
- return true;
- }
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getNodeName - Java style gettor for .nodeName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNodeName = function W3CDOMNode_getNodeName() {
- return this.nodeName;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getNodeValue - Java style gettor for .NodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNodeValue = function W3CDOMNode_getNodeValue() {
- return this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .NodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param nodeValue : string - unique internal id
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMNode_setNodeValue(nodeValue) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- this.nodeValue = nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getNodeType - Java style gettor for .nodeType
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : int
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNodeType = function W3CDOMNode_getNodeType() {
- return this.nodeType;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getParentNode - Java style gettor for .parentNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getParentNode = function W3CDOMNode_getParentNode() {
- return this.parentNode;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getChildNodes - Java style gettor for .childNodes
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getChildNodes = function W3CDOMNode_getChildNodes() {
- return this.childNodes;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getFirstChild - Java style gettor for .firstChild
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getFirstChild = function W3CDOMNode_getFirstChild() {
- return this.firstChild;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getLastChild - Java style gettor for .lastChild
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getLastChild = function W3CDOMNode_getLastChild() {
- return this.lastChild;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getPreviousSibling - Java style gettor for .previousSibling
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getPreviousSibling = function W3CDOMNode_getPreviousSibling() {
- return this.previousSibling;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getNextSibling - Java style gettor for .nextSibling
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNextSibling = function W3CDOMNode_getNextSibling() {
- return this.nextSibling;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getAttributes - Java style gettor for .attributes
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNamedNodeList
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getAttributes = function W3CDOMNode_getAttributes() {
- return this.attributes;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getOwnerDocument - Java style gettor for .ownerDocument
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMDocument
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getOwnerDocument = function W3CDOMNode_getOwnerDocument() {
- return this.ownerDocument;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getNamespaceURI - Java style gettor for .namespaceURI
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : String
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNamespaceURI = function W3CDOMNode_getNamespaceURI() {
- return this.namespaceURI;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getPrefix - Java style gettor for .prefix
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : String
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getPrefix = function W3CDOMNode_getPrefix() {
- return this.prefix;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.setPrefix - Java style settor for .prefix
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param prefix : String
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
- *
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.setPrefix = function W3CDOMNode_setPrefix(prefix) {
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
- if (this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the prefix string contains an illegal character
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(prefix)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid;
- // if the specified prefix is malformed,
- // if the namespaceURI of this node is null,
- // if the specified prefix is "xml" and the namespaceURI of this node is
- // different from "",
- if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(this.namespaceURI, prefix +":"+ this.localName)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if we are trying to make the attribute look like a namespace declaration;
- // if this node is an attribute and the specified prefix is "xmlns"
- // and the namespaceURI of this node is different from "",
- if ((prefix == "xmlns") && (this.namespaceURI != "")) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if we are trying to make the attribute look like a default namespace declaration;
- // if this node is an attribute and the qualifiedName of this node is "xmlns" [Namespaces].
- if ((prefix == "") && (this.localName == "xmlns")) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
- }
- }
- // update prefix
- this.prefix = prefix;
- // update nodeName (QName)
- if (this.prefix != "") {
- this.nodeName = this.prefix +":"+ this.localName;
- }
- else {
- this.nodeName = this.localName; // no prefix, therefore nodeName is simply localName
- }
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getLocalName - Java style gettor for .localName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : String
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getLocalName = function W3CDOMNode_getLocalName() {
- return this.localName;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.insertBefore - Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node refChild.
- * If refChild is null, insert newChild at the end of the list of children.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param newChild : W3CDOMNode - The node to insert.
- * @param refChild : W3CDOMNode - The reference node, i.e., the node before which the new node must be inserted
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the node to insert is one of this node's ancestors
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node being inserted.
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.insertBefore = function W3CDOMNode_insertBefore(newChild, refChild) {
- var prevNode;
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
- if (this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
- if (this.ownerDocument != newChild.ownerDocument) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
- if (this._isAncestor(newChild)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
- }
- }
- if (refChild) { // if refChild is specified, insert before it
- // find index of refChild
- var itemIndex = this.childNodes._findItemIndex(refChild._id);
- // throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
- }
- // if the newChild is already in the tree,
- var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
- if (newChildParent) {
- // remove it
- newChildParent.removeChild(newChild);
- }
- // insert newChild into childNodes
- this.childNodes._insertBefore(newChild, this.childNodes._findItemIndex(refChild._id));
- // do node pointer surgery
- prevNode = refChild.previousSibling;
- // handle DocumentFragment
- if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
- // set the parentNode of DocumentFragment's children
- for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes._nodes.length; ind++) {
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[ind].parentNode = this;
- }
- // link refChild to last child of DocumentFragment
- refChild.previousSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
- }
- }
- else {
- newChild.parentNode = this; // set the parentNode of the newChild
- refChild.previousSibling = newChild; // link refChild to newChild
- }
- }
- else { // otherwise, append to end
- prevNode = this.lastChild;
- this.appendChild(newChild);
- }
- if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- // do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
- if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
- if (prevNode) {
- prevNode.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
- }
- else { // this is the first child in the list
- this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
- }
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[0].previousSibling = prevNode;
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1].nextSibling = refChild;
- }
- }
- else {
- // do node pointer surgery for newChild
- if (prevNode) {
- prevNode.nextSibling = newChild;
- }
- else { // this is the first child in the list
- this.firstChild = newChild;
- }
- newChild.previousSibling = prevNode;
- newChild.nextSibling = refChild;
- }
- return newChild;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.replaceChild - Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the list of children,
- * and returns the oldChild node.
- * If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param newChild : W3CDOMNode - The node to insert.
- * @param oldChild : W3CDOMNode - The node being replaced in the list.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the node to insert is one of this node's ancestors
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node that was replaced
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.replaceChild = function W3CDOMNode_replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) {
- var ret = null;
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
- if (this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
- if (this.ownerDocument != newChild.ownerDocument) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
- if (this._isAncestor(newChild)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
- }
- }
- // get index of oldChild
- var index = this.childNodes._findItemIndex(oldChild._id);
- // throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (index < 0)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
- }
- // if the newChild is already in the tree,
- var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
- if (newChildParent) {
- // remove it
- newChildParent.removeChild(newChild);
- }
- // add newChild to childNodes
- ret = this.childNodes._replaceChild(newChild, index);
- if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- // do node pointer surgery for Document Fragment
- if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
- for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes._nodes.length; ind++) {
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[ind].parentNode = this;
- }
- if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
- oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
- }
- else {
- this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
- }
- if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
- oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
- }
- else {
- this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
- }
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[0].previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1].nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- else {
- // do node pointer surgery for newChild
- newChild.parentNode = this;
- if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
- oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild;
- }
- else {
- this.firstChild = newChild;
- }
- if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
- oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
- }
- else {
- this.lastChild = newChild;
- }
- newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
- newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
- }
- return ret;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.removeChild - Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list of children, and returns it.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param oldChild : W3CDOMNode - The node being removed.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node being removed.
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.removeChild = function W3CDOMNode_removeChild(oldChild) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMNamedNodeMap is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (this._readonly || oldChild._readonly)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // get index of oldChild
- var itemIndex = this.childNodes._findItemIndex(oldChild._id);
- // throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
- }
- // remove oldChild from childNodes
- this.childNodes._removeChild(itemIndex);
- // do node pointer surgery
- oldChild.parentNode = null;
- if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
- oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
- }
- else {
- this.firstChild = oldChild.nextSibling;
- }
- if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
- oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
- }
- else {
- this.lastChild = oldChild.previousSibling;
- }
- oldChild.previousSibling = null;
- oldChild.nextSibling = null;
- return oldChild;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.appendChild - Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
- * If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param newChild : W3CDOMNode - The node to add
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the node to insert is one of this node's ancestors
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node added
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.appendChild = function W3CDOMNode_appendChild(newChild) {
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if Node is readonly
- if (this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
- if (this.ownerDocument != newChild.ownerDocument) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
- if (this._isAncestor(newChild)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
- }
- }
- // if the newChild is already in the tree,
- var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
- if (newChildParent) {
- // remove it
- newChildParent.removeChild(newChild);
- }
- // add newChild to childNodes
- this.childNodes._appendChild(newChild);
- if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- // do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
- if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
- for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes._nodes.length; ind++) {
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[ind].parentNode = this;
- }
- if (this.lastChild) {
- this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
- newChild.childNodes._nodes[0].previousSibling = this.lastChild;
- this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
- }
- else {
- this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
- this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // do node pointer surgery for newChild
- newChild.parentNode = this;
- if (this.lastChild) {
- this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild;
- newChild.previousSibling = this.lastChild;
- this.lastChild = newChild;
- }
- else {
- this.lastChild = newChild;
- this.firstChild = newChild;
- }
- }
- return newChild;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.hasChildNodes - This is a convenience method to allow easy determination of whether a node has any children.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : boolean - true if the node has any children, false if the node has no children
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.hasChildNodes = function W3CDOMNode_hasChildNodes() {
- return (this.childNodes.length > 0);
- * @method W3CDOMNode.cloneNode - Returns a duplicate of this node, i.e., serves as a generic copy constructor for nodes.
- * The duplicate node has no parent (parentNode returns null.).
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param deep : boolean - If true, recursively clone the subtree under the specified node;
- * if false, clone only the node itself (and its attributes, if it is an Element).
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.cloneNode = function W3CDOMNode_cloneNode(deep) {
- // use importNode to clone this Node
- //do not throw any exceptions
- try {
- return this.ownerDocument.importNode(this, deep);
- }
- catch (e) {
- //there shouldn't be any exceptions, but if there are, return null
- return null;
- }
- * @method W3CDOMNode.normalize - Puts all Text nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this Element into a "normal" form
- * where only markup (e.g., tags, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) separates Text nodes,
- * i.e., there are no adjacent Text nodes.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.normalize = function W3CDOMNode_normalize() {
- var inode;
- var nodesToRemove = new W3CDOMNodeList();
- if (this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- var adjacentTextNode = null;
- // loop through all childNodes
- for(var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
- inode = this.childNodes.item(i);
- if (inode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.TEXT_NODE) { // this node is a text node
- if (inode.length < 1) { // this text node is empty
- nodesToRemove._appendChild(inode); // add this node to the list of nodes to be remove
- }
- else {
- if (adjacentTextNode) { // if previous node was also text
- adjacentTextNode.appendData(; // merge the data in adjacent text nodes
- nodesToRemove._appendChild(inode); // add this node to the list of nodes to be removed
- }
- else {
- adjacentTextNode = inode; // remember this node for next cycle
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- adjacentTextNode = null; // (soon to be) previous node is not a text node
- inode.normalize(); // normalise non Text childNodes
- }
- }
- // remove redundant Text Nodes
- for(var i = 0; i < nodesToRemove.length; i++) {
- inode = nodesToRemove.item(i);
- inode.parentNode.removeChild(inode);
- }
- }
- * @method W3CDOMNode.isSupported - Test if the W3CDOM implementation implements a specific feature
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param feature : string - The package name of the feature to test. the legal only values are "XML" and "CORE" (case-insensitive).
- * @param version : string - This is the version number of the package name to test. In Level 1, this is the string "1.0".
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.isSupported = function W3CDOMNode_isSupported(feature, version) {
- // use Implementation.hasFeature to determin if this feature is supported
- return this.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version);
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getElementsByTagName - Returns a NodeList of all the Elements with a given tag name
- * in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the Document tree.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param tagname : string - The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function W3CDOMNode_getElementsByTagName(tagname) {
- // delegate to _getElementsByTagNameRecursive
- return this._getElementsByTagNameRecursive(tagname, new W3CDOMNodeList(this.ownerDocument));
- * @method W3CDOMNode._getElementsByTagNameRecursive - implements getElementsByTagName()
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
- *
- * @param tagname : string - The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags
- * @param nodeList : W3CDOMNodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype._getElementsByTagNameRecursive = function W3CDOMNode__getElementsByTagNameRecursive(tagname, nodeList) {
- if (this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- if((this.nodeName == tagname) || (tagname == "*")) {
- nodeList._appendChild(this); // add matching node to nodeList
- }
- // recurse childNodes
- for(var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
- nodeList = this.childNodes.item(i)._getElementsByTagNameRecursive(tagname, nodeList);
- }
- }
- return nodeList;
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getXML - Returns the String XML of the node and all of its children
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string - XML String of the XML of the node and all of its children
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getXML = function W3CDOMNode_getXML() {
- return this.toString();
- * @method W3CDOMNode.getElementsByTagNameNS - Returns a NodeList of all the Elements with a given namespaceURI and localName
- * in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the Document tree.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function W3CDOMNode_getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
- // delegate to _getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive
- return this._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive(namespaceURI, localName, new W3CDOMNodeList(this.ownerDocument));
- * @method W3CDOMNode._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive - implements getElementsByTagName()
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
- * @param nodeList : W3CDOMNodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive = function W3CDOMNode__getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive(namespaceURI, localName, nodeList) {
- if (this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- if (((this.namespaceURI == namespaceURI) || (namespaceURI == "*")) && ((this.localName == localName) || (localName == "*"))) {
- nodeList._appendChild(this); // add matching node to nodeList
- }
- // recurse childNodes
- for(var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
- nodeList = this.childNodes.item(i)._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive(namespaceURI, localName, nodeList);
- }
- }
- return nodeList;
- * @method W3CDOMNode._isAncestor - returns true if node is ancestor of this
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
- *
- * @param node : W3CDOMNode - The candidate ancestor node
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype._isAncestor = function W3CDOMNode__isAncestor(node) {
- // if this node matches, return true,
- // otherwise recurse up (if there is a parentNode)
- return ((this == node) || ((this.parentNode) && (this.parentNode._isAncestor(node))));
- * @method W3CDOMNode.importNode - Imports a node from another document to this document.
- * The returned node has no parent; (parentNode is null).
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param importedNode : Node - The Node to be imported
- * @param deep : boolean - If true, recursively clone the subtree under the specified node;
- * if false, clone only the node itself (and its attributes, if it is an Element).
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNode
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.importNode = function W3CDOMNode_importNode(importedNode, deep) {
- var importNode;
- //there is no need to perform namespace checks since everything has already gone through them
- //in order to have gotten into the W3CDOM in the first place. The following line
- //turns namespace checking off in ._isValidNamespace
- this.getOwnerDocument()._performingImportNodeOperation = true;
- try {
- if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation.namespaceAware) {
- // create a local Element (with the name of the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createElement(importedNode.tagName);
- // create attributes matching those of the importedNode
- for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
- importNode.setAttribute(importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
- }
- }
- else {
- // create a local Element (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
- // create attributes matching those of the importedNode
- for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
- importNode.setAttributeNS(importedNode.attributes.item(i).namespaceURI, importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
- }
- // create namespace definitions matching those of the importedNode
- for(var i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
- importNode._namespaces._nodes[i] = this.ownerDocument.createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
- importNode._namespaces._nodes[i].setValue(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation.namespaceAware) {
- // create a local Attribute (with the name of the importedAttribute)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(;
- }
- else {
- // create a local Attribute (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedAttribute)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
- // create namespace definitions matching those of the importedAttribute
- for(var i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
- importNode._namespaces._nodes[i] = this.ownerDocument.createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
- importNode._namespaces._nodes[i].setValue(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value);
- }
- }
- // set the value of the local Attribute to match that of the importedAttribute
- importNode.setValue(importedNode.value);
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
- // create a local DocumentFragment
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
- // create a local NamespaceNode (with the same name & value as the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createNamespace(importedNode.nodeName);
- importNode.setValue(importedNode.value);
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.TEXT_NODE) {
- // create a local TextNode (with the same data as the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(;
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
- // create a local CDATANode (with the same data as the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createCDATASection(;
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
- // create a local ProcessingInstruction (with the same target & data as the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createProcessingInstruction(,;
- }
- else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.COMMENT_NODE) {
- // create a local Comment (with the same data as the importedNode)
- importNode = this.ownerDocument.createComment(;
- }
- else { // throw Exception if nodeType is not supported
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR));
- }
- if (deep) { // recurse childNodes
- for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
- importNode.appendChild(this.ownerDocument.importNode(importedNode.childNodes.item(i), true));
- }
- }
- //reset _performingImportNodeOperation
- this.getOwnerDocument()._performingImportNodeOperation = false;
- return importNode;
- }
- catch (eAny) {
- //reset _performingImportNodeOperation
- this.getOwnerDocument()._performingImportNodeOperation = false;
- //re-throw the exception
- throw eAny;
- }//djotemp
- * @method W3CDOMNode.escapeString - escape special characters
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param str : string - The string to be escaped
- *
- * @return : string - The escaped string
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.__escapeString = function W3CDOMNode__escapeString(str) {
- //the sax processor already has this function. Just wrap it
- return __escapeString(str);
- * @method W3CDOMNode.unescapeString - unescape special characters
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param str : string - The string to be unescaped
- *
- * @return : string - The unescaped string
- */
-W3CDOMNode.prototype.__unescapeString = function W3CDOMNode__unescapeString(str) {
- //the sax processor already has this function. Just wrap it
- return __unescapeString(str);
- * @class W3CDOMDocument - The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
- * Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data.
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param implementation : W3CDOMImplementation - the creator Implementation
- */
-W3CDOMDocument = function(implementation) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMDocument");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(this);
- this.doctype = null; // The Document Type Declaration (see DocumentType) associated with this document
- this.implementation = implementation; // The W3CDOMImplementation object that handles this document.
- this.documentElement = null; // This is a convenience attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the root element of the document
- this.all = new Array(); // The list of all Elements
- this.nodeName = "#document";
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE;
- this._id = 0;
- this._lastId = 0;
- this._parseComplete = false; // initially false, set to true by parser
- this.ownerDocument = this;
- this._performingImportNodeOperation = false;
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.getDoctype - Java style gettor for .doctype
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMDocument
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getDoctype = function W3CDOMDocument_getDoctype() {
- return this.doctype;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.getImplementation - Java style gettor for .implementation
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMImplementation
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getImplementation = function W3CDOMDocument_implementation() {
- return this.implementation;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.getDocumentElement - Java style gettor for .documentElement
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMDocumentElement
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getDocumentElement = function W3CDOMDocument_getDocumentElement() {
- return this.documentElement;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createElement - Creates an element of the type specified.
- * Note that the instance returned implements the Element interface,
- * so attributes can be specified directly on the returned object.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param tagName : string - The name of the element type to instantiate.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMElement - The new Element object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createElement = function W3CDOMDocument_createElement(tagName) {
- // throw Exception if the tagName string contains an illegal character
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(tagName))) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- // create W3CDOMElement specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMElement(this);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- node.tagName = tagName;
- node.nodeName = tagName;
- // add Element to 'all' collection
- this.all[this.all.length] = node;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createDocumentFragment - CCreates an empty DocumentFragment object.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMDocumentFragment - The new DocumentFragment object
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createDocumentFragment = function W3CDOMDocument_createDocumentFragment() {
- // create W3CDOMDocumentFragment specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMDocumentFragment(this);
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createTextNode - Creates a Text node given the specified string.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - The data for the node.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMText - The new Text object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createTextNode = function W3CDOMDocument_createTextNode(data) {
- // create W3CDOMText specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMText(this);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- = data;
- node.nodeValue = data;
- // set initial length
- node.length = data.length;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createComment - Creates a Text node given the specified string.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - The data for the node.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMComment - The new Comment object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createComment = function W3CDOMDocument_createComment(data) {
- // create W3CDOMComment specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMComment(this);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- = data;
- node.nodeValue = data;
- // set initial length
- node.length = data.length;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createCDATASection - Creates a CDATASection node whose value is the specified string.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - The data for the node.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMCDATASection - The new CDATASection object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createCDATASection = function W3CDOMDocument_createCDATASection(data) {
- // create W3CDOMCDATASection specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMCDATASection(this);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- = data;
- node.nodeValue = data;
- // set initial length
- node.length = data.length;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createProcessingInstruction - Creates a ProcessingInstruction node given the specified target and data strings.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param target : string - The target part of the processing instruction.
- * @param data : string - The data for the node.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMProcessingInstruction - The new ProcessingInstruction object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createProcessingInstruction = function W3CDOMDocument_createProcessingInstruction(target, data) {
- // throw Exception if the target string contains an illegal character
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (!this.implementation._isValidName(target))) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- // create W3CDOMProcessingInstruction specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMProcessingInstruction(this);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- = target;
- node.nodeName = target;
- = data;
- node.nodeValue = data;
- // set initial length
- node.length = data.length;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createAttribute - Creates an Attr of the given name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param name : string - The name of the attribute.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The new Attr object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createAttribute = function W3CDOMDocument_createAttribute(name) {
- // throw Exception if the name string contains an illegal character
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(name))) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- // create W3CDOMAttr specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMAttr(this);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- = name;
- node.nodeName = name;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createElementNS - Creates an element of the type specified,
- * within the specified namespace.
- * Note that the instance returned implements the Element interface,
- * so attributes can be specified directly on the returned object.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - The namespace URI of the element.
- * @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name of the element type to instantiate.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMElement - The new Element object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createElementNS = function W3CDOMDocument_createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
- if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the qualifiedName string contains an illegal character
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(qualifiedName)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- }
- // create W3CDOMElement specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMElement(this);
- var qname = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
- node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
- node.prefix = qname.prefix;
- node.localName = qname.localName;
- node.tagName = qualifiedName;
- // add Element to 'all' collection
- this.all[this.all.length] = node;
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createAttributeNS - Creates an Attr of the given name
- * within the specified namespace.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - The namespace URI of the attribute.
- * @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name of the attribute.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The new Attr object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createAttributeNS = function W3CDOMDocument_createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
- if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the qualifiedName string contains an illegal character
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(qualifiedName)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- }
- // create W3CDOMAttr specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMAttr(this);
- var qname = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- node.nodeName = qualifiedName
- node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI
- node.prefix = qname.prefix;
- node.localName = qname.localName;
- = qualifiedName
- node.nodeValue = "";
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.createNamespace - Creates an Namespace of the given name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name of the attribute.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMNamespace - The new Namespace object.
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createNamespace = function W3CDOMDocument_createNamespace(qualifiedName) {
- // create W3CDOMNamespace specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
- var node = new W3CDOMNamespace(this);
- var qname = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- node.nodeName = qualifiedName
- node.prefix = qname.prefix;
- node.localName = qname.localName;
- = qualifiedName
- node.nodeValue = "";
- return node;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.getElementById - Return the Element whose ID is given by elementId
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param elementId : string - The unique ID of the Element
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMElement - The requested W3CDOMElement
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getElementById = function W3CDOMDocument_getElementById(elementId) {
-// return this._ids[elementId];
- retNode = null;
- // loop through all Elements in the 'all' collection
- for (var i=0; i < this.all.length; i++) {
- var node = this.all[i];
- // if id matches & node is alive (ie, connected (in)directly to the documentElement)
- if (( == elementId) && (node._isAncestor(node.ownerDocument.documentElement))) {
- retNode = node;
- break;
- }
- }
- return retNode;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument._genId - generate a unique internal id
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string - The unique (serial) id
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype._genId = function W3CDOMDocument__genId() {
- this._lastId += 1; // increment lastId (to generate unique id)
- return this._lastId;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument._isValidNamespace - test if Namespace is valid
- * ie, not valid if;
- * the qualifiedName is malformed, or
- * the qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, or
- * the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is
- * different from "" [Namespaces].
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI
- * @param qualifiedName : string - the QName
- * @Param isAttribute : boolean - true, if the requesting node is an Attr
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype._isValidNamespace = function W3CDOMDocument__isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, isAttribute) {
- if (this._performingImportNodeOperation == true) {
- //we're doing an importNode operation (or a cloneNode) - in both cases, there
- //is no need to perform any namespace checking since the nodes have to have been valid
- //to have gotten into the W3CDOM in the first place
- return true;
- }
- var valid = true;
- // parse QName
- var qName = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
- //only check for namespaces if we're finished parsing
- if (this._parseComplete == true) {
- // if the qualifiedName is malformed
- if (qName.localName.indexOf(":") > -1 ){
- valid = false;
- }
- if ((valid) && (!isAttribute)) {
- // if the namespaceURI is not null
- if (!namespaceURI) {
- valid = false;
- }
- }
- // if the qualifiedName has a prefix
- if ((valid) && (qName.prefix == "")) {
- valid = false;
- }
- }
- // if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is
- // different from "" [Namespaces].
- if ((valid) && (qName.prefix == "xml") && (namespaceURI != "")) {
- valid = false;
- }
- return valid;
- * @method W3CDOMDocument.toString - Serialize the document into an XML string
- *
- * @author David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMDocument.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMDocument_toString() {
- return "" + this.childNodes;
-} // end function getXML
- * @class W3CDOMElement - By far the vast majority of objects (apart from text) that authors encounter
- * when traversing a document are Element nodes.
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMElement = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMElement");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
- this.tagName = ""; // The name of the element.
- = ""; // the ID of the element
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE;
-W3CDOMElement.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMElement.getTagName - Java style gettor for .TagName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.getTagName = function W3CDOMElement_getTagName() {
- return this.tagName;
- * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttribute - Retrieves an attribute value by name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to retrieve
- *
- * @return : string - The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified value.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_getAttribute(name) {
- var ret = "";
- // if attribute exists, use it
- var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
- if (attr) {
- ret = attr.value;
- }
- return ret; // if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise, return ""
- * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttribute - Retrieves an attribute value by name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to create or alter
- * @param value : string - Value to set in string form
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attribute is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_setAttribute(name, value) {
- // if attribute exists, use it
- var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
- if (!attr) {
- attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name); // otherwise create it
- }
- var value = new String(value);
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
- if (attr._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidString(value)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- }
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration(name)) {
- = value; // cache ID for getElementById()
- }
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- attr.value = value;
- attr.nodeValue = value;
- // update .specified
- if (value.length > 0) {
- attr.specified = true;
- }
- else {
- attr.specified = false;
- }
- // add/replace Attribute in NamedNodeMap
- this.attributes.setNamedItem(attr);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.removeAttribute - Removes an attribute by name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to remove
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.removeAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_removeAttribute(name) {
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem
- return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(name);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttributeNode - Retrieves an Attr node by name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to remove
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node with the specified attribute name or null if there is no such attribute.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNode = function W3CDOMElement_getAttributeNode(name) {
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
- return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttributeNode - Adds a new attribute
- * If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param newAttr : W3CDOMAttr - The attribute node to be attached
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Element is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same name,
- * the previously existing Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNode = function W3CDOMElement_setAttributeNode(newAttr) {
- // if this Attribute is an ID
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration( {
- = newAttr.value; // cache ID for getElementById()
- }
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
- return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.removeAttributeNode - Removes the specified attribute
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param oldAttr : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node to remove from the attribute list
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Element is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node that was removed.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.removeAttributeNode = function W3CDOMElement_removeAttributeNode(oldAttr) {
- // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && oldAttr._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // get item index
- var itemIndex = this.attributes._findItemIndex(oldAttr._id);
- // throw Exception if node does not exist in this map
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
- }
- return this.attributes._removeChild(itemIndex);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttributeNS - Retrieves an attribute value by namespaceURI and localName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
- *
- * @return : string - The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified value.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
- var ret = "";
- // delegate to W3CDOMNAmedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
- var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
- if (attr) {
- ret = attr.value;
- }
- return ret; // if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise return ""
- * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttributeNS - Sets an attribute value by namespaceURI and localName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param qualifiedName : string - the qualified name of the required node
- * @param value : string - Value to set in string form
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) {
- // call W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
- var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
- if (!attr) { // if Attribute exists, use it
- // otherwise create it
- attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
- }
- var value = new String(value);
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
- if (attr._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
- if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
- if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidString(value)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
- }
- }
- // if this Attribute is an ID
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration(name)) {
- = value; // cache ID for getElementById()
- }
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- attr.value = value;
- attr.nodeValue = value;
- // update .specified
- if (value.length > 0) {
- attr.specified = true;
- }
- else {
- attr.specified = false;
- }
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
- this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(attr);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.removeAttributeNS - Removes an attribute by namespaceURI and localName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.removeAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS
- return this.attributes.removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttributeNodeNS - Retrieves an Attr node by namespaceURI and localName
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node with the specified attribute name or null if there is no such attribute.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNodeNS = function W3CDOMElement_getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
- return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttributeNodeNS - Adds a new attribute
- * If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param newAttr : W3CDOMAttr - the attribute node to be attached
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object.
- * The W3CDOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMAttr - If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same name,
- * the previously existing Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS = function W3CDOMElement_setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr) {
- // if this Attribute is an ID
- if ((newAttr.prefix == "") && this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration( {
- = newAttr.value; // cache ID for getElementById()
- }
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS
- return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.hasAttribute - Returns true if specified node exists
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param name : string - the name of the required node
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.hasAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_hasAttribute(name) {
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap._hasAttribute
- return this.attributes._hasAttribute(name);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.hasAttributeNS - Returns true if specified node exists
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
- * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.hasAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
- // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap._hasAttributeNS
- return this.attributes._hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
- * @method W3CDOMElement.toString - Serialize this Element and its children into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMElement.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMElement_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- // serialize namespace declarations
- var ns = this._namespaces.toString();
- if (ns.length > 0) ns = " "+ ns;
- // serialize Attribute declarations
- var attrs = this.attributes.toString();
- if (attrs.length > 0) attrs = " "+ attrs;
- // serialize this Element
- ret += "<" + this.nodeName + ns + attrs +">";
- ret += this.childNodes.toString();;
- ret += "</" + this.nodeName+">";
- return ret;
- * @class W3CDOMAttr - The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMAttr = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMAttr");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
- = ""; // the name of this attribute
- // If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document, this is true; otherwise, it is false.
- // Note that the implementation is in charge of this attribute, not the user.
- // If the user changes the value of the attribute (even if it ends up having the same value as the default value)
- // then the specified flag is automatically flipped to true
- // (I wish! You will need to use setValue to 'automatically' update specified)
- this.specified = false;
- this.value = ""; // the value of the attribute is returned as a string
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE;
- this.ownerElement = null; // set when Attr is added to NamedNodeMap
- // disable childNodes
- this.childNodes = null;
- this.attributes = null;
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMAttr.getName - Java style gettor for .name
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getName = function W3CDOMAttr_getName() {
- return this.nodeName;
- * @method W3CDOMAttr.getSpecified - Java style gettor for .specified
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : boolean
- */
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getSpecified = function W3CDOMAttr_getSpecified() {
- return this.specified;
- * @method W3CDOMAttr.getValue - Java style gettor for .value
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getValue = function W3CDOMAttr_getValue() {
- return this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMAttr.setValue - Java style settor for .value
- * alias for W3CDOMAttr.setNodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param value : string - the new attribute value
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Attribute is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.setValue = function W3CDOMAttr_setValue(value) {
- // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // delegate to setNodeValue
- this.setNodeValue(value);
- * @method W3CDOMAttr.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .nodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param value : string - the new attribute value
- */
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMAttr_setNodeValue(value) {
- this.nodeValue = new String(value);
- this.value = this.nodeValue;
- this.specified = (this.value.length > 0);
- * @method W3CDOMAttr.toString - Serialize this Attr into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMAttr_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- // serialize Attribute
- ret += this.nodeName +"=\""+ this.__escapeString(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
- return ret;
-W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getOwnerElement = function() {
- return this.ownerElement;
- * @class W3CDOMNamespace - The Namespace interface represents an namespace in an Element object
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMNamespace = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMNamespace");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
- = ""; // the name of this attribute
- // If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document, this is true; otherwise, it is false.
- // Note that the implementation is in charge of this attribute, not the user.
- // If the user changes the value of the attribute (even if it ends up having the same value as the default value)
- // then the specified flag is automatically flipped to true
- // (I wish! You will need to use _setValue to 'automatically' update specified)
- this.specified = false;
- this.value = ""; // the value of the attribute is returned as a string
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.NAMESPACE_NODE;
-W3CDOMNamespace.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMNamespace.getValue - Java style gettor for .value
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMNamespace.prototype.getValue = function W3CDOMNamespace_getValue() {
- return this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMNamespace.setValue - utility function to set value (rather than direct assignment to .value)
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param value : string - the new namespace value
- */
-W3CDOMNamespace.prototype.setValue = function W3CDOMNamespace_setValue(value) {
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- this.nodeValue = new String(value);
- this.value = this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMNamespace.toString - Serialize this Attr into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMNamespace.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMNamespace_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- // serialize Namespace Declaration
- if (this.nodeName != "") {
- ret += this.nodeName +"=\""+ this.__escapeString(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
- }
- else { // handle default namespace
- ret += "xmlns=\""+ this.__escapeString(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
- }
- return ret;
- * @class W3CDOMCharacterData - parent abstract class for W3CDOMText and W3CDOMComment
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMCharacterData");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
- = "";
- this.length = 0;
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.getData - Java style gettor for .data
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.getData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_getData() {
- return this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.setData - Java style settor for .data
- * alias for W3CDOMCharacterData.setNodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - the character data
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Attribute is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.setData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_setData(data) {
- // delegate to setNodeValue
- this.setNodeValue(data);
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .nodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - the node value
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Attribute is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMCharacterData_setNodeValue(data) {
- // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- this.nodeValue = new String(data);
- = this.nodeValue;
- // update length
- this.length = this.nodeValue.length;
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.getLength - Java style gettor for .length
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.getLength = function W3CDOMCharacterData_getLength() {
- return this.nodeValue.length;
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.substringData - Extracts a range of data from the node
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param offset : int - Start offset of substring to extract
- * @param count : int - The number of characters to extract
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
- *
- * @return : string - The specified substring.
- * If the sum of offset and count exceeds the length, then all characters to the end of the data are returned.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.substringData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_substringData(offset, count) {
- var ret = null;
- if ( {
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- // or the count is negative
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- // if count is not specified
- if (!count) {
- ret =; // default to 'end of string'
- }
- else {
- ret =, offset + count);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.appendData - Append the string to the end of the character data of the node.
- * Upon success, data provides access to the concatenation of data and the W3CDOMString specified.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param arg : string - The string to append
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.appendData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_appendData(arg) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // append data
- this.setData(""+ + arg);
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.insertData - Insert a string at the specified character offset.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param offset : int - The character offset at which to insert
- * @param arg : string - The string to insert
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
- * or if the specified count is negative.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.insertData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_insertData(offset, arg) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- if ( {
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- // insert data
- this.setData(, offset).concat(arg,;
- }
- else {
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (offset != 0)) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- // set data
- this.setData(arg);
- }
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.deleteData - Remove a range of characters from the node.
- * Upon success, data and length reflect the change
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param offset : int - The offset from which to remove characters
- * @param count : int - The number of characters to delete.
- * If the sum of offset and count exceeds length then all characters from offset to the end of the data are deleted
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
- * or if the specified count is negative.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.deleteData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_deleteData(offset, count) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- if ( {
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- // delete data
- if(!count || (offset + count) > {
- this.setData(, offset));
- }
- else {
- this.setData(, offset).concat( + count)));
- }
- }
- * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.replaceData - Replace the characters starting at the specified character offset with the specified string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param offset : int - The offset from which to start replacing
- * @param count : int - The number of characters to replace.
- * If the sum of offset and count exceeds length, then all characters to the end of the data are replaced
- * @param arg : string - The string with which the range must be replaced
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
- * or if the specified count is negative.
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
- */
-W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.replaceData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_replaceData(offset, count, arg) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- if ( {
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- // replace data
- this.setData(, offset).concat(arg, + count)));
- }
- else {
- // set data
- this.setData(arg);
- }
- * @class W3CDOMText - The Text interface represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.
- * If there is no markup inside an element's content, the text is contained in a single object implementing the Text interface
- * that is the only child of the element. If there is markup, it is parsed into a list of elements and Text nodes that form the
- * list of children of the element.
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMCharacterData
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMText = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMText");
- this.W3CDOMCharacterData = W3CDOMCharacterData;
- this.W3CDOMCharacterData(ownerDocument);
- this.nodeName = "#text";
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.TEXT_NODE;
-W3CDOMText.prototype = new W3CDOMCharacterData;
- * @method W3CDOMText.splitText - Breaks this Text node into two Text nodes at the specified offset,
- * keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains all the content up to the offset point.
- * And a new Text node, which is inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the content at and after the offset point.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param offset : int - The offset at which to split, starting from 0.
- *
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
- * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Text is readonly.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMText - The new Text node
- */
-W3CDOMText.prototype.splitText = function W3CDOMText_splitText(offset) {
- var data, inode;
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if Node is readonly
- if (this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- if ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- }
- if (this.parentNode) {
- // get remaining string (after offset)
- data = this.substringData(offset);
- // create new TextNode with remaining string
- inode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(data);
- // attach new TextNode
- if (this.nextSibling) {
- this.parentNode.insertBefore(inode, this.nextSibling);
- }
- else {
- this.parentNode.appendChild(inode);
- }
- // remove remaining string from original TextNode
- this.deleteData(offset);
- }
- return inode;
- * @method W3CDOMText.toString - Serialize this Text into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMText.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMText_toString() {
- return this.__escapeString(""+ this.nodeValue);
- * @class W3CDOMCDATASection - CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
- * The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is the "\]\]\>" string that ends the CDATA section
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMCharacterData
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMCDATASection = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMCDATASection");
- this.W3CDOMCharacterData = W3CDOMCharacterData;
- this.W3CDOMCharacterData(ownerDocument);
- this.nodeName = "#cdata-section";
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE;
-W3CDOMCDATASection.prototype = new W3CDOMCharacterData;
- * @method W3CDOMCDATASection.splitText - Breaks this CDATASection node into two CDATASection nodes at the specified offset,
- * keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains all the content up to the offset point.
- * And a new CDATASection node, which is inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the content at and after the offset point.
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param offset : int - The offset at which to split, starting from 0.
- *
- * @return : W3CDOMCDATASection - The new CDATASection node
- */
-W3CDOMCDATASection.prototype.splitText = function W3CDOMCDATASection_splitText(offset) {
- var data, inode;
- // test for exceptions
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
- // throw Exception if Node is readonly
- if (this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
- if ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
- }
- }
- if(this.parentNode) {
- // get remaining string (after offset)
- data = this.substringData(offset);
- // create new CDATANode with remaining string
- inode = this.ownerDocument.createCDATASection(data);
- // attach new CDATANode
- if (this.nextSibling) {
- this.parentNode.insertBefore(inode, this.nextSibling);
- }
- else {
- this.parentNode.appendChild(inode);
- }
- // remove remaining string from original CDATANode
- this.deleteData(offset);
- }
- return inode;
- * @method W3CDOMCDATASection.toString - Serialize this CDATASection into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMCDATASection.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMCDATASection_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- //do NOT unescape the nodeValue string in CDATA sections!
- ret += "<![CDATA[" + this.nodeValue + "\]\]\>";
- return ret;
- * @class W3CDOMComment - This represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting '<!--' and ending '-->'
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMCharacterData
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMComment = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMComment");
- this.W3CDOMCharacterData = W3CDOMCharacterData;
- this.W3CDOMCharacterData(ownerDocument);
- this.nodeName = "#comment";
- this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.COMMENT_NODE;
-W3CDOMComment.prototype = new W3CDOMCharacterData;
- * @method W3CDOMComment.toString - Serialize this Comment into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMComment.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMComment_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- ret += "<!--" + this.nodeValue + "-->";
- return ret;
- * @class W3CDOMProcessingInstruction - The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction",
- * used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMProcessingInstruction");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
- // The target of this processing instruction.
- // XML defines this as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
- = "";
- // The content of this processing instruction.
- // This is from the first non white space character after the target to the character immediately preceding the ?>
- = "";
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.getTarget - Java style gettor for .target
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.getTarget = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_getTarget() {
- return this.nodeName;
- * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.getData - Java style gettor for .data
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.getData = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_getData() {
- return this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.setData - Java style settor for .data
- * alias for W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.setNodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - The new data of this processing instruction.
- */
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.setData = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_setData(data) {
- // delegate to setNodeValue
- this.setNodeValue(data);
- * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .nodeValue
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param data : string - The new data of this processing instruction.
- */
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_setNodeValue(data) {
- // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
- if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
- throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
- }
- // assign values to properties (and aliases)
- this.nodeValue = new String(data);
- = this.nodeValue;
- * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.toString - Serialize this ProcessingInstruction into an XML string
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_toString() {
- var ret = "";
- ret += "<?" + this.nodeName +" "+ this.nodeValue + " ?>";
- return ret;
- * @class W3CDOMDocumentFragment - DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object.
- *
- * @extends W3CDOMNode
- *
- * @author Jon van Noort (
- *
- * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
- */
-W3CDOMDocumentFragment = function(ownerDocument) {
- this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMDocumentFragment");
- this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
- this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
- this.nodeName = "#document-fragment";
-W3CDOMDocumentFragment.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
- * @method W3CDOMDocumentFragment.toString - Serialize this DocumentFragment into an XML string
- *
- * @author David Joham (
- *
- * @return : string
- */
-W3CDOMDocumentFragment.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMDocumentFragment_toString() {
- var xml = "";
- var intCount = this.getChildNodes().getLength();
- // create string concatenating the serialized ChildNodes
- for (intLoop = 0; intLoop < intCount; intLoop++) {
- xml += this.getChildNodes().item(intLoop).toString();
- }
- return xml;
-W3CDOMDocumentType = function() { alert("W3CDOMDocumentType.constructor(): Not Implemented" ); };
-W3CDOMEntity = function() { alert("W3CDOMEntity.constructor(): Not Implemented" ); };
-W3CDOMEntityReference = function() { alert("W3CDOMEntityReference.constructor(): Not Implemented"); };
-W3CDOMNotation = function() { alert("W3CDOMNotation.constructor(): Not Implemented" ); };
-Strings = new Object()
-Strings.WHITESPACE = " \t\n\r";
-Strings.QUOTES = "\"'";
-Strings.isEmpty = function Strings_isEmpty(strD) {
- return (strD == null) || (strD.length == 0);
-Strings.indexOfNonWhitespace = function Strings_indexOfNonWhitespace(strD, iB, iE) {
- if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
- iB = iB || 0;
- iE = iE || strD.length;
- for(var i = iB; i < iE; i++)
- if(Strings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) == -1) {
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-Strings.lastIndexOfNonWhitespace = function Strings_lastIndexOfNonWhitespace(strD, iB, iE) {
- if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
- iB = iB || 0;
- iE = iE || strD.length;
- for(var i = iE - 1; i >= iB; i--)
- if(Strings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) == -1)
- return i;
- return -1;
-Strings.indexOfWhitespace = function Strings_indexOfWhitespace(strD, iB, iE) {
- if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
- iB = iB || 0;
- iE = iE || strD.length;
- for(var i = iB; i < iE; i++)
- if(Strings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) != -1)
- return i;
- return -1;
-Strings.replace = function Strings_replace(strD, iB, iE, strF, strR) {
- if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return "";
- iB = iB || 0;
- iE = iE || strD.length;
- return strD.substring(iB, iE).split(strF).join(strR);
-Strings.getLineNumber = function Strings_getLineNumber(strD, iP) {
- if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
- iP = iP || strD.length;
- return strD.substring(0, iP).split("\n").length
-Strings.getColumnNumber = function Strings_getColumnNumber(strD, iP) {
- if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
- iP = iP || strD.length;
- var arrD = strD.substring(0, iP).split("\n");
- var strLine = arrD[arrD.length - 1];
- arrD.length--;
- var iLinePos = arrD.join("\n").length;
- return iP - iLinePos;
-StringBuffer = function() {this._a=new Array();};
-StringBuffer.prototype.append = function StringBuffer_append(d){this._a[this._a.length]=d;};
-StringBuffer.prototype.toString = function StringBuffer_toString(){return this._a.join("");};
+ * @method W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap.toString - Serialize this NamespaceNodeMap into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ // identify namespaces declared local to this Element (ie, not inherited)
+ for (var ind = 0; ind < this._nodes.length; ind++) {
+ // if namespace declaration does not exist in the containing node's, parentNode's namespaces
+ var ns = null;
+ try {
+ var ns = this.parentNode.parentNode._namespaces.getNamedItem(this._nodes[ind].localName);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ //breaking to prevent default namespace being inserted into return value
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(ns && (""+ ns.nodeValue == ""+ this._nodes[ind].nodeValue))) {
+ // display the namespace declaration
+ ret += this._nodes[ind].toString() +" ";
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * @class W3CDOMNode - The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
+ * It represents a single node in the document tree.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMNode = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMNode");
+ if (ownerDocument) {
+ this._id = ownerDocument._genId(); // generate unique internal id
+ }
+ this.namespaceURI = ""; // The namespace URI of this node (Level 2)
+ this.prefix = ""; // The namespace prefix of this node (Level 2)
+ this.localName = ""; // The localName of this node (Level 2)
+ this.nodeName = ""; // The name of this node
+ this.nodeValue = ""; // The value of this node
+ this.nodeType = 0; // A code representing the type of the underlying object
+ // The parent of this node. All nodes, except Document, DocumentFragment, and Attr may have a parent.
+ // However, if a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, this is null
+ this.parentNode = null;
+ // A NodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no children, this is a NodeList containing no nodes.
+ // The content of the returned NodeList is "live" in the sense that, for instance, changes to the children of the node object
+ // that it was created from are immediately reflected in the nodes returned by the NodeList accessors;
+ // it is not a static snapshot of the content of the node. This is true for every NodeList, including the ones returned by the getElementsByTagName method.
+ this.childNodes = new W3CDOMNodeList(ownerDocument, this);
+ this.firstChild = null; // The first child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null
+ this.lastChild = null; // The last child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
+ this.previousSibling = null; // The node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
+ this.nextSibling = null; // The node immediately following this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
+ this.attributes = new W3CDOMNamedNodeMap(ownerDocument, this); // A NamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node (if it is an Element) or null otherwise.
+ this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument; // The Document object associated with this node
+ this._namespaces = new W3CDOMNamespaceNodeMap(ownerDocument, this); // The namespaces in scope for this node
+ this._readonly = false;
+// nodeType constants
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.hasAttributes
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( & David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.hasAttributes = function W3CDOMNode_hasAttributes() {
+ if (this.attributes.length == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getNodeName - Java style gettor for .nodeName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNodeName = function W3CDOMNode_getNodeName() {
+ return this.nodeName;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getNodeValue - Java style gettor for .NodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNodeValue = function W3CDOMNode_getNodeValue() {
+ return this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .NodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param nodeValue : string - unique internal id
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMNode_setNodeValue(nodeValue) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ this.nodeValue = nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getNodeType - Java style gettor for .nodeType
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : int
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNodeType = function W3CDOMNode_getNodeType() {
+ return this.nodeType;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getParentNode - Java style gettor for .parentNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getParentNode = function W3CDOMNode_getParentNode() {
+ return this.parentNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getChildNodes - Java style gettor for .childNodes
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getChildNodes = function W3CDOMNode_getChildNodes() {
+ return this.childNodes;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getFirstChild - Java style gettor for .firstChild
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getFirstChild = function W3CDOMNode_getFirstChild() {
+ return this.firstChild;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getLastChild - Java style gettor for .lastChild
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getLastChild = function W3CDOMNode_getLastChild() {
+ return this.lastChild;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getPreviousSibling - Java style gettor for .previousSibling
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getPreviousSibling = function W3CDOMNode_getPreviousSibling() {
+ return this.previousSibling;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getNextSibling - Java style gettor for .nextSibling
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNextSibling = function W3CDOMNode_getNextSibling() {
+ return this.nextSibling;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getAttributes - Java style gettor for .attributes
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNamedNodeList
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getAttributes = function W3CDOMNode_getAttributes() {
+ return this.attributes;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getOwnerDocument - Java style gettor for .ownerDocument
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMDocument
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getOwnerDocument = function W3CDOMNode_getOwnerDocument() {
+ return this.ownerDocument;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getNamespaceURI - Java style gettor for .namespaceURI
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : String
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getNamespaceURI = function W3CDOMNode_getNamespaceURI() {
+ return this.namespaceURI;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getPrefix - Java style gettor for .prefix
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : String
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getPrefix = function W3CDOMNode_getPrefix() {
+ return this.prefix;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.setPrefix - Java style settor for .prefix
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param prefix : String
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
+ *
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.setPrefix = function W3CDOMNode_setPrefix(prefix) {
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
+ if (this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the prefix string contains an illegal character
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(prefix)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid;
+ // if the specified prefix is malformed,
+ // if the namespaceURI of this node is null,
+ // if the specified prefix is "xml" and the namespaceURI of this node is
+ // different from "",
+ if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(this.namespaceURI, prefix +":"+ this.localName)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if we are trying to make the attribute look like a namespace declaration;
+ // if this node is an attribute and the specified prefix is "xmlns"
+ // and the namespaceURI of this node is different from "",
+ if ((prefix == "xmlns") && (this.namespaceURI != "")) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if we are trying to make the attribute look like a default namespace declaration;
+ // if this node is an attribute and the qualifiedName of this node is "xmlns" [Namespaces].
+ if ((prefix == "") && (this.localName == "xmlns")) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ // update prefix
+ this.prefix = prefix;
+ // update nodeName (QName)
+ if (this.prefix != "") {
+ this.nodeName = this.prefix +":"+ this.localName;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.nodeName = this.localName; // no prefix, therefore nodeName is simply localName
+ }
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getLocalName - Java style gettor for .localName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : String
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getLocalName = function W3CDOMNode_getLocalName() {
+ return this.localName;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.insertBefore - Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node refChild.
+ * If refChild is null, insert newChild at the end of the list of children.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param newChild : W3CDOMNode - The node to insert.
+ * @param refChild : W3CDOMNode - The reference node, i.e., the node before which the new node must be inserted
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the node to insert is one of this node's ancestors
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node being inserted.
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.insertBefore = function W3CDOMNode_insertBefore(newChild, refChild) {
+ var prevNode;
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
+ if (this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
+ if (this.ownerDocument != newChild.ownerDocument) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
+ if (this._isAncestor(newChild)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ if (refChild) { // if refChild is specified, insert before it
+ // find index of refChild
+ var itemIndex = this.childNodes._findItemIndex(refChild._id);
+ // throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
+ }
+ // if the newChild is already in the tree,
+ var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
+ if (newChildParent) {
+ // remove it
+ newChildParent.removeChild(newChild);
+ }
+ // insert newChild into childNodes
+ this.childNodes._insertBefore(newChild, this.childNodes._findItemIndex(refChild._id));
+ // do node pointer surgery
+ prevNode = refChild.previousSibling;
+ // handle DocumentFragment
+ if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
+ if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
+ // set the parentNode of DocumentFragment's children
+ for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes._nodes.length; ind++) {
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[ind].parentNode = this;
+ }
+ // link refChild to last child of DocumentFragment
+ refChild.previousSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ newChild.parentNode = this; // set the parentNode of the newChild
+ refChild.previousSibling = newChild; // link refChild to newChild
+ }
+ }
+ else { // otherwise, append to end
+ prevNode = this.lastChild;
+ this.appendChild(newChild);
+ }
+ if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
+ // do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
+ if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
+ if (prevNode) {
+ prevNode.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
+ }
+ else { // this is the first child in the list
+ this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
+ }
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[0].previousSibling = prevNode;
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1].nextSibling = refChild;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // do node pointer surgery for newChild
+ if (prevNode) {
+ prevNode.nextSibling = newChild;
+ }
+ else { // this is the first child in the list
+ this.firstChild = newChild;
+ }
+ newChild.previousSibling = prevNode;
+ newChild.nextSibling = refChild;
+ }
+ return newChild;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.replaceChild - Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the list of children,
+ * and returns the oldChild node.
+ * If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param newChild : W3CDOMNode - The node to insert.
+ * @param oldChild : W3CDOMNode - The node being replaced in the list.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the node to insert is one of this node's ancestors
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node that was replaced
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.replaceChild = function W3CDOMNode_replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) {
+ var ret = null;
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
+ if (this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
+ if (this.ownerDocument != newChild.ownerDocument) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
+ if (this._isAncestor(newChild)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ // get index of oldChild
+ var index = this.childNodes._findItemIndex(oldChild._id);
+ // throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (index < 0)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
+ }
+ // if the newChild is already in the tree,
+ var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
+ if (newChildParent) {
+ // remove it
+ newChildParent.removeChild(newChild);
+ }
+ // add newChild to childNodes
+ ret = this.childNodes._replaceChild(newChild, index);
+ if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
+ // do node pointer surgery for Document Fragment
+ if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
+ for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes._nodes.length; ind++) {
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[ind].parentNode = this;
+ }
+ if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
+ oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
+ }
+ if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
+ oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
+ }
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[0].previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1].nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // do node pointer surgery for newChild
+ newChild.parentNode = this;
+ if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
+ oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.firstChild = newChild;
+ }
+ if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
+ oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.lastChild = newChild;
+ }
+ newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
+ newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.removeChild - Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list of children, and returns it.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param oldChild : W3CDOMNode - The node being removed.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node being removed.
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.removeChild = function W3CDOMNode_removeChild(oldChild) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMNamedNodeMap is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (this._readonly || oldChild._readonly)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // get index of oldChild
+ var itemIndex = this.childNodes._findItemIndex(oldChild._id);
+ // throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
+ }
+ // remove oldChild from childNodes
+ this.childNodes._removeChild(itemIndex);
+ // do node pointer surgery
+ oldChild.parentNode = null;
+ if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
+ oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.firstChild = oldChild.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
+ oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.lastChild = oldChild.previousSibling;
+ }
+ oldChild.previousSibling = null;
+ oldChild.nextSibling = null;
+ return oldChild;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.appendChild - Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
+ * If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param newChild : W3CDOMNode - The node to add
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the node to insert is one of this node's ancestors
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Node is readonly.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode - The node added
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.appendChild = function W3CDOMNode_appendChild(newChild) {
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if Node is readonly
+ if (this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
+ if (this.ownerDocument != newChild.ownerDocument) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
+ if (this._isAncestor(newChild)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ // if the newChild is already in the tree,
+ var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
+ if (newChildParent) {
+ // remove it
+ newChildParent.removeChild(newChild);
+ }
+ // add newChild to childNodes
+ this.childNodes._appendChild(newChild);
+ if (newChild.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
+ // do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
+ if (newChild.childNodes._nodes.length > 0) {
+ for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes._nodes.length; ind++) {
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[ind].parentNode = this;
+ }
+ if (this.lastChild) {
+ this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
+ newChild.childNodes._nodes[0].previousSibling = this.lastChild;
+ this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
+ }
+ else {
+ this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[newChild.childNodes._nodes.length-1];
+ this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes._nodes[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // do node pointer surgery for newChild
+ newChild.parentNode = this;
+ if (this.lastChild) {
+ this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild;
+ newChild.previousSibling = this.lastChild;
+ this.lastChild = newChild;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.lastChild = newChild;
+ this.firstChild = newChild;
+ }
+ }
+ return newChild;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.hasChildNodes - This is a convenience method to allow easy determination of whether a node has any children.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : boolean - true if the node has any children, false if the node has no children
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.hasChildNodes = function W3CDOMNode_hasChildNodes() {
+ return (this.childNodes.length > 0);
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.cloneNode - Returns a duplicate of this node, i.e., serves as a generic copy constructor for nodes.
+ * The duplicate node has no parent (parentNode returns null.).
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param deep : boolean - If true, recursively clone the subtree under the specified node;
+ * if false, clone only the node itself (and its attributes, if it is an Element).
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.cloneNode = function W3CDOMNode_cloneNode(deep) {
+ // use importNode to clone this Node
+ //do not throw any exceptions
+ try {
+ return this.ownerDocument.importNode(this, deep);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ //there shouldn't be any exceptions, but if there are, return null
+ return null;
+ }
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.normalize - Puts all Text nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this Element into a "normal" form
+ * where only markup (e.g., tags, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) separates Text nodes,
+ * i.e., there are no adjacent Text nodes.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.normalize = function W3CDOMNode_normalize() {
+ var inode;
+ var nodesToRemove = new W3CDOMNodeList();
+ if (this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
+ var adjacentTextNode = null;
+ // loop through all childNodes
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ inode = this.childNodes.item(i);
+ if (inode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.TEXT_NODE) { // this node is a text node
+ if (inode.length < 1) { // this text node is empty
+ nodesToRemove._appendChild(inode); // add this node to the list of nodes to be remove
+ }
+ else {
+ if (adjacentTextNode) { // if previous node was also text
+ adjacentTextNode.appendData(; // merge the data in adjacent text nodes
+ nodesToRemove._appendChild(inode); // add this node to the list of nodes to be removed
+ }
+ else {
+ adjacentTextNode = inode; // remember this node for next cycle
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ adjacentTextNode = null; // (soon to be) previous node is not a text node
+ inode.normalize(); // normalise non Text childNodes
+ }
+ }
+ // remove redundant Text Nodes
+ for(var i = 0; i < nodesToRemove.length; i++) {
+ inode = nodesToRemove.item(i);
+ inode.parentNode.removeChild(inode);
+ }
+ }
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.isSupported - Test if the W3CDOM implementation implements a specific feature
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param feature : string - The package name of the feature to test. the legal only values are "XML" and "CORE" (case-insensitive).
+ * @param version : string - This is the version number of the package name to test. In Level 1, this is the string "1.0".
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.isSupported = function W3CDOMNode_isSupported(feature, version) {
+ // use Implementation.hasFeature to determin if this feature is supported
+ return this.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version);
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getElementsByTagName - Returns a NodeList of all the Elements with a given tag name
+ * in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the Document tree.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param tagname : string - The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function W3CDOMNode_getElementsByTagName(tagname) {
+ // delegate to _getElementsByTagNameRecursive
+ return this._getElementsByTagNameRecursive(tagname, new W3CDOMNodeList(this.ownerDocument));
+ * @method W3CDOMNode._getElementsByTagNameRecursive - implements getElementsByTagName()
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
+ *
+ * @param tagname : string - The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags
+ * @param nodeList : W3CDOMNodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype._getElementsByTagNameRecursive = function W3CDOMNode__getElementsByTagNameRecursive(tagname, nodeList) {
+ if (this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
+ if((this.nodeName == tagname) || (tagname == "*")) {
+ nodeList._appendChild(this); // add matching node to nodeList
+ }
+ // recurse childNodes
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ nodeList = this.childNodes.item(i)._getElementsByTagNameRecursive(tagname, nodeList);
+ }
+ }
+ return nodeList;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getXML - Returns the String XML of the node and all of its children
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string - XML String of the XML of the node and all of its children
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getXML = function W3CDOMNode_getXML() {
+ return this.toString();
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.getElementsByTagNameNS - Returns a NodeList of all the Elements with a given namespaceURI and localName
+ * in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the Document tree.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function W3CDOMNode_getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
+ // delegate to _getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive
+ return this._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive(namespaceURI, localName, new W3CDOMNodeList(this.ownerDocument));
+ * @method W3CDOMNode._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive - implements getElementsByTagName()
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
+ * @param nodeList : W3CDOMNodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNodeList
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive = function W3CDOMNode__getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive(namespaceURI, localName, nodeList) {
+ if (this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
+ if (((this.namespaceURI == namespaceURI) || (namespaceURI == "*")) && ((this.localName == localName) || (localName == "*"))) {
+ nodeList._appendChild(this); // add matching node to nodeList
+ }
+ // recurse childNodes
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ nodeList = this.childNodes.item(i)._getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive(namespaceURI, localName, nodeList);
+ }
+ }
+ return nodeList;
+ * @method W3CDOMNode._isAncestor - returns true if node is ancestor of this
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
+ *
+ * @param node : W3CDOMNode - The candidate ancestor node
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype._isAncestor = function W3CDOMNode__isAncestor(node) {
+ // if this node matches, return true,
+ // otherwise recurse up (if there is a parentNode)
+ return ((this == node) || ((this.parentNode) && (this.parentNode._isAncestor(node))));
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.importNode - Imports a node from another document to this document.
+ * The returned node has no parent; (parentNode is null).
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param importedNode : Node - The Node to be imported
+ * @param deep : boolean - If true, recursively clone the subtree under the specified node;
+ * if false, clone only the node itself (and its attributes, if it is an Element).
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNode
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.importNode = function W3CDOMNode_importNode(importedNode, deep) {
+ var importNode;
+ //there is no need to perform namespace checks since everything has already gone through them
+ //in order to have gotten into the W3CDOM in the first place. The following line
+ //turns namespace checking off in ._isValidNamespace
+ this.getOwnerDocument()._performingImportNodeOperation = true;
+ try {
+ if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation.namespaceAware) {
+ // create a local Element (with the name of the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createElement(importedNode.tagName);
+ // create attributes matching those of the importedNode
+ for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
+ importNode.setAttribute(importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // create a local Element (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
+ // create attributes matching those of the importedNode
+ for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
+ importNode.setAttributeNS(importedNode.attributes.item(i).namespaceURI, importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
+ }
+ // create namespace definitions matching those of the importedNode
+ for(var i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
+ importNode._namespaces._nodes[i] = this.ownerDocument.createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
+ importNode._namespaces._nodes[i].setValue(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation.namespaceAware) {
+ // create a local Attribute (with the name of the importedAttribute)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(;
+ }
+ else {
+ // create a local Attribute (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedAttribute)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
+ // create namespace definitions matching those of the importedAttribute
+ for(var i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
+ importNode._namespaces._nodes[i] = this.ownerDocument.createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
+ importNode._namespaces._nodes[i].setValue(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value);
+ }
+ }
+ // set the value of the local Attribute to match that of the importedAttribute
+ importNode.setValue(importedNode.value);
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
+ // create a local DocumentFragment
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
+ // create a local NamespaceNode (with the same name & value as the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createNamespace(importedNode.nodeName);
+ importNode.setValue(importedNode.value);
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.TEXT_NODE) {
+ // create a local TextNode (with the same data as the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(;
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
+ // create a local CDATANode (with the same data as the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createCDATASection(;
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
+ // create a local ProcessingInstruction (with the same target & data as the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createProcessingInstruction(,;
+ }
+ else if (importedNode.nodeType == W3CDOMNode.COMMENT_NODE) {
+ // create a local Comment (with the same data as the importedNode)
+ importNode = this.ownerDocument.createComment(;
+ }
+ else { // throw Exception if nodeType is not supported
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR));
+ }
+ if (deep) { // recurse childNodes
+ for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ importNode.appendChild(this.ownerDocument.importNode(importedNode.childNodes.item(i), true));
+ }
+ }
+ //reset _performingImportNodeOperation
+ this.getOwnerDocument()._performingImportNodeOperation = false;
+ return importNode;
+ }
+ catch (eAny) {
+ //reset _performingImportNodeOperation
+ this.getOwnerDocument()._performingImportNodeOperation = false;
+ //re-throw the exception
+ throw eAny;
+ }//djotemp
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.escapeString - escape special characters
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param str : string - The string to be escaped
+ *
+ * @return : string - The escaped string
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.__escapeString = function W3CDOMNode__escapeString(str) {
+ //the sax processor already has this function. Just wrap it
+ return __escapeString(str);
+ * @method W3CDOMNode.unescapeString - unescape special characters
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param str : string - The string to be unescaped
+ *
+ * @return : string - The unescaped string
+ */
+W3CDOMNode.prototype.__unescapeString = function W3CDOMNode__unescapeString(str) {
+ //the sax processor already has this function. Just wrap it
+ return __unescapeString(str);
+ * @class W3CDOMDocument - The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
+ * Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data.
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param implementation : W3CDOMImplementation - the creator Implementation
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument = function(implementation) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMDocument");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(this);
+ this.doctype = null; // The Document Type Declaration (see DocumentType) associated with this document
+ this.implementation = implementation; // The W3CDOMImplementation object that handles this document.
+ this.documentElement = null; // This is a convenience attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the root element of the document
+ this.all = new Array(); // The list of all Elements
+ this.nodeName = "#document";
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE;
+ this._id = 0;
+ this._lastId = 0;
+ this._parseComplete = false; // initially false, set to true by parser
+ this.ownerDocument = this;
+ this._performingImportNodeOperation = false;
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.getDoctype - Java style gettor for .doctype
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMDocument
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getDoctype = function W3CDOMDocument_getDoctype() {
+ return this.doctype;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.getImplementation - Java style gettor for .implementation
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMImplementation
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getImplementation = function W3CDOMDocument_implementation() {
+ return this.implementation;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.getDocumentElement - Java style gettor for .documentElement
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMDocumentElement
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getDocumentElement = function W3CDOMDocument_getDocumentElement() {
+ return this.documentElement;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createElement - Creates an element of the type specified.
+ * Note that the instance returned implements the Element interface,
+ * so attributes can be specified directly on the returned object.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param tagName : string - The name of the element type to instantiate.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMElement - The new Element object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createElement = function W3CDOMDocument_createElement(tagName) {
+ // throw Exception if the tagName string contains an illegal character
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(tagName))) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ // create W3CDOMElement specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMElement(this);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ node.tagName = tagName;
+ node.nodeName = tagName;
+ // add Element to 'all' collection
+ this.all[this.all.length] = node;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createDocumentFragment - CCreates an empty DocumentFragment object.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMDocumentFragment - The new DocumentFragment object
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createDocumentFragment = function W3CDOMDocument_createDocumentFragment() {
+ // create W3CDOMDocumentFragment specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMDocumentFragment(this);
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createTextNode - Creates a Text node given the specified string.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - The data for the node.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMText - The new Text object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createTextNode = function W3CDOMDocument_createTextNode(data) {
+ // create W3CDOMText specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMText(this);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ = data;
+ node.nodeValue = data;
+ // set initial length
+ node.length = data.length;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createComment - Creates a Text node given the specified string.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - The data for the node.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMComment - The new Comment object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createComment = function W3CDOMDocument_createComment(data) {
+ // create W3CDOMComment specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMComment(this);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ = data;
+ node.nodeValue = data;
+ // set initial length
+ node.length = data.length;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createCDATASection - Creates a CDATASection node whose value is the specified string.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - The data for the node.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMCDATASection - The new CDATASection object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createCDATASection = function W3CDOMDocument_createCDATASection(data) {
+ // create W3CDOMCDATASection specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMCDATASection(this);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ = data;
+ node.nodeValue = data;
+ // set initial length
+ node.length = data.length;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createProcessingInstruction - Creates a ProcessingInstruction node given the specified target and data strings.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param target : string - The target part of the processing instruction.
+ * @param data : string - The data for the node.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMProcessingInstruction - The new ProcessingInstruction object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createProcessingInstruction = function W3CDOMDocument_createProcessingInstruction(target, data) {
+ // throw Exception if the target string contains an illegal character
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (!this.implementation._isValidName(target))) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ // create W3CDOMProcessingInstruction specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMProcessingInstruction(this);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ = target;
+ node.nodeName = target;
+ = data;
+ node.nodeValue = data;
+ // set initial length
+ node.length = data.length;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createAttribute - Creates an Attr of the given name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param name : string - The name of the attribute.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The new Attr object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createAttribute = function W3CDOMDocument_createAttribute(name) {
+ // throw Exception if the name string contains an illegal character
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(name))) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ // create W3CDOMAttr specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMAttr(this);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ = name;
+ node.nodeName = name;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createElementNS - Creates an element of the type specified,
+ * within the specified namespace.
+ * Note that the instance returned implements the Element interface,
+ * so attributes can be specified directly on the returned object.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - The namespace URI of the element.
+ * @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name of the element type to instantiate.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMElement - The new Element object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createElementNS = function W3CDOMDocument_createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
+ if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the qualifiedName string contains an illegal character
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(qualifiedName)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ // create W3CDOMElement specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMElement(this);
+ var qname = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
+ node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
+ node.prefix = qname.prefix;
+ node.localName = qname.localName;
+ node.tagName = qualifiedName;
+ // add Element to 'all' collection
+ this.all[this.all.length] = node;
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createAttributeNS - Creates an Attr of the given name
+ * within the specified namespace.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - The namespace URI of the attribute.
+ * @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name of the attribute.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The new Attr object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createAttributeNS = function W3CDOMDocument_createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
+ if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the qualifiedName string contains an illegal character
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidName(qualifiedName)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ // create W3CDOMAttr specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMAttr(this);
+ var qname = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ node.nodeName = qualifiedName
+ node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI
+ node.prefix = qname.prefix;
+ node.localName = qname.localName;
+ = qualifiedName
+ node.nodeValue = "";
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.createNamespace - Creates an Namespace of the given name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name of the attribute.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMNamespace - The new Namespace object.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.createNamespace = function W3CDOMDocument_createNamespace(qualifiedName) {
+ // create W3CDOMNamespace specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
+ var node = new W3CDOMNamespace(this);
+ var qname = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ node.nodeName = qualifiedName
+ node.prefix = qname.prefix;
+ node.localName = qname.localName;
+ = qualifiedName
+ node.nodeValue = "";
+ return node;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.getElementById - Return the Element whose ID is given by elementId
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param elementId : string - The unique ID of the Element
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMElement - The requested W3CDOMElement
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.getElementById = function W3CDOMDocument_getElementById(elementId) {
+// return this._ids[elementId];
+ retNode = null;
+ // loop through all Elements in the 'all' collection
+ for (var i=0; i < this.all.length; i++) {
+ var node = this.all[i];
+ // if id matches & node is alive (ie, connected (in)directly to the documentElement)
+ if (( == elementId) && (node._isAncestor(node.ownerDocument.documentElement))) {
+ retNode = node;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return retNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument._genId - generate a unique internal id
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string - The unique (serial) id
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype._genId = function W3CDOMDocument__genId() {
+ this._lastId += 1; // increment lastId (to generate unique id)
+ return this._lastId;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument._isValidNamespace - test if Namespace is valid
+ * ie, not valid if;
+ * the qualifiedName is malformed, or
+ * the qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, or
+ * the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is
+ * different from "" [Namespaces].
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (, David Joham ( and Scott Severtson
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI
+ * @param qualifiedName : string - the QName
+ * @Param isAttribute : boolean - true, if the requesting node is an Attr
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype._isValidNamespace = function W3CDOMDocument__isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, isAttribute) {
+ if (this._performingImportNodeOperation == true) {
+ //we're doing an importNode operation (or a cloneNode) - in both cases, there
+ //is no need to perform any namespace checking since the nodes have to have been valid
+ //to have gotten into the W3CDOM in the first place
+ return true;
+ }
+ var valid = true;
+ // parse QName
+ var qName = this.implementation._parseQName(qualifiedName);
+ //only check for namespaces if we're finished parsing
+ if (this._parseComplete == true) {
+ // if the qualifiedName is malformed
+ if (qName.localName.indexOf(":") > -1 ){
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if ((valid) && (!isAttribute)) {
+ // if the namespaceURI is not null
+ if (!namespaceURI) {
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if the qualifiedName has a prefix
+ if ((valid) && (qName.prefix == "")) {
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is
+ // different from "" [Namespaces].
+ if ((valid) && (qName.prefix == "xml") && (namespaceURI != "")) {
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ return valid;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocument.toString - Serialize the document into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMDocument.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMDocument_toString() {
+ return "" + this.childNodes;
+} // end function getXML
+ * @class W3CDOMElement - By far the vast majority of objects (apart from text) that authors encounter
+ * when traversing a document are Element nodes.
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMElement");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
+ this.tagName = ""; // The name of the element.
+ = ""; // the ID of the element
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE;
+W3CDOMElement.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.getTagName - Java style gettor for .TagName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.getTagName = function W3CDOMElement_getTagName() {
+ return this.tagName;
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttribute - Retrieves an attribute value by name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to retrieve
+ *
+ * @return : string - The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified value.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_getAttribute(name) {
+ var ret = "";
+ // if attribute exists, use it
+ var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
+ if (attr) {
+ ret = attr.value;
+ }
+ return ret; // if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise, return ""
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttribute - Retrieves an attribute value by name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to create or alter
+ * @param value : string - Value to set in string form
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attribute is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_setAttribute(name, value) {
+ // if attribute exists, use it
+ var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
+ if (!attr) {
+ attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name); // otherwise create it
+ }
+ var value = new String(value);
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
+ if (attr._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidString(value)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration(name)) {
+ = value; // cache ID for getElementById()
+ }
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ attr.value = value;
+ attr.nodeValue = value;
+ // update .specified
+ if (value.length > 0) {
+ attr.specified = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ attr.specified = false;
+ }
+ // add/replace Attribute in NamedNodeMap
+ this.attributes.setNamedItem(attr);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.removeAttribute - Removes an attribute by name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to remove
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.removeAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_removeAttribute(name) {
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem
+ return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(name);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttributeNode - Retrieves an Attr node by name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param name : string - The name of the attribute to remove
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node with the specified attribute name or null if there is no such attribute.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNode = function W3CDOMElement_getAttributeNode(name) {
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
+ return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttributeNode - Adds a new attribute
+ * If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param newAttr : W3CDOMAttr - The attribute node to be attached
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Element is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same name,
+ * the previously existing Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNode = function W3CDOMElement_setAttributeNode(newAttr) {
+ // if this Attribute is an ID
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration( {
+ = newAttr.value; // cache ID for getElementById()
+ }
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
+ return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.removeAttributeNode - Removes the specified attribute
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param oldAttr : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node to remove from the attribute list
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Element is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node that was removed.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.removeAttributeNode = function W3CDOMElement_removeAttributeNode(oldAttr) {
+ // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && oldAttr._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // get item index
+ var itemIndex = this.attributes._findItemIndex(oldAttr._id);
+ // throw Exception if node does not exist in this map
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
+ }
+ return this.attributes._removeChild(itemIndex);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttributeNS - Retrieves an attribute value by namespaceURI and localName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
+ *
+ * @return : string - The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified value.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
+ var ret = "";
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNAmedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
+ var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
+ if (attr) {
+ ret = attr.value;
+ }
+ return ret; // if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise return ""
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttributeNS - Sets an attribute value by namespaceURI and localName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param qualifiedName : string - the qualified name of the required node
+ * @param value : string - Value to set in string form
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the string contains an illegal character
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the Namespace is invalid
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) {
+ // call W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
+ var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
+ if (!attr) { // if Attribute exists, use it
+ // otherwise create it
+ attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
+ }
+ var value = new String(value);
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
+ if (attr._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
+ if (!this.ownerDocument._isValidNamespace(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
+ if (!this.ownerDocument.implementation._isValidString(value)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ // if this Attribute is an ID
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration(name)) {
+ = value; // cache ID for getElementById()
+ }
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ attr.value = value;
+ attr.nodeValue = value;
+ // update .specified
+ if (value.length > 0) {
+ attr.specified = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ attr.specified = false;
+ }
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
+ this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(attr);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.removeAttributeNS - Removes an attribute by namespaceURI and localName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.removeAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS
+ return this.attributes.removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.getAttributeNodeNS - Retrieves an Attr node by namespaceURI and localName
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - The Attr node with the specified attribute name or null if there is no such attribute.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNodeNS = function W3CDOMElement_getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
+ return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.setAttributeNodeNS - Adds a new attribute
+ * If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param newAttr : W3CDOMAttr - the attribute node to be attached
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the Attrbute is readonly.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object.
+ * The W3CDOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMAttr - If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same name,
+ * the previously existing Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS = function W3CDOMElement_setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr) {
+ // if this Attribute is an ID
+ if ((newAttr.prefix == "") && this.ownerDocument.implementation._isIdDeclaration( {
+ = newAttr.value; // cache ID for getElementById()
+ }
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS
+ return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.hasAttribute - Returns true if specified node exists
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param name : string - the name of the required node
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.hasAttribute = function W3CDOMElement_hasAttribute(name) {
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap._hasAttribute
+ return this.attributes._hasAttribute(name);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.hasAttributeNS - Returns true if specified node exists
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
+ * @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.hasAttributeNS = function W3CDOMElement_hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) {
+ // delegate to W3CDOMNamedNodeMap._hasAttributeNS
+ return this.attributes._hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
+ * @method W3CDOMElement.toString - Serialize this Element and its children into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMElement.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMElement_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ // serialize namespace declarations
+ var ns = this._namespaces.toString();
+ if (ns.length > 0) ns = " "+ ns;
+ // serialize Attribute declarations
+ var attrs = this.attributes.toString();
+ if (attrs.length > 0) attrs = " "+ attrs;
+ // serialize this Element
+ ret += "<" + this.nodeName + ns + attrs +">";
+ ret += this.childNodes.toString();;
+ ret += "</" + this.nodeName+">";
+ return ret;
+ * @class W3CDOMAttr - The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMAttr");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
+ = ""; // the name of this attribute
+ // If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document, this is true; otherwise, it is false.
+ // Note that the implementation is in charge of this attribute, not the user.
+ // If the user changes the value of the attribute (even if it ends up having the same value as the default value)
+ // then the specified flag is automatically flipped to true
+ // (I wish! You will need to use setValue to 'automatically' update specified)
+ this.specified = false;
+ this.value = ""; // the value of the attribute is returned as a string
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE;
+ this.ownerElement = null; // set when Attr is added to NamedNodeMap
+ // disable childNodes
+ this.childNodes = null;
+ this.attributes = null;
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMAttr.getName - Java style gettor for .name
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getName = function W3CDOMAttr_getName() {
+ return this.nodeName;
+ * @method W3CDOMAttr.getSpecified - Java style gettor for .specified
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : boolean
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getSpecified = function W3CDOMAttr_getSpecified() {
+ return this.specified;
+ * @method W3CDOMAttr.getValue - Java style gettor for .value
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getValue = function W3CDOMAttr_getValue() {
+ return this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMAttr.setValue - Java style settor for .value
+ * alias for W3CDOMAttr.setNodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param value : string - the new attribute value
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Attribute is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.setValue = function W3CDOMAttr_setValue(value) {
+ // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // delegate to setNodeValue
+ this.setNodeValue(value);
+ * @method W3CDOMAttr.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .nodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param value : string - the new attribute value
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMAttr_setNodeValue(value) {
+ this.nodeValue = new String(value);
+ this.value = this.nodeValue;
+ this.specified = (this.value.length > 0);
+ * @method W3CDOMAttr.toString - Serialize this Attr into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMAttr_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ // serialize Attribute
+ ret += this.nodeName +"=\""+ this.__escapeString(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
+ return ret;
+W3CDOMAttr.prototype.getOwnerElement = function() {
+ return this.ownerElement;
+ * @class W3CDOMNamespace - The Namespace interface represents an namespace in an Element object
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMNamespace = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMNamespace");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
+ = ""; // the name of this attribute
+ // If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document, this is true; otherwise, it is false.
+ // Note that the implementation is in charge of this attribute, not the user.
+ // If the user changes the value of the attribute (even if it ends up having the same value as the default value)
+ // then the specified flag is automatically flipped to true
+ // (I wish! You will need to use _setValue to 'automatically' update specified)
+ this.specified = false;
+ this.value = ""; // the value of the attribute is returned as a string
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.NAMESPACE_NODE;
+W3CDOMNamespace.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMNamespace.getValue - Java style gettor for .value
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMNamespace.prototype.getValue = function W3CDOMNamespace_getValue() {
+ return this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMNamespace.setValue - utility function to set value (rather than direct assignment to .value)
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param value : string - the new namespace value
+ */
+W3CDOMNamespace.prototype.setValue = function W3CDOMNamespace_setValue(value) {
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ this.nodeValue = new String(value);
+ this.value = this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMNamespace.toString - Serialize this Attr into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMNamespace.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMNamespace_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ // serialize Namespace Declaration
+ if (this.nodeName != "") {
+ ret += this.nodeName +"=\""+ this.__escapeString(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
+ }
+ else { // handle default namespace
+ ret += "xmlns=\""+ this.__escapeString(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * @class W3CDOMCharacterData - parent abstract class for W3CDOMText and W3CDOMComment
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMCharacterData");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
+ = "";
+ this.length = 0;
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.getData - Java style gettor for .data
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.getData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_getData() {
+ return this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.setData - Java style settor for .data
+ * alias for W3CDOMCharacterData.setNodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - the character data
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Attribute is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.setData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_setData(data) {
+ // delegate to setNodeValue
+ this.setNodeValue(data);
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .nodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - the node value
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Attribute is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMCharacterData_setNodeValue(data) {
+ // throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ this.nodeValue = new String(data);
+ = this.nodeValue;
+ // update length
+ this.length = this.nodeValue.length;
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.getLength - Java style gettor for .length
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.getLength = function W3CDOMCharacterData_getLength() {
+ return this.nodeValue.length;
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.substringData - Extracts a range of data from the node
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param offset : int - Start offset of substring to extract
+ * @param count : int - The number of characters to extract
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
+ *
+ * @return : string - The specified substring.
+ * If the sum of offset and count exceeds the length, then all characters to the end of the data are returned.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.substringData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_substringData(offset, count) {
+ var ret = null;
+ if ( {
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ // or the count is negative
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ // if count is not specified
+ if (!count) {
+ ret =; // default to 'end of string'
+ }
+ else {
+ ret =, offset + count);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.appendData - Append the string to the end of the character data of the node.
+ * Upon success, data provides access to the concatenation of data and the W3CDOMString specified.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param arg : string - The string to append
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.appendData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_appendData(arg) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // append data
+ this.setData(""+ + arg);
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.insertData - Insert a string at the specified character offset.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param offset : int - The character offset at which to insert
+ * @param arg : string - The string to insert
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
+ * or if the specified count is negative.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.insertData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_insertData(offset, arg) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ // insert data
+ this.setData(, offset).concat(arg,;
+ }
+ else {
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && (offset != 0)) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ // set data
+ this.setData(arg);
+ }
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.deleteData - Remove a range of characters from the node.
+ * Upon success, data and length reflect the change
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param offset : int - The offset from which to remove characters
+ * @param count : int - The number of characters to delete.
+ * If the sum of offset and count exceeds length then all characters from offset to the end of the data are deleted
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
+ * or if the specified count is negative.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.deleteData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_deleteData(offset, count) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ // delete data
+ if(!count || (offset + count) > {
+ this.setData(, offset));
+ }
+ else {
+ this.setData(, offset).concat( + count)));
+ }
+ }
+ * @method W3CDOMCharacterData.replaceData - Replace the characters starting at the specified character offset with the specified string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param offset : int - The offset from which to start replacing
+ * @param count : int - The number of characters to replace.
+ * If the sum of offset and count exceeds length, then all characters to the end of the data are replaced
+ * @param arg : string - The string with which the range must be replaced
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
+ * or if the specified count is negative.
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this CharacterData is readonly.
+ */
+W3CDOMCharacterData.prototype.replaceData = function W3CDOMCharacterData_replaceData(offset, count, arg) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMCharacterData is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && ((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ // replace data
+ this.setData(, offset).concat(arg, + count)));
+ }
+ else {
+ // set data
+ this.setData(arg);
+ }
+ * @class W3CDOMText - The Text interface represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.
+ * If there is no markup inside an element's content, the text is contained in a single object implementing the Text interface
+ * that is the only child of the element. If there is markup, it is parsed into a list of elements and Text nodes that form the
+ * list of children of the element.
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMCharacterData
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMText = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMText");
+ this.W3CDOMCharacterData = W3CDOMCharacterData;
+ this.W3CDOMCharacterData(ownerDocument);
+ this.nodeName = "#text";
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.TEXT_NODE;
+W3CDOMText.prototype = new W3CDOMCharacterData;
+ * @method W3CDOMText.splitText - Breaks this Text node into two Text nodes at the specified offset,
+ * keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains all the content up to the offset point.
+ * And a new Text node, which is inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the content at and after the offset point.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param offset : int - The offset at which to split, starting from 0.
+ *
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if specified offset is negative or greater than the number of 16-bit units in data,
+ * @throws : W3CDOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this Text is readonly.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMText - The new Text node
+ */
+W3CDOMText.prototype.splitText = function W3CDOMText_splitText(offset) {
+ var data, inode;
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if Node is readonly
+ if (this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ if ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ // get remaining string (after offset)
+ data = this.substringData(offset);
+ // create new TextNode with remaining string
+ inode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(data);
+ // attach new TextNode
+ if (this.nextSibling) {
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore(inode, this.nextSibling);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.parentNode.appendChild(inode);
+ }
+ // remove remaining string from original TextNode
+ this.deleteData(offset);
+ }
+ return inode;
+ * @method W3CDOMText.toString - Serialize this Text into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMText.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMText_toString() {
+ return this.__escapeString(""+ this.nodeValue);
+ * @class W3CDOMCDATASection - CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
+ * The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is the "\]\]\>" string that ends the CDATA section
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMCharacterData
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMCDATASection = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMCDATASection");
+ this.W3CDOMCharacterData = W3CDOMCharacterData;
+ this.W3CDOMCharacterData(ownerDocument);
+ this.nodeName = "#cdata-section";
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE;
+W3CDOMCDATASection.prototype = new W3CDOMCharacterData;
+ * @method W3CDOMCDATASection.splitText - Breaks this CDATASection node into two CDATASection nodes at the specified offset,
+ * keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains all the content up to the offset point.
+ * And a new CDATASection node, which is inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the content at and after the offset point.
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param offset : int - The offset at which to split, starting from 0.
+ *
+ * @return : W3CDOMCDATASection - The new CDATASection node
+ */
+W3CDOMCDATASection.prototype.splitText = function W3CDOMCDATASection_splitText(offset) {
+ var data, inode;
+ // test for exceptions
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking) {
+ // throw Exception if Node is readonly
+ if (this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
+ if ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.parentNode) {
+ // get remaining string (after offset)
+ data = this.substringData(offset);
+ // create new CDATANode with remaining string
+ inode = this.ownerDocument.createCDATASection(data);
+ // attach new CDATANode
+ if (this.nextSibling) {
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore(inode, this.nextSibling);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.parentNode.appendChild(inode);
+ }
+ // remove remaining string from original CDATANode
+ this.deleteData(offset);
+ }
+ return inode;
+ * @method W3CDOMCDATASection.toString - Serialize this CDATASection into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMCDATASection.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMCDATASection_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ //do NOT unescape the nodeValue string in CDATA sections!
+ ret += "<![CDATA[" + this.nodeValue + "\]\]\>";
+ return ret;
+ * @class W3CDOMComment - This represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting '<!--' and ending '-->'
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMCharacterData
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMComment = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMComment");
+ this.W3CDOMCharacterData = W3CDOMCharacterData;
+ this.W3CDOMCharacterData(ownerDocument);
+ this.nodeName = "#comment";
+ this.nodeType = W3CDOMNode.COMMENT_NODE;
+W3CDOMComment.prototype = new W3CDOMCharacterData;
+ * @method W3CDOMComment.toString - Serialize this Comment into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMComment.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMComment_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ ret += "<!--" + this.nodeValue + "-->";
+ return ret;
+ * @class W3CDOMProcessingInstruction - The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction",
+ * used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMProcessingInstruction");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
+ // The target of this processing instruction.
+ // XML defines this as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
+ = "";
+ // The content of this processing instruction.
+ // This is from the first non white space character after the target to the character immediately preceding the ?>
+ = "";
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.getTarget - Java style gettor for .target
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.getTarget = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_getTarget() {
+ return this.nodeName;
+ * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.getData - Java style gettor for .data
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.getData = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_getData() {
+ return this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.setData - Java style settor for .data
+ * alias for W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.setNodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - The new data of this processing instruction.
+ */
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.setData = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_setData(data) {
+ // delegate to setNodeValue
+ this.setNodeValue(data);
+ * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.setNodeValue - Java style settor for .nodeValue
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param data : string - The new data of this processing instruction.
+ */
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.setNodeValue = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_setNodeValue(data) {
+ // throw Exception if W3CDOMNode is readonly
+ if (this.ownerDocument.implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
+ throw(new W3CDOMException(W3CDOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
+ }
+ // assign values to properties (and aliases)
+ this.nodeValue = new String(data);
+ = this.nodeValue;
+ * @method W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.toString - Serialize this ProcessingInstruction into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort ( and David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMProcessingInstruction.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMProcessingInstruction_toString() {
+ var ret = "";
+ ret += "<?" + this.nodeName +" "+ this.nodeValue + " ?>";
+ return ret;
+ * @class W3CDOMDocumentFragment - DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object.
+ *
+ * @extends W3CDOMNode
+ *
+ * @author Jon van Noort (
+ *
+ * @param ownerDocument : W3CDOMDocument - The Document object associated with this node.
+ */
+W3CDOMDocumentFragment = function(ownerDocument) {
+ this._class = addClass(this._class, "W3CDOMDocumentFragment");
+ this.W3CDOMNode = W3CDOMNode;
+ this.W3CDOMNode(ownerDocument);
+ this.nodeName = "#document-fragment";
+W3CDOMDocumentFragment.prototype = new W3CDOMNode;
+ * @method W3CDOMDocumentFragment.toString - Serialize this DocumentFragment into an XML string
+ *
+ * @author David Joham (
+ *
+ * @return : string
+ */
+W3CDOMDocumentFragment.prototype.toString = function W3CDOMDocumentFragment_toString() {
+ var xml = "";
+ var intCount = this.getChildNodes().getLength();
+ // create string concatenating the serialized ChildNodes
+ for (intLoop = 0; intLoop < intCount; intLoop++) {
+ xml += this.getChildNodes().item(intLoop).toString();
+ }
+ return xml;
+W3CDOMDocumentType = function() { alert("W3CDOMDocumentType.constructor(): Not Implemented" ); };
+W3CDOMEntity = function() { alert("W3CDOMEntity.constructor(): Not Implemented" ); };
+W3CDOMEntityReference = function() { alert("W3CDOMEntityReference.constructor(): Not Implemented"); };
+W3CDOMNotation = function() { alert("W3CDOMNotation.constructor(): Not Implemented" ); };
+Strings = new Object()
+Strings.WHITESPACE = " \t\n\r";
+Strings.QUOTES = "\"'";
+Strings.isEmpty = function Strings_isEmpty(strD) {
+ return (strD == null) || (strD.length == 0);
+Strings.indexOfNonWhitespace = function Strings_indexOfNonWhitespace(strD, iB, iE) {
+ if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
+ iB = iB || 0;
+ iE = iE || strD.length;
+ for(var i = iB; i < iE; i++)
+ if(Strings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) == -1) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+Strings.lastIndexOfNonWhitespace = function Strings_lastIndexOfNonWhitespace(strD, iB, iE) {
+ if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
+ iB = iB || 0;
+ iE = iE || strD.length;
+ for(var i = iE - 1; i >= iB; i--)
+ if(Strings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) == -1)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+Strings.indexOfWhitespace = function Strings_indexOfWhitespace(strD, iB, iE) {
+ if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
+ iB = iB || 0;
+ iE = iE || strD.length;
+ for(var i = iB; i < iE; i++)
+ if(Strings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) != -1)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+Strings.replace = function Strings_replace(strD, iB, iE, strF, strR) {
+ if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return "";
+ iB = iB || 0;
+ iE = iE || strD.length;
+ return strD.substring(iB, iE).split(strF).join(strR);
+Strings.getLineNumber = function Strings_getLineNumber(strD, iP) {
+ if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
+ iP = iP || strD.length;
+ return strD.substring(0, iP).split("\n").length
+Strings.getColumnNumber = function Strings_getColumnNumber(strD, iP) {
+ if(Strings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1;
+ iP = iP || strD.length;
+ var arrD = strD.substring(0, iP).split("\n");
+ var strLine = arrD[arrD.length - 1];
+ arrD.length--;
+ var iLinePos = arrD.join("\n").length;
+ return iP - iLinePos;
+StringBuffer = function() {this._a=new Array();};
+StringBuffer.prototype.append = function StringBuffer_append(d){this._a[this._a.length]=d;};
+StringBuffer.prototype.toString = function StringBuffer_toString(){return this._a.join("");};