lib/revs-utils.rb in revs-utils-2.0.7 vs lib/revs-utils.rb in revs-utils-2.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS_FILEPATH = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT,'config',"manifest_headers.yml")
REGISTER = "register"
METADATA = "metadata"
+FORMATS = "known_formats"
module Revs
module Utils
# a hash of LC Subject Heading terms and their IDs for linking for "Automobiles"
@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@
# This cached set of terms can be re-generated with "ruby devel/revs_lc_automobile_terms.rb"
AUTOMOBILE_LC_TERMS=,'rb'){|io| Marshal.load(io)} if File.exists?(REVS_LC_TERMS_FILENAME)
+ def revs_known_formats
+ get_manifest_section(FORMATS)
+ end
def get_manifest_section(section)
@@ -65,54 +68,73 @@
sources =
files.each do |file|
file.each do |row|
- #Make sure the sourcid and filename are the same
+ #Make sure the sourceid and filename are the same
fname = row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']].chomp(File.extname(row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']]))
return false if row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']] != fname
sources << row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']]
- end
+ end
return sources.uniq.size == sources.size
#Pass this function a CSV file and it will return true if the proper headers are there and each entry has the required fields filled in
def valid_to_register(file_path)
file = read_csv_with_headers(file_path)
+ return check_valid_to_register(file)
+ end
+ #Pass this function a CSV file and it will return true if the proper headers are there and each entry has the required fields filled in.
+ def valid_for_metadata(file_path)
+ file = read_csv_with_headers(file_path)
+ return check_headers(file)
+ end
+ # pass in csv data and it will tell if you everything is safe to register based on having labels, unique sourceIDs and filenames matching sourceIDs
+ def check_valid_to_register(csv_data)
#Make sure all the required headers are there
- return false if not get_manifest_section(REGISTER).values-file[0].keys == []
+ return false if not get_manifest_section(REGISTER).values-csv_data[0].keys == []
#Make sure all files have entries for those required headers
- file.each do |row|
+ csv_data.each do |row|
get_manifest_section(REGISTER).keys.each do |header| # label should be there as a column but does not always need a value
return false if header.downcase !='label' && row[header].blank? #Alternatively consider row[header].class != String or row[header].size <= 0
+ fname = row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']].chomp(File.extname(row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']]))
+ return false if row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']] != fname
+ sources << row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']]
- return true
+ return sources.uniq.size == sources.size
- #Pass this function a CSV file and it will return true if the proper headers are there and each entry has the required fields filled in.
- def valid_for_metadata(file_path)
- file = read_csv_with_headers(file_path)
- file_headers=file[0].keys.reject(&:blank?).collect(&:downcase)
+ # looks at certain metadata fields in manifest to confirm validity (such as dates and formats)
+ def check_metadata(csv_data)
+ bad_rows=0
+ csv_data.each do |row|
+ valid_date=revs_is_valid_datestring?(row[get_manifest_section(METADATA)['year']] || row[get_manifest_section(METADATA)['date']])
+ valid_format=revs_is_valid_format?(row[get_manifest_section(METADATA)['format']])
+ bad_rows+=1 unless (valid_date && valid_format)
+ end
+ return bad_rows
+ end
+ # pass in csv data from a file read in and it will tell you if the headers are valid
+ def check_headers(csv_data)
+ file_headers=csv_data[0].keys.reject(&:blank?).collect(&:downcase)
#The file doesn't need to have all the metadata values, it just can't have headers that aren't used for metadata or registration
if file_headers.include?('date') && file_headers.include?('year') # can't have both date and year
return false
elsif file_headers.include?('location') && file_headers.include?('state') && file_headers.include?('city') && file_headers.include?('country') # can't have both location and the specific fields
return false
return file_headers-get_manifest_section(METADATA).values-get_manifest_section(REGISTER).values == []
def clean_collection_name(name)
return "" if name.blank? || name.nil?
name.gsub!(/\A(the )/i,'')
name.gsub!(/( of the revs institute)\z/i,'')
@@ -145,15 +167,23 @@
return row
+ # checks to see if we have a valid format
+ def revs_is_valid_format?(format)
+ return true if format.nil? || format.blank?
+ formats=format.split("|").collect{|f| f.strip}
+ !formats.collect {|f| revs_known_formats.include?(f)}.uniq.include?(false)
+ end
+ # check a single format and fix some common issues
def revs_check_format(format)
return revs_check_formats([format]).first
- # check the incoming format and fix some common issues
+ # check the incoming array of formats and fix some common issues
def revs_check_formats(format)
known_fixes = {"black-and-white negative"=>"black-and-white negatives",
"color negative"=>"color negatives",
"slides/color transparency"=>"color transparencies",
"color negatives/slides"=>"color negatives",
@@ -161,11 +191,12 @@
"black and white"=>"black-and-white negatives",
"black-and-white"=>"black-and-white negatives",
"black and white negative"=>"black-and-white negatives",
"black and white negatives"=>"black-and-white negatives",
"color transparency"=>"color transparencies",
- "slide"=>"slides"
+ "slide"=>"slides",
+ "color transparancies"=>"color transparencies"
count = 0
format.each do |f|
format[count] = known_fixes[f.downcase] || f.downcase
count += 1
@@ -234,9 +265,17 @@
# tell us if the string passed is a valid year
def is_valid_year?(date_string,starting_year=1800)
date_string.to_s.strip.scan(/\D/).empty? and (
+ # tell us if the incoming datestring supplied in the manifest column is a valid date, year or list of years
+ def revs_is_valid_datestring?(date_string)
+ return true if date_string.nil? || date_string.empty?
+ is_full_date=(get_full_date(date_string) != false)
+ is_year=!parse_years(date_string).empty?
+ return is_year || is_full_date
+ end
# tell us if the string passed is in is a full date of the format M/D/YYYY or m-d-yyyy or m-d-yy or M/D/YY, and returns the date object if it is valid
def get_full_date(date_string)
return false if date_string.scan(/(-|\/)/).count < 2 # we need at least two / or - characters to count as a full date