lib/epubmaker/epubv2.rb in review-1.4.0 vs lib/epubmaker/epubv2.rb in review-1.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# = epubv2.rb -- EPUB version 2 producer.
-# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Kenshi Muto and Masayoshi Takahashi
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Kenshi Muto and Masayoshi Takahashi
# This program is free software.
# You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of
# the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
# For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING".
-require 'epubmaker/producer'
+require 'epubmaker/epubcommon'
require 'cgi'
module EPUBMaker
# EPUBv2 is EPUB version 2 producer.
- class EPUBv2
+ class EPUBv2 < EPUBCommon
# Construct object with parameter hash +params+ and message resource hash +res+.
def initialize(producer)
- @producer = producer
+ super
- # Return mimetype content.
- def mimetype
- "application/epub+zip"
- end
# Return opf file content.
def opf
s = <<EOT
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns="" unique-identifier="BookId">
@@ -86,46 +81,30 @@
- def opf_coverimage
- s = ""
- if @producer.params["coverimage"]
- file = nil
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- if =~ /\Aimage/ && item.file =~ /#{@producer.params["coverimage"]}\Z/
- s << %Q[ <meta name="cover" content="#{}"/>\n]
- file = item.file
- break
- end
- end
- raise "coverimage #{@producer.params["coverimage"]} not found. Abort." if file.nil?
- end
- s
- end
def opf_manifest
s = ""
s << <<EOT
<item id="ncx" href="#{@producer.params["bookname"]}.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>
<item id="#{@producer.params["bookname"]}" href="#{@producer.params["cover"]}" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
- s << %Q[ <item id="toc" href="#{@producer.params["bookname"]}-toc.#{@producer.params["htmlext"]}" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>\n] unless @producer.params["mytoc"].nil?
+ s << %Q[ <item id="toc" href="#{@producer.params["bookname"]}-toc.#{@producer.params["htmlext"]}" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>\n] if @producer.params["toc"] && @producer.params["mytoc"]
@producer.contents.each do |item|
next if item.file =~ /#/ # skip subgroup
s << %Q[ <item id="#{}" href="#{item.file}" media-type="#{}"/>\n]
s << %Q[ </manifest>\n]
def opf_tocx
- if @producer.params["cover_linear"] && @producer.params["cover_linear"] != "no"
+ if @producer.params["epubmaker"]["cover_linear"] && @producer.params["epubmaker"]["cover_linear"] != "no"
cover_linear = "yes"
cover_linear = "no"
@@ -175,409 +154,20 @@
- def ncx_isbn
- if @producer.params["isbn"].nil?
- %Q[ <meta name="dtb:uid" content="#{@producer.params["urnid"]}"/>\n]
- else
- %Q[ <meta name="dtb:uid" content="#{@producer.params["isbn"]}"/>\n]
- end
- end
- def ncx_doctitle
- <<EOT
- <docTitle>
- <text>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</text>
- </docTitle>
- <docAuthor>
- <text>#{@producer.params["aut"].nil? ? "" : CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["aut"].join(", "))}</text>
- </docAuthor>
- end
- def ncx_navmap(indentarray)
- s = <<EOT
- <navMap>
- <navPoint id="top" playOrder="1">
- <navLabel>
- <text>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</text>
- </navLabel>
- <content src="#{@producer.params["cover"]}"/>
- </navPoint>
- nav_count = 2
- unless @producer.params["mytoc"].nil?
- s << <<EOT
- <navPoint id="toc" playOrder="#{nav_count}">
- <navLabel>
- <text>#{@producer.res.v("toctitle")}</text>
- </navLabel>
- <content src="#{@producer.params["bookname"]}-toc.#{@producer.params["htmlext"]}"/>
- </navPoint>
- nav_count += 1
- end
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- next if item.title.nil?
- indent = indentarray.nil? ? [""] : indentarray
- level = item.level.nil? ? 0 : (item.level - 1)
- level = indent.size - 1 if level >= indent.size
- s << <<EOT
- <navPoint id="nav-#{nav_count}" playOrder="#{nav_count}">
- <navLabel>
- <text>#{indent[level]}#{CGI.escapeHTML(item.title)}</text>
- </navLabel>
- <content src="#{item.file}"/>
- </navPoint>
- nav_count += 1
- end
- s << <<EOT
- </navMap>
- s
- end
- # Return container content.
- def container
- s = <<EOT
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<container xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container" version="1.0">
- <rootfiles>
- <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/#{@producer.params["bookname"]}.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" />
- </rootfiles>
- s
- end
- # Return cover content.
- def cover(type=nil)
- bodyext = type.nil? ? "" : " epub:type=\"#{type}\""
- s = common_header
- s << <<EOT
- <title>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</title>
- if @producer.params["coverimage"].nil?
- s << <<EOT
-<h1 class="cover-title">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</h1>
- else
- file = nil
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- if =~ /\Aimage/ && item.file =~ /#{@producer.params["coverimage"]}\Z/ # /
- file = item.file
- break
- end
- end
- raise "coverimage #{@producer.params["coverimage"]} not found. Abort." if file.nil?
- s << <<EOT
- <div id="cover-image" class="cover-image">
- <img src="#{file}" alt="#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}" class="max"/>
- </div>
- end
- s << <<EOT
- s
- end
- # Return title (copying) content.
- def titlepage
- s = common_header
- s << <<EOT
- <title>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</title>
- <h1 class="tp-title">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</h1>
- if @producer.params["aut"]
- s << <<EOT
- <p>
- <br />
- <br />
- </p>
- <h2 class="tp-author">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["aut"].join(", "))}</h2>
- end
- if @producer.params["prt"]
- s << <<EOT
- <p>
- <br />
- <br />
- <br />
- <br />
- </p>
- <h3 class="tp-publisher">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["prt"].join(", "))}</h3>
- end
- s << <<EOT
- s
- end
- # Return colophon content.
- def colophon
- s = common_header
- s << <<EOT
- <title>#{@producer.res.v("colophontitle")}</title>
- <div class="colophon">
- if @producer.params["subtitle"].nil?
- s << <<EOT
- <p class="title">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}</p>
- else
- s << <<EOT
- <p class="title">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["title"])}<br /><span class="subtitle">#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["subtitle"])}</span></p>
- end
- if @producer.params["date"] || @producer.params["history"]
- s << %Q[ <div class="pubhistory">\n]
- if @producer.params["history"]
- @producer.params["history"].each_with_index do |items, edit|
- items.each_with_index do |item, rev|
- editstr = (edit == 0) ? "初版" : "第#{edit + 1}版" # FIXME:i18n
- revstr = "第#{rev + 1}刷"
- if item =~ /\A\d+\-\d+\-\d+\Z/
- s << %Q[ <p>#{date_to_s(item)} #{editstr}#{revstr} 発行</p>\n] # FIXME:i18n
- else
- # custom date with string
- item.match(/\A(\d+\-\d+\-\d+)[\s ](.+)/) do |m|
- s << %Q[ <p>#{date_to_s(m[1])} #{m[2]}</p>\n]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- s << %Q[ <p>#{date_to_s(@producer.params["date"])} 発行</p>\n] #FIXME:i18n
- end
- s << %Q[ </div>\n]
- end
- s << %Q[ <table class="colophon">\n]
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-aut")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["aut"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["aut"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-csl")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["csl"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["csl"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-trl")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["trl"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["trl"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-dsr")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["dsr"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["dsr"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-ill")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["ill"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["ill"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-edt")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["edt"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["edt"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-prt")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["prt"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["prt"].nil?
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>#{@producer.res.v("c-pht")}</th><td>#{CGI.escapeHTML(@producer.params["pht"].join(", "))}</td></tr>\n] unless @producer.params["pht"].nil?
- if @producer.params["isbn"].to_s =~ /\A\d{10}\Z/ || @producer.params["isbn"].to_s =~ /\A\d{13}\Z/
- isbn = nil
- str = @producer.params["isbn"].to_s
- if str.size == 10
- isbn = "#{str[0..0]}-#{str[1..5]}-#{str[6..8]}-#{str[9..9]}"
- else
- isbn = "#{str[0..2]}-#{str[3..3]}-#{str[4..8]}-#{str[9..11]}-#{str[12..12]}"
- end
- s << %Q[ <tr><th>ISBN</th><td>#{isbn}</td></tr>\n]
- end
- s << <<EOT
- </table>
- if !@producer.params["rights"].nil? && @producer.params["rights"].size > 0
- s << %Q[ <p class="copyright">#{@producer.params["rights"].join("<br />")}</p>]
- end
- s << <<EOT
- </div>
- s
- end
- def date_to_s(date)
- ymd = date.to_s.split('-')
- "#{ymd[0]}年#{ymd[1].sub(/\A0/, '')}月#{ymd[2].sub(/\A0/, '')}日" # FIXME:i18n
- end
- # Return own toc content.
- def mytoc
- s = common_header
- s << <<EOT
- <title>#{@producer.res.v("toctitle")}</title>
- <h1 class="toc-title">#{@producer.res.v("toctitle")}</h1>
- if @producer.params["flattoc"].nil?
- s << hierarchy_ncx("ul")
- else
- s << flat_ncx("ul", @producer.params["flattocindent"])
- end
- s << <<EOT
- s
- end
- def hierarchy_ncx(type)
- require 'rexml/document'
- level = 1
- find_jump = nil
- has_part = nil
- toclevel = @producer.params["toclevel"].to_i
- # check part existance
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- if item.notoc.nil? && item.chaptype == "part"
- has_part = true
- break
- end
- end
- if !has_part.nil?
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- item.level += 1 if item.chaptype == "part" || item.chaptype == "body"
- item.notoc = true if (item.chaptype == "pre" || item.chaptype == "post") && !item.level.nil? && (item.level + 1 == toclevel) # FIXME: 部があるときに前後の処理が困難
- end
- toclevel += 1
- end
- doc =[<#{type} class="toc-h#{level}"><li /></#{type}>])
- e = doc.root.elements[1] # first <li/>
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- next if !item.notoc.nil? || item.level.nil? || item.file.nil? || item.title.nil? || item.level > toclevel
- if item.level == level
- e2 = e.parent.add_element("li")
- e = e2
- elsif item.level > level
- find_jump = true if (item.level - level) > 1
- # deeper
- (level + 1).upto(item.level) do |n|
- if e.size == 0
- # empty span for epubcheck
- es = e.add_element("span")
- es.add_text(" ", false, nil, true))
- end
- e2 = e.add_element(type, {"class" => "toc-h#{n}"})
- e3 = e2.add_element("li")
- e = e3
- end
- level = item.level
- elsif item.level < level
- # shallower
- (level - 1).downto(item.level) do |n|
- e = e.parent.parent
- end
- e2 = e.parent.add_element("li")
- e = e2
- level = item.level
- end
- e2 = e.add_element("a", {"href" => item.file})
- e2.add_text(, true))
- end
- warn "found level jumping in table of contents. consider to use 'flattoc: true' for strict ePUB validator." unless find_jump.nil?
- doc.to_s.gsub("<li/>", "").gsub("</li>", "</li>\n").gsub("href='", "href=\"").gsub(" class='", " class=\"").gsub("'>", "\">").gsub("<#{type} ", "\n" + '\&') # ugly
- end
- def flat_ncx(type, indent=nil)
- s = %Q[<#{type} class="toc-h1">\n]
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- next if !item.notoc.nil? || item.level.nil? || item.file.nil? || item.title.nil? || item.level > @producer.params["toclevel"].to_i
- is = indent == true ? " " * item.level : ""
- s << %Q[<li><a href="#{item.file}">#{is}#{CGI.escapeHTML(item.title)}</a></li>\n]
- end
- s << %Q[</#{type}>\n]
- s
- end
# Produce EPUB file +epubfile+.
# +basedir+ points the directory has contents.
# +tmpdir+ defines temporary directory.
def produce(epubfile, basedir, tmpdir)
produce_write_common(basedir, tmpdir)
-"#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{@producer.params["bookname"]}.ncx", "w") {|f| @producer.ncx(f, @producer.params["ncxindent"]) }
+"#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{@producer.params["bookname"]}.ncx", "w") {|f| @producer.ncx(f, @producer.params["epubmaker"]["ncxindent"]) }"#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{@producer.params["bookname"]}-toc.#{@producer.params["htmlext"]}", "w") {|f| @producer.mytoc(f) } unless @producer.params["mytoc"].nil?
- @producer.call_hook(@producer.params["hook_prepack"], tmpdir)
+ @producer.call_hook(@producer.params["epubmaker"]["hook_prepack"], tmpdir)
export_zip(tmpdir, epubfile)
- end
- def produce_write_common(basedir, tmpdir)
-"#{tmpdir}/mimetype", "w") {|f| @producer.mimetype(f) }
- Dir.mkdir("#{tmpdir}/META-INF") unless File.exist?("#{tmpdir}/META-INF")
-"#{tmpdir}/META-INF/container.xml", "w") {|f| @producer.container(f) }
- Dir.mkdir("#{tmpdir}/OEBPS") unless File.exist?("#{tmpdir}/OEBPS")
-"#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{@producer.params["bookname"]}.opf", "w") {|f| @producer.opf(f) }
- if File.exist?("#{basedir}/#{@producer.params["cover"]}")
- FileUtils.cp("#{basedir}/#{@producer.params["cover"]}", "#{tmpdir}/OEBPS")
- else
-"#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{@producer.params["cover"]}", "w") {|f| @producer.cover(f) }
- end
- @producer.contents.each do |item|
- next if item.file =~ /#/ # skip subgroup
- fname = "#{basedir}/#{item.file}"
- raise "#{fname} doesn't exist. Abort." unless File.exist?(fname)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname("#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{item.file}")) unless File.exist?(File.dirname("#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{item.file}"))
- FileUtils.cp(fname, "#{tmpdir}/OEBPS/#{item.file}")
- end
- end
- def export_zip(tmpdir, epubfile)
- Dir.chdir(tmpdir) {|d| `#{@producer.params["zip_stage1"]} #{epubfile} mimetype` }
- Dir.chdir(tmpdir) {|d| `#{@producer.params["zip_stage2"]} #{epubfile} META-INF OEBPS #{@producer.params["zip_addpath"]}` }
- end
- def legacy_cover_and_title_file(loadfile, writefile)
- s = common_header
- s << <<EOT
- <title>#{@producer.params["booktitle"]}</title>
- do |f|
- f.each_line do |l|
- s << l
- end
- end
- s << <<EOT
-, "w") do |f|
- f.puts s
- end
# Return common XHTML headder