spec/lib/rev/api_spec.rb in rev-api-2.3.1 vs spec/lib/rev/api_spec.rb in rev-api-2.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,24 +1,30 @@
-require_relative '../../spec_helper'
-describe 'API Client' do
- let(:client) { Rev.new('welcome', 'AAAAAu/YjZ3phXU5FsF35yIcgiA=', 'www.revtrunk.com') }
- it 'must raise NotAuthorizedError on unauthorized HTTP response' do
- VCR.insert_cassette 'unauthorized'
- unauthorized_client = Rev.new('welcome', 'trololo', Rev::Api::SANDBOX_HOST)
- action = lambda { unauthorized_client.get_orders_page }
- action.must_raise Rev::NotAuthorizedError
- end
- it 'must raise NotFoundError on NotFound HTTP response' do
- VCR.insert_cassette 'not_found_order'
- action = lambda { client.get_order('trololo') }
- action.must_raise Rev::NotFoundError
- end
- after do
- VCR.eject_cassette
- end
+require_relative '../../spec_helper'
+describe 'API Client' do
+ let(:client) { Rev.new('welcome', 'AAAAAu/YjZ3phXU5FsF35yIcgiA=', 'www.revtrunk.com') }
+ it 'must raise NotAuthorizedError on unauthorized HTTP response' do
+ VCR.insert_cassette 'unauthorized'
+ unauthorized_client = Rev.new('welcome', 'trololo', Rev::Api::SANDBOX_HOST)
+ action = lambda { unauthorized_client.get_orders_page }
+ action.must_raise Rev::NotAuthorizedError
+ end
+ it 'must default to the production environment' do
+ rev_api = Rev.new('welcome', 'trololo')
+ refute_nil rev_api
+ assert_equal 'https://www.rev.com/api/v1', rev_api.instance_variable_get(:@client).class.base_uri
+ end
+ it 'must raise NotFoundError on NotFound HTTP response' do
+ VCR.insert_cassette 'not_found_order'
+ action = lambda { client.get_order('trololo') }
+ action.must_raise Rev::NotFoundError
+ end
+ after do
+ VCR.eject_cassette
+ end