rails_generators/rx_config/templates/restfulx.yml in restfulx-1.2.1 vs rails_generators/rx_config/templates/restfulx.yml in restfulx-1.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,65 @@
# RestfulX code generation configuration options
+# This option controls what the main Flex application file will be called.
+# By default it will be equal to the name of your rails project camelized
+project-name: <%= project_name %>
+# This options determines what the root folder for generated Flex code is.
+# By default 'app/flex'
+flex-root: <%= flex_root %>
# By default flex models, commands, controllers and components are genearated into
-# app/flex/<your rails project name> folder. If you'd like to customize the target folder
+# <flex-root>/<your rails project name> folder. If you'd like to customize the target folder
# (to say append a "com" package before your rails project name) uncomment the line below
# base-package must follow the usual flex package notation (a string separated by ".")
+base-package: <%= base_package %>
-#base-package: com.pomodo
# Main RestfulX controller is typically named AppicationController. This controller is created in
# <base-package>.controllers folder. You can customize the name by uncommenting the following line
# and changing the controller name.
+controller-name: <%= command_controller_name %>
-#controller-name: ApplicationController
+# If you are using Rails on the back-end and Adobe AIR as the client you can generate Rails/Flex/AIR
+# code to take advantage of synchronization (online/offline) support in RestfulX by changing the following
+# option to true. By default distribution is disabled.
+distributed: <%= distributed %>
+# These options control code-generation options for view components, Flex and Rails models and so on.
+# Allowing you to choose what controller patterns, layouts, attachment plugin you want to use, etc.
+defaults: &defaults
+ attachment_plugin: 'paperclip' # => paperclip/attachment_fu
+ controller_pattern: 'default' # => default/resource_controller
+ layouts:
+ default: 'default' # => default (more coming soon)
+ ignored: # => ignored tables/fields won't appear in model.yml
+ tables: [table1 table2]
+ fields: [field1 field2]
+# set up specific options for development environment
+ <<: *defaults
+# set up specific options for test environment
+ <<: *defaults
+# set up specific options for production environment
+ <<: *defaults
+# The following special model.yml fields are supported.
+# For example:
+# attachment_field: [avatar]
+# * arg takes Paperclip field name, or takes [uploaded_data] for Attachment_Fu
+# belongs_to: [account, profile]
+# has_many: [announcements, files, folders, users]
+# has_many_through: [permissions, roles]
+# * has_many :roles, :through => :permissions
+# has_one: [suitcase]
+# polymorphic: [commentable]
+# tree_model: [parent]
+# layout: [default]
+# * default template is the only current theme, with more coming soon
+# ignored_fields: [children_count, ancestors_count, descendants_count, position]
+# * specify fields you don't want generated for your template
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