example/multi.rb in rest-more-1.0.2 vs example/multi.rb in rest-more-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,17 @@
require 'rest-more'
-require 'eventmachine'
-RestCore::EmHttpRequest # there might be a autoload bug?
- # omitting this line would cause
- # stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
-RestCore::Builder.default_app = RestCore::Auto
-facebook = RestCore::Facebook.new(:log_method => method(:puts))
+facebook = RC::Facebook.new(:log_method => method(:puts))
+puts "rest-client with threads doing concurrent requests"
+a = [facebook.get('4'), facebook.get('5')]
+puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
+p a.map{ |r| r['name'] } # here we want the values, so it blocks here
+puts "DONE"
- Fiber.new{
- fiber = Fiber.current
- result = {}
- facebook.get('4'){ |response|
- result[0] = response
- fiber.resume(result) if result.size == 2
- }
- puts "It's not blocking..."
- facebook.get('4'){ |response|
- result[1] = response
- fiber.resume(result) if result.size == 2
- }
- p Fiber.yield
- EM.stop
- }.resume
- puts "It's not blocking..."
+puts "callback also works"
+facebook.get('6'){ |r|
+ p r['name']
+puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
+facebook.wait # we block here to wait for the request done
+puts "DONE"