README.markdown in resque-cleaner-0.0.1 vs README.markdown in resque-cleaner-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,223 @@
-Resque-Cleaner is a Resque plugin which helps you to deal with failure jobs.
-(This README will be update in days.)
+ResqueCleaner is a [Resque]( plugin which
+helps you to deal with failed jobs of Resque by:
+* Showing stats of failed jobs
+* Retrying failed jobs
+* Removing failed jobs
+* Filtering failed jobs
+Although ResqueCleaner hasn't integrated with Resque's web-based interface yet,
+it is pretty easy to use on irb(console).
+Install as a gem:
+ $ gem install resque-cleaner
+**Create Instance**
+ > cleaner =
+**Show Stats**
+Shows stats of failed jobs grouped by date.
+ > cleaner.stats_by_date
+ 2009/03/13: 6
+ 2009/11/13: 14
+ 2010/08/13: 22
+ total: 42
+ => {'2009/03/10' => 6, ...}
+You could also group them by class.
+ > cleaner.stats_by_class
+ BadJob: 3
+ HorribleJob: 7
+ total: 10
+ => {'BadJob' => 3, ...}
+You can get the ones filtered with a block: it targets only jobs which the block
+evaluetes true. e.g. Show stats only of jobs entried with some arguments.
+ > cleaner.stats_by_date{|job| job["payload"]["args"].size > 0}
+ 2009/03/13: 3
+ 2009/11/13: 7
+ 2010/08/13: 11
+ total: 22
+ => {'2009/03/10' => 3, ...}
+**Retry(Requeue) Jobs**
+You can retry all failed jobs with this method.
+ > cleaner.requeue
+Of course, you can filter jobs with a block; it requeues only jobs which the
+block evaluates true. e.g. Retry only jobs with some arguments.
+ > cleaner.requeue{ |job| job["payload"]["args"].size > 0}
+The job hash is extended with a module which defines some useful methods. You
+can use it in the blcok. e.g. Retry only jobs entried within a day.
+ > cleaner.requeue {|j| j.after?(}
+e.g. Retry EmailJob entried with arguments within 3 days:
+ > cleaner.requeue {|j| j["payload"]["args"]>0 && j.after?(3.days.ago) && j.klass?(EmailJob)}
+See Helper Methods bellow for more.
+is not in standard library. It is equivalent to ` - 60*60*24*3`.
+**Clear Jobs**
+You can clear all failed jobs with this method.
+ > cleaner.clear
+Like you can do with the retry method, the clear metod takes a block. Here are
+some examples:
+ > cleaner.clear {|j| j.retried?}
+ => clears all jobs already retried and returns number of the jobs.
+ > cleaner.clear {|j| j.queue?(:low) && j.before?('2010-10-10')}
+ => clears all jobs entried in :low queue before 10th October, 2010.
+ > cleaner.clear {|j| j["exception"]=="RuntimeError" && j.queue?(:low)}
+ => clears all jobs raised RuntimeError and queued :low queue
+**Retry and Clear Jobs**
+You can retry(requeue) and clear failed jobs at the same time; just pass true
+as an argument. e.g. Retry EmailJob and remove from failed jobs.
+ > cleaner.requeue(true) {|j| j.klass?(EmailJob)}
+**Select Jobs**
+You can just select the jobs of course. Here are some examples:
+ > {|j| j["exception"]=="RuntimeError"}
+ > {|j| j.after?(2.days.ago)}
+ > #=> returns all jobs
+**Helper Methods**
+Here is a list of methods a job extended.
+ retried?: returns true if the job has already been retried.
+ requeued?: alias of retried?.
+ before?(time): returns true if the job failed before the time.
+ after?(time): returns true if the job failed after the time.
+ klass?(klass_or_name): returns true if the class of job matches.
+ queue?(queue_name): returns true if the queue of job matches.
+Failed Job
+I show a sample of failed job here; it might help you when you write a block for
+filtering failed jobs.
+ {"failed_at": "2009/03/13 00:00:00",
+ "payload": {"args": ["Johnson"], "class": "BadJob"},
+ "queue": "jobs",
+ "worker": "localhost:7327:jobs,jobs2",
+ "exception": "RuntimeError",
+ "error": "Bad job, Johnson",
+ "backtrace":
+ ["./test/test_helper.rb:108:in `perform'",
+ "/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/resque-1.10.0/lib/resque/job.rb:133:in `perform'",
+ "/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/resque-1.10.0/lib/resque/worker.rb:157:in `perform'",
+ "/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/resque-1.10.0/lib/resque/worker.rb:124:in `work'",
+ "....(omitted)....",
+ "./test/test_helper.rb:41",
+ "test/resque_cleaner_test.rb:3"]
+ }
+ResqueCleaner expects a disaster situation like a huge number of failed jobs are
+out there. Since ResqueCleaner's filter function is running on your application
+process but on your Redis, it would not respond ages if you try to deal with all
+of those jobs.
+ResqueCleaner supposes recent jobs are more important than old jobs. Therefore
+ResqueCleaner deals with **ONLY LAST X(default=1000)** jobs. In that way, you
+don't have to worry that your block for filtering might be stuck. You can change
+its setting through `limiter` attribute. I will show you how it works with a
+sample situation.
+**Sample Situation**
+* Number of failed jobs: 100,000
+Default limiter is 1000 so that it returns 1000 as a count.
+ > cleaner.limiter.count
+ => 1,000
+ > cleaner.failure.count
+ => 100,000
+You could know if the limiter is on with on? method.
+ > cleaner.limiter.on?
+ => true
+You can change the maximum number of the limiter with maximum attribute.
+ > cleaner.limiter.maxmum = 3000
+ => 3,000
+ > cleaner.limiter.count
+ => 3,000
+ > cleaner.limiter.on?
+ => true
+With limiter, ResqueClener's filtering targets only the last X(3000 in this
+sampe) failed jobs.
+ >
+ => 3,000
+The clear\_stale method deletes all jobs entried prior to the last X(3000 in
+this sample) failed jobs. This calls Redis API and no iteration occurs on Ruby
+application; it should be quick even if there are huge number of failed jobs.
+ > cleaner.clear_stale
+ > cleaner.failure.count
+ => 3,000
+ > cleaner.limiter.count
+ => 3,000
+ > cleaner.limiter.on?
+ => false
+* Integration with Resque's sinatra based front end.
+* More stats.
+Any suggestion or idea are welcomed.