spec/publish_spec.rb in resque-bus-0.2.7 vs spec/publish_spec.rb in resque-bus-0.2.8
- old
+ new
@@ -42,7 +42,34 @@
val = ResqueBus.redis.lpop("queue:resquebus_incoming")
hash = JSON.parse(val)
hash["class"].should == "ResqueBus::Driver"
hash["args"].should == [ {"bus_event_type" => event_name, "two"=>"here", "one"=>1}.merge(bus_attrs).merge("bus_id" => 'app-given') ]
+ it "should set the timezone and locale if available" do
+ defined?(I18n).should be_nil
+ Time.respond_to?(:zone).should be_false
+ stub_const("I18n", Class.new)
+ I18n.should_receive(:locale).and_return("jp")
+ Time.should_receive(:zone).and_return(double('zone', :name => "EST"))
+ hash = {:one => 1, "two" => "here", "bus_id" => "app-given" }
+ event_name = "event_name"
+ val = ResqueBus.redis.lpop("queue:resquebus_incoming")
+ val.should == nil
+ ResqueBus.publish(event_name, hash)
+ val = ResqueBus.redis.lpop("queue:resquebus_incoming")
+ hash = JSON.parse(val)
+ hash["class"].should == "ResqueBus::Driver"
+ att = hash["args"].first
+ att["bus_locale"].should == "jp"
+ att["bus_timezone"].should == "EST"
+ end