app/models/import.rb in reso- vs app/models/import.rb in reso-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
class Import < ActiveRecord::Base
+ require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'open_uri_redirections'
before_save :set_import_format
belongs_to :import_format
@@ -32,6 +33,103 @@
def new_source_data_exists?
self.source_data_modified.eql? self.source_url_last_modified ? false : true
+ def run_import
+ if self.status == 'active'
+ unless self.new_source_data_exists?
+ self.update_attribute(:status, :running)
+ source_data_modified = self.source_url_last_modified
+ l, count, found_listing_keys, stream = 0, 0, [], ''
+ open_tag, close_tag = get_open_and_closing_tag_for self.repeating_element
+ # Grab a file to work with
+ filepath = download_feed_to_import self
+ filepath = uncompress_and_return_new_filepath(filepath) if filepath.split('.').last.downcase == 'gz'
+ # Grab the XML header to avoid namespace errors later
+ xml_header = get_xml_header filepath, self.repeating_element
+ start_time =
+ import_result = ImportResult.create(import: self, start_time: start_time)
+ File.foreach(filepath) do |line|
+ stream += line
+ while (from_here = stream.index(open_tag)) && (to_there = stream.index(close_tag))
+ xml = stream[from_here..to_there + (close_tag.length-1)]
+ doc = Nokogiri::XML([xml_header, xml].join).remove_namespaces!
+ found_listing_keys << create_queued_listing_and_return_listing_key(doc, self)
+ stream.gsub!(xml, '')
+ end
+ end
+ end_time =
+ removed_listing_keys = self.remove_listings_not_present(found_listing_keys)
+ import_result.assign_attributes({
+ end_time: end_time,
+ found_listing_keys: found_listing_keys,
+ removed_listing_keys: removed_listing_keys.inspect
+ })
+ self.update_attribute(:status, :active)
+ self.update_attribute(:source_data_modified, source_data_modified)
+ File.delete(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def download_feed_to_import import
+ filename = import.source_url.split('/').last
+ filepath = Rails.root.join('tmp', filename).to_s
+ File.delete(filepath) if File.file? filepath
+ open(filepath, 'wb') do |file|
+ file << open(import.source_url,
+ http_basic_authentication: [import.source_user, import.source_pass],
+ allow_redirections: :all
+ ).read
+ end
+ filepath
+ end
+ def get_open_and_closing_tag_for repeating_element
+ ApplicationController.helpers.content_tag(repeating_element, "\n").split
+ end
+ def get_xml_header filepath, repeating_element
+ stream = ''
+ open_tag = get_open_and_closing_tag_for(repeating_element).first
+ File.foreach(filepath) do |line|
+ stream += line
+ pos = stream.index(open_tag)
+ return stream[0..pos-1] if pos
+ end
+ nil # Just in cases
+ end
+ def create_queued_listing_and_return_listing_key doc, import
+ begin
+ doc.css(import.repeating_element).each do |o|
+ listing_data = {}
+ Hash.from_xml(o.to_xml)[import.repeating_element].each_pair{|key, value| listing_data[key] = value }
+ queued_listing = import, listing_data: listing_data)
+ return Mapper::unique_identifier(queued_listing)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts e.inspect
+ exit if Rails.env.development?
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ def uncompress_and_return_new_filepath filepath
+ output_path = [filepath, '.xml'].join
+ File.delete(output_path) if File.file? output_path
+ do |gz|
+, "w") do |g|
+ IO.copy_stream(gz, g)
+ end
+ end
+ File.delete(filepath)
+ output_path
+ end