lib/rerun/options.rb in rerun-0.11.0 vs lib/rerun/options.rb in rerun-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,119 +1,142 @@
-require 'optparse'
-require 'pathname'
-require 'rerun/watcher'
-libdir = "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))}"
-$spec = Gem::Specification.load(File.join(libdir, "..", "rerun.gemspec"))
-module Rerun
- class Options
- DEFAULT_PATTERN = "**/*.{rb,js,coffee,css,scss,sass,erb,html,haml,ru,yml,slim,md,feature}"
- DEFAULT_DIRS = ["."]
- :pattern => DEFAULT_PATTERN,
- :signal => "TERM",
- :notify => true,
- :name => Pathname.getwd.basename.to_s.capitalize,
- :ignore => [],
- :dir => DEFAULT_DIRS
- }
- def self.parse args = ARGV
- default_options = DEFAULTS.dup
- options = {
- ignore: []
- }
- opts ="", 24, ' ') do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: rerun [options] [--] cmd"
- opts.separator ""
- opts.separator "Launches an app, and restarts it when the filesystem changes."
- opts.separator "See for more info."
- opts.separator "Version: #{$spec.version}"
- opts.separator ""
- opts.separator "Options:"
- opts.on("-d dir", "--dir dir", "directory to watch, default = \"#{DEFAULT_DIRS}\". Specify multiple paths with ',' or separate '-d dir' option pairs.") do |dir|
- elements = dir.split(",")
- options[:dir] = (options[:dir] || []) + elements
- end
- # todo: rename to "--watch"
- opts.on("-p pattern", "--pattern pattern", "file glob to watch, default = \"#{DEFAULTS[:pattern]}\"") do |pattern|
- options[:pattern] = pattern
- end
- opts.on("-i pattern", "--ignore pattern", "file glob to ignore (can be set many times). To ignore a directory, you must append '/*' e.g. --ignore 'coverage/*'") do |pattern|
- options[:ignore] += [pattern]
- end
- opts.on("-s signal", "--signal signal", "terminate process using this signal, default = \"#{DEFAULTS[:signal]}\"") do |signal|
- options[:signal] = signal
- end
- opts.on("-r", "--restart", "expect process to restart itself (uses the HUP signal unless overridden using --signal)") do |signal|
- options[:restart] = true
- default_options[:signal] = "HUP"
- end
- opts.on("-c", "--clear", "clear screen before each run") do
- options[:clear] = true
- end
- opts.on("-x", "--exit", "expect the program to exit. With this option, rerun checks the return value; without it, rerun checks that the process is running.") do |dir|
- options[:exit] = true
- end
- opts.on("-b", "--background", "disable on-the-fly commands, allowing the process to be backgrounded") do
- options[:background] = true
- end
- opts.on("-n name", "--name name", "name of app used in logs and notifications, default = \"#{DEFAULTS[:name]}\"") do |name|
- options[:name] = name
- end
- opts.on("--no-growl", "don't use growl [OBSOLETE]") do
- options[:growl] = false
- $stderr.puts "--no-growl is obsolete; use --no-notify instead"
- return
- end
- opts.on("--[no-]notify [notifier]", "send messages through growl (requires growlnotify) or osx (requires terminal-notifier gem)") do |notifier|
- notifier = true if notifier.nil?
- options[:notify] = notifier
- end
- opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "--usage", "show this message") do
- puts opts
- return
- end
- opts.on_tail("--version", "show version") do
- puts $spec.version
- return
- end
- opts.on_tail ""
- opts.on_tail "On top of --pattern and --ignore, we ignore any changes to files and dirs starting with a dot."
- end
- if args.empty?
- puts opts
- nil
- else
- opts.parse! args
- default_options[:cmd] = args.join(" ")
- options = default_options.merge(options)
- options
- end
- end
- end
+require 'optparse'
+require 'pathname'
+require 'rerun/watcher'
+require 'rerun/system'
+libdir = "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))}"
+$spec = Gem::Specification.load(File.join(libdir, "..", "rerun.gemspec"))
+module Rerun
+ class Options
+ extend Rerun::System
+ # If you change the default pattern, please update the file -- the list appears twice therein, which at the time of this comment are lines 17 and 119
+ DEFAULT_PATTERN = "**/*.{rb,js,coffee,css,scss,sass,erb,html,haml,ru,yml,slim,md,feature,c,h}"
+ DEFAULT_DIRS = ["."]
+ :pattern => DEFAULT_PATTERN,
+ :signal => (windows? ? "TERM,KILL" : "TERM,INT,KILL"),
+ :wait => 2,
+ :notify => true,
+ :quiet => false,
+ :verbose => false,
+ :name => Pathname.getwd.basename.to_s.capitalize,
+ :ignore => [],
+ :dir => DEFAULT_DIRS,
+ :force_polling => false,
+ }
+ def self.parse args = ARGV
+ default_options = DEFAULTS.dup
+ options = {
+ ignore: []
+ }
+ opts ="", 24, ' ') do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: rerun [options] [--] cmd"
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.separator "Launches an app, and restarts it when the filesystem changes."
+ opts.separator "See for more info."
+ opts.separator "Version: #{$spec.version}"
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.separator "Options:"
+ opts.on("-d dir", "--dir dir", "directory to watch, default = \"#{DEFAULT_DIRS}\". Specify multiple paths with ',' or separate '-d dir' option pairs.") do |dir|
+ elements = dir.split(",")
+ options[:dir] = (options[:dir] || []) + elements
+ end
+ # todo: rename to "--watch"
+ opts.on("-p pattern", "--pattern pattern", "file glob to watch, default = \"#{DEFAULTS[:pattern]}\"") do |pattern|
+ options[:pattern] = pattern
+ end
+ opts.on("-i pattern", "--ignore pattern", "file glob to ignore (can be set many times). To ignore a directory, you must append '/*' e.g. --ignore 'coverage/*'") do |pattern|
+ options[:ignore] += [pattern]
+ end
+ opts.on("-s signal", "--signal signal", "terminate process using this signal. To try several signals in series, use a comma-delimited list. Default: \"#{DEFAULTS[:signal]}\"") do |signal|
+ options[:signal] = signal
+ end
+ opts.on("-w sec", "--wait sec", "after asking the process to terminate, wait this long (in seconds) before either aborting, or trying the next signal in series. Default: #{DEFAULTS[:wait]} sec")
+ opts.on("-r", "--restart", "expect process to restart itself, so just send a signal and continue watching. Uses the HUP signal unless overridden using --signal") do |signal|
+ options[:restart] = true
+ default_options[:signal] = "HUP"
+ end
+ opts.on("-x", "--exit", "expect the program to exit. With this option, rerun checks the return value; without it, rerun checks that the process is running.") do |dir|
+ options[:exit] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("-c", "--clear", "clear screen before each run") do
+ options[:clear] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("-b", "--background", "disable on-the-fly commands, allowing the process to be backgrounded") do
+ options[:background] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("-n name", "--name name", "name of app used in logs and notifications, default = \"#{DEFAULTS[:name]}\"") do |name|
+ options[:name] = name
+ end
+ opts.on("--force-polling", "use polling instead of a native filesystem scan (useful for Vagrant)") do
+ options[:force_polling] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("--no-growl", "don't use growl [OBSOLETE]") do
+ options[:growl] = false
+ $stderr.puts "--no-growl is obsolete; use --no-notify instead"
+ return
+ end
+ opts.on("--[no-]notify [notifier]", "send messages through a desktop notification application. Supports growl (requires growlnotify), osx (requires terminal-notifier gem), and notify-send on GNU/Linux (notify-send must be installed)") do |notifier|
+ notifier = true if notifier.nil?
+ options[:notify] = notifier
+ end
+ opts.on("-q", "--quiet", "don't output any logs") do
+ options[:quiet] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("--verbose", "log extra stuff like PIDs (unless you also specified `--quiet`") do
+ options[:verbose] = true
+ end
+ opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "--usage", "show this message") do
+ puts opts
+ return
+ end
+ opts.on_tail("--version", "show version") do
+ puts $spec.version
+ return
+ end
+ opts.on_tail ""
+ opts.on_tail "On top of --pattern and --ignore, we ignore any changes to files and dirs starting with a dot."
+ end
+ if args.empty?
+ puts opts
+ nil
+ else
+ opts.parse! args
+ default_options[:cmd] = args.join(" ")
+ options = default_options.merge(options)
+ options
+ end
+ end
+ end