tasks/request_log_analyzer.rake in request-log-analyzer-1.8.0 vs tasks/request_log_analyzer.rake in request-log-analyzer-1.8.1
- old
+ new
@@ -21,6 +21,108 @@
puts ""
IO.popen("request-log-analyzer #{Rails.configuration.log_path} --output HTML --file #{output_file}") { |io| $stdout << io.read }
+ # Split a single logfile into multiple multiple logfiles based on PID information
+ # provided in the log lines.
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ # rake rla:split_log FILE=logfile
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # $> rake rla:split_log FILE=log/development.log
+ # Splitting the Rails log file by pid using the request-log-analyzer gem.
+ #
+ # Log file was split into the following files:
+ # split_log_development.catchall.log # <- log lines without a pid
+ # split_log_development.14634.log
+ # split_log_development.31277.log
+ # split_log_development.31279.log
+ #
+ # To analyze type:
+ # request-log-analyzer /log/split_log_development.*.log
+ desc "Split a logfile into seperate files by PID"
+ task :split do
+ if ENV['FILE']
+ logfile = ENV['FILE']
+ if logfile.nil?
+ puts "Please provide a logfile to split"
+ exit(0)
+ elsif !File.exist?(logfile)
+ puts "the logfile name you provided can not be found"
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ # Inline class def. Ugly, yet portable.
+ class LogSplitter
+ attr_reader :files_by_pid, :catchall, :filename, :rla_call_string
+ # All generated files should contain this prefix to allow for easy glob file matches
+ PREFIX = 'split_log_'
+ # The logfile pattern that captures the pid, this will be log format specific. Using Logging::Logger
+ # we define: Logging::Layouts::Pattern(:pattern => "%d pid:%p [%c:%l] %m [%F:%L]\n")
+ # PID_PATTERN = Regexp.union(/.*\[(\d+)\]\:/, /pid:(\d+)/)
+ PID_PATTERN = /(?-mix:.*\[(\d+)\]\:)|(?-mix:pid:(\d+))/ #
+ # Currently expects the filename to exist in the local directory for ease of implementation
+ def initialize(filename_to_split)
+ @filename = filename_to_split
+ directory = File.dirname(@filename) + '/'
+ directory = '' if @directory == './'
+ basename = @filename.split('/').last.gsub('.log', '')
+ @rla_call_string = "#{directory}#{PREFIX}#{basename}.*.log"
+ @files_by_pid =
+ Hash.new {|hash, pid_key| hash[pid_key] = File.open("#{directory}#{PREFIX}#{basename}.#{pid_key}.log", 'w') }
+ @catchall = File.open("#{directory}#{PREFIX}#{basename}.catchall.log", 'w')
+ end
+ def split
+ last_pid = nil
+ File.open(filename, 'r') do |f|
+ while(line = f.gets)
+ outfile =
+ if match_data = line.match(PID_PATTERN)
+ pid = match_data.captures[0]
+ last_pid = pid
+ files_by_pid[pid]
+ elsif last_pid
+ # handle cases where a single log call results in multiple lines of output.
+ files_by_pid[last_pid]
+ else
+ catchall
+ end
+ outfile.puts line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def close_files
+ @files_by_pid.values.map(&:close)
+ @catchall.close
+ end
+ end
+ # End inline class def
+ puts "Splitting the Rails log file by pid using the request-log-analyzer gem."
+ log_splitter = LogSplitter.new(logfile)
+ log_splitter.split
+ log_splitter.close_files
+ puts ''
+ puts ''
+ puts 'Log file was split into the following files:'
+ puts ' ' + log_splitter.catchall.path
+ log_splitter.files_by_pid.values.each {|f| puts ' ' + f.path }
+ puts ''
+ puts 'To analyze type:'
+ puts " request-log-analyzer #{log_splitter.rla_call_string}"
+ puts ''
+ puts ''
+ end
+ end