tasks/github-gem.rake in request-log-analyzer-1.7.0 vs tasks/github-gem.rake in request-log-analyzer-1.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -125,20 +125,39 @@
task(:release_checks => checks)
release_tasks = [:release_checks, :set_version, :build, :github_release, :gemcutter_release]
# release_tasks << [:rubyforge_release] if gemspec.rubyforge_project
- desc "Release a new verison of the gem"
+ desc "Release a new version of the gem using the VERSION environment variable"
task(:release => release_tasks) { release_task }
+ namespace(:release) do
+ desc "Release the next version of the gem, by incrementing the last version segment by 1"
+ task(:next => [:next_version] + release_tasks) { release_task }
+ desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a bump increment (0.0.1)"
+ task(:bump => [:next_bump_version] + release_tasks) { release_task }
+ desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a minor increment (0.1.0)"
+ task(:minor => [:next_minor_version] + release_tasks) { release_task }
+ desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a major increment (1.0.0)"
+ task(:major => [:next_major_version] + release_tasks) { release_task }
+ end
# task(:check_rubyforge) { check_rubyforge_task }
# task(:rubyforge_release) { rubyforge_release_task }
task(:gemcutter_release) { gemcutter_release_task }
task(:github_release => [:commit_modified_files, :tag_version]) { github_release_task }
task(:tag_version) { tag_version_task }
task(:commit_modified_files) { commit_modified_files_task }
+ task(:next_version) { next_version_task }
+ task(:next_bump_version) { next_version_task(:bump) }
+ task(:next_minor_version) { next_version_task(:minor) }
+ task(:next_major_version) { next_version_task(:major) }
desc "Updates the gem release tasks with the latest version on Github"
task(:update_tasks) { update_tasks_task }
@@ -158,10 +177,36 @@
sh "gem build -q #{gemspec_file}"
Dir.mkdir('pkg') unless File.exist?('pkg')
sh "mv #{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}.gem pkg/#{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}.gem"
+ def newest_version
+ git.tags.map { |tag| tag.name.split('-').last }.compact.map { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) }.max || Gem::Version.new('0.0.0')
+ end
+ def next_version(increment = nil)
+ next_version = newest_version.segments
+ increment_index = case increment
+ when :micro then 3
+ when :bump then 2
+ when :minor then 1
+ when :major then 0
+ else next_version.length - 1
+ end
+ next_version[increment_index] ||= 0
+ next_version[increment_index] = next_version[increment_index].succ
+ ((increment_index + 1)...next_version.length).each { |i| next_version[i] = 0 }
+ Gem::Version.new(next_version.join('.'))
+ end
+ def next_version_task(increment = nil)
+ ENV['VERSION'] = next_version(increment).version
+ puts "Releasing version #{ENV['VERSION']}..."
+ end
# Updates the version number in the gemspec file, the VERSION constant in the main
# include file and the contents of the VERSION file.
def version_task
update_gemspec(:version, ENV['VERSION']) if ENV['VERSION']
update_gemspec(:date, Date.today)
@@ -171,12 +216,10 @@
def check_version_task
raise "#{ENV['VERSION']} is not a valid version number!" if ENV['VERSION'] && !Gem::Version.correct?(ENV['VERSION'])
proposed_version = Gem::Version.new(ENV['VERSION'] || gemspec.version)
- # Loads the latest version number using the created tags
- newest_version = git.tags.map { |tag| tag.name.split('-').last }.compact.map { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) }.max
- raise "This version (#{proposed_version}) is not higher than the highest tagged version (#{newest_version})" if newest_version && newest_version >= proposed_version
+ raise "This version (#{proposed_version}) is not higher than the highest tagged version (#{newest_version})" if newest_version >= proposed_version
# Checks whether the current branch is not diverged from the remote branch
def check_not_diverged_task
raise "The current branch is diverged from the remote branch!" if git.log.between('HEAD', git.remote(remote).branch(remote_branch).gcommit).any?