tasks/github-gem.rake in request-log-analyzer-1.2.3 vs tasks/github-gem.rake in request-log-analyzer-1.2.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,249 +1,256 @@
require 'rubygems'
-require 'rubyforge'
require 'rake'
require 'rake/tasklib'
require 'date'
+require 'git'
-module Rake
+module GithubGem
- class GithubGem < TaskLib
+ def self.detect_gemspec_file
+ FileList['*.gemspec'].first
+ end
+ def self.detect_main_include
+ if detect_gemspec_file =~ /^(\.*)\.gemspec$/ && File.exist?("lib/#{$1}.rb")
+ "lib/#{$1}.rb"
+ elsif FileList['lib/*.rb'].length == 1
+ FileList['lib/*.rb'].first
+ else
+ raise "Could not detect main include file!"
+ end
+ end
+ class RakeTasks
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_accessor :specification
- def self.define_tasks!
- gem_task_builder = Rake::GithubGem.new
- gem_task_builder.register_all_tasks!
- end
+ attr_reader :gemspec, :modified_files, :git
+ attr_accessor :gemspec_file, :task_namespace, :main_include, :root_dir, :spec_pattern, :test_pattern, :remote, :remote_branch, :local_branch
+ def initialize(task_namespace = :gem)
+ @gemspec_file = GithubGem.detect_gemspec_file
+ @task_namespace = task_namespace
+ @main_include = GithubGem.detect_main_include
+ @modified_files = []
+ @root_dir = Dir.pwd
+ @test_pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
+ @spec_pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb'
+ @local_branch = 'master'
+ @remote = 'origin'
+ @remote_branch = 'master'
+ yield(self) if block_given?
- def initialize
- reload_gemspec!
+ @git = Git.open(@root_dir)
+ load_gemspec!
+ define_tasks!
+ protected
+ def define_test_tasks!
+ require 'rake/testtask'
- def register_all_tasks!
- namespace(:gem) do
- desc "Updates the file lists for this gem"
- task(:manifest) { manifest_task }
- desc "Releases a new version of #{@name}"
- task(:build => [:manifest]) { build_task }
- release_dependencies = [:check_clean_master_branch, :version, :build, :create_tag]
- release_dependencies.push 'doc:publish' if has_rdoc?
- release_dependencies.unshift 'test' if has_tests?
- release_dependencies.unshift 'spec' if has_specs?
- desc "Releases a new version of #{@name}"
- task(:release => release_dependencies) { release_task }
- # helper task for releasing
- task(:check_clean_master_branch) { verify_clean_status('master') }
- task(:check_version) { verify_version(ENV['VERSION'] || @specification.version) }
- task(:version => [:check_version]) { set_gem_version! }
- task(:create_tag) { create_version_tag! }
- end
- # Register RDoc tasks
- if has_rdoc?
- require 'rake/rdoctask'
- namespace(:doc) do
- desc 'Generate documentation for request-log-analyzer'
- Rake::RDocTask.new(:compile) do |rdoc|
- rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc'
- rdoc.title = @name
- rdoc.options += @specification.rdoc_options
- rdoc.rdoc_files.include(@specification.extra_rdoc_files)
- rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
- end
- desc "Publish RDoc files for #{@name} to Github"
- task(:publish => :compile) do
- sh 'git checkout gh-pages'
- sh 'git pull origin gh-pages'
- sh 'cp -rf doc/* .'
- sh "git commit -am \"Publishing newest RDoc documentation for #{@name}\""
- sh "git push origin gh-pages"
- sh "git checkout master"
- end
+ namespace(:test) do
+ Rake::TestTask.new(:basic) do |t|
+ t.pattern = test_pattern
+ t.verbose = true
+ t.libs << 'test'
+ desc "Run all unit tests for #{gemspec.name}"
+ task(:test => ['test:basic'])
+ end
- # Setup :spec task if RSpec files exist
- if has_specs?
- require 'spec/rake/spectask'
+ def define_rspec_tasks!
+ require 'spec/rake/spectask'
- desc "Run all specs for #{@name}"
- Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:spec) do |t|
- t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb']
+ namespace(:spec) do
+ desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{gemspec.name}"
+ Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:basic) do |t|
+ t.spec_files = FileList[spec_pattern]
+ desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{gemspec.name} and output specdoc"
+ Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:specdoc) do |t|
+ t.spec_files = FileList[spec_pattern]
+ t.spec_opts << '--format' << 'specdoc' << '--color'
+ end
+ desc "Run RCov on specs for #{gemspec.name}"
+ Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:rcov) do |t|
+ t.spec_files = FileList[spec_pattern]
+ t.rcov = true
+ t.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', '"spec/*,gems/*"', '--rails']
+ end
- # Setup :test task if unit test files exist
- if has_tests?
- require 'rake/testtask'
- desc "Run all unit tests for #{@name}"
- Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t|
- t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
- t.verbose = true
- t.libs << 'test'
- end
- end
+ desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{gemspec.name} and output specdoc"
+ task(:spec => ['spec:specdoc'])
- protected
+ # Defines the rake tasks
+ def define_tasks!
+ define_test_tasks! if has_tests?
+ define_rspec_tasks! if has_specs?
+ namespace(@task_namespace) do
+ desc "Updates the filelist in the gemspec file"
+ task(:manifest) { manifest_task }
+ desc "Builds the .gem package"
+ task(:build => :manifest) { build_task }
- def has_rdoc?
- @specification.has_rdoc
- end
+ desc "Sets the version of the gem in the gemspec"
+ task(:set_version => [:check_version, :check_current_branch]) { version_task }
+ task(:check_version => :fetch_origin) { check_version_task }
+ task(:fetch_origin) { fetch_origin_task }
+ task(:check_current_branch) { check_current_branch_task }
+ task(:check_clean_status) { check_clean_status_task }
+ task(:check_not_diverged => :fetch_origin) { check_not_diverged_task }
+ checks = [:check_current_branch, :check_clean_status, :check_not_diverged, :check_version]
+ checks.unshift('spec:basic') if has_specs?
+ checks.unshift('test:basic') if has_tests?
+ desc "Perform all checks that would occur before a release"
+ task(:release_checks => checks)
- def has_specs?
- Dir['spec/**/*_spec.rb'].any?
+ desc "Release a new verison of the gem"
+ task(:release => [:release_checks, :set_version, :build, :push_changes]) { release_task }
+ task(:push_changes => [:commit_modified_files, :tag_version]) { push_changes_task }
+ task(:tag_version) { tag_version_task }
+ task(:commit_modified_files) { commit_modified_files_task }
+ end
- def has_tests?
- Dir['test/**/*_test.rb'].any?
+ def manifest_task
+ # Load all the gem's files using "git ls-files"
+ repository_files = git.ls_files.keys
+ test_files = Dir[test_pattern] + Dir[spec_pattern]
+ update_gemspec(:files, repository_files)
+ update_gemspec(:test_files, repository_files & test_files)
- def reload_gemspec!
- raise "No gemspec file found!" if gemspec_file.nil?
- spec = File.read(gemspec_file)
- @specification = eval(spec)
- @name = specification.name
+ def build_task
+ sh "gem build -q #{gemspec_file}"
+ Dir.mkdir('pkg') unless File.exist?('pkg')
+ sh "mv #{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}.gem pkg/#{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}.gem"
- def run_command(command)
- lines = []
- IO.popen(command) { |f| lines = f.readlines }
- return lines
+ def version_task
+ update_gemspec(:version, ENV['VERSION']) if ENV['VERSION']
+ update_gemspec(:date, Date.today)
+ update_version_file(gemspec.version)
+ update_version_constant(gemspec.version)
- def git_modified?(file)
- return !run_command('git status').detect { |line| Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(file)) =~ line }.nil?
+ def check_version_task
+ raise "#{ENV['VERSION']} is not a valid version number!" if ENV['VERSION'] && !Gem::Version.correct?(ENV['VERSION'])
+ proposed_version = Gem::Version.new(ENV['VERSION'] || gemspec.version)
+ # Loads the latest version number using the created tags
+ newest_version = git.tags.map { |tag| tag.name.split('-').last }.compact.map { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) }.max
+ raise "This version (#{proposed_version}) is not higher than the highest tagged version (#{newest_version})" if newest_version && newest_version >= proposed_version
- def git_commit_file(file, message, branch = nil)
- verify_current_branch(branch) unless branch.nil?
- if git_modified?(file)
- sh "git add #{file}"
- sh "git commit -m \"#{message}\""
- else
- raise "#{file} is not modified and cannot be committed!"
- end
+ def check_not_diverged_task
+ raise "The current branch is diverged from the remote branch!" if git.log.between('HEAD', git.branches["#{remote}/#{remote_branch}"].gcommit).any?
- def git_create_tag(tag_name, message)
- sh "git tag -a \"#{tag_name}\" -m \"#{message}\""
+ def check_clean_status_task
+ raise "The current working copy contains modifications" if git.status.changed.any?
- def git_push(remote = 'origin', branch = 'master', options = [])
- verify_clean_status(branch)
- options_str = options.map { |o| "--#{o}"}.join(' ')
- sh "git push #{options_str} #{remote} #{branch}"
+ def check_current_branch_task
+ raise "Currently not on #{local_branch} branch!" unless git.branch.name == local_branch.to_s
- def gemspec_version=(new_version)
- spec = File.read(gemspec_file)
- spec.gsub!(/^(\s*s\.version\s*=\s*)('|")(.+)('|")(\s*)$/) { "#{$1}'#{new_version}'#{$5}" }
- spec.gsub!(/^(\s*s\.date\s*=\s*)('|")(.+)('|")(\s*)$/) { "#{$1}'#{Date.today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'#{$5}" }
- File.open(gemspec_file, 'w') { |f| f << spec }
- reload_gemspec!
+ def fetch_origin_task
+ git.fetch('origin')
- def gemspec_date=(new_date)
- spec = File.read(gemspec_file)
- spec.gsub!(/^(\s*s\.date\s*=\s*)('|")(.+)('|")(\s*)$/) { "#{$1}'#{new_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'#{$5}" }
- File.open(gemspec_file, 'w') { |f| f << spec }
- reload_gemspec!
+ def commit_modified_files_task
+ if modified_files.any?
+ modified_files.each { |file| git.add(file) }
+ git.commit("Released #{gemspec.name} gem version #{gemspec.version}")
+ end
- def gemspec_file
- @gemspec_file ||= Dir['*.gemspec'].first
+ def tag_version_task
+ git.add_tag("#{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}")
- def verify_current_branch(branch)
- run_command('git branch').detect { |line| /^\* (.+)/ =~ line }
- raise "You are currently not working in the master branch!" unless branch == $1
+ def push_changes_task
+ git.push(remote, remote_branch, true)
- def verify_clean_status(on_branch = nil)
- sh "git fetch"
- lines = run_command('git status')
- raise "You don't have the most recent version available. Run git pull first." if /^\# Your branch is behind/ =~ lines[1]
- raise "You are currently not working in the #{on_branch} branch!" unless on_branch.nil? || (/^\# On branch (.+)/ =~ lines.first && $1 == on_branch)
- raise "Your master branch contains modifications!" unless /^nothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/ =~ lines.last
+ def release_task
+ puts
+ puts '------------------------------------------------------------'
+ puts "Released #{gemspec.name} version #{gemspec.version}"
- def verify_version(new_version)
- newest_version = run_command('git tag').map { |tag| tag.split(name + '-').last }.compact.map { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) }.max
- raise "This version number (#{new_version}) is not higher than the highest tagged version (#{newest_version})" if !newest_version.nil? && newest_version >= Gem::Version.new(new_version.to_s)
+ private
+ def has_specs?
+ FileList[spec_pattern].any?
- def set_gem_version!
- # update gemspec file
- self.gemspec_version = ENV['VERSION'] if Gem::Version.correct?(ENV['VERSION'])
- self.gemspec_date = Date.today
+ def has_tests?
+ FileList[test_pattern].any?
- def manifest_task
- verify_current_branch('master')
- list = Dir['**/*'].sort
- list -= [gemspec_file]
- if File.exist?('.gitignore')
- File.read('.gitignore').each_line do |glob|
- glob = glob.chomp.sub(/^\//, '')
- list -= Dir[glob]
- list -= Dir["#{glob}/**/*"] if File.directory?(glob) and !File.symlink?(glob)
- end
- end
- # update the spec file
- spec = File.read(gemspec_file)
- spec.gsub! /^(\s* s.(test_)?files \s* = \s* )( \[ [^\]]* \] | %w\( [^)]* \) )/mx do
- assignment = $1
- bunch = $2 ? list.grep(/^(test.*_test\.rb|spec.*_spec.rb)$/) : list
- '%s%%w(%s)' % [assignment, bunch.join(' ')]
- end
- File.open(gemspec_file, 'w') { |f| f << spec }
- reload_gemspec!
- end
- def build_task
- sh "gem build #{gemspec_file}"
- Dir.mkdir('pkg') unless File.exist?('pkg')
- sh "mv #{name}-#{specification.version}.gem pkg/#{name}-#{specification.version}.gem"
+ # Loads the gemspec file
+ def load_gemspec!
+ @gemspec = eval(File.read(@gemspec_file))
- def install_task
- raise "#{name} .gem file not found" unless File.exist?("pkg/#{name}-#{specification.version}.gem")
- sh "gem install pkg/#{name}-#{specification.version}.gem"
+ # Updates the VERSION file with the new version
+ def update_version_file(version)
+ if File.exists?('VERSION')
+ File.open('VERSION', 'w') { |f| f << version.to_s }
+ modified_files << 'VERSION'
+ end
- def uninstall_task
- raise "#{name} .gem file not found" unless File.exist?("pkg/#{name}-#{specification.version}.gem")
- sh "gem uninstall #{name}"
- end
- def create_version_tag!
- # commit the gemspec file
- git_commit_file(gemspec_file, "Updated #{gemspec_file} for release of version #{@specification.version}") if git_modified?(gemspec_file)
- # create tag and push changes
- git_create_tag("#{@name}-#{@specification.version}", "Tagged version #{@specification.version}")
- git_push('origin', 'master', [:tags])
+ # Updates the VERSION constant in the main include file if it exists
+ def update_version_constant(version)
+ file_contents = File.read(main_include)
+ if file_contents.sub!(/^(\s+VERSION\s*=\s*)[^\s].*$/) { $1 + version.to_s.inspect }
+ File.open(main_include, 'w') { |f| f << file_contents }
+ modified_files << main_include
+ end
- def release_task
- puts
- puts '------------------------------------------------------------'
- puts "Released #{@name} - version #{@specification.version}"
+ # Updates an attribute of the gemspec file.
+ # This function will open the file, and search/replace the attribute using a regular expression.
+ def update_gemspec(attribute, new_value, literal = false)
+ unless literal
+ new_value = case new_value
+ when Array then "%w(#{new_value.join(' ')})"
+ when Hash, String then new_value.inspect
+ when Date then new_value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').inspect
+ else raise "Cannot write value #{new_value.inspect} to gemspec file!"
+ end
+ end
+ spec = File.read(gemspec_file)
+ regexp = Regexp.new('^(\s+\w+\.' + Regexp.quote(attribute.to_s) + '\s*=\s*)[^\s].*$')
+ if spec.sub!(regexp) { $1 + new_value }
+ File.open(gemspec_file, 'w') { |f| f << spec }
+ modified_files << gemspec_file
+ # Reload the gemspec so the changes are incorporated
+ load_gemspec!
+ end
\ No newline at end of file