lib/request_log_analyzer/aggregator/database.rb in request-log-analyzer-1.2.1 vs lib/request_log_analyzer/aggregator/database.rb in request-log-analyzer-1.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -14,42 +14,45 @@
# For every line type, a separate table will be created with a request_id field to point to
# the request record, and a field for every parsed value. Finally, a warnings table will be
# created to log all parse warnings.
class Database < Base
+ attr_reader :request_class, :request_count, :orm_module, :warning_class
# Establishes a connection to the database and creates the necessary database schema for the
# current file format
def prepare
- ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => options[:database])
+ initialize_orm_module!
+ establish_database_connection!
File.unlink(options[:database]) if File.exist?(options[:database]) # TODO: keep old database?
# Aggregates a request into the database
# This will create a record in the requests table and create a record for every line that has been parsed,
# in which the captured values will be stored.
def aggregate(request)
- @request_object = => request.first_lineno, :last_lineno => request.last_lineno)
+ @request_object = => request.first_lineno, :last_lineno => request.last_lineno)
request.lines.each do |line|
- class_columns = @orm_module.const_get("#{line[:line_type]}_line".classify).column_names.reject { |column| ['id'].include?(column) }
+ class_columns = orm_module.const_get("#{line[:line_type]}_line".classify).column_names.reject { |column| ['id'].include?(column) }
attributes = Hash[* { |(k, v)| class_columns.include?(k.to_s) }.flatten]
rescue SQLite3::SQLException => e
raise Interrupt, e.message
# Finalizes the aggregator by closing the connection to the database
def finalize
- @request_count = @orm_module::Request.count
- ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection
+ @request_count = orm_module::Request.count
+ remove_database_connection!
# Records w warining in the warnings table.
def warning(type, message, lineno)
- @orm_module::Warning.create!(:warning_type => type.to_s, :message => message, :lineno => lineno)
+ warning_class.create!(:warning_type => type.to_s, :message => message, :lineno => lineno)
# Prints a short report of what has been inserted into the database
def report(output)
output.title('Request database created')
@@ -61,50 +64,76 @@
output << "\n"
+ # Create a module and a default subclass of ActiveRecord::Base on which to establish the database connection
+ def initialize_orm_module!
+ # Create a Database module in the file format if it does not yet exists
+ file_format.class.const_set('Database', unless file_format.class.const_defined?('Database')
+ @orm_module = file_format.class.const_get('Database')
+ # Register the base activerecord class
+ unless orm_module.const_defined?('Base')
+ orm_base_class =
+ orm_base_class.abstract_class = true
+ orm_module.const_set('Base', orm_base_class)
+ end
+ end
+ # Established a connection with the database for this session
+ def establish_database_connection!
+ orm_module::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => options[:database])
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.class_eval("def self.connection; #{@orm_module.to_s}::Base.connection; end ")
+ end
+ def remove_database_connection!
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.class_eval("def self.connection; ActiveRecord::Base.connection; end ")
+ orm_module::Base.remove_connection
+ end
# This function creates a database table for a given line definition.
# It will create a field for every capture in the line, and adds a lineno field to indicate at
# what line in the original file the line was found, and a request_id to link lines related
# to the same request. It will also create an index in the request_id field to speed up queries.
- def create_database_table(name, definition)
- ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = options[:debug]
- ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table("#{name}_lines") do |t|
+ def create_database_table(definition)
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = options[:debug] # keep it down a notch please
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table("#{}_lines") do |t|
+ # Add default fields for every line type
t.column(:request_id, :integer)
t.column(:lineno, :integer)
definition.captures.each do |capture|
# Add a field for every capture
t.column(capture[:name], column_type(capture[:type]))
- # If the capture provides other field as well, create them too
- if capture[:provides].kind_of?(Hash)
- capture[:provides].each do |field, field_type|
- t.column(field, column_type(field_type))
- end
- end
+ # If the capture provides other field as well, create columns for them, too
+ capture[:provides].each { |field, field_type| t.column(field, column_type(field_type)) } if capture[:provides].kind_of?(Hash)
- ActiveRecord::Migration.add_index("#{name}_lines", [:request_id])
+ # Create an index on the request_id column to support faster querying
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.add_index("#{}_lines", [:request_id])
# Creates an ActiveRecord class for a given line definition.
# A subclass of ActiveRecord::Base is created and an association with the Request class is
# created using belongs_to / has_many. This association will later be used to create records
# in the corresponding table. This table should already be created before this method is called.
- def create_activerecord_class(name, definition)
- class_name = "#{name}_line".camelize
- klass =
+ def create_activerecord_class(definition)
+ class_name = "#{}_line".camelize
+ klass =
klass.send(:belongs_to, :request)
definition.captures.each do |capture|
klass.send(:serialize, capture[:name], Hash) if capture[:provides]
- @orm_module.const_set(class_name, klass) unless @orm_module.const_defined?(class_name)
- @request_class.send(:has_many, "#{name}_lines".to_sym)
+ orm_module.const_set(class_name, klass) unless orm_module.const_defined?(class_name)
+ request_class.send(:has_many, "#{}_lines".to_sym)
# Creates a requests table, in which a record is created for every request. It also creates an
# ActiveRecord::Base class to communicate with this table.
def create_request_table_and_class
@@ -112,12 +141,12 @@
ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table("requests") do |t|
t.integer :first_lineno
t.integer :last_lineno
- @orm_module.const_set('Request', unless @orm_module.const_defined?('Request')
- @request_class = @orm_module.const_get('Request')
+ orm_module.const_set('Request', unless orm_module.const_defined?('Request')
+ @request_class = orm_module.const_get('Request')
# Creates a warnings table and a corresponding Warning class to communicate with this table using ActiveRecord.
def create_warning_table_and_class
ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = options[:debug]
@@ -125,36 +154,31 @@
t.string :warning_type, :limit => 30, :null => false
t.string :message
t.integer :lineno
- @orm_module.const_set('Warning', unless @orm_module.const_defined?('Warning')
+ orm_module.const_set('Warning', unless orm_module.const_defined?('Warning')
+ @warning_class = orm_module.const_get('Warning')
# Creates the database schema and related ActiveRecord::Base subclasses that correspond to the
# file format definition. These ORM classes will later be used to create records in the database.
def create_database_schema!
- if file_format.class.const_defined?('Database')
- @orm_module = file_format.class.const_get('Database')
- else
- @orm_module = file_format.class.const_set('Database',
- end
file_format.line_definitions.each do |name, definition|
- create_database_table(name, definition)
- create_activerecord_class(name, definition)
+ create_database_table(definition)
+ create_activerecord_class(definition)
# Function to determine the column type for a field
# TODO: make more robust / include in file-format definition
def column_type(type_indicator)
case type_indicator
when :eval; :text
+ when :hash; :text
when :text; :text
when :string; :string
when :sec; :double
when :msec; :double
when :duration; :double