in representable-2.0.0.rc1 vs in representable-2.0.0.rc2
- old
+ new
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
## Relevant
* Removed class methods `::from_json`, `::from_hash`, `::from_yaml` and `::from_xml`. Please build the instance yourself and use something along ``.
* Inline representers in `Decorator` do *no longer inherit from `self`*. When defining an inline representer, they are always derived from `Representable::Decorator`. The base class can be changed by overriding `Decorator::default_inline_class` in the decorator class that defines an inline representer block.
If you need to inherit common methods to all inline decorators, include the module using `::feature`: `Representer.feature(BetterProperty)`.
+* You can now define methods in inline representers! The block is now `module_eval`ed and not `instance_exec`ed anymore. Same goes for Decorators, note that you need to `exec_context: :decorator`, though. Here, the block is `class_eval`ed.
* Removed behaviour for `instance: lambda { |*| nil }` which used to return `binding.get`. Simply do it yourself: `instance: lambda { |fragment, options| options.binding.get }` if you need this behaviour. If you use `:instance` and it returns `nil` it throws a `DeserializeError` now, which is way more understandable than `NoMethodError: undefined method `title=' for {"title"=>"Perpetual"}:Hash`.
* Remove behaviour for `class: lambda { nil }` which used to return the fragment. This now throws a `DeserializeError`. Do it yourself with class: lambda { |fragment,*| fragment }.
-* Coercion now happens inside `:render_filter` and `:parse_filter` (new!) and doesn't block `:getter` and `:setter` anymore.
- We require virtus >=1.0 now.
+* Coercion now happens inside `:render_filter` and `:parse_filter` (new!) and doesn't block `:getter` and `:setter` anymore. Also, we require virtus >=1.0 now.
* `::representation_wrap=` in now properly inherited.
* Including modules with representable `property .., inherit: true` into a `Decorator` crashed. This works fine now.
## New Stuff