spec/classes/grouping_spec.rb in reportable-1.2.0 vs spec/classes/grouping_spec.rb in reportable-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -74,10 +74,34 @@
Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:month).send(:to_sql, 'created_at').should == "strftime('%Y/%m', created_at)"
+ describe 'for MS SQL Server' do
+ before do
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stub!(:adapter_name).and_return('sqlserver')
+ end
+ it 'should output a format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00.0" for grouping :hour' do # string "%Y-%m-%d %h:00:00.0"
+ Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:hour).send(:to_sql, 'created_at').should == "DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,'1 Jan 1900',created_at), '1 Jan 1900'),created_at), DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,'1 Jan 1900',created_at), '1 Jan 1900'))"
+ end
+ it 'should output a format of "YYYY-MM-DD" for grouping :day' do
+ Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:day).send(:to_sql, 'created_at').should == "DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,'1 Jan 1900',created_at), '1 Jan 1900')"
+ end
+ it 'should output a format of "YYYY-WW" for grouping :week' do
+ Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:week).send(:to_sql, 'created_at').should == "LEFT(CONVERT(varchar,created_at,120), 4) + '-' + CAST(DATEPART(isowk,created_at) AS VARCHAR)"
+ end
+ it 'should output a format of "YYYY-MM-01" for grouping :month' do
+ Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:month).send(:to_sql, 'created_at').should == "DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,'1 Jan 1900',created_at), '1 Jan 1900')"
+ end
+ end
describe '#date_parts_from_db_string' do
describe 'for SQLite3' do
@@ -92,11 +116,11 @@
Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(grouping[0]).date_parts_from_db_string(grouping[1]).should == grouping[1].split('/').map(&:to_i)
- it 'should split the string with "-" and return teh calendar year and week for grouping :week' do
+ it 'should split the string with "-" and return the calendar year and week for grouping :week' do
db_string = '2008-2-1'
expected = [2008, 5]
Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:week).date_parts_from_db_string(db_string).should == expected
@@ -141,9 +165,32 @@
it 'should use the first 4 numbers for the year and the last 2 numbers for the week for grouping :week' do
db_string = '200852'
+ expected = [2008, 52]
+ Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:week).date_parts_from_db_string(db_string).should == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'for MS SQL Server' do
+ before do
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stub!(:adapter_name).and_return('sqlserver')
+ end
+ for grouping in [[:hour, '2008-12-31 12'], [:day, '2008-12-31'], [:month, '2008-12']] do
+ it "should split the string with '-' and ' ' for grouping :#{grouping[0].to_s}" do
+ Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(grouping[0]).date_parts_from_db_string(grouping[1]).should == grouping[1].split(/[- ]/).map(&:to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should use the first 4 numbers for the year and the last 2 numbers for the week for grouping :week' do
+ db_string = '2008-52'
expected = [2008, 52]
Saulabs::Reportable::Grouping.new(:week).date_parts_from_db_string(db_string).should == expected