Rakefile in remotipart-1.0.4 vs Rakefile in remotipart-1.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -4,17 +4,16 @@
require 'jeweler'
Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem|
gem.name = "remotipart"
- gem.summary = %Q{Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery.}
- gem.description = %Q{Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery.
+ gem.summary = %Q{Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jquery-rails.}
+ gem.description = %Q{Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jquery-rails.
This gem augments the native Rails 3 jQuery-UJS remote form function enabling asynchronous file uploads with little to no modification to your application.
gem.email = %w{greg@formasfunction.com steve@alfajango.com}
- gem.homepage = "http://www.alfajango.com/blog/remotipart-rails-gem/"
+ gem.homepage = "http://opensource.alfajango.com/remotipart/"
gem.authors = ["Greg Leppert", "Steve Schwartz"]
- gem.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda", ">= 0"
gem.version = Remotipart::Rails::VERSION
# gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for additional settings
rescue LoadError