lib/rackbox/rackbox.rb in remi-rackbox-1.1.0 vs lib/rackbox/rackbox.rb in remi-rackbox-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,85 @@
# To add blackbox testing to a Rails app,
# in your spec_helper.rb
# require 'rackbox'
# Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
# config.use_blackbox = true
# end
class RackBox
+ # i am an rdoc comment on RackBox's eigenclass
class << self
+ # to turn on some verbosity / logging, set:
+ # RackBox.verbose = true
+ attr_accessor :verbose
+ # A port of Merb's request() method, used in tests
+ #
+ # At the moment, we're using #req instead because #request conflicts
+ # with an existing RSpec-Rails method
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # req '/'
+ # req login_path
+ # req url_for(:controller => 'login')
+ #
+ # req '/', :method => :post, :params => { 'chunky' => 'bacon' }
+ #
+ # req '/', :data => "some XML data to POST"
+ #
+ # TODO take any additional options and pass them along to the environment, so we can say
+ # req '/', :user_agent => 'some custom user agent'
+ #
+ def req app_or_request, url, options = {}
+ puts "RackBox#request url:#{ url.inspect }, options:#{ options.inspect }" if RackBox.verbose
+ # need to find the request or app
+ mock_request = nil
+ if app_or_request.is_a? Rack::MockRequest
+ mock_request = app_or_request
+ elsif app_or_request.nil?
+ if
+ raise "Not sure howto to execute a request against app or request: #{ app_or_request.inspect }"
+ else
+ mock_request = # default to if nil
+ end
+ elsif app_or_request.respond_to? :call
+ mock_request =
+ else
+ raise "Not sure howto to execute a request against app or request: #{ app_or_request.inspect }"
+ end
+ options[:method] ||= ( options[:params] || options[:data] ) ? :post : :get # if params, default to POST, else default to GET
+ options[:params] ||= { }
+ if options[:data]
+ # input should be the data we're likely POSTing ... this overrides any params
+ input = options[:data]
+ else
+ # input should be params, if any
+ input = RackBox.build_query options[:params]
+ end
+ headers = options.dup
+ headers.delete :data if headers[:data]
+ headers.delete :params if headers[:params]
+ headers.delete :method if headers[:method]
+ # merge input
+ headers[:input] = input
+ puts " requesting #{ options[:method].to_s.upcase } #{ url.inspect } #{ headers.inspect }" if RackBox.verbose
+ mock_request.send options[:method], url, headers
+ end
+ alias request req unless defined? request
# the Rack appliction to do 'Black Box' testing against
# To set, in your spec_helper.rb or someplace:
# = :root => '/root/directory/of/rails/app', :environment => 'test'