features/push.feature in relish-0.0.1 vs features/push.feature in relish-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
Feature: Push
- As a Relish user
- In order to push my features to the Relish server
- I want to run the relish push command
+ In order to send my features to relishapp.com
+ As a Relish user dev
+ I want a push command
- Scenario: Push one feature file to a project
- Given pending
\ No newline at end of file
+ Background:
+ Given my API token "1234" is stored
+ Scenario: Specify everything at the command-line
+ When I run relish push --host localhost:1234 --project p
+ When it should POST to "http://localhost:1234/pushes?project_id=p&api_token=1234"