lib/relaton_iso/iso_bibliography.rb in relaton-iso-1.18.1 vs lib/relaton_iso/iso_bibliography.rb in relaton-iso-1.18.2
- old
+ new
@@ -4,208 +4,200 @@
require "relaton_iso/scrapper"
require "relaton_iso/hit_collection"
# require "relaton_iec"
module RelatonIso
- # Class methods for search ISO standards.
- class IsoBibliography
- class << self
- # @param text [String]
- # @return [RelatonIso::HitCollection]
- def search(text)
-"\u2013", "-")).fetch
- rescue SocketError, Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET,
- EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError,
- Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT,
- Algolia::AlgoliaUnreachableHostError => e
- raise RelatonBib::RequestError, e.message
- end
+ # Methods for search ISO standards.
+ module IsoBibliography
+ extend self
- # @param ref [String] the ISO standard Code to look up (e..g "ISO 9000")
- # @param year [String, NilClass] the year the standard was published
- # @param opts [Hash] options; restricted to :all_parts if all-parts
- # @option opts [Boolean] :all_parts if all-parts reference is required
- # @option opts [Boolean] :keep_year if undated reference should return
- # actual reference with year
- #
- # @return [RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem] Relaton XML serialisation of reference
- def get(ref, year = nil, opts = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity,Metrics/AbcSize
- code = ref.gsub("\u2013", "-")
+ # @param text [Pubid::Iso::Identifier, String]
+ # @return [RelatonIso::HitCollection]
+ def search(pubid, opts = {})
+ pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse(pubid) if pubid.is_a? String
+, opts).fetch
+ rescue SocketError, Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET,
+ EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError,
+ Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT,
+ Algolia::AlgoliaUnreachableHostError => e
+ raise RelatonBib::RequestError, e.message
+ end
- # parse "all parts" request
- code.sub! " (all parts)", ""
- opts[:all_parts] ||= $~ && opts[:all_parts].nil?
+ # @param ref [String] the ISO standard Code to look up (e..g "ISO 9000")
+ # @param year [String, NilClass] the year the standard was published
+ # @param opts [Hash] options; restricted to :all_parts if all-parts
+ # @option opts [Boolean] :all_parts if all-parts reference is required
+ # @option opts [Boolean] :keep_year if undated reference should return
+ # actual reference with year
+ #
+ # @return [RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem] Bibliographic item
+ def get(ref, year = nil, opts = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity,Metrics/AbcSize
+ code = ref.gsub("\u2013", "-")
- query_pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse(code)
- query_pubid.year = year if year
- query_pubid.part = nil if opts[:all_parts]
- Util.warn "(#{query_pubid}) Fetching from ..."
+ # parse "all parts" request
+ code.sub! " (all parts)", ""
+ opts[:all_parts] ||= $~ && opts[:all_parts].nil?
- hits, missed_year_ids = isobib_search_filter(query_pubid, opts)
- tip_ids = look_up_with_any_types_stages(hits, ref, opts)
+ query_pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse(code)
+ query_pubid.root.year = year.to_i if year&.respond_to?(:to_i)
+ Util.warn "(#{query_pubid}) Fetching from Relaton repository ..."
- ret = if !opts[:all_parts] || hits.size == 1
- hits.any? && hits.first.fetch(opts[:lang])
- else
- hits.to_all_parts(opts[:lang])
- end
+ hits, missed_year_ids = isobib_search_filter(query_pubid, opts)
+ tip_ids = look_up_with_any_types_stages(hits, ref, opts)
+ ret = hits.fetch_doc
+ return fetch_ref_err(query_pubid, missed_year_ids, tip_ids) unless ret
- return fetch_ref_err(query_pubid, missed_year_ids, tip_ids) unless ret
+ response_pubid = # .sub(" (all parts)", "")
+ Util.warn "(#{query_pubid}) Found: `#{response_pubid}`"
+ get_all = (query_pubid.root.year && opts[:keep_year].nil?) || opts[:keep_year] || opts[:all_parts]
+ return ret if get_all
- response_docid =" (all parts)", "")
- response_pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse(response_docid)
+ ret.to_most_recent_reference
+ rescue Pubid::Core::Errors::ParseError
+ Util.warn "(#{code}) Is not recognized as a standards identifier."
+ nil
+ end
- Util.warn "(#{query_pubid}) Found: `#{response_pubid}`"
+ # @param query_pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier]
+ # @param pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier]
+ # @param all_parts [Boolean] match with any parts when true
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def matches_parts?(query_pubid, pubid, all_parts: false)
+ # match only with documents with part number
+ return !pubid.part.nil? if all_parts
- get_all = (
- (query_pubid.year && opts[:keep_year].nil?) ||
- opts[:keep_year] ||
- opts[:all_parts]
- )
- return ret if get_all
+ query_pubid.part == pubid.part
+ end
- ret.to_most_recent_reference
- rescue Pubid::Core::Errors::ParseError
- Util.warn "(#{code}) Is not recognized as a standards identifier."
- nil
- end
+ #
+ # Matches base of query_pubid and pubid.
+ #
+ # @param [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] query_pubid pubid to match
+ # @param [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] pubid pubid to match
+ # @param [Boolean] any_types_stages match with any types and stages
+ #
+ # @return [<Type>] <description>
+ #
+ def matches_base?(query_pubid, pubid, any_types_stages: false) # rubocop:disable Metrics?PerceivedComplexity
+ return false unless pubid.respond_to?(:publisher)
- # @param query_pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier]
- # @param pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier]
- # @param all_parts [Boolean] match with any parts when true
- # @return [Boolean]
- def matches_parts?(query_pubid, pubid, all_parts: false)
- # match only with documents with part number
- return !pubid.part.nil? if all_parts
+ query_pubid.publisher == pubid.publisher &&
+ query_pubid.number == pubid.number &&
+ query_pubid.copublisher == pubid.copublisher &&
+ (any_types_stages || query_pubid.stage == pubid.stage) &&
+ (any_types_stages || query_pubid.is_a?(pubid.class))
+ end
- query_pubid.part == pubid.part
- end
+ # @param hit_collection [RelatonIso::HitCollection]
+ # @param year [String]
+ # @return [Array<RelatonIso::HitCollection, Array<String>>] hits and missed year IDs
+ def filter_hits_by_year(hit_collection, year)
+ missed_year_ids =
+ return [hit_collection, missed_year_ids] if year.nil?
- #
- # Matches base of query_pubid and pubid.
- #
- # @param [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] query_pubid pubid to match
- # @param [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] pubid pubid to match
- # @param [Boolean] any_types_stages match with any types and stages
- #
- # @return [<Type>] <description>
- #
- def matches_base?(query_pubid, pubid, any_types_stages: false) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics?PerceivedComplexity
- return false unless pubid.respond_to?(:publisher)
+ # filter by year
+ hits = do |hit|
+ hit.pubid.year ||= hit.hit[:year]
+ next true if check_year(year, hit)
- query_pubid.publisher == pubid.publisher &&
- query_pubid.number == pubid.number &&
- query_pubid.copublisher == pubid.copublisher &&
- (any_types_stages || query_pubid.stage == pubid.stage) &&
- (any_types_stages || query_pubid.is_a?(pubid.class))
+ missed_year_ids << hit.pubid.to_s if hit.pubid.year
+ false
- # @param hit_collection [RelatonIso::HitCollection]
- # @param year [String]
- # @return [Array<RelatonIso::HitCollection, Array<String>>] hits and missed year IDs
- def filter_hits_by_year(hit_collection, year)
- missed_year_ids =
- return [hit_collection, missed_year_ids] if year.nil?
+ [hits, missed_year_ids]
+ end
- # filter by year
- hits = do |hit|
- hit.pubid.year ||= hit.hit[:year]
- next true if check_year(year, hit)
+ private
- missed_year_ids << hit.pubid.to_s if hit.pubid.year
- false
- end
+ def check_year(year, hit) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
+ (hit.pubid.base.nil? && hit.pubid.year.to_s == year.to_s) ||
+ (!hit.pubid.base.nil? && hit.pubid.base.year.to_s == year.to_s) ||
+ (!hit.pubid.base.nil? && hit.pubid.year.to_s == year.to_s)
+ end
- [hits, missed_year_ids]
+ # @param pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] PubID with no results
+ def fetch_ref_err(pubid, missed_year_ids, tip_ids) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize
+ Util.warn "(#{pubid}) Not found."
+ if missed_year_ids.any?
+ ids = { |i| "`#{i}`" }.join(", ")
+ Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: No match for edition year #{pubid.year}, but matches exist for #{ids}."
- private
+ if tip_ids.any?
+ ids = { |i| "`#{i}`" }.join(", ")
+ Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: Matches exist for #{ids}."
+ end
- def check_year(year, hit) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
- (hit.pubid.base.nil? && hit.pubid.year.to_s == year.to_s) ||
- (!hit.pubid.base.nil? && hit.pubid.base.year.to_s == year.to_s) ||
- (!hit.pubid.base.nil? && hit.pubid.year.to_s == year.to_s)
+ if pubid.part
+ Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: If it cannot be found, the document may no longer be published in parts."
+ else
+ Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: If you wish to cite all document parts for the reference, " \
+ "use `#{pubid.to_s(format: :ref_undated)} (all parts)`."
- # @param pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] PubID with no results
- def fetch_ref_err(pubid, missed_year_ids, tip_ids) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize
- Util.warn "(#{pubid}) Not found."
+ nil
+ end
- if missed_year_ids.any?
- ids = { |i| "`#{i}`" }.join(", ")
- Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: No match for edition year " \
- "#{pubid.year}, but matches exist for #{ids}."
- end
+ def look_up_with_any_types_stages(hits, ref, opts)
+ return [] if hits.any? || !ref.match?(/^ISO[\/\s][A-Z]/)
- if tip_ids.any?
- ids = { |i| "`#{i}`" }.join(", ")
- Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: Matches exist for #{ids}."
- end
+ ref_no_type_stage = ref.sub(/^ISO[\/\s][A-Z]+/, "ISO")
+ pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse(ref_no_type_stage)
+ resp, = isobib_search_filter(pubid, opts, any_types_stages: true)
+ &:pubid
+ end
- if pubid.part
- Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: If it cannot be found, " \
- "the document may no longer be published in parts."
- else
- Util.warn "(#{pubid}) TIP: If you wish to cite " \
- "all document parts for the reference, use " \
- "`#{pubid.to_s(format: :ref_undated)} (all parts)`."
- end
+ #
+ # Search for hits. If no found then trying missed stages.
+ #
+ # @param query_pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] reference without correction
+ # @param opts [Hash]
+ # @param any_types_stages [Boolean] match with any stages
+ #
+ # @return [Array<RelatonIso::HitCollection, Array<String>>] hits and missed years
+ #
+ def isobib_search_filter(query_pubid, opts, any_types_stages: false)
+ hit_collection = search(query_pubid, opts)
- nil
- end
+ # filter only matching hits
+ filter_hits hit_collection, query_pubid, opts[:all_parts], any_types_stages
+ end
- def look_up_with_any_types_stages(hits, ref, opts) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
- found_ids = []
- return found_ids if hits.from_gh || hits.any? || !ref.match?(/^ISO[\/\s][A-Z]/)
- ref_no_type_stage = ref.sub(/^ISO[\/\s][A-Z]+/, "ISO")
- pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse(ref_no_type_stage)
- resp, = isobib_search_filter(pubid, opts, any_types_stages: true)
- &:pubid
+ #
+ # Filter hits by query_pubid.
+ #
+ # @param hit_collection [RelatonIso::HitCollection]
+ # @param query_pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier]
+ # @param all_parts [Boolean]
+ # @param any_types_stages [Boolean]
+ #
+ # @return [Array<RelatonIso::HitCollection, Array<String>>] hits and missed year IDs
+ #
+ def filter_hits(hit_collection, query_pubid, all_parts, any_types_stages)
+ # filter out
+ excludings = build_excludings(all_parts, any_types_stages)
+ no_year_ref = hit_collection.ref_pubid_no_year.exclude(*excludings)
+ result = do |i|
+ pubid_match?(i.pubid, query_pubid, excludings, no_year_ref) && !(all_parts && i.pubid.part.nil?)
- #
- # Search for hits. If no found then trying missed stages.
- #
- # @param query_pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] reference without correction
- # @param opts [Hash]
- # @param any_types_stages [Boolean] match with any stages
- #
- # @return [Array<RelatonIso::HitCollection, Array<String>>] hits and missed years
- #
- def isobib_search_filter(query_pubid, opts, any_types_stages: false) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
- query_pubid_without_year = query_pubid.dup
- # remove year for query
- query_pubid_without_year.year = nil
- hit_collection = search(query_pubid_without_year.to_s)
+ filter_hits_by_year(result, query_pubid.year)
+ end
- # filter only matching hits
- filter_hits hit_collection, query_pubid, opts[:all_parts],
- any_types_stages
- end
+ def build_excludings(all_parts, any_types_stages)
+ excludings = %i[year edition]
+ excludings += %i[type stage iteration] if any_types_stages
+ excludings << :part if all_parts
+ excludings
+ end
- #
- # Filter hits by query_pubid.
- #
- # @param hit_collection [RelatonIso::HitCollection]
- # @param query_pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier]
- # @param all_parts [Boolean]
- # @param any_stypes_tages [Boolean]
- #
- # @return [Array<RelatonIso::HitCollection, Array<String>>] hits and missed year IDs
- #
- def filter_hits(hit_collection, query_pubid, all_parts, any_stypes_tages) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
- # filter out
- result = do |i|
- hit_pubid = i.pubid
- matches_base?(query_pubid, hit_pubid,
- any_types_stages: any_stypes_tages) &&
- matches_parts?(query_pubid, hit_pubid, all_parts: all_parts) &&
- query_pubid.corrigendums == hit_pubid.corrigendums &&
- query_pubid.amendments == hit_pubid.amendments
- end
- filter_hits_by_year(result, query_pubid.year)
+ def pubid_match?(pubid, query_pubid, excludings, no_year_ref)
+ if pubid.is_a? String then pubid == query_pubid.to_s
+ else
+ pubid = pubid.dup
+ pubid.base = pubid.base.exclude(:year, :edition) if pubid.base
+ pubid.exclude(*excludings) == no_year_ref