in regexp-examples-0.5.4 vs in regexp-examples-0.6.0

- old
+ new

@@ -41,10 +41,11 @@ * Comment groups, e.g. `/foo(?#comment)bar/` * Control characters, e.g. `/\ca/`, `/\cZ/`, `/\C-9/` * Escape sequences, e.g. `/\x42/`, `/\x5word/`, `/#{"\x80".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")}/` * Unicode characters, e.g. `/\u0123/`, `/\uabcd/`, `/\u{789}/` * Octal characters, e.g. `/\10/`, `/\177/` +* POSIX bracket expressions (including negation), e.g. `/[[:alnum:]]/`, `/[[:^space:]]/` * **Arbitrarily complex combinations of all the above!** * Regexp options can also be used: * Case insensitive examples: `/cool/i.examples #=> ["cool", "cooL", "coOl", "coOL", ...]` * Multiline examples: `/./m.examples #=> ["\n", "a", "b", "c", "d"]` @@ -52,17 +53,16 @@ * Options toggling supported: `/before(?imx-imx)after/`, `/before(?imx-imx:subexpr)after/` ## Bugs and Not-Yet-Supported syntax * Nested character classes, and the use of set intersection ([See here]( for the official documentation on this.) For example: - * `/[[abc]]/.examples` (which _should_ return `["a", "b", "c"]`) + * `/[[abc]de]/.examples` (which _should_ return `["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]`) * `/[[a-d]&&[c-f]]/.examples` (which _should_ return: `["c", "d"]`) * Conditional capture groups, such as `/(group1) (?(1)yes|no)` Using any of the following will raise a RegexpExamples::UnsupportedSyntax exception (until such time as they are implemented!): -* POSIX bracket expressions, e.g. `/[[:alnum:]]/`, `/[[:space:]]/` * Named properties, e.g. `/\p{L}/` ("Letter"), `/\p{Arabic}/` ("Arabic character"), `/\p{^Ll}/` ("Not a lowercase letter") * Subexpression calls, e.g. `/(?<name> ... \g<name>* )/` (Note: These could get _really_ ugly to implement, and may even be impossible, so I highly doubt it's worth the effort!) There are loads more (increasingly obscure) unsupported bits of syntax, which I cannot be bothered to write out here. Full documentation on all the various other obscurities in the ruby (version 2.x) regexp parser can be found [here](