in regexp-examples-0.5.0 vs in regexp-examples-0.5.1

- old
+ new

@@ -37,20 +37,21 @@ * Including named groups, e.g. `/(?<name>group)/` * ...And backreferences(!!!), e.g. `/(this|that) \1/` `/(?<name>foo) \k<name>/` * Groups work fine, even if nested or optional e.g. `/(even(this(works?))) \1 \2 \3/`, `/what about (this)? \1/` * Non-capture groups, e.g. `/(?:foo)/` * Control characters, e.g. `/\ca/`, `/\cZ/`, `/\C-9/` -* Escape sequences, e.g. `/\x42/`, `/\x3D/`, `/\x5word/`, `/#{"\x80".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")}/` +* Escape sequences, e.g. `/\x42/`, `/\x5word/`, `/#{"\x80".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")}/` * Unicode characters, e.g. `/\u0123/`, `/\uabcd/`, `/\u{789}/` * **Arbitrarily complex combinations of all the above!** +* Regexp options can also be used: + * Case insensitive examples: `/cool/i.examples #=> ["cool", "cooL", "coOl", "coOL", ...]` + * Multiline examples: `/./m.examples(max_group_results: 999) #=> ["a", "b", "c", ..., "\n"]` + * Extended form examples: `/line1 #comment \n line2/x.examples #=> ["line1line2"]` + ## Bugs and Not-Yet-Supported syntax -* Other options (besides ingnorecase), will currently just be ignored, for example: - * `/white space/x.examples` will not strip out the whitespace from the pattern, i.e. this incorrectly returns `["white space"]` rather than `["whitespace"]` - * `/./m.examples(max_group_results: 999)` will not include `"\n"` - * Nested character classes, and the use of set intersection ([See here]( for the official documentation on this.) For example: * `/[[abc]]/.examples` (which _should_ return `["a", "b", "c"]`) * `/[[a-d]&&[c-f]]/.examples` (which _should_ return: `["c", "d"]`) * Extended groups are not yet supported, such as: @@ -58,16 +59,16 @@ * Conditional capture groups, such as `/(group1) (?(1)yes|no)` * Options toggling, i.e. `/(?imx)/`, `/(?-imx)/`, `/(?imx: re)/` and `/(?-imx: re)/` * The patterns: `/\10/` ... `/\77/` should match the octal representation of their character code, if there is no nth grouped subexpression. For example, `/\10/.examples` should return `["\x08"]`. Funnily enough, I did not think of this when writing my regexp parser. -There are loads more (increasingly obscure) unsupported bits of syntax, which I cannot be bothered to write out here. Full documentation on all the various other obscurities in the ruby (version 2.x) regexp parser can be found [here]( - Using any of the following will raise a RegexpExamples::UnsupportedSyntax exception (until such time as they are implemented!): * POSIX bracket expressions, e.g. `/[[:alnum:]]/`, `/[[:space:]]/` * Named properties, e.g. `/\p{L}/` ("Letter"), `/\p{Arabic}/` ("Arabic character"), `/\p{^Ll}/` ("Not a lowercase letter") * Subexpression calls, e.g. `/(?<name> ... \g<name>* )/` (Note: These could get _really_ ugly to implement, and may even be impossible, so I highly doubt it's worth the effort!) + +There are loads more (increasingly obscure) unsupported bits of syntax, which I cannot be bothered to write out here. Full documentation on all the various other obscurities in the ruby (version 2.x) regexp parser can be found [here]( ## Impossible features ("illegal syntax") The following features in the regex language can never be properly implemented into this gem because, put simply, they are not technically "regular"! If you'd like to understand this in more detail, there are many good blog posts out on the internet. The [wikipedia entry]('s not bad either.