in regexp-examples-0.3.1 vs in regexp-examples-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -12,26 +12,23 @@
## Usage
/a*/.examples #=> [''. 'a', 'aa']
-/b+/.examples #=> ['b', 'bb']
+/ab+/.examples #=> ['ab', 'abb', 'abbb']
/this|is|awesome/.examples #=> ['this', 'is', 'awesome']
-/foo-.{1,}-bar/.examples #=> ['foo-a-bar', 'foo-b-bar', 'foo-c-bar', 'foo-d-bar', 'foo-e-bar',
- # 'foo-aa-bar', 'foo-bb-bar', 'foo-cc-bar', 'foo-dd-bar', 'foo-ee-bar', 'foo-aaa-bar', 'foo-bbb-bar',
- # 'foo-ccc-bar', 'foo-ddd-bar', 'foo-eee-bar']
/https?:\/\/(www\.)?github\.com/.examples #=> ['',
# '', '', '']
/(I(N(C(E(P(T(I(O(N)))))))))*/.examples #=> ["", "INCEPTION", "INCEPTIONINCEPTION"]
/\x74\x68\x69\x73/.examples #=> ["this"]
/\u6829/.examples #=> ["цай"]
/what about (backreferences\?) \1/.examples #=> ['what about backreferences? backreferences?']
## Supported syntax
-* All forms of repeaters (quantifiers), e.g. `/a*/`, `/a+/`, `/a?/`, `/a{1,4}/`, `/a{3,}/`, `a{,2}`
+* All forms of repeaters (quantifiers), e.g. `/a*/`, `/a+/`, `/a?/`, `/a{1,4}/`, `/a{3,}/`, `/a{,2}/`
* Boolean "Or" groups, e.g. `/a|b|c/`
* Character sets (inluding ranges and negation!), e.g. `/[abc]/`, `/[A-Z0-9]/`, `/[^a-z]/`, `/[\w\s\b]/`
* Escaped characters, e.g. `/\n/`, `/\w/`, `/\D/` (and so on...)
* Non-capture groups, e.g. `/(?:foo)/`
* Capture groups, e.g. `/(group)/`
@@ -63,9 +60,19 @@
* Lookarounds, e.g. `/foo(?=bar)/`, `/foo(?!bar)/`, `/(?<=foo)bar/`, `/(?<!foo)bar/`
* [Anchors]( (`\b`, `\B`, `\G`, `^`, `\A`, `$`, `\z`, `\Z`), e.g. `/\bword\b/`, `/line1\n^line2/`
* However, a special case has been made to allow `^` and `\A` at the start of a pattern; and to allow `$`, `\z` and `\Z` at the end of pattern. In such cases, the characters are effectively just ignored.
(Note: Backreferences are not really "regular" either, but I got these to work with a bit of hackery!)
+## Known Bugs
+There are a few obscure bugs that have yet to be resolved:
+* Various (weird!) legal patterns do not get parsed correctly, such as `/[[wtf]]/.examples` - To solve this, I'll probably have to dig deep into the Ruby source code and imitate the actual Regex parser more closely.
+* Not all examples are shown for repeated groups, e.g. `/[ab]{2}/.examples` does not contain `"ab"` or `"ba"`. This is due to a flaw in the current parser design, and will be fixed in the next major release.
+* Similarly, examples like `/(a){2} \1/.examples #=> ["aa aa"]` do not quite work properly, as the backreference is saved as `"aa"`, rather than just `"a"`. This bug is closely related to the one above.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile: