test/reform_test.rb in reform-1.0.1 vs test/reform_test.rb in reform-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -55,10 +55,21 @@
let (:comp) { OpenStruct.new(:name => "Duran Duran", :title => "Rio") }
let (:form) { SongForm.new(comp) }
+ describe "::property" do
+ it "doesn't allow reserved names" do
+ assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ Class.new(Reform::Form) do
+ property :model
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe "::properties" do
subject do
Class.new(Reform::Form) do
properties [:name, :title]
@@ -293,21 +304,98 @@
hash.must_equal("country"=> "Germany")
-class OverridingAccessorsTest < MiniTest::Spec
+# TODO: formatter: lambda { |args| 1 }
+# to define reader for presentation layer (e.g. default value for #weight).
+class OverridingAccessorsTest < BaseTest
class SongForm < Reform::Form
- property :title
+ property :title, :presentation_accessors => true
def title=(v)
- super v.upcase
+ super v*2
+ def title
+ super.downcase
+ end
+ let (:song) { Song.new("Pray") }
+ subject { SongForm.new(song) }
- it "allows overriding accessors while keeping super" do
- form = SongForm.new(OpenStruct.new)
- form.validate("title" => "Hey Little World")
- form.title.must_equal "HEY LITTLE WORLD"
+ # override reader for presentation.
+ it { subject.title.must_equal "pray" }
+ # overridden writer only works when called explicitely.
+ it do
+ subject.title = "Swing Life Away"
+ subject.title.must_equal "swing life awayswing life away"
+ end
+ describe "#save" do
+ before { subject.validate("title" => "Hey Little World") }
+ # for presentation, always use overridden accessor
+ it { subject.title.must_equal "hey little world" }
+ # the reader is not used when saving/syncing.
+ it do
+ subject.save do |f, hash|
+ hash["title"].must_equal "Hey Little World"
+ end
+ end
+ # the reader is not used when saving/syncing.
+ it do
+ song.extend(Saveable)
+ subject.save
+ song.title.must_equal "Hey Little World"
+ end
+ end
+class OLDOverridingAccessorsTest < BaseTest # TODO: remove in 1.1
+ class SongForm < Reform::Form
+ property :title
+ def title=(v) # used in #validate.
+ super v*2
+ end
+ def title # used in #sync.
+ super.downcase
+ end
+ end
+ let (:song) { Song.new("Pray") }
+ subject { SongForm.new(song) }
+ # override reader for presentation.
+ it { subject.title.must_equal "pray" }
+ describe "#save" do
+ before { subject.validate("title" => "Hey Little World") }
+ # reader always used
+ it { subject.title.must_equal "hey little worldhey little world" }
+ # the reader is not used when saving/syncing.
+ it do
+ subject.save do |f, hash|
+ hash["title"].must_equal "hey little worldhey little world"
+ end
+ end
+ # reader and writer used when saving/syncing.
+ it do
+ song.extend(Saveable)
+ subject.save
+ song.title.must_equal "hey little worldhey little world"
+ end
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