lib/reform/form/active_model.rb in reform-0.1.2 vs lib/reform/form/active_model.rb in reform-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,31 +1,76 @@
module Reform::Form::ActiveModel
+ module FormBuilderMethods # TODO: rename to FormBuilderCompat.
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.class_eval do
+ extend ClassMethods # ::model_name
+ end
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ def property(name, options={})
+ add_nested_attribute_compat(name) if block_given? # TODO: fix that in Rails FB#1832 work.
+ super
+ end
+ private
+ # The Rails FormBuilder "detects" nested attributes (which is what we want) by checking existance of a setter method.
+ def add_nested_attribute_compat(name)
+ define_method("#{name}_attributes=") {} # this is why i hate respond_to? in Rails.
+ end
+ end
+ # Modify the incoming Rails params hash to be representable compliant.
+ def validate(params)
+ # DISCUSS: #validate should actually expect the complete params hash and then pick the right key as it knows the form name.
+ # however, this would cause confusion?
+ do |attr, model| # FIXME: make this simpler.
+ if attr.options[:form_collection] # FIXME: why no array?
+ params[] = params["#{}_attributes"].values
+ else
+ params[] = params["#{}_attributes"]# DISCUSS: delete old key? override existing?
+ end
+ end
+ super
+ end
+ end
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
extend ClassMethods
+ delegate [:persisted?, :to_key, :to_param, :id] => :model
+ def to_model # this is called somewhere in FormBuilder and ActionController.
+ self
+ end
module ClassMethods
+ # Set a model name for this form if the infered is wrong.
+ #
+ # class CoverSongForm < Reform::Form
+ # model :song
def model(main_model, options={})
- @model_options = [main_model, options] # FIXME: make inheritable!
- composition_model = options[:on] || main_model
- delegate composition_model, :to => :model # #song =>
- delegate :persisted?, :to_key, :to_param, :to_model, :to => composition_model # #to_key => song.to_key
- alias_method main_model, composition_model # #hit =>
+ @model_options = [main_model, options] # FIXME: make inheritable!
- def property(name, options={})
- delegate options[:on], :to => :model
- super
- end
def model_name
- name = @model_options.first.to_s.camelize
+ if @model_options
+ form_name = @model_options.first.to_s.camelize
+ else
+ form_name = name.sub(/Form$/, "")
+ end
- return => name)) if ::ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 and ::ActiveModel::VERSION::MINOR == 0
-, nil, name)
+ active_model_name_for(form_name)
+ end
+ private
+ def active_model_name_for(string)
+ return => string)) if Reform.rails3_0?
+, nil, string)