in reform-1.1.1 vs in reform-1.2.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,41 @@
-## 1.1.2
+## 1.2.0
+### Breakage
+* Due to countless bugs we no longer include support for simple_form's type interrogation automatically. This allows using forms with non-AM objects. If you want full support for simple_form do as follows.
+ ```ruby
+ class SongForm < Reform::Form
+ include ModelReflections
+ ```
+ Including this module will add `#column_for_attribute` and other methods need by form builders to automatically guess the type of a property.
+### Changes
+* `Form#save` with `Composition` now returns true only if all composite models saved.
+* `Form::copy_validations_from` allows copying custom validators now.
* `::validates_uniqueness_of` now accepts options like `:scope`. Thanks to @cveneziani for a failing test and insight.
+* New call style for `::properties`. Instead of an array, it's now `properties :title, :genre`.
+* All options are evaluated with `pass_options: true`.
+### New Stuff!!!
+* `:skip_if`, `:skip_if: :all_blank`.
+* You can now specify validations right in the `::property` call.
+ ```ruby
+ property :title, validates: {presence: true}
+ ```
+ Thanks to @zubin for this brillant idea!
+* Wanna parse JSON in `#validate`? Include `Reform::Form::JSON`.
+* Dirty
+* :sync
+* :save
+* `Sync::SkipUnchanged`.
## 1.1.1
* Fix a bug where including a form module would mess up the options has of the validations (under older Rails).
* Fix `::properties` which modified the options hash while iterating properties.
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