in reform-1.0.0 vs in reform-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,32 @@
+## 1.0.1
+* Deprecated model readers for `Composition` and `ActiveModel`. Consider the following setup.
+ ```ruby
+ class RecordingForm < Reform::Form
+ include Composition
+ property :title, on: :song
+ end
+ ```
+ Before, Reform would allow you to do `` which returned the song model. You can still do this (but you shouldn't) with `form.model[:song]`.
+ This allows having composed models and properties with the same name. Until 1.1, you have to use `skip_accessors: true` to advise Reform _not_ to create the deprecated accessor.
+ Also deprecated is the alias accessor as found with `ActiveModel`.
+ ```ruby
+ class RecordingForm < Reform::Form
+ include Composition
+ include ActiveModel
+ model :hit, on: :song
+ end
+ ```
+ Here, an automatic reader `Form#hit` was created. This is deprecated as
+ This is gonna be **removed in 1.1**.
## 1.0.0
* Removed `Form::DSL` in favour of `Form::Composition`.
* Simplified nested forms. You can now do
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