lib/refile.rb in refile-0.5.1 vs lib/refile.rb in refile-0.5.2
- old
+ new
@@ -215,9 +215,58 @@
content_type = MIME::Types.of(filename).first
content_type.to_s if content_type
+ # Generate a URL to an attachment. This method receives an instance of a
+ # class which has used the {Refile::Attachment#attachment} macro to
+ # generate an attachment column, and the name of this column, and based on
+ # this generates a URL to a {Refile::App}.
+ #
+ # Optionally the name of a processor and arguments to it can be appended.
+ #
+ # If the filename option is not given, the filename is taken from the
+ # metadata stored in the attachment, or eventually falls back to the
+ # `name`.
+ #
+ # The host defaults to {}, which is useful for serving all
+ # attachments from a CDN. You can also override the host via the `host`
+ # option.
+ #
+ # Returns `nil` if there is no file attached.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # attachment_url(@post, :document)
+ #
+ # @example With processor
+ # attachment_url(@post, :image, :fill, 300, 300, format: "jpg")
+ #
+ # @param [Refile::Attachment] object Instance of a class which has an attached file
+ # @param [Symbol] name The name of the attachment column
+ # @param [String, nil] filename The filename to be appended to the URL
+ # @param [String, nil] format A file extension to be appended to the URL
+ # @param [String, nil] host Override the host
+ # @param [String, nil] prefix Adds a prefix to the URL if the application is not mounted at root
+ # @return [String, nil] The generated URL
+ def attachment_url(object, name, *args, prefix: nil, filename: nil, format: nil, host: nil)
+ attacher = object.send(:"#{name}_attacher")
+ file = attacher.get
+ return unless file
+ host ||=
+ filename ||= attacher.basename || name.to_s
+ format ||= attacher.extension
+ backend_name = Refile.backends.key(file.backend)
+ filename = Rack::Utils.escape(filename)
+ filename << "." << format.to_s if format
+ uri = URI(host.to_s)
+ uri.path = ::File.join("", *prefix, backend_name, *,, filename)
+ uri.to_s
+ end
require "refile/version"
require "refile/signature"
require "refile/type"