spec/reek/smells/data_clump_spec.rb in reek- vs spec/reek/smells/data_clump_spec.rb in reek-
- old
+ new
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
def first(pa, pb) @field == :sym ? 0 : 3; end
def second(pa, pb) @field == :sym; end
def third(pa, pb) pa - pb + @fred; end
- ctx = ModuleContext.from_s(@src)
+ ctx = CodeContext.new(nil, @src.to_reek_source.syntax_tree)
detector = DataClump.new('newt')
@smells = detector.smells_found.to_a
@warning = @smells[0] # SMELL: too cumbersome!
@yaml = @warning.to_yaml
@@ -137,6 +137,90 @@
before(:each) do
@detector = DataClump.new('newt')
it_should_behave_like 'SmellDetector'
+ it 'get a real example right' do
+ src = <<-EOS
+module Inline
+ def generate(src, options) end
+ def c (src, options) end
+ def c_singleton (src, options) end
+ def c_raw (src, options) end
+ def c_raw_singleton (src, options) end
+ ctx = CodeContext.new(nil, src.to_reek_source.syntax_tree)
+ detector = DataClump.new('newt')
+ detector.examine(ctx)
+ smells = detector.smells_found.to_a
+ smells.length.should == 1
+ warning = smells[0]
+ warning.smell[DataClump::OCCURRENCES_KEY].should == 5
+ end
+#def occurrences(potential_clump, all_methods)
+# all_methods.select do |method|
+# potential_clump - method == []
+# end.length
+#describe 'occurrences' do
+# it 'counts correctly' do
+# params = [[:a1, :a2], [:a1, :a2]]
+# potential_clump = [:a1, :a2]
+# occurrences(potential_clump, params).should == 2
+# end
+#def immediate_clumps(root, other_params, all_methods)
+# result = []
+# other_params.map do |param|
+# potential_clump = (root + [param])
+# if occurrences(potential_clump, all_methods) >= 2
+# result << potential_clump
+# result = result + immediate_clumps(potential_clump, other_params - [param], all_methods)
+# end
+# end.compact
+# result
+#def clumps_containing(root, other_params, all_methods)
+# return [] unless other_params
+# immediate_clumps(root, other_params, all_methods) + clumps_containing([other_params[0]], other_params[1..-1], all_methods)
+#def clumps_in(all_methods)
+# all_params = all_methods.flatten.sort {|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}.uniq
+# clumps_containing([all_params[0]], all_params[1..-1], all_methods)
+#describe 'set of parameters' do
+# it 'finds the trivial clump' do
+# params = [[:a1, :a2], [:a1, :a2]]
+# clumps_in(params).should == [[:a1, :a2]]
+# end
+# it 'finds the trivial size-3 clump' do
+# params = [[:a1, :a2, :a3], [:a1, :a2, :a3]]
+# clumps_in(params).should == [[:a1, :a2, :a3]]
+# end
+# it 'doesnt find non clump' do
+# params = [[:a1, :a2], [:a1, :a3]]
+# clumps_in(params).should == []
+# end
+# it 'finds the trivial sub-clump' do
+# params = [[:a1, :a2], [:a3, :a1, :a2]]
+# clumps_in(params).should == [[:a1, :a2]]
+# end
+# it 'finds the non-a1 clump' do
+# params = [[:a1, :a3, :a2], [:a3, :a2]]
+# clumps_in(params).should == [[:a2, :a3]]
+# end