lib/reek/configuration/app_configuration.rb in reek-3.0.4 vs lib/reek/configuration/app_configuration.rb in reek-3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,90 +1,144 @@
+require 'pathname'
require_relative './configuration_file_finder'
module Reek
# @api private
module Configuration
# @api private
- class ConfigFileException < StandardError; end
# Reek's singleton configuration instance.
# @api private
- module AppConfiguration
- NON_SMELL_TYPE_KEYS = %w(exclude_paths)
- EXCLUDE_PATHS_KEY = 'exclude_paths'
- @configuration = {}
- @has_been_initialized = false
+ class AppConfiguration
+ EXCLUDE_PATHS_KEY = 'exclude_paths'
+ attr_reader :exclude_paths, :default_directive, :directory_directives
- class << self
- attr_reader :configuration
+ # Given this configuration file:
+ #
+ # ---
+ # IrresponsibleModule:
+ # enabled: false
+ # "app/helpers":
+ # UtilityFunction:
+ # enabled: false
+ # exclude_paths:
+ # - "app/controllers"
+ #
+ # this would result in the following configuration:
+ #
+ # exclude_paths = [ Pathname('spec/samples/two_smelly_files') ]
+ # default_directive = { Reek::Smells::IrresponsibleModule => { "enabled" => false } }
+ # directory_directives = { Pathname("spec/samples/three_clean_files/") =>
+ # { Reek::Smells::UtilityFunction => { "enabled" => false } } }
+ #
+ #
+ # @param options [OpenStruct]
+ # e.g.: #<OpenStruct report_format =: text,
+ # location_format =: numbers,
+ # colored = true,
+ # smells_to_detect = [],
+ # config_file = #<Pathname:config/defaults.reek>,
+ # argv = [ "lib/reek/spec" ]>
+ def initialize(options = nil)
+ self.directory_directives = {}
+ self.default_directive = {}
+ self.exclude_paths = []
- def initialize_with(options)
- @has_been_initialized = true
- configuration_file_path = ConfigurationFileFinder.find(options: options)
- return unless configuration_file_path
- load_from_file configuration_file_path
- end
+ load options
+ end
- def configure_smell_repository(smell_repository)
- # Let users call this method directly without having initialized AppConfiguration before
- # and if they do, initialize it without application context
- initialize_with(nil) unless @has_been_initialized
- for_smell_types.each do |klass_name, config|
- klass = load_smell_type(klass_name)
- smell_repository.configure(klass, config) if klass
- end
- end
+ # @param source_via [String] - the source of the code inspected
+ # @return [Hash] the directory directive for the source or, if there is
+ # none, the default directive
+ def directive_for(source_via)
+ directory_directive_for_source(source_via) || default_directive
+ end
- def load_from_file(path)
- if File.size(path) == 0
- report_problem('Empty file', path)
- return
- end
+ private
- begin
- @configuration = YAML.load_file(path) || {}
- rescue => error
- raise_error(error.to_s, path)
- end
+ attr_writer :exclude_paths, :default_directive, :directory_directives
- raise_error('Not a hash', path) unless @configuration.is_a? Hash
- end
+ # @param source_via [String] - the source of the code inspected
+ # Might be a string, STDIN or Filename / Pathname. We're only interested in the source
+ # when it's coming from file since a directory_directive doesn't make sense
+ # for anything else.
+ # @return [Hash | nil] the configuration for the source or nil
+ def directory_directive_for_source(source_via)
+ return unless source_via
+ source_base_dir =
+ hit = best_directory_match_for source_base_dir
+ directory_directives[hit]
+ end
- def reset
- @configuration.clear
+ def load(options)
+ configuration_file = ConfigurationFileFinder.find_and_load(options: options)
+ configuration_file.each do |key, value|
+ case
+ when key == EXCLUDE_PATHS_KEY
+ handle_exclude_paths(value)
+ when smell_type?(key)
+ handle_default_directive(key, value)
+ else
+ handle_directory_directive(key, value)
+ end
+ end
- def exclude_paths
- @exclude_paths ||= @configuration.
- fetch(EXCLUDE_PATHS_KEY, []).
- map { |path| path.chomp('/') }
+ def handle_exclude_paths(paths)
+ self.exclude_paths = do |path|
+ pathname = path.chomp('/')
+ raise ArgumentError, "Excluded directory #{path} does not exists" unless pathname.exist?
+ pathname
+ end
- private
+ def handle_default_directive(key, config)
+ klass = Reek::Smells.const_get(key)
+ default_directive[klass] = config
+ end
- def for_smell_types
- @configuration.reject { |key, _value| NON_SMELL_TYPE_KEYS.include?(key) }
- end
+ def handle_directory_directive(path, config)
+ pathname = path.chomp('/')
+ validate_directive pathname
- def load_smell_type(name)
- Reek::Smells.const_get(name)
- rescue NameError
- report_problem("\"#{name}\" is not a code smell")
- nil
+ directory_directives[pathname] = config.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash|
+ abort(error_message_for_invalid_smell_type(key)) unless smell_type?(key)
+ hash[Reek::Smells.const_get(key)] = value
+ end
- def report_problem(reason, path)
- $stderr.puts "Warning: #{message(reason, path)}"
- end
+ def best_directory_match_for(source_base_dir)
+ directory_directives.
+ keys.
+ select { |pathname| source_base_dir.to_s =~ /#{pathname}/ }.
+ max_by { |pathname| pathname.to_s.length }
+ end
- def raise_error(reason, path)
- raise ConfigFileException, message(reason, path)
- end
+ def smell_type?(key)
+ Reek::Smells.const_get key
+ rescue NameError
+ false
+ end
- def message(reason, path)
- "Invalid configuration file \"#{File.basename(path)}\" -- #{reason}"
- end
+ def error_message_for_invalid_smell_type(klass)
+ "You are trying to configure smell type #{klass} but we can't find one with that name.\n" \
+ "Please make sure you spelled it right (see 'config/defaults.reek' in the reek\n" \
+ 'repository for a list of all available smell types.'
+ end
+ def error_message_for_missing_directory(pathname)
+ "Configuration error: Directory `#{pathname}` does not exist"
+ end
+ def error_message_for_file_given(pathname)
+ "Configuration error: `#{pathname}` is supposed to be a directory but is a file"
+ end
+ def validate_directive(pathname)
+ abort(error_message_for_missing_directory(pathname)) unless pathname.exist?
+ abort(error_message_for_file_given(pathname)) unless