in rediska-0.2.0 vs in rediska-0.2.1

- old
+ new

@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ ## Usage The gem will automatically add its fake driver to Redis::Connection.drivers, so not extra configuration is required, other than conditionally bundling the gem (for example, in Rails' "test", "development", "continuos_integration" groups, per-your requirements. ## Configuration -### Database type/strategy +### Database Strategy Rediska supports the following database strategies: * Memory (:memory): the data is being stored entirely in the memory and is not persistent nor shared between different processed. * Filesystem (:filesystem): the data is being backed by the filesystem and even though slower than the in-memory implementation, it does provides persistency (to some extent, as the data is being stored in a temporary folder) and can be accessed across the different processes. @@ -54,18 +54,129 @@ Rediska.configure do |config| config.database = :filesystem end ``` -### Adding namespace +### Adding Namespace If you choose to use the filesystem backed database, you can append an additional namespace in order to prevent conflicts like so: ```ruby Rediska.configure do |config| config.namespace = 'test' end ``` + +### Supported Redis Commands + +* APPEND +* AUTH +* BITCOUNT +* BGSAVE +* BGREWRITEAOF +* DBSIZE +* DECR +* DECRBY +* DEL +* DISCARD +* DUMP +* ECHO +* EXEC +* EXISTS +* EXPIRE +* EXPIREAT +* FLUSHALL +* FLUSHDB +* GET +* GETBIT +* GETRANGE +* GETSET +* HDEL +* HEXISTS +* HGET +* HGETALL +* HINCRBY +* HINCRBYFLOAT +* HKEYS +* HLEN +* HMGET +* HMSET +* HSET +* HSETNX +* HVALS +* INCR +* INCRBY +* INFO +* KEYS +* LASTSAVE +* LINDEX +* LINSERT +* LLEN +* LPOP +* LRANGE +* LREM +* LSET +* LTRIM +* MGET +* MOVE +* MONITOR +* MSET +* MSETNX +* MULTI +* PERSIST +* PING +* RANDOMKEY +* RENAME +* RENAMENX +* RESTORE +* RPOP +* RPOPLPUSH +* RPUSH +* RPUSHX +* SADD +* SAVE +* SCAN +* SCARD +* SDIFF +* SDIFFSTORE +* SELECT +* SET +* SETEX +* SETBIT +* SETNX +* SETRANGE +* SINTER +* SINTERSTORE +* SISMEMBER +* SMEMBERS +* SMOVE +* SORT +* SPOP +* SRANDMEMBER +* SREM +* STRLEN +* SUNION +* SUNIONSTORE +* TIME +* TTL +* TYPE +* UNWATCH +* WATCH +* ZADD +* ZCARD +* ZCOUNT +* ZINCRBY +* ZINTERSTORE +* ZUNIONSTORE +* ZRANK +* ZRANGE +* ZRANGEBYSCORE +* ZREM +* ZREMRANGEBYRANK +* ZREVRANGE +* ZREVRANGEBYSCORE +* ZREVRANK +* ZSCORE ## Credits and Contributors This gem was inspired by (and originally forked from) the [fakeredis]( gem.