test/rack/session/redis_test.rb in redis-rack-1.6.0 vs test/rack/session/redis_test.rb in redis-rack-2.0.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
require 'test_helper'
require 'rack/mock'
require 'thread'
+require 'connection_pool'
describe Rack::Session::Redis do
session_key = Rack::Session::Redis::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:key]
session_match = /#{session_key}=([0-9a-fA-F]+);/
incrementor = lambda do |env|
@@ -20,20 +21,54 @@
defer_session = proc do |env|
env['rack.session.options'][:defer] = true
+ skip_session = proc do |env|
+ env['rack.session.options'][:skip] = true
+ incrementor.call(env)
+ end
# # test Redis connection
# Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
# it "faults on no connection" do
# lambda{
# Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, :redis_server => 'nosuchserver')
# }.must_raise(Exception)
# end
+ it "can create it's own pool" do
+ session_store = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, pool_size: 5, pool_timeout: 10)
+ session_store.pool.class.must_equal ::ConnectionPool
+ session_store.pool.instance_variable_get(:@size).must_equal 5
+ end
+ it "can create it's own pool using default Redis server" do
+ session_store = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, pool_size: 5, pool_timeout: 10)
+ session_store.with { |connection| connection.to_s.must_match(/127\.0\.0\.1:6379 against DB 0 with namespace rack:session$/) }
+ end
+ it "can create it's own pool using provided Redis server" do
+ session_store = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, redis_server: 'redis://', pool_size: 5, pool_timeout: 10)
+ session_store.with { |connection| connection.to_s.must_match(/127\.0\.0\.1:6380 against DB 1$/) }
+ end
+ it "can use a supplied pool" do
+ session_store = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, pool: ::ConnectionPool.new(size: 1, timeout: 1) { ::Redis::Store::Factory.create("redis://")})
+ session_store.pool.class.must_equal ::ConnectionPool
+ session_store.pool.instance_variable_get(:@size).must_equal 1
+ end
+ it "uses the specified Redis store when provided" do
+ store = ::Redis::Store::Factory.create('redis://')
+ pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, :redis_store => store)
+ pool.pool.to_s.must_match(/127\.0\.0\.1:6380 against DB 1$/)
+ pool.pool.must_equal(store)
+ end
it "uses the default Redis server and namespace when not provided" do
pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
pool.pool.to_s.must_match(/127\.0\.0\.1:6379 against DB 0 with namespace rack:session$/)
@@ -46,145 +81,168 @@
pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, :redis_server => 'redis://')
pool.pool.to_s.must_match(/127\.0\.0\.1:6380 against DB 1$/)
it "creates a new cookie" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get("/")
- res["Set-Cookie"].must_include("#{session_key}=")
- res.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get("/")
+ res["Set-Cookie"].must_include("#{session_key}=")
+ res.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ end
it "determines session from a cookie" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- res = req.get("/")
- cookie = res["Set-Cookie"]
- req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie).
- body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
- req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie).
- body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ res = req.get("/")
+ cookie = res["Set-Cookie"]
+ req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie).
+ body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
+ req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie).
+ body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ end
it "determines session only from a cookie by default" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- res = req.get("/")
- sid = res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1]
- req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
- body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
- req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
- body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ res = req.get("/")
+ sid = res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1]
+ req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
+ body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
+ body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ end
it "determines session from params" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, :cookie_only => false)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- res = req.get("/")
- sid = res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1]
- req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
- body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
- req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
- body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ with_pool_management(incrementor, :cookie_only => false) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ res = req.get("/")
+ sid = res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1]
+ req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
+ body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
+ req.get("/?rack.session=#{sid}").
+ body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ end
it "survives nonexistant cookies" do
bad_cookie = "rack.session=blarghfasel"
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).
- get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => bad_cookie)
- res.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
- cookie = res["Set-Cookie"][session_match]
- cookie.wont_match(/#{bad_cookie}/)
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).
+ get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => bad_cookie)
+ res.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ cookie = res["Set-Cookie"][session_match]
+ cookie.wont_match(/#{bad_cookie}/)
+ end
it "maintains freshness" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor, :expire_after => 3)
- res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get('/')
- res.body.must_include('"counter"=>1')
- cookie = res["Set-Cookie"]
- sid = cookie[session_match, 1]
- res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1].must_equal(sid)
- res.body.must_include('"counter"=>2')
- puts 'Sleeping to expire session' if $DEBUG
- sleep 4
- res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1].wont_equal(sid)
- res.body.must_include('"counter"=>1')
+ with_pool_management(incrementor, :expire_after => 3) do |pool|
+ res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get('/')
+ res.body.must_include('"counter"=>1')
+ cookie = res["Set-Cookie"]
+ sid = cookie[session_match, 1]
+ res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1].must_equal(sid)
+ res.body.must_include('"counter"=>2')
+ puts 'Sleeping to expire session' if $DEBUG
+ sleep 4
+ res = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool).get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res["Set-Cookie"][session_match, 1].wont_equal(sid)
+ res.body.must_include('"counter"=>1')
+ end
it "does not send the same session id if it did not change" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- res0 = req.get("/")
- cookie = res0["Set-Cookie"]
- res0.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ res0 = req.get("/")
+ cookie = res0["Set-Cookie"]
+ res0.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
- res1 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res1["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
- res1.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
+ res1 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res1["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
+ res1.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
- res2 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res2["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
- res2.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ res2 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res2["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
+ res2.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ end
it "deletes cookies with :drop option" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- drop = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, drop_session)
- dreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(drop)
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ drop = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, drop_session)
+ dreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(drop)
- res1 = req.get("/")
- session = (cookie = res1["Set-Cookie"])[session_match]
- res1.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ res1 = req.get("/")
+ session = (cookie = res1["Set-Cookie"])[session_match]
+ res1.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
- res2 = dreq.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res2["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
- res2.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
+ res2 = dreq.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res2["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
+ res2.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
- res3 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res3["Set-Cookie"][session_match].wont_equal(session)
- res3.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ res3 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res3["Set-Cookie"][session_match].wont_equal(session)
+ res3.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ end
it "provides new session id with :renew option" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- renew = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, renew_session)
- rreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(renew)
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ renew = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, renew_session)
+ rreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(renew)
- res1 = req.get("/")
- session = (cookie = res1["Set-Cookie"])[session_match]
- res1.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ res1 = req.get("/")
+ session = (cookie = res1["Set-Cookie"])[session_match]
+ res1.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
- res2 = rreq.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- new_cookie = res2["Set-Cookie"]
- new_session = new_cookie[session_match]
- new_session.wont_equal(session)
- res2.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
+ res2 = rreq.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ new_cookie = res2["Set-Cookie"]
+ new_session = new_cookie[session_match]
+ new_session.wont_equal(session)
+ res2.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>2}')
- res3 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => new_cookie)
- res3.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
+ res3 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => new_cookie)
+ res3.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>3}')
- # Old cookie was deleted
- res4 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- res4.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ # Old cookie was deleted
+ res4 = req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ res4.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ end
it "omits cookie with :defer option" do
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- defer = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, defer_session)
- dreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(defer)
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ defer = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, defer_session)
+ dreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(defer)
- res0 = dreq.get("/")
- res0["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
- res0.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ res0 = dreq.get("/")
+ res0["Set-Cookie"].must_be_nil
+ res0.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ end
+ it "does not hit with :skip option" do
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ skip = Rack::Utils::Context.new(pool, skip_session)
+ sreq = Rack::MockRequest.new(skip)
+ pool.instance_variable_set('@pool', MiniTest::Mock.new)
+ res0 = sreq.get("/")
+ res0.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ assert pool.pool.verify
+ end
+ end
it "updates deep hashes correctly" do
hash_check = proc do |env|
session = env['rack.session']
unless session.include? 'test'
session.update :a => :b, :c => { :d => :e },
@@ -192,98 +250,121 @@
session[:f][:g][:h] = :j
[200, {}, [session.inspect]]
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(hash_check)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ with_pool_management(hash_check) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- res0 = req.get("/")
- session_id = (cookie = res0["Set-Cookie"])[session_match, 1]
- ses0 = pool.pool.get(session_id)
+ res0 = req.get("/")
+ session_id = (cookie = res0["Set-Cookie"])[session_match, 1]
+ ses0 = pool.with { |c| c.get(session_id) }
- req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
- ses1 = pool.pool.get(session_id)
+ req.get("/", "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie)
+ ses1 = pool.with { |c| c.get(session_id) }
- ses1.wont_equal(ses0)
+ ses1.wont_equal(ses0)
+ end
# anyone know how to do this better?
it "cleanly merges sessions when multithreaded" do
unless $DEBUG
1.must_equal(1) # fake assertion to appease the mighty bacon
warn 'Running multithread test for Session::Redis'
- pool = Rack::Session::Redis.new(incrementor)
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
+ with_pool_management(incrementor) do |pool|
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new(pool)
- res = req.get('/')
- res.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
- cookie = res["Set-Cookie"]
- session_id = cookie[session_match, 1]
+ res = req.get('/')
+ res.body.must_equal('{"counter"=>1}')
+ cookie = res["Set-Cookie"]
+ session_id = cookie[session_match, 1]
- delta_incrementor = lambda do |env|
- # emulate disconjoinment of threading
- env['rack.session'] = env['rack.session'].dup
- Thread.stop
- env['rack.session'][(Time.now.usec*rand).to_i] = true
- incrementor.call(env)
- end
- tses = Rack::Utils::Context.new pool, delta_incrementor
- treq = Rack::MockRequest.new(tses)
- tnum = rand(7).to_i+5
- r = Array.new(tnum) do
- Thread.new(treq) do |run|
- run.get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie, 'rack.multithread' => true)
+ delta_incrementor = lambda do |env|
+ # emulate disconjoinment of threading
+ env['rack.session'] = env['rack.session'].dup
+ Thread.stop
+ env['rack.session'][(Time.now.usec*rand).to_i] = true
+ incrementor.call(env)
- end.reverse.map{|t| t.run.join.value }
- r.each do |request|
- request['Set-Cookie'].must_equal(cookie)
- request.body.must_include('"counter"=>2')
- end
+ tses = Rack::Utils::Context.new pool, delta_incrementor
+ treq = Rack::MockRequest.new(tses)
+ tnum = rand(7).to_i+5
+ r = Array.new(tnum) do
+ Thread.new(treq) do |run|
+ run.get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie, 'rack.multithread' => true)
+ end
+ end.reverse.map{|t| t.run.join.value }
+ r.each do |request|
+ request['Set-Cookie'].must_equal(cookie)
+ request.body.must_include('"counter"=>2')
+ end
- session = pool.pool.get(session_id)
- session.size.must_equal(tnum+1) # counter
- session['counter'].must_equal(2) # meeeh
+ session = pool.with { |c| c.get(session_id) }
+ session.size.must_equal(tnum+1) # counter
+ session['counter'].must_equal(2) # meeeh
- tnum = rand(7).to_i+5
- r = Array.new(tnum) do |i|
- app = Rack::Utils::Context.new pool, time_delta
- req = Rack::MockRequest.new app
- Thread.new(req) do |run|
- run.get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie, 'rack.multithread' => true)
+ tnum = rand(7).to_i+5
+ r = Array.new(tnum) do |i|
+ app = Rack::Utils::Context.new pool, time_delta
+ req = Rack::MockRequest.new app
+ Thread.new(req) do |run|
+ run.get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie, 'rack.multithread' => true)
+ end
+ end.reverse.map{|t| t.run.join.value }
+ r.each do |request|
+ request['Set-Cookie'].must_equal(cookie)
+ request.body.must_include('"counter"=>3')
- end.reverse.map{|t| t.run.join.value }
- r.each do |request|
- request['Set-Cookie'].must_equal(cookie)
- request.body.must_include('"counter"=>3')
+ session = pool.with { |c| c.get(session_id) }
+ session.size.must_equal(tnum+1)
+ session['counter'].must_equal(3)
+ drop_counter = proc do |env|
+ env['rack.session'].delete 'counter'
+ env['rack.session']['foo'] = 'bar'
+ [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'}, env['rack.session'].inspect]
+ end
+ tses = Rack::Utils::Context.new pool, drop_counter
+ treq = Rack::MockRequest.new(tses)
+ tnum = rand(7).to_i+5
+ r = Array.new(tnum) do
+ Thread.new(treq) do |run|
+ run.get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie, 'rack.multithread' => true)
+ end
+ end.reverse.map{|t| t.run.join.value }
+ r.each do |request|
+ request['Set-Cookie'].must_equal(cookie)
+ request.body.must_include('"foo"=>"bar"')
+ end
+ session = pool.with { |c| c.get(session_id) }
+ session.size.must_equal(r.size+1)
+ session['counter'].must_be_nil
+ session['foo'].must_equal('bar')
+ end
- session = pool.pool.get(session_id)
- session.size.must_equal(tnum+1)
- session['counter'].must_equal(3)
+ private
+ def with_pool_management(*args)
+ yield simple(*args)
+ yield pooled(*args)
+ yield external_pooled(*args)
+ end
- drop_counter = proc do |env|
- env['rack.session'].delete 'counter'
- env['rack.session']['foo'] = 'bar'
- [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'}, env['rack.session'].inspect]
+ def simple(app, options = {})
+ Rack::Session::Redis.new(app, options)
- tses = Rack::Utils::Context.new pool, drop_counter
- treq = Rack::MockRequest.new(tses)
- tnum = rand(7).to_i+5
- r = Array.new(tnum) do
- Thread.new(treq) do |run|
- run.get('/', "HTTP_COOKIE" => cookie, 'rack.multithread' => true)
- end
- end.reverse.map{|t| t.run.join.value }
- r.each do |request|
- request['Set-Cookie'].must_equal(cookie)
- request.body.must_include('"foo"=>"bar"')
+ def pooled(app, options = {})
+ Rack::Session::Redis.new(app, options)
+ Rack::Session::Redis.new(app, options.merge(pool_size: 5, pool_timeout: 10))
- session = pool.pool.get(session_id)
- session.size.must_equal(r.size+1)
- session['counter'].must_be_nil
- session['foo'].must_equal('bar')
- end
+ def external_pooled(app, options = {})
+ Rack::Session::Redis.new(app, options.merge(pool: ::ConnectionPool.new(size: 1, timeout: 1) { ::Redis::Store::Factory.create("redis://") }))
+ end