spec/reciper/helpers_spec.rb in reciper-0.0.4 vs spec/reciper/helpers_spec.rb in reciper-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -12,231 +12,386 @@
@operations = []
describe ".copy" do
it "copies the file from the recipe path to the ruby app root path " do
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb").should_not be
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/file.rb", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb")
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb").should be
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb")
it "copies the file from the recipe path to the ruby app" do
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/file.rb").should_not be
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/file.rb", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/file.rb")
copy_file("file.rb", :to => "lib")
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/file.rb").should be
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/file.rb")
it "copies the file with the name as in defined in as" do
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb").should_not be
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/file.rb", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/another_file.rb")
copy_file("file.rb", :as => "another_file.rb")
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/another_file.rb").should be
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/another_file.rb")
it "if the dir doesn't exists, create it" do
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/file.rb").should_not be
+ directory = @ruby_app_path + "/my_awesome_dir"
+ File.should_receive(:directory?).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/my_awesome_dir").and_return(false)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/my_awesome_dir")
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/file.rb", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/my_awesome_dir/file.rb")
copy_file("file.rb", :to => "my_awesome_dir")
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/my_awesome_dir/file.rb").should be
- FileUtils.rm_rf("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/my_awesome_dir")
it "adds the operation to @operation array" do
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/file.rb", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb")
- @operations.should include([:copy, "file.rb"])
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/file.rb")
+ @operations.should include([:copy_file, { :destination => "/file.rb" }])
describe ".run_tests" do
it "returns 0 if all tests pass" do
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
+ test_output = <<-EOF
+ ....
+ Finished in 11.29 seconds
+ 23 examples, 0 failures
+ io = double(:io, :read => test_output)
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).with("bundle exec rspec spec").and_yield(io)
run_tests.should == 0
it "returns 1 if there is only one failure" do
- copy_file("failing_spec.rb", :to => "spec")
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
- run_tests.should == 1
+ test_output = <<-EOF
+ FE..
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/spec/failing_spec.rb")
+ Finished in 11.29 seconds
+ 4 examples, 2 failures
+ io = double(:io, :read => test_output)
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).with("bundle exec rspec spec").and_yield(io)
+ run_tests.should == 2
describe ".run_rake_task" do
- it "returns true when the rake task has been run ok" do
- run_rake_task("puts_something").should be
+ it "returns a hash with successful as true when the rake task has been run successfully" do
+ output = ""
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
+ io = double(:io)
+ io.stub!(:read).and_return("")
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).
+ with("bundle exec rake puts_something").and_yield(io)
+ $?.should_receive(:exitstatus).and_return(0)
+ run_rake_task("puts_something").should == {
+ :response => "",
+ :successful => true
+ }
- it "returns false when the rake task hasn't been run ok" do
- run_rake_task("idontexists").should_not be
+ it "returns a hash with successful as false when the rake task hasn't been run successfully" do
+ output = ""
+ io = double(:io)
+ io.stub!(:read).and_return("")
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).
+ with("bundle exec rake puts_something").and_yield(io)
+ $?.should_receive(:exitstatus).and_return(1)
+ run_rake_task("puts_something").should == {
+ :response => "",
+ :successful => false
+ }
describe ".copy_line_range" do
- it "copies the entire input file to the output line " do
- @expected_at_the_beginning = <<-EOF
-class MyClass
+ it "copies the entire input file to the output line on a specified line" do
+ readme = <<-EOF
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/my_class.rb").should == @expected_at_the_beginning.chomp
- expected_at_the_end = <<-EOF
-class MyClass
-def my_name
- puts self.name
+ original = <<-EOF
- copy_line_range("my_name.rb", "lib/my_class.rb", :to_line => 2)
+ Dir.should_receive(:glob).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(["spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md"])
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/my_class.rb").should == expected_at_the_end.chomp
+ File.should_receive(:read).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/README").
+ and_return(readme)
+ File.should_receive(:read).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(original)
+ file = double(:file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with("a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf")
+ File.should_receive(:open).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md", "w").and_yield(file)
+ copy_line_range("README", "README.md", :to_line => 3)
it "copies only specified lines" do
- @expected_at_the_beginning = <<-EOF
-class MyClass
+ readme = <<-EOF
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/my_class.rb").should == @expected_at_the_beginning.chomp
- expected_at_the_end = <<-EOF
-class MyClass
- puts self.name
+ original = <<-EOF
- copy_line_range("my_name.rb", "lib/my_class.rb", :to_line => 2, :from_lines => (2..2))
+ Dir.should_receive(:glob).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(["spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md"])
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/my_class.rb").should == expected_at_the_end.chomp
+ File.should_receive(:read).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/README").
+ and_return(readme)
+ File.should_receive(:read).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(original)
+ file = double(:file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with("a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf")
+ File.should_receive(:open).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md", "w").and_yield(file)
+ copy_line_range("README", "README.md", :to_line => 3, :lines => (1..2))
it "adds an entry to operations" do
- @expected_at_the_beginning = <<-EOF
-class MyClass
+ readme = <<-EOF
- copy_line_range("my_name.rb", "lib/my_class.rb", :to_line => 2)
+ original = <<-EOF
- @operations.should include([:copy_range, "lib/my_class.rb", @expected_at_the_beginning.chomp])
+ Dir.stub!(:glob).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(["spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md"])
+ File.stub!(:read).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/README").
+ and_return(readme)
+ File.stub!(:read).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(original)
+ file = double(:file)
+ file.stub!(:write).with("a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf")
+ File.stub!(:open).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md", "w").and_yield(file)
+ copy_line_range("README", "README.md", :to_line => 3, :lines => (1..2))
+ @operations.should include([:copy_line_range, { :original_content => original, :original_file => "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md"}])
- after do
- File.write("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/lib/my_class.rb", @expected_at_the_beginning.chomp)
+ context "suffix copy" do
+ it "works with only the suffix of the file when there is only one file" do
+ readme = ""
+ original = ""
+ Dir.should_receive(:glob).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/*.md").
+ and_return(["spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md"])
+ File.stub!(:read).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/README").
+ and_return(readme)
+ File.should_receive(:read).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md").
+ and_return(original)
+ file = double(:file)
+ file.stub!(:write)
+ File.stub!(:open).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md", "w").and_yield(file)
+ copy_line_range("README", "*.md", :to_line => 0)
+ end
+ it "raises an exception when given only the suffix of the file when there is more than one file" do
+ readme = ""
+ original = ""
+ Dir.should_receive(:glob).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/*.md").
+ and_return(["spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README.md", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README2.md"])
+ lambda {
+ copy_line_range("README", "*.md", :to_line => 0)
+ }.should raise_error(Reciper::NoFileOrMultipleFilesFound)
+ end
describe ".run_command" do
- it "runs a command on projects folder and returns true when successful" do
- run_command("ls").should be
+ it "runs a command on projects folder and returns the command hash with the response and true when successful" do
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
+ output = <<EOF
+ io = double(:io)
+ io.should_receive(:read) do
+ "a\nb\n"
+ end
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).with("ls").and_yield(io)
+ $?.should_receive(:exitstatus).and_return(0)
+ run_command("ls").should == {
+ :response => "a\nb\n",
+ :successful => true
+ }
- it "runs a command on projects folder and returns not true when failure" do
- run_command("cp").should_not be
+ it "runs a command on projects folder and returns the command hash with the response and false when not successful" do
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
+ output = <<EOF
+ io = double(:io)
+ io.should_receive(:read) do
+ "a\nb\n"
+ end
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).with("ls").and_yield(io)
+ $?.should_receive(:exitstatus).and_return(1)
+ run_command("ls").should == {
+ :response => "a\nb\n",
+ :successful => false
+ }
it "receives the rollback command together with the command and store it on @operations array" do
run_command("ls", "ls -a")
- @operations.should include([:run_command, "ls -a"])
+ @operations.should include([:run_command, { :rollback_command => "ls -a" }])
- end
- describe ".rollback" do
- it "removes the file when the operation is copy" do
- File.open(@ruby_app_path + "/an_added_file.rb", "w") {
- |f| f.write("OK")
- }
+ it "doesn't require the rollback command to be informed" do
+ run_command("ls")
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/an_added_file.rb").should be
+ @operations.should include([:run_command, { :rollback_command => nil}])
+ end
+ end
- @operations = [[:copy, "an_added_file.rb"]]
+ describe ".override_file" do
+ it "overrides the file with another file" do
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with(@ruby_app_path).and_yield
+ File.should_receive(:exists?).with("README").and_return(true)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with("/tmp/reciper")
- rollback
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("README", "/tmp/reciper/README")
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/README",
+ "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README")
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/an_added_file.rb").should_not be
+ override_file("README", "README")
- it "restores the old file when the operation is copy_range" do
- File.open(@ruby_app_path + "/an_added_file.rb", "w") {
- |f| f.write("OK")
- }
+ it "raises an error when file doesn't exists" do
+ Dir.stub!(:chdir).with(@ruby_app_path).and_yield
+ File.should_receive(:exists?).with("README").and_return(false)
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/an_added_file.rb").should == "OK"
+ lambda {
+ override_file("README", "README")
+ }.should raise_error(Reciper::NoFileToBeOverriden)
+ end
- @operations = [[:copy_range, "an_added_file.rb", "Not OK"]]
+ it "adds the operation to operations array" do
+ Dir.stub!(:chdir).with(@ruby_app_path).and_yield
+ File.stub!(:exists?).with("README").and_return(true)
+ FileUtils.stub!(:mkdir_p).with("/tmp/reciper")
- rollback
+ FileUtils.stub!(:cp).with("README", "/tmp/reciper/README")
+ FileUtils.stub!(:cp).with("spec/fixtures/recipe/README",
+ "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README")
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/an_added_file.rb").should == "Not OK"
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/an_added_file.rb")
+ override_file("README", "README")
+ @operations.should include([:override_file, { :tmp_file => "/tmp/reciper/README", :overriden_file => "README"}])
+ end
- it "runs the rollback command when the operation is run_command and we have a rollback command" do
- @operations = [[:run_command, "ls"]]
+ describe ".rollback" do
+ it "removes the file when the operation is copy_file" do
+ @operations = [[:copy_file, { :destination => "README" }]]
- self.should_receive(:spawn).with("ls")
- Process.stub!(:wait)
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:rm).with("README")
- it "runs the rollback command when the operation is override_file" do
- begin
- FileUtils.cp("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README", "/tmp/README")
- FileUtils.rm("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README")
+ it "restores the old file when the operation is copy_range" do
+ @operations = [[:copy_range, { :original_content => "Not OK", :original_file => "an_added_file.rb"}]]
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README").should_not be
+ file = double(:file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with("Not OK")
+ File.should_receive(:open).with("an_added_file.rb", "w").and_yield(file)
- @operations = [[:override_file, "/tmp/README", "README"]]
- rollback
- File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README").should be
- ensure
- FileUtils.cp("/tmp/README", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README") unless File.exists?("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README")
- end
+ rollback
- end
- describe ".override_file" do
- it "overrides the file with another file" do
- FileUtils.cp("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README", "/tmp/README")
+ it "runs the rollback command when the operation is run_command and we have a rollback command" do
+ @operations = [[:run_command, { :rollback_command => "ls"}]]
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README").should == "some content"
+ Dir.should_receive(:chdir).with("spec/fixtures/ruby_app").and_yield
- override_file("README", "README")
+ output = ""
- File.read("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README").should == ""
+ io = double(:io)
+ io.should_receive(:read) do
+ ""
+ end
- FileUtils.mv("/tmp/README", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README")
+ IO.should_receive(:popen).with("ls").and_yield(io)
+ $?.should_receive(:exitstatus).and_return(0)
+ rollback
- it "adds the operation to operations array" do
- FileUtils.cp("spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README", "/tmp/README")
+ it "runs the rollback command when the operation is override_file" do
+ @operations = [[:override_file, { :tmp_file => "/tmp/reciper/my_file.rb", :overriden_file => "ola.rb"}]]
- override_file("README", "README")
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:cp).with("/tmp/reciper/my_file.rb", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/ola.rb")
- @operations.should include([:override_file, "/tmp/reciper/README", "README"])
- FileUtils.mv("/tmp/README", "spec/fixtures/ruby_app/README")
+ rollback
\ No newline at end of file