Rakefile in receipts-1.1.2 vs Rakefile in receipts-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,75 +1,92 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
require "bundler/gem_tasks"
-require "rspec/core/rake_task"
-require "open-uri"
+require "rake/testtask"
+Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t|
+ t.libs << "test"
+ t.libs << "lib"
+ t.test_files = FileList["test/**/test_*.rb"]
-# If you want to make this the default task
-task default: :spec
-task test: :spec
+task default: :test
task :console do
exec "irb -r receipts -I ./lib"
task :examples do
[:receipt, :invoice, :statement].each { |t| Rake::Task[t].invoke }
puts "Use `open examples` to view example PDFs."
task :receipt do
require "./lib/receipts"
- Receipts::Receipt.new(
- id: "123",
- subheading: "RECEIPT FOR CHARGE #1",
- product: "GoRails",
+ r = Receipts::Receipt.new(
+ recipient: [
+ "<b>Bill To</b>",
+ "Customer",
+ "Address",
+ "City, State Zipcode",
+ "customer@example.org"
+ ],
company: {
- name: "GoRails, LLC",
+ name: "Example, LLC",
address: "123 Fake Street\nNew York City, NY 10012",
+ phone: "(555) 867-5309",
email: "support@example.com",
- logo: "https://www.ruby-lang.org/images/header-ruby-logo@2x.png"
+ logo: File.expand_path("./examples/images/logo.png")
+ details: [
+ ["Receipt Number", "123"],
+ ["Date paid", Date.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")],
+ ["Payment method", "ACH super long super long super long super long super long"]
+ ],
line_items: [
- ["Date", Time.now.to_s],
- ["Account Billed", "Example User (user@example.com)"],
- ["Product", "GoRails"],
- ["Amount", "$19.00"],
- ["Charged to", "Visa (**** **** **** 1234)"],
- ["Transaction ID", "123456"]
+ ["<b>Item</b>", "<b>Unit Cost</b>", "<b>Quantity</b>", "<b>Amount</b>"],
+ ["Subscription", "$19.00", "1", "$19.00"],
+ [nil, nil, "Subtotal", "$19.00"],
+ [nil, nil, "Tax", "$1.12"],
+ [nil, nil, "Total", "$20.12"],
+ [nil, nil, "<b>Amount paid</b>", "$20.12"],
+ [nil, nil, "Refunded on #{Date.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")}", "$5.00"]
- ).render_file "examples/receipt.pdf"
+ )
+ r.render_file "examples/receipt.pdf"
task :invoice do
require "./lib/receipts"
- id: "123",
- issue_date: Date.today,
- due_date: Date.today + 30,
- status: "<b><color rgb='#5eba7d'>PAID</color></b>",
- bill_to: [
- "GoRails, LLC",
+ details: [
+ ["Invoice Number", "123"],
+ ["Issue Date", Date.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")],
+ ["Due Date", Date.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")],
+ ["Status", "<b><color rgb='#5eba7d'>PAID</color></b>"]
+ ],
+ recipient: [
+ "<b>Bill To</b>",
+ "Customer",
"City, State Zipcode",
- nil,
- "mail@example.com"
+ "customer@example.org"
company: {
- name: "GoRails, LLC",
+ name: "Example, LLC",
address: "123 Fake Street\nNew York City, NY 10012",
+ phone: "(555) 867-5309",
email: "support@example.com",
- # logo: Rails.root.join("app/assets/images/gorails.png")
- # logo: File.expand_path("./examples/gorails.png")
- logo: File.open("./examples/gorails.png")
+ # logo: Rails.root.join("app/assets/images/logo.png")
+ # logo: File.open("./examples/images/logo.png")
+ logo: File.expand_path("./examples/images/logo.png")
line_items: [
["<b>Item</b>", "<b>Unit Cost</b>", "<b>Quantity</b>", "<b>Amount</b>"],
- ["GoRails Subscription", "$19.00", "1", "$19.00"],
+ ["Subscription", "$19.00", "1", "$19.00"],
[nil, nil, "Subtotal", "$19.00"],
[nil, nil, "Tax Rate", "0%"],
[nil, nil, "Amount Due", "$19.00"]
).render_file "examples/invoice.pdf"
@@ -77,29 +94,31 @@
task :statement do
require "./lib/receipts"
- id: "123",
- issue_date: Date.today,
- start_date: Date.today - 30,
- end_date: Date.today,
- bill_to: [
- "GoRails, LLC",
- "123 Fake Street",
- "New York City, NY 10012",
- nil,
- "mail@example.com"
+ details: [
+ ["Statement Number", "123"],
+ ["Issue Date", Date.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")],
+ ["Period", "#{(Date.today - 30).strftime("%B %d, %Y")} - #{Date.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")}"]
+ recipient: [
+ "<b>Bill To</b>",
+ "Customer",
+ "Address",
+ "City, State Zipcode",
+ "customer@example.org"
+ ],
company: {
- name: "GoRails, LLC",
+ name: "Example, LLC",
address: "123 Fake Street\nNew York City, NY 10012",
email: "support@example.com",
- logo: File.expand_path("./examples/gorails.png")
+ phone: "(555) 867-5309",
+ logo: File.expand_path("./examples/images/logo.png")
line_items: [
["<b>Item</b>", "<b>Unit Cost</b>", "<b>Quantity</b>", "<b>Amount</b>"],
- ["GoRails Subscription", "$19.00", "1", "$19.00"],
+ ["Subscription", "$19.00", "1", "$19.00"],
[nil, nil, "Subtotal", "$19.00"],
[nil, nil, "Tax Rate", "0%"],
[nil, nil, "Total", "$19.00"]
).render_file "examples/statement.pdf"