lib/reap/task.rb in reap-0.4.0 vs lib/reap/task.rb in reap-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,42 +1,80 @@
require 'rbconfig'
module Reap
+ # Base class for all tasks.
- # Base class for all tasks
+ # When creating a specifc task, subclass this one and create two class-level
+ # methods #task and #desc. #task will return the name of the task and
+ # #desc a description of the task. Then create an instance method called
+ # #setup to do any initial preping. Usually that means assigning
+ # some instance vars from the Reapfile configutration. You can use
+ # section[<name>] for settings from the task's particular section (as
+ # determined by self.task method above) and/or use master[<name>]
+ # for top-level settings. Finally write a #run method that preforms the
+ # actual task.
+ # Here's an oh so simple example:
+ #
+ # class MyTask < Task
+ # def self.task ; 'mytask' ; end
+ # def self.desc ; 'This is my first custom task.' ; end
+ #
+ # def setup
+ # @message = section['message'] || master['default'] || 'None Found!'
+ # end
+ #
+ # def run
+ # puts @message
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # This corresponding settings in the Reapfile will then be:
+ #
+ # default: Default text, if any.
+ #
+ # mytask:
+ # message: Message text, if any.
+ #
+ # Reap automatically handles multiple task runs if an array is provided
+ # under the task section instead of a single mapping. For example:
+ #
+ # mytask:
+ # -
+ # message: First Run.
+ # -
+ # message: Second Run.
+ #
class Task
RUBY = Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']
- DEFAULT_INCLUDE = [ '[A-Z]*', 'setup.rb', 'lib/**/*', 'bin/**/*',
+ DEFAULT_INCLUDE = [ '[A-Z]*', 'setup.rb', 'lib/**/*', 'bin/**/*', 'data/**/*',
'doc/**/*', 'rdoc/**/*', 'test/**/*', 'bench/**/*',
'demo/**/*', 'samples/**/*', 'examples/**/*' ]
MUST_EXCLUDE = [ 'InstalledFiles', '**/CVS/**/*', '**/*~' ]
- def self.inherited( klass )
- (@task_registry ||= []) << klass
+ class << self
+ def inherited( klass )
+ (@task_registry ||= []) << klass
+ end
+ def registry ; @task_registry ||= [] ; end
+ def tasks ; @task ||= registry.collect { |t| t.task } ; end
- def self.registry ; @task_registry ||= [] ; end
- def self.tasks ; @task ||= registry.collect { |t| t.task } ; end
+ attr_reader :master, :section
- attr_reader :config, :section
- def initialize( config )
- @config = config
+ def initialize( master_config, section_config )
+ @master = master_config
+ @section = section_config
+ setup if respond_to?(:setup)
- def [](x)
- @config[x]
- end
+ def [](x) ; @section[x] ; end
# Run the system command +cmd+.
# Example:
# sh %{ls -ltr}
@@ -46,11 +84,11 @@
FileUtils.send( :fu_output_message, cmd ) if options[:verbose]
unless options[:noop]
system(cmd) or fail "Command Failed: [#{cmd}]"
# Run a Ruby interpreter with the given arguments.
# Example:
# ruby %{-pe '$_.upcase!' <README}
@@ -61,11 +99,11 @@
options = {}
puts "#{RUBY} #{args.join(' ')}" if $DEBUG
sh "#{RUBY} #{args.join(' ')}", options
# # Attempt to do a normal file link, but fall back
# # to a copy if the link fails.
# def safe_ln(*args)
# if @link_not_supported
# FileUtils.cp(*args)
@@ -76,28 +114,39 @@
# @link_not_supported = true
# FileUtils.cp(*args)
# end
# end
# end
# Returns the full package name which combines package name and version.
def package_name
- @config['name'] + '--' + ( @config['version'] || '0.0.1' )
+ @config['name'] + '-' + ( @config['version'] || '0.0.1' )
# def rakefile
# s = ''
# rf = File.join(locate, 'packmule', 'packmule.rake')
# rf ) { |f| s << f.gets(nil) }
# s
# end
- #
+ #
# def yamlform
# s = ''
# yf = File.join(locate, 'packmule', 'packmule.yaml')
# yf ) { |f| s << f.gets(nil) }
# s
# end
+ #def value( key, *alt_masters )
+ # return section[key] if section.key?( key )
+ # alt_masters.each do |path|
+ # parr = path.split(':').collect { |e| e.downcase }
+ # conf = @config
+ # parr.each { |e| conf = conf[e] }
+ # return conf if conf
+ # end
+ # nil
+ #end
end #module Reap