README in reap-5.10.10 vs README in reap-6.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,125 +1,186 @@
-= Reap
+= Reap -- A Project Assistant for Ruby
-User Friendly Project Assitant for Ruby
+Reap is an easy to use project assistant for Ruby developers.
+Reap makes it easy to do the following tasks:
-== What's This?
-Reap is a user friendly project assistant for Ruby developers.
-By organizing your project in a conventional manner,
-as promoted by setup.rb, Reap makes it easy to do the
-following tasks:
-* Generate RDocs.
-* Run unit tests.
-* Extract tests for scripts.
-* Create Ruby Gem packages.
-* Create standard .tgz, tbz (bzip2) and/or .zip packages.
+* Build new convention-based project folders.
+* Generate RDoc API documentation.
+* Run unit tests (each in it's ruby process).
+* Extract comment embedded tests from source code.
+* Run comment embedded unit test directly from source.
+* Create source tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip packages.
+* Create RubyGem and Debian packages, plus pacman PKGBUILDs.
* Publish documents to Rubyforge or other web sites.
-* Announce a release to Ruby-talk or other mailing list.
-* Prepare files for distribution (i.e. chmod, tag, etc.).
-* Upload packages (coming soon!).
+* Make announcement to ruby-talk or other mailing list.
+* Prepare files for distribution (i.e. chmod, tag, etc.)
+* Release distributions on Rubyforge or other such host.
+* Generate XML-format DOAP project file.
-If you have special needs that Reap doesn't accomodate,
-new task are farily easy to create. And I am always
-happy to hear suggestions.
+New features continue to be be developed. If you have special
+needs that Reap doesn't accomodate, new tasks are farily easy
+to create. And Reap's maintainers are always happy to engage
== Installation
+=== Requirements
+Reap requires Ruby Facets. If manually installing be sure to
+have the latest version of Facets installed too.
=== Gem Install
Install the ruby gem as you would any other:
- <tt>gem install reap</tt>
+ gem install reap
-Reap requires Ruby Facets.
+Gems still suffers from the datadir problem, so we've had
+to create some work arounds, for the template and scaffold
+tasks in particular. If you have any trouble with the Gem
+install please let us know so we can correct.
=== Manual Install
-To install manually follow the usual setup.eb steps:
+To install manually follow the usual setup.rb steps:
1. Download the compressed package.
2. Unpack it.
3. Change into the unpacked directory.
-4. run <tt>sudo ruby setup.rb</tt>
+4. run 'sudo ruby setup.rb'
You should be good to go.
== Usage
=== Using a Reap Task
Reap makes it pretty easy to use it's built-in tasks.
-Largely this is because it grabs common data from a ProjectInfo
-(or Reapfile) as available. Some Reap tasks are
-automatic b/c there are reasonable defaults, others
-_require_ entries in the ProjectInfo file.
+Largely this is because it utilizes a single data file,
+called the ProjectInfo file, to describe project procedures.
-For instance, to create a "package" target you generally do not need
-an entry in the ProjectInfo file. Reap will package up everything
-in the typical directories and makes compressed versions in the
-common formats. It will then place those in either ../leaf/
-(for those or you using trunk/ branches/ layouts) or pkg/ otherwise.
-The same holds for other tasks. Reap will do it's best to extrapolate
-the needed information from the ProjectInfo file.
+To use Reap the first thing your project will need is a
+ProjectInfo file in it's main directory. A template is provided
+and a task to copy it to your current directory. Simply type:
-Of course no matter the level of content, you will of course need to
-create this file in you projects main directory. A template is provided
-and a command line tool to copy it to your current directory. Simply type:
+ % reap template
- > reap template
+Then edit the ProjectInfo file created. The fields are fairly self
+explanitiory. The template has a number of commented-out exmaples.
+Apart from utilization by Reap, such a file is even nice to have
+just on it's own informative merits too.
-Then edit the ProjectInfo file. The fields are fairly self
-explanitiory. Apart from Reap such a file is nice to have just on
-it's own merits too.
+Alternatively, Reap can build an entire new project directory with
+all the conventional components pre-arranged. Try it by creating
+a new empty directory, changing into it and then typing:
+ % reap scaffold
+The directory will be filled out with all the ususal directories,
+lib/, bin/, etc. If you use subversion for version management,
+you can create a subversion layout instead.
+ % reap scaffold svn
+Filling out a ProjectInfo file is simply a matter adding entries
+for the primary information of you project and adding sections for
+the tasks you wish to use in for project. For example to use the
+RDoc task you could add:
+ document: !!rdoc
+ dir: rdoc
+By default Reap's Rdoc task will look in the bin/ lib/ and ext/
+directories for ruby scripts to document. Or you can specify
+exactly which files to include (See the Reap RDocs themselves
+for parameter details.) Some tasks can operate automatically
+based on reasonable defaults. Indeed in some cases all one might
+need is the one line:
+ name: !!task
+In others cases certain parameters are required for the task to function.
+But Reap will do it's best to extrapolate the needed information from
+what's available in the ProjectInfo file.
+Once you have some entries in your ProjectInfo file, enter:
+ % reap
+And you will see a list of executable tasks. To run a task enter:
+ % reap [task]
+For basic help try:
+ % reap help
+For a list of all avaialbe tasks or to get more detailed help on how to
+use a particular task have a look at the RDoc API documentation.
=== Building a Reap Task
-Building a Reap task differs from building a Rake task
-by two important factors. First there is only one target
-per task (this may change) Second, task blocks are yeilded
-_prior_ to the #init routine being exectuted. So your #init
-routine should expect data to already be present in
-the tasks attribute and take that into account (usually that
-means using ++||=++)
+Building a Reap task is pretty easy too. In fact if you ever used Rake
+you already have a good idea about how to do it.
-Here's an, oh so simple, example:
+First make sure your project has a task/ folder. Any file in that
+folder will be read by Reap and used to setup tasks. In a file with
+in that folder you can add a task or collection of tasks.
+Here's an "oh-so-simple" example:
- class OhSoSimple < Reap::Task
+ module Tasks
- task_desc 'This is a custom reap task'
+ def simple( name, data )
- attr_accessor :message
+ desc 'This is a custom reap task class.'
- def init
- @message ||= master['default'] || 'None Found!'
- @another ||= section['another'] || 'Again!'
- end
+ task name do
+ data.message ||= master.message
+ puts data.message + "\n\n" + data.signed
+ end
- # run the target task
- def run
- puts @message + "\n" + @another
- end
+ end
- end
+ end
-The corresponding settings in the ProjectInfo file (master) will then be:
+The corresponding settings in the ProjectInfo file will then be:
- default: Default text, if any.
- ohsosimple:
- another: Your other message here.
+ message: Hi, how are you?
-And to use it
+ simple: !!simple
+ signed: Your friend, Tom.
- > reap ohsosimple
+And to use it type:
+ % reap simple
+Notice the reference to 'master'. This is an OpenCascade interface
+(similar to OpenObject and OpenStruct) to the whole ProjectInfo dataset.
+You might recognize the core methods of creating a task, 'desc' and 'task'.
+These are used exactly as they are in Rake. We encapsulate them in a
+task-definition method (eg. simple) so the task can be generated dyanmically
+if such a section (!!simple) appears in the ProjectInfo file. Such
+task-definition methods are recognized by reap b/c they are stored in the
+special purpose Tasks module.
== Status
-Reap is currently Usable Beta. Most of the tasks
-work very well. Refinements are still common though,
-and a few important tasks are still being planned.
+Reap is currently what one might call "usable beta". Most of the tasks
+work very well. Refinements are still common though.
+Also, Windows support is weak. Reap hasn't been fully tested in that
+environment so it is likely a few tasks will not yet work in this case.
+If you are Windows user and would like to use Reap, we would
+really appreciate someone working out the issues here.
== Legal
-Copyright(c)2004-2005 Thomas Sawyer
-Ruby License
+ Reap
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Thomas Sawyer
+ Ruby License