lib/react.rb in react-0.0.2 vs lib/react.rb in react-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,106 +1,16 @@
require 'redis'
-require 'thread'
+require 'daemons'
-# React is a simple application that allows for remote execution of commands,
-# and it uses Redis as a queue.
-# == Inspiration
-# It's inspired by Simon Willison's example of "Queue-activated shell scripts"
-# in his redis tutorial:
-# while [ 1 ] do
-# redis-cli blpop restart-httpd 0
-# apache2ctl graceful
-# done
-# == Usage
-# Firs you have to prepare file with available commands. It can look like this:
-# # my_commands.yml
-# restart_httpd: |
-# apache2ctl graceful
-# restart_mysql: |
-# /etc/init.d/mysql restart
-# reboot: |
-# reboot
-# Now you can start consumer.
-# react my_commands.yml
-# == Pushing commands
-# While your consumer is working, you can push any of specified command to
-# queue (default queue name is `queue`), eg:
-# redis-cli lpush queue restart_httpd
-# redis-cli lpush queue reboot
-# After that consumer will pick up enqueued command names from and execute
-# related commands.
-# == Configuration
-# There are few more runtime options, which can be useful for you.
-# * you can specify queue which will be consumed:
-# react my_commands.yml --queue "my:queue:name"
-# * you can specify the database to which consumer should connect:
-# react my_commands.yml --host "" --port 6379 --db 2 --password pass
-# * and finally, you can demonize the consumer:
-# react my_commands.yml --daemon
+ require 'fastthread'
+rescue LoadError
+ $stderr.puts("The fastthread gem not found. Using standard ruby threads.")
+ require 'thread'
module React
- # It starts the consumer loop.
- def self.start(conf)
- @config = conf
- puts "== Connected to #{}"
- puts "== Waiting for commands from `#{@config[:queue]}`"
- if @config[:daemon]
- puts "== Daemonizing..."
- Daemons.daemonize
- end
- loop do
- begin
- cid = redis.blpop(@config[:queue], 0)[1]
- if cmd = @config[:commands][cid.to_s]
- puts "\e[33m[#{}]\e[0m Reacting for `#{cid}` command"
- threads.add( { system(cmd) })
- end
- rescue Interrupt
- puts "\nCleaning up..."
- break
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts "ERROR: #{ex}"
- end
- end
- self
- end
- # Returns group of executor threads.
- def self.threads
- @threads ||=
- end
- # It joins all alive threads, and it's waiting till they will finish.
- def self.join
- threads.list.each {|t| t.join if t.alive? }
- end
- # Redis client instance.
- def self.redis
- @redis ||=[:redis])
- end
+ require 'react/runner'
+ require 'react/version'
end # React