test/test_rdoc_markup.rb in rdoc-2.4.3 vs test/test_rdoc_markup.rb in rdoc-2.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,626 +1,37 @@
require 'rubygems'
-require 'minitest/unit'
+require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'rdoc/markup'
require 'rdoc/markup/to_test'
class TestRDocMarkup < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
- def basic_conv(str)
- sm = RDoc::Markup.new
- mock = RDoc::Markup::ToTest.new
- sm.convert(str, mock)
- sm.content
- end
+ def test_convert
+ str = <<-STR
+now is
+the time
- def line_groups(str, expected)
- m = RDoc::Markup.new
- mock = RDoc::Markup::ToTest.new
+ hello
+ dave
- block = m.convert(str, mock)
+1. l1
+2. l2
- unless block == expected then
- rows = (0...([expected.size, block.size].max)).collect{|i|
- [expected[i]||"nil", block[i]||"nil"]
- }
- printf "\n\n%35s %35s\n", "Expected", "Got"
- rows.each { |e,g| printf "%35s %35s\n", e.dump, g.dump }
- end
- assert_equal(expected, block)
- end
- def line_types(str, expected)
m = RDoc::Markup.new
- mock = RDoc::Markup::ToTest.new
- m.convert(str, mock)
- assert_equal(expected, m.get_line_types.map{|type| type.to_s[0,1]}.join(''))
- end
+ out = m.convert str, RDoc::Markup::ToTest.new
- def test_groups
- str = "now is the time"
- line_groups(str, ["L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time"] )
- str = "now is the time\nfor all good men"
- line_groups(str, ["L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time for all good men"] )
- str = %{\
- now is the time
- code _line_ here
- for all good men}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code _line_ here\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nfor all good men"
- ] )
- str = "now is the time\n code\n more code\nfor all good men"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n more code\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nfor all good men"
- ] )
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- * l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- l1+
- * l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1 l1+",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- * l1.1
- * l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- * l1.1
- text
- code
- code
- text
- * l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1 text",
- "L2: Verbatim\n code\n code\n",
- "L2: Paragraph\ntext",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- 1. l1
- * l1.1
- 2. l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nl1",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nl2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- [cat] l1
- * l1.1
- [dog] l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\ncat: l1",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\ndog: l2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- [cat] l1
- continuation
- [dog] l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\ncat: l1 continuation",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\ndog: l2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- end
- def test_headings
- str = "= heading one"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Heading\nheading one"
- ])
- str = "=== heading three"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Heading\nheading three"
- ])
- str = "text\n === heading three"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\ntext",
- "L0: Verbatim\n === heading three\n"
- ])
- str = "text\n code\n === heading three"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\ntext",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n === heading three\n"
- ])
- str = "text\n code\n=== heading three"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\ntext",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n",
- "L0: Heading\nheading three"
- ])
- end
- def test_list_alpha
- str = "a. alpha\nb. baker\nB. ALPHA\nA. BAKER"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LOWERALPHA ListItem\nalpha",
- "L1: LOWERALPHA ListItem\nbaker",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_bullet_dash
- str = "- one\n- two\n"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_bullet_star
- str = "* one\n* two\n"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_labeled_bracket
- str = "[one] item one\n[two] item two"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: item one",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\ntwo: item two",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_labeled_bracket_continued
- str = "[one]\n item one\n[two]\n item two"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: item one",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\ntwo: item two",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_labeled_colon
- str = "one:: item one\ntwo:: item two"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: NOTE ListItem\none:: item one",
- "L1: NOTE ListItem\ntwo:: item two",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_labeled_colon_continued
- str = "one::\n item one\ntwo::\n item two"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: NOTE ListItem\none:: item one",
- "L1: NOTE ListItem\ntwo:: item two",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_nested_bullet_bullet
- str = "* one\n* two\n * cat\n * dog"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\ncat",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\ndog",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_nested_labeled_bullet
- str = "[one]\n * cat\n * dog"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: ",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\ncat",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\ndog",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_nested_labeled_bullet_bullet
- str = "[one]\n * cat\n * dog"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: ",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: BULLET ListItem\ncat",
- "L3: ListStart\n",
- "L3: BULLET ListItem\ndog",
- "L3: ListEnd\n",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_nested_number_number
- str = "1. one\n1. two\n 1. cat\n 1. dog"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\none",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\ntwo",
- "L2: ListStart\n",
- "L2: NUMBER ListItem\ncat",
- "L2: NUMBER ListItem\ndog",
- "L2: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_number
- str = "1. one\n2. two\n1. three"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\none",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\ntwo",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nthree",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_list_split
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- 1. n1
- 2. n2
- * l2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nn1",
- "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nn2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
- "L1: ListEnd\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- end
- def test_list_verbatim
- str = "* one\n verb1\n verb2\n* two\n"
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L1: ListStart\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
- "L1: Verbatim\n verb1\n verb2\n",
- "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
- "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
- end
- def test_paragraph
- str = "paragraph\n\n*bold* paragraph\n"
- line_groups str, [
- "L0: Paragraph\nparagraph",
- "L0: BlankLine\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\n*bold* paragraph"
+ expected = [
+ "now is the time",
+ "\n",
+ " hello\n dave\n",
+ "1: ",
+ "l1",
+ "1: ",
+ "l2",
- end
- def test_tabs
- str = "hello\n dave"
- assert_equal(str, basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n\tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = "hello\n \tdave"
- assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
- str = ".\t\t."
- assert_equal(". .", basic_conv(str))
+ assert_equal expected, out
- def test_types
- str = "now is the time"
- line_types(str, 'P')
- str = "now is the time\nfor all good men"
- line_types(str, 'PP')
- str = "now is the time\n code\nfor all good men"
- line_types(str, 'PVP')
- str = "now is the time\n code\n more code\nfor all good men"
- line_types(str, 'PVVP')
- str = "now is\n---\nthe time"
- line_types(str, 'PRP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- * l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLLP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- l1+
- * l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLPLP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- * l1.1
- * l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLLLP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- * l1
- * l1.1
- text
- code
- code
- text
- * l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLLPVVBPLP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- 1. l1
- * l1.1
- 2. l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLLLP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- [cat] l1
- * l1.1
- [dog] l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLLLP')
- str = %{\
- now is
- [cat] l1
- continuation
- [dog] l2
- the time}
- line_types(str, 'PLPLP')
- end
- def test_verbatim
- str = "paragraph\n *bold* verbatim\n"
- line_groups str, [
- "L0: Paragraph\nparagraph",
- "L0: Verbatim\n *bold* verbatim\n"
- ]
- end
- def test_verbatim_merge
- str = %{\
- now is
- code
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- code
- code1
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n code1\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- code
- code1
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- code
- code1
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- str = %{\
- now is
- code
- code1
- code2
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n\n code2\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- # Folds multiple blank lines
- str = %{\
- now is
- code
- code1
- the time}
- line_groups(str,
- [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
- "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n",
- "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
- ])
- end
- def test_whitespace
- assert_equal("hello", basic_conv("hello"))
- assert_equal("hello", basic_conv(" hello "))
- assert_equal("hello", basic_conv(" \t \t hello\t\t"))
- assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3", basic_conv("1\n 2\n 3"))
- assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3", basic_conv(" 1\n 2\n 3"))
- assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3\n1\n 2", basic_conv("1\n 2\n 3\n1\n 2"))
- assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3\n1\n 2", basic_conv(" 1\n 2\n 3\n 1\n 2"))
- assert_equal("1\n 2\n\n 3", basic_conv(" 1\n 2\n\n 3"))
- end