lib/rdoc/generator/markdown.rb in rdoc-markdown-0.1.1 vs lib/rdoc/generator/markdown.rb in rdoc-markdown-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,140 @@
-gem 'rdoc'
+# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'rdoc/rdoc'
-require 'rdoc/generator/json_index'
+gem "rdoc"
+require "pathname"
+require "erb"
+# Markdown generator.
+# Registers command line options and generates markdown files
+# RDoc documentation and options.
class RDoc::Generator::Markdown
- RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self
+ RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self
- def initialize(store, options)
- @store = store
- @options = options
+ TEMPLATE_DIR = File.expand_path(
+ File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'templates'))
- $stderr.puts("rdoc-markdown initialized")
+ ##
+ # The RDoc::Store that is the source of the generated content
+ attr_reader :store
+ ##
+ # The path to generate files into, combined with <tt>--op</tt> from the
+ # options for a full path.
+ attr_reader :base_dir
+ ##
+ # Classes and modules to be used by this generator, not necessarily
+ # displayed. See also #modsort
+ attr_reader :classes
+ ##
+ # Files to be displayed by this generator
+ attr_reader :files
+ ##
+ # Methods to be displayed by this generator
+ attr_reader :methods
+ ##
+ # Sorted list of classes and modules to be displayed by this generator
+ attr_reader :modsort
+ ##
+ # Directory where generated class HTML files live relative to the output
+ # dir.
+ def class_dir
+ nil
+ end
+ def initialize(store, options)
+ @store = store
+ @options = options
+ @base_dir = Pathname.pwd.expand_path
+ @classes = nil
+ @files = nil
+ @methods = nil
+ @modsort = nil
+ end
+ def generate
+ setup
+ debug("Create directory #{@output_dir}")
+ output_dir.mkpath
+ debug("Generate documentation in #{@output_dir}")
+ emit_classfiles
+ end
+ private
+ attr_reader :options
+ attr_reader :output_dir
+ def debug(str = nil)
+ puts "[rdoc-markdown] #{str}" if str
+ yield if block_given?
+ end
- def generate
- $stderr.puts("rdoc-markdown #generate called")
- binding.irb
+ def emit_classfiles
+ @classes.each do |klass|
+ klass_methods = []
+ instance_methods = []
+ klass.method_list.each do |method|
+ next if 'private' == method.visibility.to_s
+ if method.type == 'class'
+ klass_methods << method
+ else
+ instance_methods << method
+ end
+ end
+ template =, ''))
+ out_file ="#{output_dir}/#{klass.full_name}.md")
+ out_file.dirname.mkpath
+, 'wb') do |f|
+ f.write template.result binding
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
+ end
+ def setup
+ return if instance_variable_defined?(:@output_dir)
+ @output_dir =
+ return unless @store
+ @classes = @store.all_classes_and_modules.sort
+ @files = @store.all_files.sort
+ @methods =
+ @modsort = get_sorted_module_list @classes
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a list of the documented modules sorted by salience first, then
+ # by name.
+ def get_sorted_module_list classes
+ do |klass|
+ klass.display?
+ end.sort
+ end