spec/rdkafka/consumer_spec.rb in rdkafka-0.2.0 vs spec/rdkafka/consumer_spec.rb in rdkafka-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,68 @@
require "spec_helper"
describe Rdkafka::Consumer do
+ let(:config) { rdkafka_config }
+ let(:consumer) { config.consumer }
+ let(:producer) { config.producer }
+ context "subscription" do
+ it "should subscribe" do
+ expect(consumer.subscription).to be_empty
+ consumer.subscribe("consume_test_topic")
+ expect(consumer.subscription).not_to be_empty
+ expected_subscription = Rdkafka::Consumer::TopicPartitionList.new.tap do |list|
+ list.add_topic("consume_test_topic")
+ end
+ expect(consumer.subscription).to eq expected_subscription
+ consumer.unsubscribe
+ expect(consumer.subscription).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ describe "committed" do
+ before do
+ # Make sure there's a stored offset
+ report = producer.produce(
+ topic: "consume_test_topic",
+ payload: "payload 1",
+ key: "key 1",
+ partition: 0
+ ).wait
+ message = wait_for_message(
+ topic: "consume_test_topic",
+ delivery_report: report,
+ config: config
+ )
+ end
+ it "should fetch the committed offsets for a specified topic partition list" do
+ list = Rdkafka::Consumer::TopicPartitionList.new.tap do |list|
+ list.add_topic("consume_test_topic", [0, 1, 2])
+ end
+ partitions = consumer.committed(list).to_h["consume_test_topic"]
+ expect(partitions[0].offset).to be > 0
+ expect(partitions[1].offset).to eq -1001
+ expect(partitions[2].offset).to eq -1001
+ end
+ end
+ describe "watermark offsets" do
+ it "should return the watermark offsets" do
+ # Make sure there's a message
+ producer.produce(
+ topic: "consume_test_topic",
+ payload: "payload 1",
+ key: "key 1",
+ partition: 0
+ ).wait
+ low, high = consumer.query_watermark_offsets("consume_test_topic", 0, 5000)
+ expect(low).to eq 0
+ expect(high).to be > 0
+ end
+ end