lib/rdf/vocab.rb in rdf-vocab-3.1.5 vs lib/rdf/vocab.rb in rdf-vocab-3.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -213,31 +213,52 @@
marcrelators: {
uri: "",
source: "",
- class_name: "MARCRelators",
- patch: %{
- @prefix marcrelators: <> .
- @prefix owl: <>.
- @prefix rdfs: <>.
- #DeleteExisting {
- # marcrelators:lee rdfs:subPropertyOf marcrelators:lei .
- #} .
- #AddNew {
- # marcrelators:role a owl:ObjectProperty;
- # rdfs:comment "This property and its sub-properties are used to associate a Bibliographic Resource with a Resource that played a part in the lifecycle of the Bibliographic Resource. It is the inverse of relators:roleIn.".
- #} .
- }
+ class_name: "MARCRelators"
mo: {uri: "", strict: false},
mods: {
uri: "",
source: ""
nfo: {uri: '', skip: true},
oa: {uri: ""},
- og: {uri: "", source: '', strict: false},
+ og: {
+ uri: "",
+ source: '',
+ strict: false,
+ patch: %{
+ @prefix og: <> .
+ @prefix ogc: <> .
+ @prefix owl: <>.
+ @prefix rdf: <> .
+ @prefix rdfs: <>.
+ # Used in but not defined
+ AddNew {
+ og:image:url a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:label "image:url"@en-US ;
+ rdfs:comment "Identical to og:image."@en-US ;
+ rdfs:seeAlso og:image ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy og: ;
+ owl:sameProperty og:image ;
+ rdfs:range ogc:url .
+ og:image:alt a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:label "image:alt"@en-US ;
+ rdfs:comment "A description of what is in the image (not a caption). If the page specifies an og:image it should specify og:image:alt."@en-US ;
+ rdfs:seeAlso og:image ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy og: ;
+ rdfs:range ogc:url .
+ og:locale:alternate a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:label "locale:alternate"@en-US ;
+ rdfs:comment "An array of other locales this page is available in."@en-US ;
+ rdfs:seeAlso og:locale ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy og: ;
+ rdfs:range ogc:string .
+ } .
+ }
+ },
ogc: {uri: "", source: "", strict: false},
ore: {uri: ""},
org: {uri: ""},
owl: {uri: "", alias: true},
pcdm: {