lib/rdf/vocab/schema.rb in rdf-vocab-2.2.9 vs lib/rdf/vocab/schema.rb in rdf-vocab-3.0.0

- old
+ new

@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ class SCHEMA < RDF::StrictVocabulary("") # Class definitions term :AMRadioChannel, comment: %(A radio channel that uses AM.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "AMRadioChannel".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1004).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1004".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:RadioChannel".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :APIReference, comment: %(Reference documentation for application programming interfaces \(APIs\).).freeze, label: "APIReference".freeze, @@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ term :Accommodation, comment: %(An accommodation is a place that can accommodate human beings, e.g. a hotel room, a camping pitch, or a meeting room. Many accommodations are for overnight stays, but this is not a mandatory requirement. For more specific types of accommodations not defined in, one can use additionalType with external vocabularies. <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Accommodation".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Place".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AccountingService, comment: %(Accountancy business.</p> @@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Action, comment: %(An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.</p> <p>See also <a href="">blog post</a> and <a href="">Actions overview document</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Action".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ActionStatusType, comment: %(The status of an Action.).freeze, @@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ label: "AdultEntertainment".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:EntertainmentBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AdvertiserContentArticle, comment: %(An <a class="localLink" href="">Article</a> that an external entity has paid to place or to produce to its specifications. Includes <a href="">advertorials</a>, sponsored content, native advertising and other paid content.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "AdvertiserContentArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Article".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AggregateOffer, comment: %(When a single product is associated with multiple offers \(for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants\), then AggregateOffer can be used.).freeze, label: "AggregateOffer".freeze, @@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ label: "Airport".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AlignmentObject, comment: %(An intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "AlignmentObject".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AllocateAction, comment: %(The act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it.).freeze, @@ -143,42 +143,42 @@ label: "AmusementPark".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:EntertainmentBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AnalysisNewsArticle, comment: %(An AnalysisNewsArticle is a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> that, while based on factual reporting, incorporates the expertise of the author/producer, offering interpretations and conclusions.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "AnalysisNewsArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:NewsArticle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AnatomicalStructure, comment: %(Any part of the human body, typically a component of an anatomical system. Organs, tissues, and cells are all anatomical structures.).freeze, label: "AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AnatomicalSystem, comment: %(An anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task. Anatomical systems, such as organ systems, are one organizing principle of anatomy, and can includes circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, urinary, vestibular, and other systems.).freeze, label: "AnatomicalSystem".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AnimalShelter, comment: %(Animal shelter.).freeze, label: "AnimalShelter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Answer, comment: %(An answer offered to a question; perhaps correct, perhaps opinionated or wrong.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Answer".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Comment".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Apartment, comment: %(An apartment \(in American English\) or flat \(in British English\) is a self-contained housing unit \(a type of residential real estate\) that occupies only part of a building \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href=""></a>\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Apartment".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ApartmentComplex, comment: %(Residence type: Apartment complex.).freeze, @@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:OrganizeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ApprovedIndication, comment: %(An indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example, the US FDA approves indications for most drugs in the US.).freeze, label: "ApprovedIndication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIndication".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Aquarium, comment: %(Aquarium.).freeze, label: "Aquarium".freeze, @@ -223,20 +223,20 @@ label: "ArtGallery".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:EntertainmentBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Artery, comment: %(A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "Artery".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vessel".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Article, comment: %(An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.</p> <p>See also <a href="">blog post</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Article".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AskAction, comment: %(<p>The act of posing a question / favor to someone.</p> @@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ label: "AssignAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AllocateAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Atlas, comment: %(A collection or bound volume of maps, charts, plates or tables, physical or in media form illustrating any subject.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Atlas".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Attorney, comment: %(Professional service: Attorney. </p> @@ -279,18 +279,18 @@ label: "Audience".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AudioObject, comment: %(An audio file.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "AudioObject".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Audiobook, comment: %(An audiobook.).freeze, label: "Audiobook".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:AudioObject".freeze, "schema:Book".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :AuthorizeAction, comment: %(The act of granting permission to an object.).freeze, label: "AuthorizeAction".freeze, @@ -336,29 +336,29 @@ label: "AutomotiveBusiness".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BackgroundNewsArticle, comment: %(A <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> providing historical context, definition and detail on a specific topic \(aka "explainer" or "backgrounder"\). For example, an in-depth article or frequently-asked-questions \(<a href="">FAQ</a>\) document on topics such as Climate Change or the European Union. Other kinds of background material from a non-news setting are often described using <a class="localLink" href="">Book</a> or <a class="localLink" href="">Article</a>, in particular <a class="localLink" href="">ScholarlyArticle</a>. See also <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> for related vocabulary from a learning/education perspective.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "BackgroundNewsArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:NewsArticle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Bacteria, comment: %(Pathogenic bacteria that cause bacterial infection.).freeze, label: "Bacteria".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze term :Bakery, comment: %(A bakery.).freeze, label: "Bakery".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FoodEstablishment".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BankAccount, comment: %(A product or service offered by a bank whereby one may deposit, withdraw or transfer money and in some cases be paid interest.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BankAccount".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BankOrCreditUnion, comment: %(Bank or credit union.).freeze, @@ -392,20 +392,20 @@ label: "BedAndBreakfast".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BedDetails, comment: %(An entity holding detailed information about the available bed types, e.g. the quantity of twin beds for a hotel room. For the single case of just one bed of a certain type, you can use bed directly with a text. See also <a class="localLink" href="">BedType</a> \(under development\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BedDetails".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BedType, comment: %(A type of bed. This is used for indicating the bed or beds available in an accommodation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "BedType".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1262).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1262".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BefriendAction, comment: %(<p>The act of forming a personal connection with someone \(object\) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically.</p> @@ -434,11 +434,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:SocialMediaPosting".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BloodTest, comment: %(A medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood.).freeze, label: "BloodTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BoardingPolicyType, comment: %(A type of boarding policy used by an airline.).freeze, label: "BoardingPolicyType".freeze, @@ -450,11 +450,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:Landform".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Bone, comment: %(Rigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body.).freeze, label: "Bone".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Book, comment: %(A book.).freeze, label: "Book".freeze, @@ -502,16 +502,16 @@ subClassOf: "schema:SportsActivityLocation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BrainStructure, comment: %(Any anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.).freeze, label: "BrainStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Brand, comment: %(A brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Brand".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BreadcrumbList, comment: %(A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, and typically ending with the current page.</p> @@ -540,39 +540,39 @@ label: "BroadcastEvent".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PublicationEvent".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BroadcastFrequencySpecification, comment: %(The frequency in MHz and the modulation used for a particular BroadcastService.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BroadcastFrequencySpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1004).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1004".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BroadcastService, comment: %(A delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.).freeze, label: "BroadcastService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Service".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BrokerageAccount, comment: %(An account that allows an investor to deposit funds and place investment orders with a licensed broker or brokerage firm.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "BrokerageAccount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:InvestmentOrDeposit".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BuddhistTemple, comment: %(A Buddhist temple.).freeze, label: "BuddhistTemple".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PlaceOfWorship".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BusOrCoach, comment: %(A bus \(also omnibus or autobus\) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Coaches are luxury busses, usually in service for long distance travel.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BusOrCoach".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BusReservation, comment: %(A reservation for bus travel. </p> @@ -610,11 +610,11 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BusinessEntityType".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BusinessEvent, comment: %(Event type: Business event.).freeze, @@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BusinessFunction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :BuyAction, comment: %(The act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent buys an object, product, or service from a seller for a price. Reciprocal of SellAction.).freeze, @@ -658,19 +658,19 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Campground, comment: %(A camping site, campsite, or campground is a place used for overnight stay in the outdoors. In British English a campsite is an area, usually divided into a number of pitches, where people can camp overnight using tents or camper vans or caravans; this British English use of the word is synonymous with the American English expression campground. In American English the term campsite generally means an area where an individual, family, group, or military unit can pitch a tent or parks a camper; a campground may contain many campsites \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href=""></a>\). <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Campground".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:CivicStructure".freeze, "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CampingPitch, comment: %(A camping pitch is an individual place for overnight stay in the outdoors, typically being part of a larger camping site. <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CampingPitch".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Canal, comment: %(A canal, like the Panama Canal.).freeze, @@ -689,40 +689,40 @@ label: "CancelAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PlanAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Car, comment: %(A car is a wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle used for transportation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Car".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CarUsageType, comment: %(A value indicating a special usage of a car, e.g. commercial rental, driving school, or as a taxi.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CarUsageType".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Casino, comment: %(A casino.).freeze, label: "Casino".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:EntertainmentBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CategoryCode, comment: %(A Category Code.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CategoryCode".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-894).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-894".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CategoryCodeSet, comment: %(A set of Category Code values.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CategoryCodeSet".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-894).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-894".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CatholicChurch, comment: %(A Catholic church.).freeze, label: "CatholicChurch".freeze, @@ -734,11 +734,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Chapter, comment: %(One of the sections into which a book is divided. A chapter usually has a section number or a name.).freeze, label: "Chapter".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CheckAction, comment: %(An agent inspects, determines, investigates, inquires, or examines an object's accuracy, quality, condition, or state.).freeze, label: "CheckAction".freeze, @@ -812,19 +812,19 @@ label: "CivicStructure".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Place".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ClaimReview, comment: %(A fact-checking review of claims made \(or reported\) in some creative work \(referenced via itemReviewed\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "ClaimReview".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1061).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1061".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Review".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Class, comment: %(A class, also often called a 'Type'; equivalent to rdfs:Class.).freeze, label: "Class".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Clip, comment: %(A short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program.).freeze, label: "Clip".freeze, @@ -836,17 +836,17 @@ subClassOf: "schema:Store".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Code, comment: %(Computer programming source code. Example: Full \(compile ready\) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.).freeze, label: "Code".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:SoftwareSourceCode).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Collection, comment: %(A created collection of Creative Works or other artefacts.).freeze, label: "Collection".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CollectionPage, comment: %(Web page type: Collection page.).freeze, label: "CollectionPage".freeze, @@ -868,42 +868,42 @@ subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ComicCoverArt, comment: %(The artwork on the cover of a comic.).freeze, label: "ComicCoverArt".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:ComicStory".freeze, "schema:CoverArt".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ComicIssue, comment: %(Individual comic issues are serially published as part of a larger series. For the sake of consistency, even one-shot issues belong to a series comprised of a single issue. All comic issues can be uniquely identified by: the combination of the name and volume number of the series to which the issue belongs; the issue number; and the variant description of the issue \(if any\).).freeze, label: "ComicIssue".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PublicationIssue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ComicSeries, comment: %(A sequential publication of comic stories under a unifying title, for example "The Amazing Spider-Man" or "Groo the Wanderer".).freeze, label: "ComicSeries".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Periodical".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ComicStory, comment: %(The term "story" is any indivisible, re-printable unit of a comic, including the interior stories, covers, and backmatter. Most comics have at least two stories: a cover \(ComicCoverArt\) and an interior story.).freeze, label: "ComicStory".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Comment, comment: %(A comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post. The comment's content is expressed via the <a class="localLink" href="">text</a> property, and its topic via <a class="localLink" href="">about</a>, properties shared with all CreativeWorks.).freeze, label: "Comment".freeze, @@ -921,19 +921,19 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CompleteDataFeed, comment: %(A <a class="localLink" href="">CompleteDataFeed</a> is a <a class="localLink" href="">DataFeed</a> whose standard representation includes content for every item currently in the feed.</p> <p>This is the equivalent of Atom's element as defined in Feed Paging and Archiving <a href="">RFC 5005</a>, For example \(and as defined for Atom\), when using data from a feed that represents a collection of items that varies over time \(e.g. "Top Twenty Records"\) there is no need to have newer entries mixed in alongside older, obsolete entries. By marking this feed as a CompleteDataFeed, old entries can be safely discarded when the feed is refreshed, since we can assume the feed has provided descriptions for all current items.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CompleteDataFeed".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1397).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1397".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:DataFeed".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CompoundPriceSpecification, comment: %(A compound price specification is one that bundles multiple prices that all apply in combination for different dimensions of consumption. Use the name property of the attached unit price specification for indicating the dimension of a price component \(e.g. "electricity" or "final cleaning"\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CompoundPriceSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ComputerLanguage, comment: %(This type covers computer programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp, as well as other language-like computer representations. Natural languages are best represented with the <a class="localLink" href="">Language</a> type.).freeze, @@ -957,14 +957,14 @@ label: "ConfirmAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:InformAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Consortium, comment: %(A Consortium is a membership <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a> whose members are typically Organizations.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Consortium".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1559).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1559".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ConsumeAction, comment: %(The act of ingesting information/resources/food.).freeze, label: "ConsumeAction".freeze, @@ -1010,11 +1010,11 @@ label: "CookAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreateAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Corporation, comment: %(Organization: A business corporation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Corporation".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Country, comment: %(A country.).freeze, @@ -1037,22 +1037,22 @@ subClassOf: "schema:GovernmentBuilding".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CoverArt, comment: %(The artwork on the outer surface of a CreativeWork.).freeze, label: "CoverArt".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CreateAction, comment: %(The act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent.).freeze, label: "CreateAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Action".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CreativeWork, comment: %(The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CreativeWork".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CreativeWorkSeason, comment: %(A media season e.g. tv, radio, video game etc.).freeze, @@ -1080,45 +1080,45 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "CreditCard".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, "schema:PaymentCard".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Crematorium, comment: %(A crematorium.).freeze, label: "Crematorium".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CriticReview, comment: %(A <a class="localLink" href="">CriticReview</a> is a more specialized form of Review written or published by a source that is recognized for its reviewing activities. These can include online columns, travel and food guides, TV and radio shows, blogs and other independent Web sites. <a class="localLink" href="">CriticReview</a>s are typically more in-depth and professionally written. For simpler, casually written user/visitor/viewer/customer reviews, it is more appropriate to use the <a class="localLink" href="">UserReview</a> type. Review aggregator sites such as Metacritic already separate out the site's user reviews from selected critic reviews that originate from third-party sources.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CriticReview".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1589).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1589".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Review".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CssSelectorType, comment: %(Text representing a CSS selector.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CssSelectorType".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1672).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1672".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CurrencyConversionService, comment: %(A service to convert funds from one currency to another currency.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CurrencyConversionService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DDxElement, comment: %(An alternative, closely-related condition typically considered later in the differential diagnosis process along with the signs that are used to distinguish it.).freeze, label: "DDxElement".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIntangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DanceEvent, comment: %(Event type: A social dance.).freeze, label: "DanceEvent".freeze, @@ -1129,20 +1129,20 @@ label: "DanceGroup".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PerformingGroup".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DataCatalog, comment: %(A collection of datasets.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, + equivalentClass: "dcat:Catalog".freeze, label: "DataCatalog".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(dcat:Catalog).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DataDownload, comment: %(A dataset in downloadable form.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, + equivalentClass: "dcat:Distribution".freeze, label: "DataDownload".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(dcat:Distribution).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DataFeed, comment: %(A single feed providing structured information about one or more entities or topics.).freeze, label: "DataFeed".freeze, @@ -1158,13 +1158,13 @@ label: "DataType".freeze, subClassOf: "rdfs:Class".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Dataset, comment: %(A body of structured information describing some topic\(s\) of interest.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, + equivalentClass: ["dcat:Dataset".freeze, "dcmitype:Dataset".freeze, "void:Dataset".freeze], label: "Dataset".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => [%(dcat:Dataset).freeze, %(dcmitype:Dataset).freeze, %(void:Dataset).freeze], subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Date, comment: %(A date value in <a href="">ISO 8601 date format</a>.).freeze, label: "Date".freeze, @@ -1174,18 +1174,18 @@ label: "DateTime".freeze, type: ["rdfs:Class".freeze, "schema:DataType".freeze] term :DatedMoneySpecification, comment: %(A DatedMoneySpecification represents monetary values with optional start and end dates. For example, this could represent an employee's salary over a specific period of time. <strong>Note:</strong> This type has been superseded by <a class="localLink" href="">MonetaryAmount</a> use of that type is recommended).freeze, label: "DatedMoneySpecification".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:MonetaryAmount).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DayOfWeek, comment: %(The day of the week, e.g. used to specify to which day the opening hours of an OpeningHoursSpecification refer.</p> <p>Originally, URLs from <a href="">GoodRelations</a> were used \(for <a class="localLink" href="">Monday</a>, <a class="localLink" href="">Tuesday</a>, <a class="localLink" href="">Wednesday</a>, <a class="localLink" href="">Thursday</a>, <a class="localLink" href="">Friday</a>, <a class="localLink" href="">Saturday</a>, <a class="localLink" href="">Sunday</a> plus a special entry for <a class="localLink" href="">PublicHolidays</a>\); these have now been integrated directly into, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DayOfWeek".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DaySpa, comment: %(A day spa.).freeze, @@ -1207,11 +1207,11 @@ label: "DeleteAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UpdateAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DeliveryChargeSpecification, comment: %(The price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DeliveryChargeSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DeliveryEvent, comment: %(An event involving the delivery of an item.).freeze, @@ -1232,17 +1232,17 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DeliveryMethod".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Demand, comment: %(A demand entity represents the public, not necessarily binding, not necessarily exclusive, announcement by an organization or person to seek a certain type of goods or services. For describing demand using this type, the very same properties used for Offer apply.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Demand".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Dentist, comment: %(A dentist.).freeze, @@ -1259,36 +1259,36 @@ label: "DepartmentStore".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Store".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DepositAccount, comment: %(A type of Bank Account with a main purpose of depositing funds to gain interest or other benefits.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DepositAccount".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:BankAccount".freeze, "schema:InvestmentOrDeposit".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DiagnosticLab, comment: %(A medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services.).freeze, label: "DiagnosticLab".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalOrganization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DiagnosticProcedure, comment: %(A medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic, as opposed to therapeutic, purposes.).freeze, label: "DiagnosticProcedure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Diet, comment: %(A strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal.).freeze, label: "Diet".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:LifestyleModification".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DietarySupplement, comment: %(A product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars and metabolites.).freeze, label: "DietarySupplement".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Substance".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DigitalDocument, comment: %(An electronic file or document.).freeze, label: "DigitalDocument".freeze, @@ -1329,25 +1329,25 @@ label: "Distance".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Quantity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Distillery, comment: %(A distillery.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Distillery".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-743).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-743".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FoodEstablishment".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DonateAction, comment: %(The act of providing goods, services, or money without compensation, often for philanthropic reasons.).freeze, label: "DonateAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:TradeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DoseSchedule, comment: %(A specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.).freeze, label: "DoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIntangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DownloadAction, comment: %(The act of downloading an object.).freeze, label: "DownloadAction".freeze, @@ -1363,61 +1363,61 @@ label: "DrinkAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:ConsumeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DriveWheelConfigurationValue, comment: %(A value indicating which roadwheels will receive torque.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DriveWheelConfigurationValue".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Drug, comment: %(A chemical or biologic substance, used as a medical therapy, that has a physiological effect on an organism. Here the term drug is used interchangeably with the term medicine although clinical knowledge make a clear difference between them.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "Drug".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Substance".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugClass, comment: %(A class of medical drugs, e.g., statins. Classes can represent general pharmacological class, common mechanisms of action, common physiological effects, etc.).freeze, label: "DrugClass".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugCost, comment: %(The cost per unit of a medical drug. Note that this type is not meant to represent the price in an offer of a drug for sale; see the Offer type for that. This type will typically be used to tag wholesale or average retail cost of a drug, or maximum reimbursable cost. Costs of medical drugs vary widely depending on how and where they are paid for, so while this type captures some of the variables, costs should be used with caution by consumers of this schema's markup.).freeze, label: "DrugCost".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugCostCategory, comment: %(Enumerated categories of medical drug costs.).freeze, label: "DrugCostCategory".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugLegalStatus, comment: %(The legal availability status of a medical drug.).freeze, label: "DrugLegalStatus".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIntangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugPregnancyCategory, comment: %(Categories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy.).freeze, label: "DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugPrescriptionStatus, comment: %(Indicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.).freeze, label: "DrugPrescriptionStatus".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DrugStrength, comment: %(A specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country.).freeze, label: "DrugStrength".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIntangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :DryCleaningOrLaundry, comment: %(A dry-cleaning business.).freeze, label: "DryCleaningOrLaundry".freeze, @@ -1438,11 +1438,11 @@ label: "EducationEvent".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EducationalAudience, comment: %(An EducationalAudience.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EducationalAudience".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Audience".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EducationalOrganization, comment: %(An educational organization.).freeze, @@ -1484,14 +1484,14 @@ label: "EmployeeRole".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:OrganizationRole".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EmployerReview, comment: %(An <a class="localLink" href="">EmployerReview</a> is a review of an <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a> regarding its role as an employer, written by a current or former employee of that organization.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EmployerReview".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1576).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1576".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Review".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EmploymentAgency, comment: %(An employment agency.).freeze, label: "EmploymentAgency".freeze, @@ -1507,35 +1507,35 @@ "Like" or "+1" on a social network. It can be considered the <a class="localLink" href="">result</a> of an <a class="localLink" href="">EndorseAction</a> in which the <a class="localLink" href="">object</a> of the action is rated positively by some <a class="localLink" href="">agent</a>. As is common elsewhere in, it is sometimes more useful to describe the results of such an action without explicitly describing the <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>.</p> <p>An <a class="localLink" href="">EndorsementRating</a> may be part of a numeric scale or organized system, but this is not required: having an explicit type for indicating a positive, endorsement rating is particularly useful in the absence of numeric scales as it helps consumers understand that the rating is broadly positive.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EndorsementRating".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1293).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1293".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Rating".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Energy, comment: %(Properties that take Energy as values are of the form '&lt;Number&gt; &lt;Energy unit of measure&gt;'.).freeze, label: "Energy".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Quantity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EngineSpecification, comment: %(Information about the engine of the vehicle. A vehicle can have multiple engines represented by multiple engine specification entities.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EngineSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EntertainmentBusiness, comment: %(A business providing entertainment.).freeze, label: "EntertainmentBusiness".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EntryPoint, comment: %(An entry point, within some Web-based protocol.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EntryPoint".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Enumeration, comment: %(Lists or enumerations—for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.).freeze, @@ -1547,12 +1547,12 @@ label: "Episode".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Event, comment: %(An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival. Ticketing information may be added via the <a class="localLink" href="">offers</a> property. Repeated events may be structured as separate Event objects.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "dcmitype:Event".freeze, label: "Event".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(dcmitype:Event).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EventReservation, comment: %(A reservation for an event like a concert, sporting event, or lecture.</p> @@ -1572,14 +1572,14 @@ <p>EventSeries has been defined as a kind of Event to make it easy for publishers to use it in an Event context without worrying about which kinds of series are really event-like enough to call an Event. In general an EventSeries may seem more Event-like when the period of time is compact and when aspects such as location are fixed, but it may also sometimes prove useful to describe a longer-term series as an Event.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EventSeries".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-447).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-447".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :EventStatusType, comment: %(EventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in.).freeze, label: "EventStatusType".freeze, @@ -1590,14 +1590,14 @@ label: "EventVenue".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ExchangeRateSpecification, comment: %(A structured value representing exchange rate.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "ExchangeRateSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ExerciseAction, comment: %(The act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitness.).freeze, label: "ExerciseAction".freeze, @@ -1609,24 +1609,24 @@ subClassOf: "schema:SportsActivityLocation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ExercisePlan, comment: %(Fitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose, including defined exercise routines as well as activity prescribed by a clinician.).freeze, label: "ExercisePlan".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:PhysicalActivity".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ExhibitionEvent, comment: %(Event type: Exhibition event, e.g. at a museum, library, archive, tradeshow, ...).freeze, label: "ExhibitionEvent".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :FMRadioChannel, comment: %(A radio channel that uses FM.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "FMRadioChannel".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1004).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1004".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:RadioChannel".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :FastFoodRestaurant, comment: %(A fast-food restaurant.).freeze, label: "FastFoodRestaurant".freeze, @@ -1642,11 +1642,11 @@ label: "FilmAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreateAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :FinancialProduct, comment: %(A product provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies, and investment companies which comprise the financial services industry.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "FinancialProduct".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Service".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :FinancialService, comment: %(Financial services business.).freeze, @@ -1723,18 +1723,18 @@ label: "FoodEvent".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :FoodService, comment: %(A food service, like breakfast, lunch, or dinner.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "FoodService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Service".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Fungus, comment: %(Pathogenic fungus.).freeze, label: "Fungus".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze term :FurnitureStore, comment: %(A furniture store.).freeze, label: "FurnitureStore".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Store".freeze, @@ -1796,20 +1796,20 @@ label: "GeoCoordinates".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :GeoShape, comment: %(The geographic shape of a place. A GeoShape can be described using several properties whose values are based on latitude/longitude pairs. Either whitespace or commas can be used to separate latitude and longitude; whitespace should be used when writing a list of several such points.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "GeoShape".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :GeospatialGeometry, comment: %(\(Eventually to be defined as\) a supertype of GeoShape designed to accommodate definitions from Geo-Spatial best practices.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "GeospatialGeometry".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :GiveAction, comment: %(<p>The act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination. Reciprocal of TakeAction.</p> @@ -1883,38 +1883,38 @@ label: "HealthClub".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:HealthAndBeautyBusiness".freeze, "schema:SportsActivityLocation".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HealthInsurancePlan, comment: %(A US-style health insurance plan, including PPOs, EPOs, and HMOs.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification, comment: %(A description of costs to the patient under a given network or formulary.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HealthPlanFormulary, comment: %(For a given health insurance plan, the specification for costs and coverage of prescription drugs.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "HealthPlanFormulary".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HealthPlanNetwork, comment: %(A US-style health insurance plan network.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "HealthPlanNetwork".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HighSchool, comment: %(A high school.).freeze, label: "HighSchool".freeze, @@ -1958,25 +1958,25 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Hotel, comment: %(A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see\). <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Hotel".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HotelRoom, comment: %(A hotel room is a single room in a hotel. <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "HotelRoom".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Room".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :House, comment: %(A house is a building or structure that has the ability to be occupied for habitation by humans or other creatures \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href=""></a>\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "House".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HousePainter, comment: %(A house painting service.).freeze, @@ -2038,36 +2038,36 @@ label: "ImageGallery".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CollectionPage".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ImageObject, comment: %(An image file.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "dcmitype:Image".freeze, label: "ImageObject".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(dcmitype:Image).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ImagingTest, comment: %(Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes.).freeze, label: "ImagingTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :IndividualProduct, comment: %(A single, identifiable product instance \(e.g. a laptop with a particular serial number\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "IndividualProduct".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Product".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :InfectiousAgentClass, comment: %(Classes of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "InfectiousAgentClass".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :InfectiousDisease, comment: %(An infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, like pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and prions. To be considered an infectious disease, such pathogens are known to be able to cause this disease.).freeze, label: "InfectiousDisease".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :InformAction, comment: %(The act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them, with no expectation of a response.).freeze, label: "InformAction".freeze, @@ -2113,19 +2113,19 @@ label: "InternetCafe".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :InvestmentFund, comment: %(A company or fund that gathers capital from a number of investors to create a pool of money that is then re-invested into stocks, bonds and other assets.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "InvestmentFund".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:InvestmentOrDeposit".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :InvestmentOrDeposit, comment: %(A type of financial product that typically requires the client to transfer funds to a financial service in return for potential beneficial financial return.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "InvestmentOrDeposit".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :InviteAction, comment: %(The act of asking someone to attend an event. Reciprocal of RsvpAction.).freeze, @@ -2182,11 +2182,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:InteractAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Joint, comment: %(The anatomical location at which two or more bones make contact.).freeze, label: "Joint".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LakeBodyOfWater, comment: %(A lake \(for example, Lake Pontrachain\).).freeze, label: "LakeBodyOfWater".freeze, @@ -2220,15 +2220,15 @@ label: "LeaveAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:InteractAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LegalForceStatus, comment: %(A list of possible statuses for the legal force of a legislation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "LegalForceStatus".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LegalService, comment: %(A LegalService is a business that provides legally-oriented services, advice and representation, e.g. law firms.</p> @@ -2236,33 +2236,33 @@ label: "LegalService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LegalValueLevel, comment: %(A list of possible levels for the legal validity of a legislation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "LegalValueLevel".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:closeMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "skos:closeMatch": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Legislation, comment: %(A legal act \(enforceable or not\) or a component of a legal act \(like an article\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:closeMatch" => [%(, %(], + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "skos:closeMatch": ["".freeze, "".freeze], subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LegislationObject, comment: %(A specific object or file containing a Legislation. Note that the same Legislation can be published in multiple files. For example, a digitally signed PDF, a plain PDF and an HTML version.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "LegislationObject".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:closeMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "skos:closeMatch": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:Legislation".freeze, "schema:MediaObject".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LegislativeBuilding, comment: %(A legislative building&#x2014;for example, the state capitol.).freeze, label: "LegislativeBuilding".freeze, @@ -2285,39 +2285,39 @@ label: "Library".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LibrarySystem, comment: %(A <a class="localLink" href="">LibrarySystem</a> is a collaborative system amongst several libraries.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LibrarySystem".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1495).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1495".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LifestyleModification, comment: %(A process of care involving exercise, changes to diet, fitness routines, and other lifestyle changes aimed at improving a health condition.).freeze, label: "LifestyleModification".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Ligament, comment: %(A short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that functions to connect multiple bones, cartilages, and structurally support joints.).freeze, label: "Ligament".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LikeAction, comment: %(The act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object. An agent likes an object \(a proposition, topic or theme\) with participants.).freeze, label: "LikeAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:ReactAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LinkRole, comment: %(A Role that represents a Web link e.g. as expressed via the 'url' property. Its linkRelationship property can indicate URL-based and plain textual link types e.g. those in IANA link registry or others such as 'amphtml'. This structure provides a placeholder where details from HTML's link element can be represented outside of HTML, e.g. in JSON-LD feeds.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LinkRole".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1045).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1045".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Role".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LiquorStore, comment: %(A shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whisky and other spirits.).freeze, label: "LiquorStore".freeze, @@ -2343,23 +2343,23 @@ label: "LiveBlogPosting".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:BlogPosting".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LoanOrCredit, comment: %(A financial product for the loaning of an amount of money under agreed terms and charges.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LoanOrCredit".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LocalBusiness, comment: %(A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.).freeze, label: "LocalBusiness".freeze, - :"skos:closeMatch" => %(, + "skos:closeMatch": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LocationFeatureSpecification, comment: %(Specifies a location feature by providing a structured value representing a feature of an accommodation as a property-value pair of varying degrees of formality.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LocationFeatureSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PropertyValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LockerDelivery, comment: %(A DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker.).freeze, @@ -2389,11 +2389,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:AchieveAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :LymphaticVessel, comment: %(A type of blood vessel that specifically carries lymph fluid unidirectionally toward the heart.).freeze, label: "LymphaticVessel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vessel".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Map, comment: %(A map.).freeze, label: "Map".freeze, @@ -2415,277 +2415,277 @@ subClassOf: "schema:Quantity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MaximumDoseSchedule, comment: %(The maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.).freeze, label: "MaximumDoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MediaObject, comment: %(A media object, such as an image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset i.e. DataDownload. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song \(MusicRecording\) may have a music video \(VideoObject\), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream \(2 AudioObject's\).).freeze, label: "MediaObject".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalAudience, comment: %(Target audiences for medical web pages. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "MedicalAudience".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:Audience".freeze, "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, "schema:PeopleAudience".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalBusiness, comment: %(A particular physical or virtual business of an organization for medical purposes. Examples of MedicalBusiness include differents business run by health professionals.).freeze, label: "MedicalBusiness".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalCause, comment: %(The causative agent\(s\) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition, symptom or sign. In this schema, unless otherwise specified this is meant to be the proximate cause of the medical condition, symptom or sign. The proximate cause is defined as the causative agent that most directly results in the medical condition, symptom or sign. For example, the HIV virus could be considered a cause of AIDS. Or in a diagnostic context, if a patient fell and sustained a hip fracture and two days later sustained a pulmonary embolism which eventuated in a cardiac arrest, the cause of the cardiac arrest \(the proximate cause\) would be the pulmonary embolism and not the fall. Medical causes can include cardiovascular, chemical, dermatologic, endocrine, environmental, gastroenterologic, genetic, hematologic, gynecologic, iatrogenic, infectious, musculoskeletal, neurologic, nutritional, obstetric, oncologic, otolaryngologic, pharmacologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, renal, rheumatologic, toxic, traumatic, or urologic causes; medical conditions can be causes as well.).freeze, label: "MedicalCause".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalClinic, comment: %(A facility, often associated with a hospital or medical school, that is devoted to the specific diagnosis and/or healthcare. Previously limited to outpatients but with evolution it may be open to inpatients as well.).freeze, label: "MedicalClinic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, "schema:MedicalOrganization".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalCode, comment: %(A code for a medical entity.).freeze, label: "MedicalCode".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:CategoryCode".freeze, "schema:MedicalIntangible".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalCondition, comment: %(Any condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person, whether physically or mentally. Includes diseases, injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc.).freeze, label: "MedicalCondition".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalConditionStage, comment: %(A stage of a medical condition, such as 'Stage IIIa'.).freeze, label: "MedicalConditionStage".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIntangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalContraindication, comment: %(A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy. Contraindications can be absolute \(there are no reasonable circumstances for undertaking a course of action\) or relative \(the patient is at higher risk of complications, but that these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures\).).freeze, label: "MedicalContraindication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalDevice, comment: %(Any object used in a medical capacity, such as to diagnose or treat a patient.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "MedicalDevice".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalDevicePurpose, comment: %(Categories of medical devices, organized by the purpose or intended use of the device.).freeze, label: "MedicalDevicePurpose".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalEntity, comment: %(The most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine.).freeze, label: "MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalEnumeration, comment: %(Enumerations related to health and the practice of medicine: A concept that is used to attribute a quality to another concept, as a qualifier, a collection of items or a listing of all of the elements of a set in medicine practice.).freeze, label: "MedicalEnumeration".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalEvidenceLevel, comment: %(Level of evidence for a medical guideline. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "MedicalEvidenceLevel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalGuideline, comment: %(Any recommendation made by a standard society \(e.g. ACC/AHA\) or consensus statement that denotes how to diagnose and treat a particular condition. Note: this type should be used to tag the actual guideline recommendation; if the guideline recommendation occurs in a larger scholarly article, use MedicalScholarlyArticle to tag the overall article, not this type. Note also: the organization making the recommendation should be captured in the recognizingAuthority base property of MedicalEntity.).freeze, label: "MedicalGuideline".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalGuidelineContraindication, comment: %(A guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound.).freeze, label: "MedicalGuidelineContraindication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalGuidelineRecommendation, comment: %(A guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound.).freeze, label: "MedicalGuidelineRecommendation".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalImagingTechnique, comment: %(Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalIndication, comment: %(A condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy, including signs, symptoms, risk factors, anatomical states, etc.).freeze, label: "MedicalIndication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalIntangible, comment: %(A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space.).freeze, label: "MedicalIntangible".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalObservationalStudy, comment: %(An observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time. In an observational study, the assignment of subjects into treatment groups versus control groups is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with controlled studies, such as the randomized controlled trials represented by MedicalTrial, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group before the start of the treatment.).freeze, label: "MedicalObservationalStudy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalObservationalStudyDesign, comment: %(Design models for observational medical studies. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalOrganization, comment: %(A medical organization \(physical or not\), such as hospital, institution or clinic.).freeze, label: "MedicalOrganization".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalProcedure, comment: %(A process of care used in either a diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive or palliative capacity that relies on invasive \(surgical\), non-invasive, or other techniques.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "MedicalProcedure".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalProcedureType, comment: %(An enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures.).freeze, label: "MedicalProcedureType".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalRiskCalculator, comment: %(A complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator, used to assess prognosis. Note: use the url property of Thing to record any URLs for online calculators.).freeze, label: "MedicalRiskCalculator".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalRiskEstimator".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalRiskEstimator, comment: %(Any rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition.).freeze, label: "MedicalRiskEstimator".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalRiskFactor, comment: %(A risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease, medical condition, or complication.).freeze, label: "MedicalRiskFactor".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalRiskScore, comment: %(A simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis, e.g. CHAD score, TIMI risk score.).freeze, label: "MedicalRiskScore".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalRiskEstimator".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalScholarlyArticle, comment: %(A scholarly article in the medical domain.).freeze, label: "MedicalScholarlyArticle".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:ScholarlyArticle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalSign, comment: %(Any physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination.).freeze, label: "MedicalSign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalSignOrSymptom, comment: %(Any feature associated or not with a medical condition. In medicine a symptom is generally subjective while a sign is objective.).freeze, label: "MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalSpecialty, comment: %(Any specific branch of medical science or practice. Medical specialities include clinical specialties that pertain to particular organ systems and their respective disease states, as well as allied health specialties. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "MedicalSpecialty".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, "schema:Specialty".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalStudy, comment: %(A medical study is an umbrella type covering all kinds of research studies relating to human medicine or health, including observational studies and interventional trials and registries, randomized, controlled or not. When the specific type of study is known, use one of the extensions of this type, such as MedicalTrial or MedicalObservationalStudy. Also, note that this type should be used to mark up data that describes the study itself; to tag an article that publishes the results of a study, use MedicalScholarlyArticle. Note: use the code property of MedicalEntity to store study IDs, e.g. ID.).freeze, label: "MedicalStudy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalStudyStatus, comment: %(The status of a medical study. Enumerated type.).freeze, label: "MedicalStudyStatus".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalSymptom, comment: %(Any complaint sensed and expressed by the patient \(therefore defined as subjective\) like stomachache, lower-back pain, or fatigue.).freeze, label: "MedicalSymptom".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalTest, comment: %(Any medical test, typically performed for diagnostic purposes.).freeze, label: "MedicalTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalTestPanel, comment: %(Any collection of tests commonly ordered together.).freeze, label: "MedicalTestPanel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalTherapy, comment: %(Any medical intervention designed to prevent, treat, and cure human diseases and medical conditions, including both curative and palliative therapies. Medical therapies are typically processes of care relying upon pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, supportive therapy \(with fluid or nutrition for example\), or detoxification \(e.g. hemodialysis\) aimed at improving or preventing a health condition.).freeze, label: "MedicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:TherapeuticProcedure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalTrial, comment: %(A medical trial is a type of medical study that uses scientific process used to compare the safety and efficacy of medical therapies or medical procedures. In general, medical trials are controlled and subjects are allocated at random to the different treatment and/or control groups.).freeze, label: "MedicalTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalTrialDesign, comment: %(Design models for medical trials. Enumerated type.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MedicalTrialDesign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:Enumeration".freeze, "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicalWebPage, comment: %(A web page that provides medical information.).freeze, label: "MedicalWebPage".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:WebPage".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MedicineSystem, comment: %(Systems of medical practice.).freeze, label: "MedicineSystem".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MeetingRoom, comment: %(A meeting room, conference room, or conference hall is a room provided for singular events such as business conferences and meetings \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href=""></a>\). <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MeetingRoom".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Room".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MensClothingStore, comment: %(A men's clothing store.).freeze, @@ -2727,28 +2727,28 @@ label: "MobilePhoneStore".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Store".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MonetaryAmount, comment: %(A monetary value or range. This type can be used to describe an amount of money such as $50 USD, or a range as in describing a bank account being suitable for a balance between £1,000 and £1,000,000 GBP, or the value of a salary, etc. It is recommended to use <a class="localLink" href="">PriceSpecification</a> Types to describe the price of an Offer, Invoice, etc.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MonetaryAmount".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MoneyTransfer, comment: %(The act of transferring money from one place to another place. This may occur electronically or physically.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "MoneyTransfer".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:TransferAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MortgageLoan, comment: %(A loan in which property or real estate is used as collateral. \(A loan securitized against some real estate.\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "MortgageLoan".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Mosque, comment: %(A mosque.).freeze, label: "Mosque".freeze, @@ -2761,13 +2761,13 @@ label: "Motel".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Motorcycle, comment: %(A motorcycle or motorbike is a single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Motorcycle".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MotorcycleDealer, comment: %(A motorcycle dealer.).freeze, label: "MotorcycleDealer".freeze, @@ -2778,13 +2778,13 @@ label: "MotorcycleRepair".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AutomotiveBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MotorizedBicycle, comment: %(A motorized bicycle is a bicycle with an attached motor used to power the vehicle, or to assist with pedaling.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MotorizedBicycle".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Mountain, comment: %(A mountain, like Mount Whitney or Mount Everest.).freeze, label: "Mountain".freeze, @@ -2833,16 +2833,16 @@ subClassOf: "schema:HomeAndConstructionBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MulticellularParasite, comment: %(Multicellular parasite that causes an infection.).freeze, label: "MulticellularParasite".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze term :Muscle, comment: %(A muscle is an anatomical structure consisting of a contractile form of tissue that animals use to effect movement.).freeze, label: "Muscle".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Museum, comment: %(A museum.).freeze, label: "Museum".freeze, @@ -2853,23 +2853,23 @@ label: "MusicAlbum".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MusicPlaylist".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicAlbumProductionType, comment: %(Classification of the album by it's type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicAlbumReleaseType, comment: %(The kind of release which this album is: single, EP or album.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MusicAlbumReleaseType".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicComposition, comment: %(A musical composition.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MusicComposition".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicEvent, comment: %(Event type: Music event.).freeze, @@ -2891,17 +2891,17 @@ label: "MusicRecording".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicRelease, comment: %(A MusicRelease is a specific release of a music album.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MusicRelease".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MusicPlaylist".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicReleaseFormatType, comment: %(Format of this release \(the type of recording media used, ie. compact disc, digital media, LP, etc.\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :MusicStore, comment: %(A music store.).freeze, @@ -2929,34 +2929,34 @@ subClassOf: "schema:HealthAndBeautyBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Nerve, comment: %(A common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons.).freeze, label: "Nerve".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :NewsArticle, comment: %(A NewsArticle is an article whose content reports news, or provides background context and supporting materials for understanding the news.</p> <p>A more detailed overview of <a href="/docs/news.html"> News markup</a> is also available.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "NewsArticle".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Article".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :NewsMediaOrganization, comment: %(A News/Media organization such as a newspaper or TV station.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Newspaper, comment: %(A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter \(i.e. business, culture, education\). Often published daily.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Newspaper".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Periodical".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :NightClub, comment: %(A nightclub or discotheque.).freeze, label: "NightClub".freeze, @@ -2988,11 +2988,11 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Offer, comment: %(An offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service — for example, an offer to sell tickets to an event, to rent the DVD of a movie, to stream a TV show over the internet, to repair a motorcycle, or to loan a book.</p> <p>For <a href="">GTIN</a>-related fields, see <a href="">Check Digit calculator</a> and <a href="">validation guide</a> from <a href="">GS1</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Offer".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :OfferCatalog, comment: %(An OfferCatalog is an ItemList that contains related Offers and/or further OfferCatalogs that are offeredBy the same provider.).freeze, @@ -3018,26 +3018,26 @@ comment: %(A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.</p> <p>The place is <strong>open</strong> if the <a class="localLink" href="">opens</a> property is specified, and <strong>closed</strong> otherwise.</p> <p>If the value for the <a class="localLink" href="">closes</a> property is less than the value for the <a class="localLink" href="">opens</a> property then the hour range is assumed to span over the next day.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :OpinionNewsArticle, comment: %(An <a class="localLink" href="">OpinionNewsArticle</a> is a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> that primarily expresses opinions rather than journalistic reporting of news and events. For example, a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> consisting of a column or <a class="localLink" href="">Blog</a>/<a class="localLink" href="">BlogPosting</a> entry in the Opinions section of a news publication.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "OpinionNewsArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:NewsArticle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Optician, comment: %(A store that sells reading glasses and similar devices for improving vision.).freeze, label: "Optician".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Order, comment: %(An order is a confirmation of a transaction \(a receipt\), which can contain multiple line items, each represented by an Offer that has been accepted by the customer.).freeze, label: "Order".freeze, @@ -3078,11 +3078,11 @@ label: "OutletStore".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Store".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :OwnershipInfo, comment: %(A structured value providing information about when a certain organization or person owned a certain product.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "OwnershipInfo".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PaintAction, comment: %(The act of producing a painting, typically with paint and canvas as instruments.).freeze, @@ -3095,11 +3095,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PalliativeProcedure, comment: %(A medical procedure intended primarily for palliative purposes, aimed at relieving the symptoms of an underlying health condition.).freeze, label: "PalliativeProcedure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ParcelDelivery, comment: %(The delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service.).freeze, label: "ParcelDelivery".freeze, @@ -3114,11 +3114,11 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "ParcelService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:DeliveryMethod".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ParentAudience, comment: %(A set of characteristics describing parents, who can be interested in viewing some content.).freeze, @@ -3136,18 +3136,18 @@ subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PathologyTest, comment: %(A medical test performed by a laboratory that typically involves examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist.).freeze, label: "PathologyTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Patient, comment: %(A patient is any person recipient of health care services.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "Patient".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:MedicalAudience".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PawnShop, comment: %(A shop that will buy, or lend money against the security of, personal possessions.).freeze, label: "PawnShop".freeze, @@ -3158,17 +3158,17 @@ label: "PayAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:TradeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PaymentCard, comment: %(A payment method using a credit, debit, store or other card to associate the payment with an account.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PaymentCard".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, "schema:PaymentMethod".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PaymentChargeSpecification, comment: %(The costs of settling the payment using a particular payment method.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PaymentChargeSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PaymentMethod, comment: %(<p>A payment method is a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase. Payment methods are characterized by the legal and technical structures used, and by the organization or group carrying out the transaction.</p> @@ -3185,17 +3185,17 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PaymentMethod".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PaymentService, comment: %(A Service to transfer funds from a person or organization to a beneficiary person or organization.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PaymentService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PaymentStatusType, comment: %(A specific payment status. For example, PaymentDue, PaymentComplete, etc.).freeze, @@ -3229,25 +3229,25 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Periodical, comment: %(A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended, such as a magazine, scholarly journal, or newspaper to continue indefinitely.</p> <p>See also <a href="">blog post</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, + equivalentClass: "bibo:Periodical".freeze, label: "Periodical".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(bibo:Periodical).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWorkSeries".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Permit, comment: %(A permit issued by an organization, e.g. a parking pass.).freeze, label: "Permit".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Person, comment: %(A person \(alive, dead, undead, or fictional\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, + equivalentClass: "foaf:Person".freeze, label: "Person".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(foaf:Person).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PetStore, comment: %(A pet store.).freeze, label: "PetStore".freeze, @@ -3269,29 +3269,29 @@ subClassOf: "schema:CreateAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PhysicalActivity, comment: %(Any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Includes activity that is part of daily living and routine, structured exercise, and exercise prescribed as part of a medical treatment or recovery plan.).freeze, label: "PhysicalActivity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LifestyleModification".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PhysicalActivityCategory, comment: %(Categories of physical activity, organized by physiologic classification.).freeze, label: "PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PhysicalExam, comment: %(A type of physical examination of a patient performed by a physician.).freeze, label: "PhysicalExam".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PhysicalTherapy, comment: %(A process of progressive physical care and rehabilitation aimed at improving a health condition.).freeze, label: "PhysicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Physician, comment: %(A doctor's office.).freeze, label: "Physician".freeze, @@ -3355,14 +3355,14 @@ label: "PostalAddress".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:ContactPoint".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PreOrderAction, comment: %(An agent orders a \(not yet released\) object/product/service to be delivered/sent.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PreOrderAction".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1125).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1125".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:TradeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PrependAction, comment: %(The act of inserting at the beginning if an ordered collection.).freeze, label: "PrependAction".freeze, @@ -3379,33 +3379,33 @@ subClassOf: "schema:DigitalDocument".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PreventionIndication, comment: %(An indication for preventing an underlying condition, symptom, etc.).freeze, label: "PreventionIndication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIndication".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PriceSpecification, comment: %(A structured value representing a price or price range. Typically, only the subclasses of this type are used for markup. It is recommended to use <a class="localLink" href="">MonetaryAmount</a> to describe independent amounts of money such as a salary, credit card limits, etc.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PriceSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Prion, comment: %(A prion is an infectious agent composed of protein in a misfolded form.).freeze, label: "Prion".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze term :Product, comment: %(Any offered product or service. For example: a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Product".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ProductModel, comment: %(A datasheet or vendor specification of a product \(in the sense of a prototypical description\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "ProductModel".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Product".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ProfessionalService, comment: %(Original definition: "provider of professional services."</p> @@ -3427,49 +3427,49 @@ subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Property, comment: %(A property, used to indicate attributes and relationships of some Thing; equivalent to rdf:Property.).freeze, label: "Property".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PropertyValue, comment: %(A property-value pair, e.g. representing a feature of a product or place. Use the 'name' property for the name of the property. If there is an additional human-readable version of the value, put that into the 'description' property.</p> <p>Always use specific properties when a\) they exist and b\) you can populate them. Using PropertyValue as a substitute will typically not trigger the same effect as using the original, specific property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PropertyValue".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PropertyValueSpecification, comment: %(A Property value specification.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PropertyValueSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Protozoa, comment: %(Single-celled organism that causes an infection.).freeze, label: "Protozoa".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze term :PsychologicalTreatment, comment: %(A process of care relying upon counseling, dialogue and communication aimed at improving a mental health condition without use of drugs.).freeze, label: "PsychologicalTreatment".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:TherapeuticProcedure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PublicSwimmingPool, comment: %(A public swimming pool.).freeze, label: "PublicSwimmingPool".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:SportsActivityLocation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PublicToilet, comment: %(A public toilet is a room or small building containing one or more toilets \(and possibly also urinals\) which is available for use by the general public, or by customers or employees of certain businesses.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PublicToilet".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1624).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1624".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PublicationEvent, comment: %(A PublicationEvent corresponds indifferently to the event of publication for a CreativeWork of any type e.g. a broadcast event, an on-demand event, a book/journal publication via a variety of delivery media.).freeze, label: "PublicationEvent".freeze, @@ -3477,59 +3477,59 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PublicationIssue, comment: %(A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume, often numbered, usually containing a grouping of works such as articles.</p> <p><a href="">blog post</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, + equivalentClass: "bibo:Issue".freeze, label: "PublicationIssue".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(bibo:Issue).freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :PublicationVolume, comment: %(<p>A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work, often numbered. It may represent a time span, such as a year.</p> <pre><code> &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;See also &lt;a href=""&gt;blog post&lt;/a&gt;. </code></pre> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PublicationVolume".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :QAPage, comment: %(A QAPage is a WebPage focussed on a specific Question and its Answer\(s\), e.g. in a question answering site or documenting Frequently Asked Questions \(FAQs\).).freeze, label: "QAPage".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:WebPage".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :QualitativeValue, comment: %(A predefined value for a product characteristic, e.g. the power cord plug type 'US' or the garment sizes 'S', 'M', 'L', and 'XL'.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "QualitativeValue".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :QuantitativeValue, comment: %(A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "QuantitativeValue".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Quantity, comment: %(Quantities such as distance, time, mass, weight, etc. Particular instances of say Mass are entities like '3 Kg' or '4 milligrams'.).freeze, label: "Quantity".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Question, comment: %(A specific question - e.g. from a user seeking answers online, or collected in a Frequently Asked Questions \(FAQ\) document.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Question".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Quotation, comment: %(A quotation. Often but not necessarily from some written work, attributable to a real world author and - if associated with a fictional character - to any fictional Person. Use <a class="localLink" href="">isBasedOn</a> to link to source/origin. The <a class="localLink" href="">recordedIn</a> property can be used to reference a Quotation from an <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Quotation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-271).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-271".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :QuoteAction, comment: %(An agent quotes/estimates/appraises an object/product/service with a price at a location/store.).freeze, label: "QuoteAction".freeze, @@ -3541,11 +3541,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:CivicStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RadiationTherapy, comment: %(A process of care using radiation aimed at improving a health condition.).freeze, label: "RadiationTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RadioChannel, comment: %(A unique instance of a radio BroadcastService on a CableOrSatelliteService lineup.).freeze, label: "RadioChannel".freeze, @@ -3615,11 +3615,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:HowTo".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RecommendedDoseSchedule, comment: %(A recommended dosing schedule for a drug or supplement as prescribed or recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.).freeze, label: "RecommendedDoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RecyclingCenter, comment: %(A recycling center.).freeze, label: "RecyclingCenter".freeze, @@ -3663,14 +3663,14 @@ label: "RentalCarReservation".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Reservation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RepaymentSpecification, comment: %(A structured value representing repayment.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "RepaymentSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ReplaceAction, comment: %(The act of editing a recipient by replacing an old object with a new object.).freeze, label: "ReplaceAction".freeze, @@ -3700,20 +3700,20 @@ <p>In practice many news publishers produce a wide variety of article types, many of which might be considered a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> but not a <a class="localLink" href="">ReportageNewsArticle</a>. For example, opinion pieces, reviews, analysis, sponsored or satirical articles, or articles that combine several of these elements.</p> <p>The <a class="localLink" href="">ReportageNewsArticle</a> type is based on a stricter ideal for "news" as a work of journalism, with articles based on factual information either observed or verified by the author, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. This often includes perspectives from multiple viewpoints on a particular issue \(distinguishing news reports from public relations or propaganda\). News reports in the <a class="localLink" href="">ReportageNewsArticle</a> sense de-emphasize the opinion of the author, with commentary and value judgements typically expressed elsewhere.</p> <p>A <a class="localLink" href="">ReportageNewsArticle</a> which goes deeper into analysis can also be marked with an additional type of <a class="localLink" href="">AnalysisNewsArticle</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "ReportageNewsArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:NewsArticle".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ReportedDoseSchedule, comment: %(A patient-reported or observed dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.).freeze, label: "ReportedDoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Reservation, comment: %(Describes a reservation for travel, dining or an event. Some reservations require tickets. </p> @@ -3755,11 +3755,11 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Resort, comment: %(A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for holidays or vacations. Resorts are places, towns or sometimes commercial establishment operated by a single company \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href=""></a>\). <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Resort".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Restaurant, comment: %(A restaurant.).freeze, @@ -3791,14 +3791,14 @@ label: "ReviewAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AssessAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ReviewNewsArticle, comment: %(A <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">CriticReview</a> providing a professional critic's assessment of a service, product, performance, or artistic or literary work.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "ReviewNewsArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: ["schema:CriticReview".freeze, "schema:NewsArticle".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RiverBodyOfWater, comment: %(A river \(for example, the broad majestic Shannon\).).freeze, label: "RiverBodyOfWater".freeze, @@ -3818,11 +3818,11 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Room, comment: %(A room is a distinguishable space within a structure, usually separated from other spaces by interior walls. \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href=""></a>\). <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Room".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :RsvpAction, comment: %(The act of notifying an event organizer as to whether you expect to attend the event.).freeze, @@ -3839,24 +3839,24 @@ label: "SaleEvent".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SatiricalArticle, comment: %(An <a class="localLink" href="">Article</a> whose content is primarily <a href="">[satirical]</a> in nature, i.e. unlikely to be literally true. A satirical article is sometimes but not necessarily also a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a>. <a class="localLink" href="">ScholarlyArticle</a>s are also sometimes satirized.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "SatiricalArticle".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Article".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Schedule, comment: %(A schedule defines a repeating time period used to describe a regularly occurring <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a>. At a minimum a schedule will specify <a class="localLink" href="">repeatFrequency</a> which describes the interval between occurences of the event. Additional information can be provided to specify the schedule more precisely. This includes identifying the day\(s\) of the week or month when the recurring event will take place, in addition to its start and end time. Schedules may also have start and end dates to indicate when they are active, e.g. to define a limited calendar of events.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Schedule".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ScheduleAction, comment: %(<p>Scheduling future actions, events, or tasks.</p> @@ -3912,11 +3912,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:WebPage".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Season, comment: %(A media season e.g. tv, radio, video game etc.).freeze, label: "Season".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:CreativeWorkSeason).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Seat, comment: %(Used to describe a seat, such as a reserved seat in an event reservation.).freeze, label: "Seat".freeze, @@ -4008,20 +4008,20 @@ label: "SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SomeProducts, comment: %(A placeholder for multiple similar products of the same kind.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "SomeProducts".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Product".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SpeakableSpecification, comment: %(A SpeakableSpecification indicates \(typically via <a class="localLink" href="">xpath</a> or <a class="localLink" href="">cssSelector</a>\) sections of a document that are highlighted as particularly <a class="localLink" href="">speakable</a>. Instances of this type are expected to be used primarily as values of the <a class="localLink" href="">speakable</a> property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "SpeakableSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1389).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1389".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Intangible".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Specialty, comment: %(Any branch of a field in which people typically develop specific expertise, usually after significant study, time, and effort.).freeze, label: "Specialty".freeze, @@ -4072,11 +4072,11 @@ label: "State".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SteeringPositionValue, comment: %(A value indicating a steering position.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "SteeringPositionValue".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Store, comment: %(A retail good store.).freeze, @@ -4102,13 +4102,13 @@ label: "SubscribeAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:InteractAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Substance, comment: %(Any matter of defined composition that has discrete existence, whose origin may be biological, mineral or chemical.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "Substance".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SubwayStation, comment: %(A subway station.).freeze, label: "SubwayStation".freeze, @@ -4116,25 +4116,25 @@ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Suite, comment: %(A suite in a hotel or other public accommodation, denotes a class of luxury accommodations, the key feature of which is multiple rooms \(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, see <a href="\(hotel\)">\(hotel\)</a>\). <br /><br /> See also the <a href="/docs/hotels.html">dedicated document on the use of for marking up hotels and other forms of accommodations</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Suite".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SuperficialAnatomy, comment: %(Anatomical features that can be observed by sight \(without dissection\), including the form and proportions of the human body as well as surface landmarks that correspond to deeper subcutaneous structures. Superficial anatomy plays an important role in sports medicine, phlebotomy, and other medical specialties as underlying anatomical structures can be identified through surface palpation. For example, during back surgery, superficial anatomy can be used to palpate and count vertebrae to find the site of incision. Or in phlebotomy, superficial anatomy can be used to locate an underlying vein; for example, the median cubital vein can be located by palpating the borders of the cubital fossa \(such as the epicondyles of the humerus\) and then looking for the superficial signs of the vein, such as size, prominence, ability to refill after depression, and feel of surrounding tissue support. As another example, in a subluxation \(dislocation\) of the glenohumeral joint, the bony structure becomes pronounced with the deltoid muscle failing to cover the glenohumeral joint allowing the edges of the scapula to be superficially visible. Here, the superficial anatomy is the visible edges of the scapula, implying the underlying dislocation of the joint \(the related anatomical structure\).).freeze, label: "SuperficialAnatomy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SurgicalProcedure, comment: %(A type of medical procedure that involves invasive surgical techniques.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "SurgicalProcedure".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, type: ["rdfs:Class".freeze, "schema:MedicalProcedureType".freeze] term :SuspendAction, comment: %(The act of momentarily pausing a device or application \(e.g. pause music playback or pause a timer\).).freeze, label: "SuspendAction".freeze, @@ -4189,11 +4189,11 @@ subClassOf: "schema:HealthAndBeautyBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Taxi, comment: %(A taxi.).freeze, label: "Taxi".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:TaxiService).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:TaxiService".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Service".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :TaxiReservation, comment: %(A reservation for a taxi.</p> @@ -4250,20 +4250,20 @@ label: "TheaterGroup".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PerformingGroup".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :TherapeuticProcedure, comment: %(A medical procedure intended primarily for therapeutic purposes, aimed at improving a health condition.).freeze, + equivalentClass: "".freeze, label: "TherapeuticProcedure".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentClass" => %(, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Thesis, comment: %(A thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "Thesis".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Thing, comment: %(The most generic type of item.).freeze, label: "Thing".freeze, @@ -4292,11 +4292,11 @@ label: "TireShop".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Store".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :TouristAttraction, comment: %(A tourist attraction. In principle any Thing can be a <a class="localLink" href="">TouristAttraction</a>, from a <a class="localLink" href="">Mountain</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings</a> to a <a class="localLink" href="">LocalBusiness</a>. This Type can be used on its own to describe a general <a class="localLink" href="">TourstAttraction</a>, or be used as an <a class="localLink" href="">additionalType</a> to add tourist attraction properties to any other type. \(See examples below\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "TouristAttraction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Place".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :TouristInformationCenter, comment: %(A tourist information center.).freeze, @@ -4359,16 +4359,16 @@ subClassOf: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :TreatmentIndication, comment: %(An indication for treating an underlying condition, symptom, etc.).freeze, label: "TreatmentIndication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalIndication".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :TypeAndQuantityNode, comment: %(A structured value indicating the quantity, unit of measurement, and business function of goods included in a bundle offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "TypeAndQuantityNode".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :URL, comment: %(Data type: URL.).freeze, @@ -4388,11 +4388,11 @@ label: "UnRegisterAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:InteractAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UnitPriceSpecification, comment: %(The price asked for a given offer by the respective organization or person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "UnitPriceSpecification".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UpdateAction, comment: %(The act of managing by changing/editing the state of the object.).freeze, @@ -4405,97 +4405,97 @@ subClassOf: "schema:ConsumeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserBlocks, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserBlocks".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserCheckins, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserCheckins".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserComments, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "UserComments".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserDownloads, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserDownloads".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserInteraction, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserInteraction".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserLikes, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserLikes".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserPageVisits, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserPageVisits".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserPlays, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserPlays".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserPlusOnes, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserPlusOnes".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserReview, comment: %(A review created by an end-user \(e.g. consumer, purchaser, attendee etc.\), in contrast with <a class="localLink" href="">CriticReview</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "UserReview".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1589).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1589".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Review".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :UserTweets, comment: %(UserInteraction and its subtypes is an old way of talking about users interacting with pages. It is generally better to use <a class="localLink" href="">Action</a>-based vocabulary, alongside types such as <a class="localLink" href="">Comment</a>.).freeze, label: "UserTweets".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:InteractionCounter).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UserInteraction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Vehicle, comment: %(A vehicle is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo over land, water, air, or through space.).freeze, label: "Vehicle".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Product".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Vein, comment: %(A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood to the heart.).freeze, label: "Vein".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Vessel".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Vessel, comment: %(A component of the human body circulatory system comprised of an intricate network of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body.).freeze, label: "Vessel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :VeterinaryCare, comment: %(A vet's office.).freeze, label: "VeterinaryCare".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalOrganization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :VideoGallery, comment: %(Web page type: Video gallery page.).freeze, label: "VideoGallery".freeze, @@ -4516,11 +4516,11 @@ label: "VideoGameSeries".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWorkSeries".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :VideoObject, comment: %(A video file.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "VideoObject".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ViewAction, comment: %(The act of consuming static visual content.).freeze, @@ -4528,27 +4528,27 @@ subClassOf: "schema:ConsumeAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Virus, comment: %(Pathogenic virus that causes viral infection.).freeze, label: "Virus".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze term :VisualArtsEvent, comment: %(Event type: Visual arts event.).freeze, label: "VisualArtsEvent".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :VisualArtwork, comment: %(A work of art that is primarily visual in character.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "VisualArtwork".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :VitalSign, comment: %(Vital signs are measures of various physiological functions in order to assess the most basic body functions.).freeze, label: "VitalSign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalSign".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Volcano, comment: %(A volcano, like Fuji san.).freeze, label: "Volcano".freeze, @@ -4584,11 +4584,11 @@ label: "WantAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:ReactAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WarrantyPromise, comment: %(A structured value representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "WarrantyPromise".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WarrantyScope, comment: %(<p>A range of of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.</p> @@ -4599,11 +4599,11 @@ <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "WarrantyScope".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Enumeration".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WatchAction, comment: %(The act of consuming dynamic/moving visual content.).freeze, @@ -4620,14 +4620,14 @@ label: "WearAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:UseAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WebAPI, comment: %(An application programming interface accessible over Web/Internet technologies.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "WebAPI".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1423).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1423".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Service".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WebApplication, comment: %(Web applications.).freeze, label: "WebApplication".freeze, @@ -4663,27 +4663,27 @@ label: "Winery".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:FoodEstablishment".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WorkersUnion, comment: %(A Workers Union \(also known as a Labor Union, Labour Union, or Trade Union\) is an organization that promotes the interests of its worker members by collectively bargaining with management, organizing, and political lobbying.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "WorkersUnion".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-243).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-243".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :WriteAction, comment: %(The act of authoring written creative content.).freeze, label: "WriteAction".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:CreateAction".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :XPathType, comment: %(Text representing an XPath \(typically but not necessarily version 1.0\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "XPathType".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1672).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1672".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Zoo, comment: %(A zoo.).freeze, label: "Zoo".freeze, @@ -4700,26 +4700,26 @@ property :abridged, comment: %(Indicates whether the book is an abridged edition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Book".freeze, label: "abridged".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accelerationTime, comment: %(<p>The time needed to accelerate the vehicle from a given start velocity to a given target velocity.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): SEC for seconds</p> <ul> <li>Note: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for seconds/0..100 km/h or seconds/0..60 mph. Simply use "SEC" for seconds and indicate the velocities in the <a class="localLink" href="">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a>, or use <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> with a <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> of 0..60 mph or 0..100 km/h to specify the reference speeds.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "accelerationTime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :acceptedAnswer, comment: %(The answer that has been accepted as best, typically on a Question/Answer site. Sites vary in their selection mechanisms, e.g. drawing on community opinion and/or the view of the Question author.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Question".freeze, label: "acceptedAnswer".freeze, @@ -4732,11 +4732,11 @@ label: "acceptedOffer".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Offer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :acceptedPaymentMethod, comment: %(The payment method\(s\) accepted by seller for this offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "acceptedPaymentMethod".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, "schema:PaymentMethod".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :acceptsReservations, @@ -4751,23 +4751,23 @@ label: "accessCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accessMode, comment: %(The human sensory perceptual system or cognitive faculty through which a person may process or perceive information. Expected values include: auditory, tactile, textual, visual, colorDependent, chartOnVisual, chemOnVisual, diagramOnVisual, mathOnVisual, musicOnVisual, textOnVisual.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "accessMode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1110).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1110".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accessModeSufficient, comment: %(A list of single or combined accessModes that are sufficient to understand all the intellectual content of a resource. Expected values include: auditory, tactile, textual, visual.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "accessModeSufficient".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1110).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1110".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accessibilityAPI, comment: %(Indicates that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API \(<a href="">WebSchemas wiki lists possible values</a>\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "accessibilityAPI".freeze, @@ -4791,68 +4791,68 @@ label: "accessibilityHazard".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accessibilitySummary, comment: %(A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but expressing subtleties such as "short descriptions are present but long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users" or "short descriptions are present and no long descriptions are needed.").freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "accessibilitySummary".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1110).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1110".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accountId, comment: %(The identifier for the account the payment will be applied to.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Invoice".freeze, label: "accountId".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accountMinimumInflow, comment: %(A minimum amount that has to be paid in every month.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:BankAccount".freeze, label: "accountMinimumInflow".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accountOverdraftLimit, comment: %(An overdraft is an extension of credit from a lending institution when an account reaches zero. An overdraft allows the individual to continue withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it. Basically the bank allows people to borrow a set amount of money.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:BankAccount".freeze, label: "accountOverdraftLimit".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :accountablePerson, comment: %(Specifies the Person that is legally accountable for the CreativeWork.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "accountablePerson".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :acquiredFrom, comment: %(The organization or person from which the product was acquired.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:OwnershipInfo".freeze, label: "acquiredFrom".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :acrissCode, comment: %(The ACRISS Car Classification Code is a code used by many car rental companies, for classifying vehicles. ACRISS stands for Association of Car Rental Industry Systems and Standards.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:BusOrCoach".freeze, "schema:Car".freeze], label: "acrissCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :action, comment: %(Obsolete term for <a class="localLink" href="">muscleAction</a>. Not to be confused with <a class="localLink" href="">potentialAction</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "action".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :actionApplication, comment: %(An application that can complete the request.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EntryPoint".freeze, label: "actionApplication".freeze, @@ -4877,38 +4877,38 @@ label: "actionStatus".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ActionStatusType".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :actionableFeedbackPolicy, comment: %(For a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a> or other news-related <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a>, a statement about public engagement activities \(for news media, the newsroom’s\), including involving the public - digitally or otherwise -- in coverage decisions, reporting and activities after publication.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: ["schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], label: "actionableFeedbackPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:publishingPrinciples".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :activeIngredient, comment: %(An active ingredient, typically chemical compounds and/or biologic substances.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze, "schema:DrugStrength".freeze, "schema:Substance".freeze], label: "activeIngredient".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :activityDuration, comment: %(Length of time to engage in the activity.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "activityDuration".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Duration".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :activityFrequency, comment: %(How often one should engage in the activity.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "activityFrequency".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :actor, comment: %(An actor, e.g. in tv, radio, movie, video games etc., or in an event. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Clip".freeze, "schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, "schema:Episode".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:MovieSeries".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGame".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoObject".freeze], label: "actor".freeze, @@ -4917,15 +4917,15 @@ property :actors, comment: %(An actor, e.g. in tv, radio, movie, video games etc. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Clip".freeze, "schema:Episode".freeze, "schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:MovieSeries".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGame".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoObject".freeze], label: "actors".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:actor).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:actor".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :addOn, comment: %(An additional offer that can only be obtained in combination with the first base offer \(e.g. supplements and extensions that are available for a surcharge\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Offer".freeze, label: "addOn".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Offer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :additionalName, @@ -4958,11 +4958,11 @@ property :additionalVariable, comment: %(Any additional component of the exercise prescription that may need to be articulated to the patient. This may include the order of exercises, the number of repetitions of movement, quantitative distance, progressions over time, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "additionalVariable".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :address, comment: %(Physical address of the item.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeoCoordinates".freeze, "schema:GeoShape".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "address".freeze, @@ -4989,32 +4989,32 @@ property :administrationRoute, comment: %(A route by which this drug may be administered, e.g. 'oral'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "administrationRoute".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :advanceBookingRequirement, comment: %(The amount of time that is required between accepting the offer and the actual usage of the resource or service.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "advanceBookingRequirement".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :adverseOutcome, comment: %(A possible complication and/or side effect of this therapy. If it is known that an adverse outcome is serious \(resulting in death, disability, or permanent damage; requiring hospitalization; or is otherwise life-threatening or requires immediate medical attention\), tag it as a seriouseAdverseOutcome instead.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, "schema:TherapeuticProcedure".freeze], label: "adverseOutcome".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :affectedBy, comment: %(Drugs that affect the test's results.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, label: "affectedBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :affiliation, comment: %(An organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "affiliation".freeze, @@ -5051,49 +5051,49 @@ label: "album".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbum".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :albumProductionType, comment: %(Classification of the album by it's type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbum".freeze, label: "albumProductionType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :albumRelease, comment: %(A release of this album.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbum".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:releaseOf".freeze, label: "albumRelease".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicRelease".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:releaseOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :albumReleaseType, comment: %(The kind of release which this album is: single, EP or album.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbum".freeze, label: "albumReleaseType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbumReleaseType".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :albums, comment: %(A collection of music albums.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicGroup".freeze, label: "albums".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbum".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:album).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:album".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :alcoholWarning, comment: %(Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to consumption of alcohol while taking this drug.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "alcoholWarning".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :algorithm, comment: %(The algorithm or rules to follow to compute the score.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalRiskScore".freeze, label: "algorithm".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :alignmentType, comment: %(A category of alignment between the learning resource and the framework node. Recommended values include: 'assesses', 'teaches', 'requires', 'textComplexity', 'readingLevel', 'educationalSubject', and 'educationalLevel'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AlignmentObject".freeze, label: "alignmentType".freeze, @@ -5112,46 +5112,46 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :alumni, comment: %(Alumni of an organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:EducationalOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], - inverseOf: "schema:alumniOf".freeze, label: "alumni".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:alumniOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :alumniOf, comment: %(An organization that the person is an alumni of.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:alumni".freeze, label: "alumniOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:EducationalOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:alumni".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :amenityFeature, comment: %(An amenity feature \(e.g. a characteristic or service\) of the Accommodation. This generic property does not make a statement about whether the feature is included in an offer for the main accommodation or available at extra costs.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Accommodation".freeze, "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "amenityFeature".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:LocationFeatureSpecification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :amount, comment: %(The amount of money.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DatedMoneySpecification".freeze, "schema:InvestmentOrDeposit".freeze, "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, "schema:MoneyTransfer".freeze], label: "amount".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :amountOfThisGood, comment: %(The quantity of the goods included in the offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:TypeAndQuantityNode".freeze, label: "amountOfThisGood".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :annualPercentageRate, comment: %(The annual rate that is charged for borrowing \(or made by investing\), expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, label: "annualPercentageRate".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :answerCount, @@ -5163,25 +5163,25 @@ property :antagonist, comment: %(The muscle whose action counteracts the specified muscle.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "antagonist".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :applicableLocation, comment: %(The location in which the status applies.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DrugCost".freeze, "schema:DrugLegalStatus".freeze], label: "applicableLocation".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :application, comment: %(An application that can complete the request.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EntryPoint".freeze, label: "application".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:actionApplication).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:actionApplication".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :applicationCategory, comment: %(Type of software application, e.g. 'Game, Multimedia'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "applicationCategory".freeze, @@ -5199,28 +5199,28 @@ label: "applicationSuite".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :appliesToDeliveryMethod, comment: %(The delivery method\(s\) to which the delivery charge or payment charge specification applies.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DeliveryChargeSpecification".freeze, "schema:PaymentChargeSpecification".freeze], label: "appliesToDeliveryMethod".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DeliveryMethod".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :appliesToPaymentMethod, comment: %(The payment method\(s\) to which the payment charge specification applies.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PaymentChargeSpecification".freeze, label: "appliesToPaymentMethod".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PaymentMethod".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :area, comment: %(The area within which users can expect to reach the broadcast service.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastService".freeze, label: "area".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:serviceArea).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:serviceArea".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :areaServed, comment: %(The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ContactPoint".freeze, "schema:DeliveryChargeSpecification".freeze, "schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "areaServed".freeze, @@ -5284,11 +5284,11 @@ property :arterialBranch, comment: %(The branches that comprise the arterial structure.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Artery".freeze, label: "arterialBranch".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :artform, comment: %(e.g. Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Print, Photograph, Assemblage, Collage, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze, label: "artform".freeze, @@ -5311,12 +5311,12 @@ in a medium other than pencils or digital line art--for example, if the primary artwork is done in watercolors or digital paints.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ComicIssue".freeze, "schema:ComicStory".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "artist".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :artworkSurface, comment: %(The supporting materials for the artwork, e.g. Canvas, Paper, Wood, Board, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze, label: "artworkSurface".freeze, @@ -5325,19 +5325,19 @@ property :aspect, comment: %(An aspect of medical practice that is considered on the page, such as 'diagnosis', 'treatment', 'causes', 'prognosis', 'etiology', 'epidemiology', etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalWebPage".freeze, label: "aspect".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:mainContentOfPage).freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:mainContentOfPage".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :assembly, comment: %(Library file name e.g., mscorlib.dll, system.web.dll.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:APIReference".freeze, label: "assembly".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:executableLibraryName).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:executableLibraryName".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :assemblyVersion, comment: %(Associated product/technology version. e.g., .NET Framework 4.5.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:APIReference".freeze, label: "assemblyVersion".freeze, @@ -5346,11 +5346,11 @@ property :associatedAnatomy, comment: %(The anatomy of the underlying organ system or structures associated with this entity.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:PhysicalActivity".freeze], label: "associatedAnatomy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :associatedArticle, comment: %(A NewsArticle associated with the Media Object.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, label: "associatedArticle".freeze, @@ -5365,11 +5365,11 @@ property :associatedPathophysiology, comment: %(If applicable, a description of the pathophysiology associated with the anatomical system, including potential abnormal changes in the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of the system.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze], label: "associatedPathophysiology".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :athlete, comment: %(A person that acts as performing member of a sports team; a player as opposed to a coach.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SportsTeam".freeze, label: "athlete".freeze, @@ -5384,11 +5384,11 @@ property :attendees, comment: %(A person attending the event.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, label: "attendees".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:attendee).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:attendee".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :audience, comment: %(An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, "schema:PlayAction".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "audience".freeze, @@ -5418,25 +5418,25 @@ label: "availability".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availabilityEnds, comment: %(The end of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "availabilityEnds".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availabilityStarts, comment: %(The beginning of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "availabilityStarts".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableAtOrFrom, comment: %(The place\(s\) from which the offer can be obtained \(e.g. store locations\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "availableAtOrFrom".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:areaServed".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze @@ -5446,11 +5446,11 @@ label: "availableChannel".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ServiceChannel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableDeliveryMethod, comment: %(The delivery method\(s\) available for this offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "availableDeliveryMethod".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DeliveryMethod".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableFrom, @@ -5462,11 +5462,11 @@ property :availableIn, comment: %(The location in which the strength is available.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugStrength".freeze, label: "availableIn".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableLanguage, comment: %(A language someone may use with or at the item, service or place. Please use one of the language codes from the <a href="">IETF BCP 47 standard</a>. See also <a class="localLink" href="">inLanguage</a>).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ContactPoint".freeze, "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze, "schema:ServiceChannel".freeze, "schema:TouristAttraction".freeze], label: "availableLanguage".freeze, @@ -5481,25 +5481,25 @@ property :availableService, comment: %(A medical service available from this provider.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Hospital".freeze, "schema:MedicalClinic".freeze, "schema:Physician".freeze], label: "availableService".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableStrength, comment: %(An available dosage strength for the drug.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "availableStrength".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DrugStrength".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableTest, comment: %(A diagnostic test or procedure offered by this lab.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DiagnosticLab".freeze, label: "availableTest".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :availableThrough, comment: %(After this date, the item will no longer be available for pickup.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DeliveryEvent".freeze, label: "availableThrough".freeze, @@ -5514,11 +5514,11 @@ property :awards, comment: %(Awards won by or for this item.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "awards".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:award).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:award".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :awayTeam, comment: %(The away team in a sports event.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SportsEvent".freeze, label: "awayTeam".freeze, @@ -5528,20 +5528,20 @@ property :background, comment: %(Descriptive information establishing a historical perspective on the supplement. May include the rationale for the name, the population where the supplement first came to prominence, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, label: "background".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bankAccountType, comment: %(The type of a bank account.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:BankAccount".freeze, label: "bankAccountType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :baseSalary, comment: %(The base salary of the job or of an employee in an EmployeeRole.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:EmployeeRole".freeze, "schema:JobPosting".freeze], label: "baseSalary".freeze, @@ -5555,11 +5555,11 @@ subPropertyOf: "schema:recipient".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bed, comment: %(The type of bed or beds included in the accommodation. For the single case of just one bed of a certain type, you use bed directly with a text. If you want to indicate the quantity of a certain kind of bed, use an instance of BedDetails. For more detailed information, use the amenityFeature property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HotelRoom".freeze, "schema:Suite".freeze], label: "bed".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:BedDetails".freeze, "schema:BedType".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :beforeMedia, @@ -5568,32 +5568,32 @@ label: "beforeMedia".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :beneficiaryBank, comment: %(A bank or bank’s branch, financial institution or international financial institution operating the beneficiary’s bank account or releasing funds for the beneficiary).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:MoneyTransfer".freeze, label: "beneficiaryBank".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:BankOrCreditUnion".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :benefits, comment: %(Description of benefits associated with the job.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "benefits".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:jobBenefits).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:jobBenefits".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :benefitsSummaryUrl, comment: %(The URL that goes directly to the summary of benefits and coverage for the specific standard plan or plan variation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "benefitsSummaryUrl".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bestRating, comment: %(The highest value allowed in this rating system. If bestRating is omitted, 5 is assumed.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Rating".freeze, label: "bestRating".freeze, @@ -5605,11 +5605,11 @@ label: "billingAddress".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PostalAddress".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :billingIncrement, comment: %(This property specifies the minimal quantity and rounding increment that will be the basis for the billing. The unit of measurement is specified by the unitCode property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze, label: "billingIncrement".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :billingPeriod, @@ -5621,11 +5621,11 @@ property :biomechnicalClass, comment: %(The biomechanical properties of the bone.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Joint".freeze, label: "biomechnicalClass".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :birthDate, comment: %(Date of birth.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "birthDate".freeze, @@ -5652,18 +5652,18 @@ property :blogPosts, comment: %(The postings that are part of this blog.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Blog".freeze, label: "blogPosts".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BlogPosting".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:blogPost).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:blogPost".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bloodSupply, comment: %(The blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the muscle.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "bloodSupply".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Vessel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :boardingGroup, comment: %(The airline-specific indicator of boarding order / preference.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:FlightReservation".freeze, label: "boardingGroup".freeze, @@ -5678,19 +5678,19 @@ property :bodyLocation, comment: %(Location in the body of the anatomical structure.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze], label: "bodyLocation".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bodyType, comment: %(Indicates the design and body style of the vehicle \(e.g. station wagon, hatchback, etc.\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "bodyType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bookEdition, comment: %(The edition of the book.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Book".freeze, label: "bookEdition".freeze, @@ -5705,11 +5705,11 @@ property :bookingAgent, comment: %('bookingAgent' is an out-dated term indicating a 'broker' that serves as a booking agent.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Reservation".freeze, label: "bookingAgent".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:broker).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:broker".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bookingTime, comment: %(The date and time the reservation was booked.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Reservation".freeze, label: "bookingTime".freeze, @@ -5731,12 +5731,12 @@ property :branch, comment: %(The branches that delineate from the nerve bundle. Not to be confused with <a class="localLink" href="">branchOf</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Nerve".freeze, label: "branch".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"schema:supersededBy" => [%(schema:arterialBranch).freeze, %(schema:nerveBranch).freeze, %(schema:veinBranch).freeze], + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": ["schema:arterialBranch".freeze, "schema:nerveBranch".freeze, "schema:veinBranch".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :branchCode, comment: %(A short textual code \(also called "store code"\) that uniquely identifies a place of business. The code is typically assigned by the parentOrganization and used in structured URLs.</p> <p>For example, in the URL the code "3047" is a branchCode for a particular branch.).freeze, @@ -5747,11 +5747,11 @@ property :branchOf, comment: %(The larger organization that this local business is a branch of, if any. Not to be confused with \(anatomical\)<a class="localLink" href="">branch</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, label: "branchOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:parentOrganization).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:parentOrganization".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :brand, comment: %(The brand\(s\) associated with a product or service, or the brand\(s\) maintained by an organization or business person.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "brand".freeze, @@ -5766,11 +5766,11 @@ property :breastfeedingWarning, comment: %(Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use by breastfeeding mothers.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "breastfeedingWarning".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :broadcastAffiliateOf, comment: %(The media network\(s\) whose content is broadcast on this station.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastService".freeze, label: "broadcastAffiliateOf".freeze, @@ -5788,25 +5788,25 @@ label: "broadcastDisplayName".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :broadcastFrequency, comment: %(The frequency used for over-the-air broadcasts. Numeric values or simple ranges e.g. 87-99. In addition a shortcut idiom is supported for frequences of AM and FM radio channels, e.g. "87 FM".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:BroadcastChannel".freeze, "schema:BroadcastService".freeze], label: "broadcastFrequency".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:BroadcastFrequencySpecification".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1004).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1004".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :broadcastFrequencyValue, comment: %(The frequency in MHz for a particular broadcast.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastFrequencySpecification".freeze, label: "broadcastFrequencyValue".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1004).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1004".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :broadcastOfEvent, comment: %(The event being broadcast such as a sporting event or awards ceremony.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastEvent".freeze, label: "broadcastOfEvent".freeze, @@ -5854,11 +5854,11 @@ label: "busNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :businessFunction, comment: %(The business function \(e.g. sell, lease, repair, dispose\) of the offer or component of a bundle \(TypeAndQuantityNode\). The default is, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:TypeAndQuantityNode".freeze], label: "businessFunction".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BusinessFunction".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :buyer, @@ -5874,34 +5874,34 @@ label: "byArtist".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicGroup".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :byDay, comment: %(Defines the day\(s\) of the week on which a recurring <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a> takes place).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "byDay".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :byMonth, comment: %(Defines the month\(s\) of the year on which a recurring <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a> takes place. Specified as an <a class="localLink" href="">Integer</a> between 1-12. January is 1.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "byMonth".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :byMonthDay, comment: %(Defines the day\(s\) of the month on which a recurring <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a> takes place. Specified as an <a class="localLink" href="">Integer</a> between 1-31.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "byMonthDay".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :calories, comment: %(The number of calories.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:NutritionInformation".freeze, label: "calories".freeze, @@ -5930,47 +5930,47 @@ comment: %(The available volume for cargo or luggage. For automobiles, this is usually the trunk volume.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): LTR for liters, FTQ for cubic foot/feet</p> <p>Note: You can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "cargoVolume".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :carrier, comment: %('carrier' is an out-dated term indicating the 'provider' for parcel delivery and flights.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Flight".freeze, "schema:ParcelDelivery".freeze], label: "carrier".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:provider).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:provider".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :carrierRequirements, comment: %(Specifies specific carrier\(s\) requirements for the application \(e.g. an application may only work on a specific carrier network\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MobileApplication".freeze, label: "carrierRequirements".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :cashBack, comment: %(A cardholder benefit that pays the cardholder a small percentage of their net expenditures.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:PaymentCard".freeze, label: "cashBack".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Boolean".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :catalog, comment: %(A data catalog which contains this dataset.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, label: "catalog".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DataCatalog".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:includedInDataCatalog).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:includedInDataCatalog".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :catalogNumber, comment: %(The catalog number for the release.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRelease".freeze, label: "catalogNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :category, @@ -5982,18 +5982,18 @@ property :cause, comment: %(Specifying a cause of something in general. e.g in medicine , one of the causative agent\(s\) that are most directly responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in the occurrence.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze], label: "cause".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalCause".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :causeOf, comment: %(The condition, complication, symptom, sign, etc. caused.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCause".freeze, label: "causeOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :ccRecipient, comment: %(A sub property of recipient. The recipient copied on a message.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Message".freeze, label: "ccRecipient".freeze, @@ -6072,41 +6072,41 @@ label: "citation".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :claimReviewed, comment: %(A short summary of the specific claims reviewed in a ClaimReview.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ClaimReview".freeze, label: "claimReviewed".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1061).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1061".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :clincalPharmacology, comment: %(Description of the absorption and elimination of drugs, including their concentration \(pharmacokinetics, pK\) and biological effects \(pharmacodynamics, pD\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "clincalPharmacology".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:clinicalPharmacology).freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:clinicalPharmacology".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :clinicalPharmacology, comment: %(Description of the absorption and elimination of drugs, including their concentration \(pharmacokinetics, pK\) and biological effects \(pharmacodynamics, pD\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "clinicalPharmacology".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :clipNumber, comment: %(Position of the clip within an ordered group of clips.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Clip".freeze, label: "clipNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Integer".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], subPropertyOf: "schema:position".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :closes, comment: %(The closing hour of the place or service on the given day\(s\) of the week.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, label: "closes".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Time".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :coach, @@ -6118,11 +6118,11 @@ property :code, comment: %(A medical code for the entity, taken from a controlled vocabulary or ontology such as ICD-9, DiseasesDB, MeSH, SNOMED-CT, RxNorm, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, label: "code".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalCode".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :codeRepository, comment: %(Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located \(SVN, github, CodePlex\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, label: "codeRepository".freeze, @@ -6134,23 +6134,23 @@ label: "codeSampleType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :codeValue, comment: %(A short textual code that uniquely identifies the value.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CategoryCode".freeze, "schema:MedicalCode".freeze], label: "codeValue".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-894).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-894".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :codingSystem, comment: %(The coding system, e.g. 'ICD-10'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCode".freeze, label: "codingSystem".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :colleague, comment: %(A colleague of the person.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "colleague".freeze, @@ -6159,34 +6159,34 @@ property :colleagues, comment: %(A colleague of the person.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "colleagues".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:colleague).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:colleague".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :collection, comment: %(A sub property of object. The collection target of the action.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:UpdateAction".freeze, label: "collection".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:targetCollection).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:targetCollection".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:object".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :color, comment: %(The color of the product.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, label: "color".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :colorist, comment: %(The individual who adds color to inked drawings.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ComicIssue".freeze, "schema:ComicStory".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "colorist".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :comment, comment: %(Comments, typically from users.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:RsvpAction".freeze], label: "comment".freeze, @@ -6216,21 +6216,21 @@ label: "competitor".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Person".freeze, "schema:SportsTeam".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :composer, comment: %(The person or organization who wrote a composition, or who is the composer of a work performed at some event.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Event".freeze, "schema:MusicComposition".freeze], label: "composer".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :comprisedOf, comment: %(Specifying something physically contained by something else. Typically used here for the underlying anatomical structures, such as organs, that comprise the anatomical system.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, label: "comprisedOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :confirmationNumber, comment: %(A number that confirms the given order or payment has been received.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Invoice".freeze, "schema:Order".freeze], label: "confirmationNumber".freeze, @@ -6240,11 +6240,11 @@ property :connectedTo, comment: %(Other anatomical structures to which this structure is connected.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, label: "connectedTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contactOption, comment: %(An option available on this contact point \(e.g. a toll-free number or support for hearing-impaired callers\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ContactPoint".freeze, label: "contactOption".freeze, @@ -6259,47 +6259,47 @@ property :contactPoints, comment: %(A contact point for a person or organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "contactPoints".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ContactPoint".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:contactPoint).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:contactPoint".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contactType, comment: %(A person or organization can have different contact points, for different purposes. For example, a sales contact point, a PR contact point and so on. This property is used to specify the kind of contact point.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ContactPoint".freeze, label: "contactType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contactlessPayment, comment: %(A secure method for consumers to purchase products or services via debit, credit or smartcards by using RFID or NFC technology.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:PaymentCard".freeze, label: "contactlessPayment".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :containedIn, comment: %(The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "containedIn".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:containedInPlace).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:containedInPlace".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :containedInPlace, comment: %(The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:containsPlace".freeze, label: "containedInPlace".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:containsPlace".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :containsPlace, comment: %(The basic containment relation between a place and another that it contains.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:containedInPlace".freeze, label: "containsPlace".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:containedInPlace".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :containsSeason, comment: %(A season that is part of the media series.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "containsSeason".freeze, @@ -6318,16 +6318,16 @@ label: "contentRating".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contentReferenceTime, comment: %(The specific time described by a creative work, for works \(e.g. articles, video objects etc.\) that emphasise a particular moment within an Event.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "contentReferenceTime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1050).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1050".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contentSize, comment: %(File size in \(mega/kilo\) bytes.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, label: "contentSize".freeze, @@ -6348,11 +6348,11 @@ property :contraindication, comment: %(A contraindication for this therapy.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze], label: "contraindication".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalContraindication".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contributor, comment: %(A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze], label: "contributor".freeze, @@ -6383,52 +6383,52 @@ label: "copyrightYear".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :correctionsPolicy, comment: %(For an <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a> \(e.g. <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>\), a statement describing \(in news media, the newsroom’s\) disclosure and correction policy for errors.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: ["schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], label: "correctionsPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:publishingPrinciples".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :cost, comment: %(Cost per unit of the drug, as reported by the source being tagged.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "cost".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DrugCost".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :costCategory, comment: %(The category of cost, such as wholesale, retail, reimbursement cap, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugCost".freeze, label: "costCategory".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DrugCostCategory".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :costCurrency, comment: %(The currency \(in 3-letter of the drug cost. See:, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugCost".freeze, label: "costCurrency".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :costOrigin, comment: %(Additional details to capture the origin of the cost data. For example, 'Medicare Part B'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugCost".freeze, label: "costOrigin".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :costPerUnit, comment: %(The cost per unit of the drug.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugCost".freeze, label: "costPerUnit".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :countriesNotSupported, comment: %(Countries for which the application is not supported. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "countriesNotSupported".freeze, @@ -6449,11 +6449,11 @@ property :course, comment: %(A sub property of location. The course where this action was taken.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExerciseAction".freeze, label: "course".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:exerciseCourse).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:exerciseCourse".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:location".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :courseCode, comment: %(The identifier for the <a class="localLink" href="">Course</a> used by the course <a class="localLink" href="">provider</a> \(e.g. CS101 or 6.001\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Course".freeze, @@ -6490,46 +6490,46 @@ label: "creator".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :creditedTo, comment: %(The group the release is credited to if different than the byArtist. For example, Red and Blue is credited to "Stefani Germanotta Band", but by Lady Gaga.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRelease".freeze, label: "creditedTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :cssSelector, comment: %(A CSS selector.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SpeakableSpecification".freeze, label: "cssSelector".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CssSelectorType".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1389).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1389".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :currenciesAccepted, comment: %(The currency accepted \(in <a href="">ISO 4217 currency format</a>\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, label: "currenciesAccepted".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :currency, comment: %(The currency in which the monetary amount is expressed \(in 3-letter <a href="">ISO 4217</a> format\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DatedMoneySpecification".freeze, "schema:ExchangeRateSpecification".freeze, "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze], label: "currency".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :currentExchangeRate, comment: %(The current price of a currency.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:ExchangeRateSpecification".freeze, label: "currentExchangeRate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :customer, comment: %(Party placing the order or paying the invoice.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Invoice".freeze, "schema:Order".freeze], label: "customer".freeze, @@ -6542,20 +6542,20 @@ rangeIncludes: ["schema:DataFeedItem".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:Thing".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dataset, comment: %(A dataset contained in this catalog.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DataCatalog".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:includedInDataCatalog".freeze, label: "dataset".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:includedInDataCatalog".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :datasetTimeInterval, comment: %(The range of temporal applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 \(in ISO 8601 time interval format\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, label: "datasetTimeInterval".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:temporalCoverage).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:temporalCoverage".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dateCreated, comment: %(The date on which the CreativeWork was created or the item was added to a DataFeed.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:DataFeedItem".freeze], label: "dateCreated".freeze, @@ -6609,11 +6609,11 @@ label: "dateSent".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dateVehicleFirstRegistered, comment: %(The date of the first registration of the vehicle with the respective public authorities.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "dateVehicleFirstRegistered".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dateline, @@ -6622,11 +6622,11 @@ label: "dateline".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dayOfWeek, comment: %(The day of the week for which these opening hours are valid.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, label: "dayOfWeek".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :deathDate, @@ -6653,11 +6653,11 @@ label: "deliveryAddress".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PostalAddress".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :deliveryLeadTime, comment: %(The typical delay between the receipt of the order and the goods either leaving the warehouse or being prepared for pickup, in case the delivery method is on site pickup.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "deliveryLeadTime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :deliveryMethod, @@ -6727,64 +6727,64 @@ label: "dependencies".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :depth, comment: %(The depth of the item.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "depth".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Distance".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :description, comment: %(A description of the item.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "dc:description".freeze, label: "description".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(dc:description).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :device, comment: %(Device required to run the application. Used in cases where a specific make/model is required to run the application.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "device".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:availableOnDevice).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:availableOnDevice".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :diagnosis, comment: %(One or more alternative conditions considered in the differential diagnosis process as output of a diagnosis process.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DDxElement".freeze, "schema:Patient".freeze], label: "diagnosis".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :diagram, comment: %(An image containing a diagram that illustrates the structure and/or its component substructures and/or connections with other structures.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, label: "diagram".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ImageObject".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :diet, comment: %(A sub property of instrument. The diet used in this action.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExerciseAction".freeze, label: "diet".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:instrument".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dietFeatures, comment: %(Nutritional information specific to the dietary plan. May include dietary recommendations on what foods to avoid, what foods to consume, and specific alterations/deviations from the USDA or other regulatory body's approved dietary guidelines.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, label: "dietFeatures".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :differentialDiagnosis, comment: %(One of a set of differential diagnoses for the condition. Specifically, a closely-related or competing diagnosis typically considered later in the cognitive process whereby this medical condition is distinguished from others most likely responsible for a similar collection of signs and symptoms to reach the most parsimonious diagnosis or diagnoses in a patient.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "differentialDiagnosis".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DDxElement".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :director, comment: %(A director of e.g. tv, radio, movie, video gaming etc. content, or of an event. Directors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Clip".freeze, "schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, "schema:Episode".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:MovieSeries".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGame".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoObject".freeze], label: "director".freeze, @@ -6793,11 +6793,11 @@ property :directors, comment: %(A director of e.g. tv, radio, movie, video games etc. content. Directors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Clip".freeze, "schema:Episode".freeze, "schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:MovieSeries".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGame".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoObject".freeze], label: "directors".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:director).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:director".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :disambiguatingDescription, comment: %(A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties \(in particular, name\) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, label: "disambiguatingDescription".freeze, @@ -6849,51 +6849,51 @@ property :distinguishingSign, comment: %(One of a set of signs and symptoms that can be used to distinguish this diagnosis from others in the differential diagnosis.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DDxElement".freeze, label: "distinguishingSign".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :distribution, comment: %(A downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, label: "distribution".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DataDownload".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :diversityPolicy, comment: %(Statement on diversity policy by an <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a> e.g. a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>. For a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>, a statement describing the newsroom’s diversity policy on both staffing and sources, typically providing staffing data.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: ["schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], label: "diversityPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :documentation, comment: %(Further documentation describing the Web API in more detail.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WebAPI".freeze, label: "documentation".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1423).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1423".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :domainIncludes, comment: %(Relates a property to a class that is \(one of\) the type\(s\) the property is expected to be used on.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Property".freeze, label: "domainIncludes".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Class".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :domiciledMortgage, comment: %(Whether borrower is a resident of the jurisdiction where the property is located.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:MortgageLoan".freeze, label: "domiciledMortgage".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :doorTime, comment: %(The time admission will commence.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, label: "doorTime".freeze, @@ -6902,41 +6902,41 @@ property :dosageForm, comment: %(A dosage form in which this drug/supplement is available, e.g. 'tablet', 'suspension', 'injection'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "dosageForm".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :doseSchedule, comment: %(A dosing schedule for the drug for a given population, either observed, recommended, or maximum dose based on the type used.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Drug".freeze, "schema:TherapeuticProcedure".freeze], label: "doseSchedule".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :doseUnit, comment: %(The unit of the dose, e.g. 'mg'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, label: "doseUnit".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :doseValue, comment: %(The value of the dose, e.g. 500.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, label: "doseValue".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :downPayment, comment: %(a type of payment made in cash during the onset of the purchase of an expensive good/service. The payment typically represents only a percentage of the full purchase price.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:RepaymentSpecification".freeze, label: "downPayment".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :downloadUrl, comment: %(If the file can be downloaded, URL to download the binary.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "downloadUrl".freeze, @@ -6951,15 +6951,15 @@ property :drainsTo, comment: %(The vasculature that the vein drains into.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vein".freeze, label: "drainsTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Vessel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :driveWheelConfiguration, comment: %(The drive wheel configuration, i.e. which roadwheels will receive torque from the vehicle's engine via the drivetrain.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "driveWheelConfiguration".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:DriveWheelConfigurationValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dropoffLocation, @@ -6977,50 +6977,50 @@ property :drug, comment: %(Specifying a drug or medicine used in a medication procedure).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DrugClass".freeze, "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:Patient".freeze, "schema:TherapeuticProcedure".freeze], label: "drug".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :drugClass, comment: %(The class of drug this belongs to \(e.g., statins\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "drugClass".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DrugClass".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :drugUnit, comment: %(The unit in which the drug is measured, e.g. '5 mg tablet'.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Drug".freeze, "schema:DrugCost".freeze], label: "drugUnit".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :duns, comment: %(The Dun &amp; Bradstreet DUNS number for identifying an organization or business person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "duns".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :duplicateTherapy, comment: %(A therapy that duplicates or overlaps this one.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, label: "duplicateTherapy".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :duration, comment: %(The duration of the item \(movie, audio recording, event, etc.\) in <a href="">ISO 8601 date format</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Audiobook".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:MediaObject".freeze, "schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:MusicRecording".freeze, "schema:MusicRelease".freeze], label: "duration".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Duration".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :durationOfWarranty, comment: %(The duration of the warranty promise. Common unitCode values are ANN for year, MON for months, or DAY for days.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WarrantyPromise".freeze, label: "durationOfWarranty".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :duringMedia, @@ -7029,16 +7029,16 @@ label: "duringMedia".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :earlyPrepaymentPenalty, comment: %(The amount to be paid as a penalty in the event of early payment of the loan.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:RepaymentSpecification".freeze, label: "earlyPrepaymentPenalty".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :editor, comment: %(Specifies the Person who edited the CreativeWork.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "editor".freeze, @@ -7056,16 +7056,16 @@ label: "educationalAlignment".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AlignmentObject".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :educationalCredentialAwarded, comment: %(A description of the qualification, award, certificate, diploma or other educational credential awarded as a consequence of successful completion of this course.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Course".freeze, label: "educationalCredentialAwarded".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-195).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-195".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :educationalFramework, comment: %(The framework to which the resource being described is aligned.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AlignmentObject".freeze, label: "educationalFramework".freeze, @@ -7089,42 +7089,42 @@ label: "elevation".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :eligibleCustomerType, comment: %(The type\(s\) of customers for which the given offer is valid.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "eligibleCustomerType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BusinessEntityType".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :eligibleDuration, comment: %(The duration for which the given offer is valid.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "eligibleDuration".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :eligibleQuantity, comment: %(The interval and unit of measurement of ordering quantities for which the offer or price specification is valid. This allows e.g. specifying that a certain freight charge is valid only for a certain quantity.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze], label: "eligibleQuantity".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :eligibleRegion, comment: %(The ISO 3166-1 \(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2\) or ISO 3166-2 code, the place, or the GeoShape for the geo-political region\(s\) for which the offer or delivery charge specification is valid.</p> <p>See also <a class="localLink" href="">ineligibleRegion</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DeliveryChargeSpecification".freeze, "schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "eligibleRegion".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeoShape".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], subPropertyOf: "schema:areaServed".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :eligibleTransactionVolume, comment: %(The transaction volume, in a monetary unit, for which the offer or price specification is valid, e.g. for indicating a minimal purchasing volume, to express free shipping above a certain order volume, or to limit the acceptance of credit cards to purchases to a certain minimal amount.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze], label: "eligibleTransactionVolume".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :email, @@ -7139,15 +7139,15 @@ label: "embedUrl".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :emissionsCO2, comment: %(The CO2 emissions in g/km. When used in combination with a QuantitativeValue, put "g/km" into the unitText property of that value, since there is no UN/CEFACT Common Code for "g/km".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "emissionsCO2".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :employee, comment: %(Someone working for this organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "employee".freeze, @@ -7156,11 +7156,11 @@ property :employees, comment: %(People working for this organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "employees".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:employee).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:employee".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :employmentType, comment: %(Type of employment \(e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, seasonal, internship\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "employmentType".freeze, @@ -7193,11 +7193,11 @@ property :encodings, comment: %(A media object that encodes this CreativeWork.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "encodings".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:encoding).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:encoding".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :endDate, comment: %(The end date and time of the item \(in <a href="">ISO 8601 date format</a>\).).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, "schema:CreativeWorkSeries".freeze, "schema:DatedMoneySpecification".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:Role".freeze], label: "endDate".freeze, @@ -7221,23 +7221,23 @@ property :endorsers, comment: %(People or organizations that endorse the plan.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, label: "endorsers".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :engineDisplacement, comment: %(The volume swept by all of the pistons inside the cylinders of an internal combustion engine in a single movement. </p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): CMQ for cubic centimeter, LTR for liters, INQ for cubic inches * Note 1: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> property. * Note 2: You can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EngineSpecification".freeze, label: "engineDisplacement".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :enginePower, comment: %(<p>The power of the vehicle's engine. Typical unit code\(s\): KWT for kilowatt, BHP for brake horsepower, N12 for metric horsepower \(PS, with 1 PS = 735,49875 W\)</p> @@ -7245,23 +7245,23 @@ <li>Note 1: There are many different ways of measuring an engine's power. For an overview, see <a href=""><em>power</em>test_codes</a>.</li> <li>Note 2: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> property.</li> <li>Note 3: You can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EngineSpecification".freeze, label: "enginePower".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :engineType, comment: %(The type of engine or engines powering the vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EngineSpecification".freeze, label: "engineType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :entertainmentBusiness, comment: %(A sub property of location. The entertainment business where the action occurred.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PerformAction".freeze, label: "entertainmentBusiness".freeze, @@ -7271,11 +7271,11 @@ property :epidemiology, comment: %(The characteristics of associated patients, such as age, gender, race etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:PhysicalActivity".freeze], label: "epidemiology".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :episode, comment: %(An episode of a tv, radio or game media within a series or season.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "episode".freeze, @@ -7292,15 +7292,15 @@ property :episodes, comment: %(An episode of a TV/radio series or season.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "episodes".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Episode".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:episode).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:episode".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :equal, comment: %(This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is equal to the object.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, label: "equal".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :error, @@ -7321,32 +7321,32 @@ label: "estimatedFlightDuration".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Duration".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :estimatedSalary, comment: %(A property describing the estimated salary for a job posting based on a variety of variables including, but not limited to industry, job title, and location. The estimated salary is usually computed by outside organizations and therefore the hiring organization is not bound to this estimated salary.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "estimatedSalary".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze, "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1577).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1577".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :estimatesRiskOf, comment: %(The condition, complication, or symptom whose risk is being estimated.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalRiskEstimator".freeze, label: "estimatesRiskOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :ethicsPolicy, comment: %(Statement about ethics policy, e.g. of a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a> regarding journalistic and publishing practices, or of a <a class="localLink" href="">Restaurant</a>, a page describing food source policies. In the case of a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>, an ethicsPolicy is typically a statement describing the personal, organizational, and corporate standards of behavior expected by the organization.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], label: "ethicsPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :event, comment: %(Upcoming or past event associated with this place, organization, or action.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:InformAction".freeze, "schema:InviteAction".freeze, "schema:JoinAction".freeze, "schema:LeaveAction".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze, "schema:PlayAction".freeze], label: "event".freeze, @@ -7357,16 +7357,16 @@ repeating events rather than data on the individual events themselves. For example, a website or application might prefer to publish a schedule for a weekly gym class rather than provide data on every event. A schedule could be processed by applications to add forthcoming events to a calendar. An <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a> that is associated with a <a class="localLink" href="">Schedule</a> using this property should not have <a class="localLink" href="">startDate</a> or <a class="localLink" href="">endDate</a> properties. These are instead defined within the associated <a class="localLink" href="">Schedule</a>, this avoids any ambiguity for clients using the data. The propery might have repeated values to specify different schedules, e.g. for different months or seasons.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "eventSchedule".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Duration".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :eventStatus, comment: %(An eventStatus of an event represents its status; particularly useful when an event is cancelled or rescheduled.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, label: "eventStatus".freeze, @@ -7375,62 +7375,62 @@ property :events, comment: %(Upcoming or past events associated with this place or organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "events".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:event).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:event".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :evidenceLevel, comment: %(Strength of evidence of the data used to formulate the guideline \(enumerated\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, label: "evidenceLevel".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEvidenceLevel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :evidenceOrigin, comment: %(Source of the data used to formulate the guidance, e.g. RCT, consensus opinion, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, label: "evidenceOrigin".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exampleOfWork, comment: %(A creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation of.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:workExample".freeze, label: "exampleOfWork".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:workExample".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exceptDate, comment: %(Defines a <a class="localLink" href="">Date</a> or <a class="localLink" href="">DateTime</a> during which a scheduled <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a> will not take place. The property allows exceptions to a <a class="localLink" href="">Schedule</a> to be specified. If an exception is specified as a <a class="localLink" href="">DateTime</a> then only the event that would have started at that specific date and time should be excluded from the schedule. If an exception is specified as a <a class="localLink" href="">Date</a> then any event that is scheduled for that 24 hour period should be excluded from the schedule. This allows a whole day to be excluded from the schedule without having to itemise every scheduled event.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "exceptDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Date".freeze, "schema:DateTime".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exchangeRate, comment: %(The price of a currency in terms of another currency.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], label: "exchangeRate".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:ExchangeRateSpecification".freeze, "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exchangeRateSpread, comment: %(The difference between the price at which a broker or other intermediary buys and sells foreign currency.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:ExchangeRateSpecification".freeze, label: "exchangeRateSpread".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :executableLibraryName, comment: %(Library file name e.g., mscorlib.dll, system.web.dll.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:APIReference".freeze, label: "executableLibraryName".freeze, @@ -7446,27 +7446,27 @@ property :exercisePlan, comment: %(A sub property of instrument. The exercise plan used on this action.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExerciseAction".freeze, label: "exercisePlan".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:instrument".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exerciseRelatedDiet, comment: %(A sub property of instrument. The diet used in this action.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExerciseAction".freeze, label: "exerciseRelatedDiet".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:instrument".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exerciseType, comment: %(Type\(s\) of exercise or activity, such as strength training, flexibility training, aerobics, cardiac rehabilitation, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ExerciseAction".freeze, "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze], label: "exerciseType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :exifData, comment: %(exif data for this object.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ImageObject".freeze, label: "exifData".freeze, @@ -7487,11 +7487,11 @@ property :expectedPrognosis, comment: %(The likely outcome in either the short term or long term of the medical condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "expectedPrognosis".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :expectsAcceptanceOf, comment: %(An Offer which must be accepted before the user can perform the Action. For example, the user may need to buy a movie before being able to watch it.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ConsumeAction".freeze, label: "expectsAcceptanceOf".freeze, @@ -7506,11 +7506,11 @@ property :expertConsiderations, comment: %(Medical expert advice related to the plan.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, label: "expertConsiderations".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :expires, comment: %(Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. For example a <a class="localLink" href="">VideoObject</a> or <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a> whose availability or relevance is time-limited, or a <a class="localLink" href="">ClaimReview</a> fact check whose publisher wants to indicate that it may no longer be relevant \(or helpful to highlight\) after some date.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "expires".freeze, @@ -7540,11 +7540,11 @@ label: "featureList".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :feesAndCommissionsSpecification, comment: %(Description of fees, commissions, and other terms applied either to a class of financial product, or by a financial service organization.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, "schema:FinancialService".freeze], label: "feesAndCommissionsSpecification".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :fiberContent, @@ -7565,11 +7565,11 @@ label: "fileSize".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :firstPerformance, comment: %(The date and place the work was first performed.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "firstPerformance".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :flightDistance, @@ -7585,21 +7585,21 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :floorLimit, comment: %(A floor limit is the amount of money above which credit card transactions must be authorized.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:PaymentCard".freeze, label: "floorLimit".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :floorSize, comment: %(The size of the accommodation, e.g. in square meter or squarefoot. Typical unit code\(s\): MTK for square meter, FTK for square foot, or YDK for square yard).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, label: "floorSize".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :followee, @@ -7618,11 +7618,11 @@ property :followup, comment: %(Typical or recommended followup care after the procedure is performed.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, label: "followup".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :foodEstablishment, comment: %(A sub property of location. The specific food establishment where the action occurred.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CookAction".freeze, label: "foodEstablishment".freeze, @@ -7639,11 +7639,11 @@ property :foodWarning, comment: %(Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to consumption of specific foods while taking this drug.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "foodWarning".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :founder, comment: %(A person who founded this organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "founder".freeze, @@ -7652,11 +7652,11 @@ property :founders, comment: %(A person who founded this organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "founders".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:founder).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:founder".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :foundingDate, comment: %(The date that this organization was founded.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "foundingDate".freeze, @@ -7671,18 +7671,18 @@ property :free, comment: %(A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PublicationEvent".freeze, label: "free".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:isAccessibleForFree).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:isAccessibleForFree".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :frequency, comment: %(How often the dose is taken, e.g. 'daily'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze, label: "frequency".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :fromLocation, comment: %(A sub property of location. The original location of the object or the agent before the action.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ExerciseAction".freeze, "schema:MoveAction".freeze, "schema:TransferAction".freeze], label: "fromLocation".freeze, @@ -7691,26 +7691,26 @@ type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :fuelCapacity, comment: %(The capacity of the fuel tank or in the case of electric cars, the battery. If there are multiple components for storage, this should indicate the total of all storage of the same type.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): LTR for liters, GLL of US gallons, GLI for UK / imperial gallons, AMH for ampere-hours \(for electrical vehicles\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "fuelCapacity".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :fuelConsumption, comment: %(<p>The amount of fuel consumed for traveling a particular distance or temporal duration with the given vehicle \(e.g. liters per 100 km\).</p> <ul> <li>Note 1: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for liters per 100 km. Use <a class="localLink" href="">unitText</a> to indicate the unit of measurement, e.g. L/100 km.</li> <li>Note 2: There are two ways of indicating the fuel consumption, <a class="localLink" href="">fuelConsumption</a> \(e.g. 8 liters per 100 km\) and <a class="localLink" href="">fuelEfficiency</a> \(e.g. 30 miles per gallon\). They are reciprocal.</li> <li>Note 3: Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed \("at 80 km/h"\) or usage pattern \("city traffic"\). You can use <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> to link the value for the fuel consumption to another value.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "fuelConsumption".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :fuelEfficiency, @@ -7720,35 +7720,35 @@ <li>Note 1: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for miles per gallon or kilometers per liter. Use <a class="localLink" href="">unitText</a> to indicate the unit of measurement, e.g. mpg or km/L.</li> <li>Note 2: There are two ways of indicating the fuel consumption, <a class="localLink" href="">fuelConsumption</a> \(e.g. 8 liters per 100 km\) and <a class="localLink" href="">fuelEfficiency</a> \(e.g. 30 miles per gallon\). They are reciprocal.</li> <li>Note 3: Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed \("at 80 km/h"\) or usage pattern \("city traffic"\). You can use <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> to link the value for the fuel economy to another value.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "fuelEfficiency".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :fuelType, comment: %(The type of fuel suitable for the engine or engines of the vehicle. If the vehicle has only one engine, this property can be attached directly to the vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:EngineSpecification".freeze, "schema:Vehicle".freeze], label: "fuelType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :function, comment: %(Function of the anatomical structure.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, label: "function".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :functionalClass, comment: %(The degree of mobility the joint allows.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Joint".freeze, label: "functionalClass".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :funder, comment: %(A person or organization that supports \(sponsors\) something through some kind of financial contribution.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "funder".freeze, @@ -7756,13 +7756,13 @@ subPropertyOf: "schema:sponsor".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :game, comment: %(Video game which is played on this server.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:GameServer".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:gameServer".freeze, label: "game".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:VideoGame".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:gameServer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gameItem, comment: %(An item is an object within the game world that can be collected by a player or, occasionally, a non-player character.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Game".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "gameItem".freeze, @@ -7781,13 +7781,13 @@ rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:Thing".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gameServer, comment: %(The server on which it is possible to play the game.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:VideoGame".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:game".freeze, label: "gameServer".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:GameServer".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:game".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gameTip, comment: %(Links to tips, tactics, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:VideoGame".freeze, label: "gameTip".freeze, @@ -7829,137 +7829,137 @@ label: "geographicArea".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyContains, comment: %(Represents a relationship between two geometries \(or the places they represent\), relating a containing geometry to a contained geometry. "a contains b iff no points of b lie in the exterior of a, and at least one point of the interior of b lies in the interior of a". As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyContains".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyCoveredBy, comment: %(Represents a relationship between two geometries \(or the places they represent\), relating a geometry to another that covers it. As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyCoveredBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyCovers, comment: %(Represents a relationship between two geometries \(or the places they represent\), relating a covering geometry to a covered geometry. "Every point of b is a point of \(the interior or boundary of\) a". As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyCovers".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyCrosses, comment: %(Represents a relationship between two geometries \(or the places they represent\), relating a geometry to another that crosses it: "a crosses b: they have some but not all interior points in common, and the dimension of the intersection is less than that of at least one of them". As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyCrosses".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyDisjoint, comment: %(Represents spatial relations in which two geometries \(or the places they represent\) are topologically disjoint: they have no point in common. They form a set of disconnected geometries." \(a symmetric relationship, as defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyDisjoint".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyEquals, comment: %(Represents spatial relations in which two geometries \(or the places they represent\) are topologically equal, as defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>. "Two geometries are topologically equal if their interiors intersect and no part of the interior or boundary of one geometry intersects the exterior of the other" \(a symmetric relationship\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyEquals".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyIntersects, comment: %(Represents spatial relations in which two geometries \(or the places they represent\) have at least one point in common. As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyIntersects".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyOverlaps, comment: %(Represents a relationship between two geometries \(or the places they represent\), relating a geometry to another that geospatially overlaps it, i.e. they have some but not all points in common. As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyOverlaps".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyTouches, comment: %(Represents spatial relations in which two geometries \(or the places they represent\) touch: they have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points." \(a symmetric relationship, as defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a> \)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyTouches".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :geospatiallyWithin, comment: %(Represents a relationship between two geometries \(or the places they represent\), relating a geometry to one that contains it, i.e. it is inside \(i.e. within\) its interior. As defined in <a href="">DE-9IM</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "geospatiallyWithin".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:GeospatialGeometry".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1375).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1375".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :givenName, comment: %(Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a Person. This can be used along with familyName instead of the name property.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "givenName".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :globalLocationNumber, comment: %(The <a href="">Global Location Number</a> \(GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN\) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "globalLocationNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gracePeriod, comment: %(The period of time after any due date that the borrower has to fulfil its obligations before a default \(failure to pay\) is deemed to have occurred.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "gracePeriod".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Duration".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :grantee, comment: %(The person, organization, contact point, or audience that has been granted this permission.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DigitalDocumentPermission".freeze, label: "grantee".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Audience".freeze, "schema:ContactPoint".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :greater, comment: %(This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than the object.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, label: "greater".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :greaterOrEqual, comment: %(This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than or equal to the object.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, label: "greaterOrEqual".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gtin12, @@ -7969,71 +7969,71 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gtin13, comment: %(The <a href="">GTIN-13</a> code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This is equivalent to 13-digit ISBN codes and EAN UCC-13. Former 12-digit UPC codes can be converted into a GTIN-13 code by simply adding a preceeding zero. See <a href="">GS1 GTIN Summary</a> for more details.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "gtin13".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gtin14, comment: %(The <a href="">GTIN-14</a> code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. See <a href="">GS1 GTIN Summary</a> for more details.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "gtin14".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gtin8, comment: %(The <a href="">GTIN-8</a> code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This code is also known as EAN/UCC-8 or 8-digit EAN. See <a href="">GS1 GTIN Summary</a> for more details.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "gtin8".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :guideline, comment: %(A medical guideline related to this entity.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, label: "guideline".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :guidelineDate, comment: %(Date on which this guideline's recommendation was made.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, label: "guidelineDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :guidelineSubject, comment: %(The medical conditions, treatments, etc. that are the subject of the guideline.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalGuideline".freeze, label: "guidelineSubject".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasBroadcastChannel, comment: %(A broadcast channel of a broadcast service.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastService".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:providesBroadcastService".freeze, label: "hasBroadcastChannel".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BroadcastChannel".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1004).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1004".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:providesBroadcastService".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasCategoryCode, comment: %(A Category code contained in this code set.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CategoryCodeSet".freeze, label: "hasCategoryCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CategoryCode".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-894).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-894".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:hasPart".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasCourseInstance, comment: %(An offering of the course at a specific time and place or through specific media or mode of study or to a specific section of students.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Course".freeze, @@ -8082,22 +8082,22 @@ label: "hasOfferCatalog".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:OfferCatalog".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasPOS, comment: %(Points-of-Sales operated by the organization or person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "hasPOS".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasPart, comment: %(Indicates a CreativeWork that is \(in some sense\) a part of this CreativeWork.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:isPartOf".freeze, label: "hasPart".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:isPartOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :headline, comment: %(Headline of the article.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "headline".freeze, @@ -8106,119 +8106,119 @@ property :healthCondition, comment: %(Specifying the health condition\(s\) of a patient, medical study, or other target audience.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, "schema:Patient".freeze, "schema:PeopleAudience".freeze], label: "healthCondition".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanCoinsuranceOption, comment: %(Whether the coinsurance applies before or after deductible, etc. TODO: Is this a closed set?).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification".freeze, label: "healthPlanCoinsuranceOption".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanCoinsuranceRate, comment: %(Whether The rate of coinsurance expressed as a number between 0.0 and 1.0.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification".freeze, label: "healthPlanCoinsuranceRate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanCopay, comment: %(Whether The copay amount.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification".freeze, label: "healthPlanCopay".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanCopayOption, comment: %(Whether the copay is before or after deductible, etc. TODO: Is this a closed set?).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification".freeze, label: "healthPlanCopayOption".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanCostSharing, comment: %(Whether The costs to the patient for services under this network or formulary.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HealthPlanFormulary".freeze, "schema:HealthPlanNetwork".freeze], label: "healthPlanCostSharing".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanDrugOption, comment: %(TODO.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "healthPlanDrugOption".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanDrugTier, comment: %(The tier\(s\) of drugs offered by this formulary or insurance plan.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, "schema:HealthPlanFormulary".freeze], label: "healthPlanDrugTier".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanId, comment: %(The 14-character, HIOS-generated Plan ID number. \(Plan IDs must be unique, even across different markets.\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "healthPlanId".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanMarketingUrl, comment: %(The URL that goes directly to the plan brochure for the specific standard plan or plan variation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "healthPlanMarketingUrl".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanNetworkId, comment: %(Name or unique ID of network. \(Networks are often reused across different insurance plans\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HealthPlanNetwork".freeze, "schema:MedicalOrganization".freeze], label: "healthPlanNetworkId".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanNetworkTier, comment: %(The tier\(s\) for this network.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanNetwork".freeze, label: "healthPlanNetworkTier".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :healthPlanPharmacyCategory, comment: %(The category or type of pharmacy associated with this cost sharing.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification".freeze, label: "healthPlanPharmacyCategory".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :height, comment: %(The height of the item.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MediaObject".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "height".freeze, @@ -8265,11 +8265,11 @@ property :hospitalAffiliation, comment: %(A hospital with which the physician or office is affiliated.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Physician".freeze, label: "hospitalAffiliation".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Hospital".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hostingOrganization, comment: %(The organization \(airline, travelers' club, etc.\) the membership is made with.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ProgramMembership".freeze, label: "hostingOrganization".freeze, @@ -8284,11 +8284,11 @@ property :howPerformed, comment: %(How the procedure is performed.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, label: "howPerformed".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :httpMethod, comment: %(An HTTP method that specifies the appropriate HTTP method for a request to an HTTP EntryPoint. Values are capitalized strings as used in HTTP.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EntryPoint".freeze, label: "httpMethod".freeze, @@ -8307,27 +8307,27 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :identifier, comment: %(The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of <a class="localLink" href="">Thing</a>, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL \(URI\) links. See <a href="/docs/datamodel.html#identifierBg">background notes</a> for more details.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "dc:identifier".freeze, label: "identifier".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(dc:identifier).freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :identifyingExam, comment: %(A physical examination that can identify this sign.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalSign".freeze, label: "identifyingExam".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :identifyingTest, comment: %(A diagnostic test that can identify this sign.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalSign".freeze, label: "identifyingTest".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :illustrator, comment: %(The illustrator of the book.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Book".freeze, label: "illustrator".freeze, @@ -8342,11 +8342,11 @@ property :imagingTechnique, comment: %(Imaging technique used.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ImagingTest".freeze, label: "imagingTechnique".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :inAlbum, comment: %(The album to which this recording belongs.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRecording".freeze, label: "inAlbum".freeze, @@ -8358,16 +8358,16 @@ label: "inBroadcastLineup".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CableOrSatelliteService".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :inCodeSet, comment: %(A <a class="localLink" href="">CategoryCodeSet</a> that contains this catagory code.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CategoryCode".freeze, label: "inCodeSet".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CategoryCodeSet".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-894).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-894".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:isPartOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :inLanguage, comment: %(The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use one of the language codes from the <a href="">IETF BCP 47 standard</a>. See also <a class="localLink" href="">availableLanguage</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CommunicateAction".freeze, "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:LinkRole".freeze, "schema:WriteAction".freeze], @@ -8383,11 +8383,11 @@ property :inSupportOf, comment: %(Qualification, candidature, degree, application that Thesis supports.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Thesis".freeze, label: "inSupportOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :incentiveCompensation, comment: %(Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "incentiveCompensation".freeze, @@ -8396,87 +8396,87 @@ property :incentives, comment: %(Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "incentives".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:incentiveCompensation).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:incentiveCompensation".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includedComposition, comment: %(Smaller compositions included in this work \(e.g. a movement in a symphony\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "includedComposition".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includedDataCatalog, comment: %(A data catalog which contains this dataset \(this property was previously 'catalog', preferred name is now 'includedInDataCatalog'\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, label: "includedDataCatalog".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DataCatalog".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:includedInDataCatalog).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:includedInDataCatalog".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includedInDataCatalog, comment: %(A data catalog which contains this dataset.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:dataset".freeze, label: "includedInDataCatalog".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DataCatalog".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:dataset".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includedInHealthInsurancePlan, comment: %(The insurance plans that cover this drug.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "includedInHealthInsurancePlan".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includedRiskFactor, comment: %(A modifiable or non-modifiable risk factor included in the calculation, e.g. age, coexisting condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalRiskEstimator".freeze, label: "includedRiskFactor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalRiskFactor".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includesHealthPlanFormulary, comment: %(Formularies covered by this plan.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "includesHealthPlanFormulary".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanFormulary".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includesHealthPlanNetwork, comment: %(Networks covered by this plan.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "includesHealthPlanNetwork".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanNetwork".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :includesObject, comment: %(This links to a node or nodes indicating the exact quantity of the products included in the offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "includesObject".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:TypeAndQuantityNode".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :increasesRiskOf, comment: %(The condition, complication, etc. influenced by this factor.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalRiskFactor".freeze, label: "increasesRiskOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :indication, comment: %(A factor that indicates use of this therapy for treatment and/or prevention of a condition, symptom, etc. For therapies such as drugs, indications can include both officially-approved indications as well as off-label uses. These can be distinguished by using the ApprovedIndication subtype of MedicalIndication.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, "schema:TherapeuticProcedure".freeze], label: "indication".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalIndication".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :industry, comment: %(The industry associated with the job position.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "industry".freeze, @@ -8493,41 +8493,41 @@ property :infectiousAgent, comment: %(The actual infectious agent, such as a specific bacterium.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:InfectiousDisease".freeze, label: "infectiousAgent".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :infectiousAgentClass, comment: %(The class of infectious agent \(bacteria, prion, etc.\) that causes the disease.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:InfectiousDisease".freeze, label: "infectiousAgentClass".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:InfectiousAgentClass".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :ingredients, comment: %(A single ingredient used in the recipe, e.g. sugar, flour or garlic.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Recipe".freeze, label: "ingredients".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:recipeIngredient).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:recipeIngredient".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:supply".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :inker, comment: %(The individual who traces over the pencil drawings in ink after pencils are complete.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ComicIssue".freeze, "schema:ComicStory".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "inker".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :insertion, comment: %(The place of attachment of a muscle, or what the muscle moves.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "insertion".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :installUrl, comment: %(URL at which the app may be installed, if different from the URL of the item.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "installUrl".freeze, @@ -8548,23 +8548,23 @@ property :intensity, comment: %(Quantitative measure gauging the degree of force involved in the exercise, for example, heartbeats per minute. May include the velocity of the movement.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "intensity".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :interactingDrug, comment: %(Another drug that is known to interact with this drug in a way that impacts the effect of this drug or causes a risk to the patient. Note: disease interactions are typically captured as contraindications.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "interactingDrug".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :interactionCount, comment: %(This property is deprecated, alongside the UserInteraction types on which it depended.).freeze, label: "interactionCount".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:interactionStatistic).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:interactionStatistic".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :interactionService, comment: %(The WebSite or SoftwareApplication where the interactions took place.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, label: "interactionService".freeze, @@ -8588,57 +8588,57 @@ label: "interactivityType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :interestRate, comment: %(The interest rate, charged or paid, applicable to the financial product. Note: This is different from the calculated annualPercentageRate.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:FinancialProduct".freeze, label: "interestRate".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :inventoryLevel, comment: %(The current approximate inventory level for the item or items.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:SomeProducts".freeze], label: "inventoryLevel".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :inverseOf, comment: %(Relates a property to a property that is its inverse. Inverse properties relate the same pairs of items to each other, but in reversed direction. For example, the 'alumni' and 'alumniOf' properties are inverseOf each other. Some properties don't have explicit inverses; in these situations RDFa and JSON-LD syntax for reverse properties can be used.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Property".freeze, label: "inverseOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Property".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isAcceptingNewPatients, comment: %(Whether the provider is accepting new patients.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalOrganization".freeze, label: "isAcceptingNewPatients".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isAccessibleForFree, comment: %(A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze, "schema:PublicationEvent".freeze], label: "isAccessibleForFree".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isAccessoryOrSparePartFor, comment: %(A pointer to another product \(or multiple products\) for which this product is an accessory or spare part.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, label: "isAccessoryOrSparePartFor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isAvailableGenerically, comment: %(True if the drug is available in a generic form \(regardless of name\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "isAvailableGenerically".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isBasedOn, comment: %(A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example,, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "isBasedOn".freeze, @@ -8647,15 +8647,15 @@ property :isBasedOnUrl, comment: %(A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example,, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "isBasedOnUrl".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:isBasedOn).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:isBasedOn".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isConsumableFor, comment: %(A pointer to another product \(or multiple products\) for which this product is a consumable.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, label: "isConsumableFor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isFamilyFriendly, @@ -8677,79 +8677,79 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isPartOf, comment: %(Indicates a CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is \(in some sense\) part of.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:hasPart".freeze, label: "isPartOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:hasPart".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isProprietary, comment: %(True if this item's name is a proprietary/brand name \(vs. generic name\).).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze], label: "isProprietary".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isRelatedTo, comment: %(A pointer to another, somehow related product \(or multiple products\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "isRelatedTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isSimilarTo, comment: %(A pointer to another, functionally similar product \(or multiple products\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "isSimilarTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isVariantOf, comment: %(A pointer to a base product from which this product is a variant. It is safe to infer that the variant inherits all product features from the base model, unless defined locally. This is not transitive.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ProductModel".freeze, label: "isVariantOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ProductModel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isbn, comment: %(The ISBN of the book.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Book".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "bibo:isbn".freeze, label: "isbn".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:isbn).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isicV4, comment: %(The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities \(ISIC\), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], label: "isicV4".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :isrcCode, comment: %(The International Standard Recording Code for the recording.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRecording".freeze, label: "isrcCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :issn, comment: %(The International Standard Serial Number \(ISSN\) that identifies this serial publication. You can repeat this property to identify different formats of, or the linking ISSN \(ISSN-L\) for, this serial publication.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Blog".freeze, "schema:CreativeWorkSeries".freeze, "schema:Dataset".freeze, "schema:WebSite".freeze], + equivalentProperty: "bibo:issn".freeze, label: "issn".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:issn).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :issueNumber, comment: %(Identifies the issue of publication; for example, "iii" or "2".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PublicationIssue".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "bibo:issue".freeze, label: "issueNumber".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:issue).freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Integer".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], subPropertyOf: "schema:position".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :issuedBy, comment: %(The organization issuing the ticket or permit.).freeze, @@ -8763,11 +8763,11 @@ label: "issuedThrough".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Service".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :iswcCode, comment: %(The International Standard Musical Work Code for the composition.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "iswcCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :item, @@ -8840,11 +8840,11 @@ label: "keywords".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :knownVehicleDamages, comment: %(A textual description of known damages, both repaired and unrepaired.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "knownVehicleDamages".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :knows, @@ -8856,11 +8856,11 @@ property :labelDetails, comment: %(Link to the drug's label details.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "labelDetails".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :landlord, comment: %(A sub property of participant. The owner of the real estate property.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:RentAction".freeze, label: "landlord".freeze, @@ -8870,11 +8870,11 @@ property :language, comment: %(A sub property of instrument. The language used on this action.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CommunicateAction".freeze, "schema:WriteAction".freeze], label: "language".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Language".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:inLanguage).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:inLanguage".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:instrument".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :lastReviewed, comment: %(Date on which the content on this web page was last reviewed for accuracy and/or completeness.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WebPage".freeze, @@ -8893,214 +8893,214 @@ label: "learningResourceType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legalName, comment: %(The official name of the organization, e.g. the registered company name.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "legalName".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legalStatus, comment: %(The drug or supplement's legal status, including any controlled substance schedules that apply.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze, "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze], label: "legalStatus".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:DrugLegalStatus".freeze, "schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationAppliedBy, comment: %(Indicates that this legislation \(or part of a legislation\) is somehow transfered by another legislation in a different legislative context. This is an informative link, and it has no legal value. For legally-binding links of transposition, use the property <a href="/legislationTransposedBy">legislationTransposedBy</a>. For example the informative consolidated version of the European Directive is somehow "applied by" an informative consolidated law in a European Union's member state.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationApplies".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationAppliedBy".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationApplies".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationApplies, comment: %(Indicates that this legislation \(or part of a legislation\) somehow transfers another legislation in a different legislative context. This is an informative link, and it has no legal value. For legally-binding links of transposition, use the <a href="/legislationTransposes">legislationTransposes</a> property. For example an informative consolidated law of a European Union's member state "applies" the consolidated version of the European Directive implemented in it.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationAppliedBy".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationApplies".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationAppliedBy".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationChangedBy, comment: %(Another legislation that changes this legislation. This encompasses the notions of amendment, replacement, correction, repeal, or other types of change. This may be a direct change \(textual or non-textual amendment\) or a consequential or indirect change. The property is to be used to express the existence of a change relationship between two acts rather than the existence of a consolidated version of the text that shows the result of the change. For consolidation relationships, use the <a href="/legislationConsolidatedBy">legislationConsolidatedBy</a> property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationChanges".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationChangedBy".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationChanges".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationChanges, comment: %(Another legislation that this legislation changes. This encompasses the notions of amendment, replacement, correction, repeal, or other types of change. This may be a direct change \(textual or non-textual amendment\) or a consequential or indirect change. The property is to be used to express the existence of a change relationship between two acts rather than the existence of a consolidated version of the text that shows the result of the change. For consolidation relationships, use the <a href="/legislationConsolidates">legislationConsolidates</a> property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationChangedBy".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationChanges".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationChangedBy".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationConsolidatedBy, comment: %(Indicates a consolidated legislation \(which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation\) that take into account this legislation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationConsolidates".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationConsolidatedBy".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationConsolidates".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationConsolidates, comment: %(Indicates another legislation taken into account in this consolidated legislation \(which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation\). This property should be used multiple times to refer to both the original version or the previous consolidated version, and to the legislations making the change.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationConsolidatedBy".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationConsolidates".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationConsolidatedBy".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationDate, comment: %(The date of adoption or signature of the legislation. This is the date at which the text is officially aknowledged to be a legislation, even though it might not even be published or in force.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationDate".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:dateCreated".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationDateVersion, comment: %(The point-in-time at which the provided description of the legislation is valid \(e.g. : when looking at the law on the 2016-04-07 \(= dateVersion\), I get the consolidation of 2015-04-12 of the "National Insurance Contributions Act 2015"\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationDateVersion".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationIdentifier, comment: %(An identifier for the legislation. For example the CELEX at EU level, the NOR in France, or the ELI \(European Legislation Identifier\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, label: "legislationIdentifier".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:closeMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "skos:closeMatch": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationLegalForce, comment: %(Whether the legislation is currently in force, not in force, or partially in force.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationLegalForce".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:LegalForceStatus".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationLegalValue, comment: %(The legal value of this legislation file. The same legislation can be written in multiple files with different legal values. Typically a digitally signed PDF have a "stronger" legal value than the HTML file of the same act.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:LegislationObject".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationLegalValue".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:LegalValueLevel".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationPassedBy, comment: %(The person or organization that originally passed or made the law : typically parliament \(for primary legislation\) or government \(for secondary legislation\). This indicates the "legal author" of the law, as opposed to its physical author.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationPassedBy".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:creator".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationResponsible, comment: %(An individual or organization that has some kind of responsibility for the legislation. Typically the ministry who is/was in charge of elaborating the legislation, or the adressee for potential questions about the legislation once it is published.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationResponsible".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationTransposedBy, comment: %(Indicates that the objectives set by this legislation \(or part of legislation\) are fulfilled by another legislation who passed appropriate implementation measures. Typically, European Directives are transposed by the legislations of European Union's member states or regions. This indicates a legally binding link between the 2 legislations.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationTransposes".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationTransposedBy".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationTransposes".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:legislationAppliedBy".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationTransposes, comment: %(Indicates that this legislation \(or part of legislation\) fulfills the objectives set by another legislation, by passing appropriate implementation measures. Typically, some legislations of European Union's member states or regions transpose European Directives. This indicates a legally binding link between the 2 legislations.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:legislationTransposedBy".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationTransposes".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:legislationTransposedBy".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:legislationApplies".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :legislationType, comment: %(The type of the legislation. Examples of values are "law", "act", "directive", "decree", "regulation", "statutory instrument", "loi organique", "règlement grand-ducal", etc., depending on the country.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Legislation".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "".freeze, + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "legislationType".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CategoryCode".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:genre".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :leiCode, comment: %(An organization identifier that uniquely identifies a legal entity as defined in ISO 17442.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, label: "leiCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze @@ -9111,29 +9111,29 @@ rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], subPropertyOf: "schema:participant".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :lesser, comment: %(This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is lesser than the object.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, label: "lesser".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :lesserOrEqual, comment: %(This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is lesser than or equal to the object.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, label: "lesserOrEqual".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :letterer, comment: %(The individual who adds lettering, including speech balloons and sound effects, to artwork.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ComicIssue".freeze, "schema:ComicStory".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "letterer".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :license, comment: %(A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "license".freeze, @@ -9145,75 +9145,75 @@ label: "line".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :linkRelationship, comment: %(Indicates the relationship type of a Web link.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LinkRole".freeze, label: "linkRelationship".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1045).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1045".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :liveBlogUpdate, comment: %(An update to the LiveBlog.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LiveBlogPosting".freeze, label: "liveBlogUpdate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BlogPosting".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :loanMortgageMandateAmount, comment: %(Amount of mortgage mandate that can be converted into a proper mortgage at a later stage.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:MortgageLoan".freeze, label: "loanMortgageMandateAmount".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :loanPaymentAmount, comment: %(The amount of money to pay in a single payment.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:RepaymentSpecification".freeze, label: "loanPaymentAmount".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :loanPaymentFrequency, comment: %(Frequency of payments due, i.e. number of months between payments. This is defined as a frequency, i.e. the reciprocal of a period of time.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:RepaymentSpecification".freeze, label: "loanPaymentFrequency".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :loanRepaymentForm, comment: %(A form of paying back money previously borrowed from a lender. Repayment usually takes the form of periodic payments that normally include part principal plus interest in each payment.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "loanRepaymentForm".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:RepaymentSpecification".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :loanTerm, comment: %(The duration of the loan or credit agreement.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "loanTerm".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:duration".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :loanType, comment: %(The type of a loan or credit.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "loanType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :location, comment: %(The location of for example where the event is happening, an organization is located, or where an action takes place.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Action".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], label: "location".freeze, @@ -9237,11 +9237,11 @@ label: "lodgingUnitType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :logo, comment: %(An associated logo.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Brand".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "logo".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:ImageObject".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], subPropertyOf: "schema:image".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze @@ -9264,18 +9264,18 @@ label: "lowPrice".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :lyricist, comment: %(The person who wrote the words.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "lyricist".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :lyrics, comment: %(The words in the song.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "lyrics".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mainContentOfPage, @@ -9285,29 +9285,29 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:WebPageElement".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mainEntity, comment: %(Indicates the primary entity described in some page or other CreativeWork.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:mainEntityOfPage".freeze, label: "mainEntity".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:mainEntityOfPage".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:about".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mainEntityOfPage, comment: %(Indicates a page \(or other CreativeWork\) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See <a href="/docs/datamodel.html#mainEntityBackground">background notes</a> for details.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:mainEntity".freeze, label: "mainEntityOfPage".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:mainEntity".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :makesOffer, comment: %(A pointer to products or services offered by the organization or person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - inverseOf: "schema:offeredBy".freeze, label: "makesOffer".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Offer".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:offeredBy".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :manufacturer, comment: %(The manufacturer of the product.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "manufacturer".freeze, @@ -9316,11 +9316,11 @@ property :map, comment: %(A URL to a map of the place.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "map".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:hasMap).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:hasMap".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mapType, comment: %(Indicates the kind of Map, from the MapCategoryType Enumeration.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Map".freeze, label: "mapType".freeze, @@ -9329,38 +9329,38 @@ property :maps, comment: %(A URL to a map of the place.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "maps".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:hasMap).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:hasMap".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :masthead, comment: %(For a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>, a link to the masthead page or a page listing top editorial management.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, label: "masthead".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:publishingPrinciples".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :material, comment: %(A material that something is made from, e.g. leather, wool, cotton, paper.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "material".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :maxPrice, comment: %(The highest price if the price is a range.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, label: "maxPrice".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :maxValue, comment: %(The upper value of some characteristic or property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:PropertyValueSpecification".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], label: "maxValue".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :maximumAttendeeCapacity, @@ -9372,11 +9372,11 @@ property :maximumIntake, comment: %(Recommended intake of this supplement for a given population as defined by a specific recommending authority.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze, "schema:DrugStrength".freeze, "schema:Substance".freeze], label: "maximumIntake".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MaximumDoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mealService, comment: %(Description of the meals that will be provided or available for purchase.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Flight".freeze, label: "mealService".freeze, @@ -9389,66 +9389,66 @@ <p>For example, if <a class="localLink" href="">variableMeasured</a> is: molecule concentration, <a class="localLink" href="">measurementTechnique</a> could be: "mass spectrometry" or "nmr spectroscopy" or "colorimetry" or "immunofluorescence".</p> <p>If the <a class="localLink" href="">variableMeasured</a> is "depression rating", the <a class="localLink" href="">measurementTechnique</a> could be "Zung Scale" or "HAM-D" or "Beck Depression Inventory".</p> <p>If there are several <a class="localLink" href="">variableMeasured</a> properties recorded for some given data object, use a <a class="localLink" href="">PropertyValue</a> for each <a class="localLink" href="">variableMeasured</a> and attach the corresponding <a class="localLink" href="">measurementTechnique</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DataCatalog".freeze, "schema:DataDownload".freeze, "schema:Dataset".freeze, "schema:PropertyValue".freeze], label: "measurementTechnique".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1425).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1425".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mechanismOfAction, comment: %(The specific biochemical interaction through which this drug or supplement produces its pharmacological effect.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze], label: "mechanismOfAction".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :medicalSpecialty, comment: %(A medical specialty of the provider.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Hospital".freeze, "schema:MedicalClinic".freeze, "schema:MedicalOrganization".freeze, "schema:Physician".freeze], label: "medicalSpecialty".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :medicineSystem, comment: %(The system of medicine that includes this MedicalEntity, for example 'evidence-based', 'homeopathic', 'chiropractic', etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, label: "medicineSystem".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :meetsEmissionStandard, comment: %(Indicates that the vehicle meets the respective emission standard.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "meetsEmissionStandard".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :member, comment: %(A member of an Organization or a ProgramMembership. Organizations can be members of organizations; ProgramMembership is typically for individuals.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:ProgramMembership".freeze], - inverseOf: "schema:memberOf".freeze, label: "member".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:memberOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :memberOf, comment: %(An Organization \(or ProgramMembership\) to which this Person or Organization belongs.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - inverseOf: "schema:member".freeze, label: "memberOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:ProgramMembership".freeze], + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:member".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :members, comment: %(A member of this organization.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:ProgramMembership".freeze], label: "members".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:member).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:member".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :membershipNumber, comment: %(A unique identifier for the membership.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ProgramMembership".freeze, label: "membershipNumber".freeze, @@ -9469,27 +9469,27 @@ property :menu, comment: %(Either the actual menu as a structured representation, as text, or a URL of the menu.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:FoodEstablishment".freeze, label: "menu".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Menu".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:hasMenu).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:hasMenu".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :menuAddOn, comment: %(Additional menu item\(s\) such as a side dish of salad or side order of fries that can be added to this menu item. Additionally it can be a menu section containing allowed add-on menu items for this menu item.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MenuItem".freeze, label: "menuAddOn".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MenuItem".freeze, "schema:MenuSection".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1541).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1541".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :merchant, comment: %('merchant' is an out-dated term for 'seller'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Order".freeze, label: "merchant".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:seller).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:seller".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :messageAttachment, comment: %(A CreativeWork attached to the message.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Message".freeze, label: "messageAttachment".freeze, @@ -9497,25 +9497,25 @@ type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mileageFromOdometer, comment: %(The total distance travelled by the particular vehicle since its initial production, as read from its odometer.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): KMT for kilometers, SMI for statute miles).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "mileageFromOdometer".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :minPrice, comment: %(The lowest price if the price is a range.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, label: "minPrice".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :minValue, comment: %(The lower value of some characteristic or property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:PropertyValueSpecification".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], label: "minValue".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :minimumPaymentDue, @@ -9524,50 +9524,50 @@ label: "minimumPaymentDue".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy, comment: %(For a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>, a statement on coverage priorities, including any public agenda or stance on issues.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, label: "missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:publishingPrinciples".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :model, comment: %(The model of the product. Use with the URL of a ProductModel or a textual representation of the model identifier. The URL of the ProductModel can be from an external source. It is recommended to additionally provide strong product identifiers via the gtin8/gtin13/gtin14 and mpn properties.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, label: "model".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:ProductModel".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :modelDate, comment: %(The release date of a vehicle model \(often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "modelDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :modifiedTime, comment: %(The date and time the reservation was modified.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Reservation".freeze, label: "modifiedTime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :monthlyMinimumRepaymentAmount, comment: %(The minimum payment is the lowest amount of money that one is required to pay on a credit card statement each month.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:CreditCard".freeze, label: "monthlyMinimumRepaymentAmount".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :mpn, comment: %(The Manufacturer Part Number \(MPN\) of the product, or the product to which the offer refers.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "mpn".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :multipleValues, @@ -9579,15 +9579,15 @@ property :muscleAction, comment: %(The movement the muscle generates.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "muscleAction".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :musicArrangement, comment: %(An arrangement derived from the composition.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "musicArrangement".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :musicBy, @@ -9596,39 +9596,39 @@ label: "musicBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MusicGroup".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :musicCompositionForm, comment: %(The type of composition \(e.g. overture, sonata, symphony, etc.\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "musicCompositionForm".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :musicGroupMember, comment: %(A member of a music group&#x2014;for example, John, Paul, George, or Ringo.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicGroup".freeze, label: "musicGroupMember".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:member).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:member".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :musicReleaseFormat, comment: %(Format of this release \(the type of recording media used, ie. compact disc, digital media, LP, etc.\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRelease".freeze, label: "musicReleaseFormat".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :musicalKey, comment: %(The key, mode, or scale this composition uses.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, label: "musicalKey".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :naics, comment: %(The North American Industry Classification System \(NAICS\) code for a particular organization or business person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "naics".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :name, @@ -9640,11 +9640,11 @@ property :namedPosition, comment: %(A position played, performed or filled by a person or organization, as part of an organization. For example, an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Role".freeze, label: "namedPosition".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:roleName).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:roleName".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :nationality, comment: %(Nationality of the person.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "nationality".freeze, @@ -9653,25 +9653,25 @@ property :naturalProgression, comment: %(The expected progression of the condition if it is not treated and allowed to progress naturally.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "naturalProgression".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :nerve, comment: %(The underlying innervation associated with the muscle.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "nerve".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Nerve".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :nerveMotor, comment: %(The neurological pathway extension that involves muscle control.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Nerve".freeze, label: "nerveMotor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :netWorth, comment: %(The total financial value of the person as calculated by subtracting assets from liabilities.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "netWorth".freeze, @@ -9683,28 +9683,28 @@ label: "nextItem".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ListItem".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :nonEqual, comment: %(This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is not equal to the object.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, label: "nonEqual".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :nonProprietaryName, comment: %(The generic name of this drug or supplement.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze], label: "nonProprietaryName".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :normalRange, comment: %(Range of acceptable values for a typical patient, when applicable.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, label: "normalRange".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalEnumeration".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numAdults, comment: %(The number of adults staying in the unit.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LodgingReservation".freeze, label: "numAdults".freeze, @@ -9722,36 +9722,36 @@ label: "numTracks".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfAirbags, comment: %(The number or type of airbags in the vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "numberOfAirbags".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfAxles, comment: %(The number of axles.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): C62).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "numberOfAxles".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfBeds, comment: %(The quantity of the given bed type available in the HotelRoom, Suite, House, or Apartment.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BedDetails".freeze, label: "numberOfBeds".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfDoors, comment: %(The number of doors.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): C62).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "numberOfDoors".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfEmployees, @@ -9768,11 +9768,11 @@ type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfForwardGears, comment: %(The total number of forward gears available for the transmission system of the vehicle.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): C62).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "numberOfForwardGears".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfItems, @@ -9781,16 +9781,16 @@ label: "numberOfItems".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfLoanPayments, comment: %(The number of payments contractually required at origination to repay the loan. For monthly paying loans this is the number of months from the contractual first payment date to the maturity date.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:RepaymentSpecification".freeze, label: "numberOfLoanPayments".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfPages, comment: %(The number of pages in the book.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Book".freeze, label: "numberOfPages".freeze, @@ -9804,19 +9804,19 @@ type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfPreviousOwners, comment: %(The number of owners of the vehicle, including the current one.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): C62).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "numberOfPreviousOwners".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfRooms, comment: %(The number of rooms \(excluding bathrooms and closets\) of the acccommodation or lodging business. Typical unit code\(s\): ROM for room or C62 for no unit. The type of room can be put in the unitText property of the QuantitativeValue.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Accommodation".freeze, "schema:Apartment".freeze, "schema:House".freeze, "schema:SingleFamilyResidence".freeze, "schema:Suite".freeze], label: "numberOfRooms".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :numberOfSeasons, @@ -9844,11 +9844,11 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :occupancy, comment: %(The allowed total occupancy for the accommodation in persons \(including infants etc\). For individual accommodations, this is not necessarily the legal maximum but defines the permitted usage as per the contractual agreement \(e.g. a double room used by a single person\). Typical unit code\(s\): C62 for person).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Apartment".freeze, "schema:HotelRoom".freeze, "schema:SingleFamilyResidence".freeze, "schema:Suite".freeze], label: "occupancy".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :occupationalCategory, @@ -9864,28 +9864,28 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :offeredBy, comment: %(A pointer to the organization or person making the offer.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Offer".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:makesOffer".freeze, label: "offeredBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:makesOffer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :offers, comment: %(An offer to provide this item&#x2014;for example, an offer to sell a product, rent the DVD of a movie, perform a service, or give away tickets to an event.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:AggregateOffer".freeze, "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:MenuItem".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "offers".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Offer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :offersPrescriptionByMail, comment: %(Whether prescriptions can be delivered by mail.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthPlanFormulary".freeze, label: "offersPrescriptionByMail".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :openingHours, comment: %(<p>The general opening hours for a business. Opening hours can be specified as a weekly time range, starting with days, then times per day. Multiple days can be listed with commas ',' separating each day. Day or time ranges are specified using a hyphen '-'.</p> <ul> @@ -9899,18 +9899,18 @@ label: "openingHours".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :openingHoursSpecification, comment: %(The opening hours of a certain place.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "openingHoursSpecification".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :opens, comment: %(The opening hour of the place or service on the given day\(s\) of the week.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, label: "opens".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Time".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :operatingSystem, @@ -9929,11 +9929,11 @@ property :option, comment: %(A sub property of object. The options subject to this action.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ChooseAction".freeze, label: "option".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:Thing".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:actionOption).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:actionOption".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:object".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :orderDate, comment: %(Date order was placed.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Order".freeze, @@ -9992,11 +9992,11 @@ property :origin, comment: %(The place or point where a muscle arises.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Muscle".freeze, label: "origin".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :originAddress, comment: %(Shipper's address.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ParcelDelivery".freeze, label: "originAddress".freeze, @@ -10005,76 +10005,76 @@ property :originatesFrom, comment: %(The vasculature the lymphatic structure originates, or afferents, from.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LymphaticVessel".freeze, label: "originatesFrom".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Vessel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :outcome, comment: %(Expected or actual outcomes of the study.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze], label: "outcome".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :overdosage, comment: %(Any information related to overdose on a drug, including signs or symptoms, treatments, contact information for emergency response.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "overdosage".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :overview, comment: %(Descriptive information establishing the overarching theory/philosophy of the plan. May include the rationale for the name, the population where the plan first came to prominence, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, label: "overview".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :ownedFrom, comment: %(The date and time of obtaining the product.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:OwnershipInfo".freeze, label: "ownedFrom".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :ownedThrough, comment: %(The date and time of giving up ownership on the product.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:OwnershipInfo".freeze, label: "ownedThrough".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :owns, comment: %(Products owned by the organization or person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "owns".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:OwnershipInfo".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :pageEnd, comment: %(The page on which the work ends; for example "138" or "xvi".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Article".freeze, "schema:Chapter".freeze, "schema:PublicationIssue".freeze, "schema:PublicationVolume".freeze], + equivalentProperty: "bibo:pageEnd".freeze, label: "pageEnd".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:pageEnd).freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Integer".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :pageStart, comment: %(The page on which the work starts; for example "135" or "xiii".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Article".freeze, "schema:Chapter".freeze, "schema:PublicationIssue".freeze, "schema:PublicationVolume".freeze], + equivalentProperty: "bibo:pageStart".freeze, label: "pageStart".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:pageStart).freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Integer".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :pagination, comment: %(Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55" or "10-12, 46-49".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Article".freeze, "schema:Chapter".freeze, "schema:PublicationIssue".freeze, "schema:PublicationVolume".freeze], + equivalentProperty: "bibo:pages".freeze, label: "pagination".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:pages).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :parent, comment: %(A parent of this person.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, @@ -10088,13 +10088,13 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Question".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :parentOrganization, comment: %(The larger organization that this organization is a <a class="localLink" href="">subOrganization</a> of, if any.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:subOrganization".freeze, label: "parentOrganization".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:subOrganization".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :parentService, comment: %(A broadcast service to which the broadcast service may belong to such as regional variations of a national channel.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastService".freeze, label: "parentService".freeze, @@ -10103,11 +10103,11 @@ property :parents, comment: %(A parents of the person.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "parents".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:parent).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:parent".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :partOfEpisode, comment: %(The episode to which this clip belongs.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Clip".freeze, label: "partOfEpisode".freeze, @@ -10143,18 +10143,18 @@ property :partOfSystem, comment: %(The anatomical or organ system that this structure is part of.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, label: "partOfSystem".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :partOfTVSeries, comment: %(The TV series to which this episode or season belongs.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:TVClip".freeze, "schema:TVEpisode".freeze, "schema:TVSeason".freeze], label: "partOfTVSeries".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:TVSeries".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:partOfSeries).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:partOfSeries".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:isPartOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :participant, comment: %(Other co-agents that participated in the action indirectly. e.g. John wrote a book with <em>Steve</em>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Action".freeze, @@ -10182,11 +10182,11 @@ property :pathophysiology, comment: %(Changes in the normal mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions that are associated with this activity or condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:PhysicalActivity".freeze], label: "pathophysiology".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :payload, comment: %(<p>The permitted weight of passengers and cargo, EXCLUDING the weight of the empty vehicle.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound</p> @@ -10196,15 +10196,15 @@ <li>Note 2: You can indicate additional information in the <a class="localLink" href="">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> node.</li> <li>Note 3: You may also link to a <a class="localLink" href="">QualitativeValue</a> node that provides additional information using <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a>.</li> <li>Note 4: Note that you can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "payload".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :paymentAccepted, comment: %(Cash, credit card, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LocalBusiness".freeze, label: "paymentAccepted".freeze, @@ -10213,11 +10213,11 @@ property :paymentDue, comment: %(The date that payment is due.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Invoice".freeze, "schema:Order".freeze], label: "paymentDue".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:paymentDueDate).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:paymentDueDate".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :paymentDueDate, comment: %(The date that payment is due.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Invoice".freeze, "schema:Order".freeze], label: "paymentDueDate".freeze, @@ -10250,12 +10250,12 @@ property :penciler, comment: %(The individual who draws the primary narrative artwork.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ComicIssue".freeze, "schema:ComicStory".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "penciler".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :performTime, comment: %(The length of time it takes to perform instructions or a direction \(not including time to prepare the supplies\), in <a href="">ISO 8601 duration format</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HowTo".freeze, "schema:HowToDirection".freeze], label: "performTime".freeze, @@ -10276,11 +10276,11 @@ property :performers, comment: %(The main performer or performers of the event&#x2014;for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, label: "performers".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:performer).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:performer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :permissionType, comment: %(The type of permission granted the person, organization, or audience.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DigitalDocumentPermission".freeze, label: "permissionType".freeze, @@ -10298,28 +10298,28 @@ label: "permitAudience".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Audience".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :permittedUsage, comment: %(Indications regarding the permitted usage of the accommodation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Accommodation".freeze, label: "permittedUsage".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :petsAllowed, comment: %(Indicates whether pets are allowed to enter the accommodation or lodging business. More detailed information can be put in a text value.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Accommodation".freeze, "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze], label: "petsAllowed".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Boolean".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :phase, comment: %(The phase of the clinical trial.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTrial".freeze, label: "phase".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :photo, comment: %(A photograph of this place.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "photo".freeze, @@ -10329,18 +10329,18 @@ property :photos, comment: %(Photographs of this place.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "photos".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:ImageObject".freeze, "schema:Photograph".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:photo).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:photo".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :physiologicalBenefits, comment: %(Specific physiologic benefits associated to the plan.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, label: "physiologicalBenefits".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :pickupLocation, comment: %(Where a taxi will pick up a passenger or a rental car can be picked up.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:RentalCarReservation".freeze, "schema:TaxiReservation".freeze], label: "pickupLocation".freeze, @@ -10379,11 +10379,11 @@ property :population, comment: %(Any characteristics of the population used in the study, e.g. 'males under 65'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, label: "population".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :position, comment: %(The position of an item in a series or sequence of items.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:ListItem".freeze], label: "position".freeze, @@ -10392,18 +10392,18 @@ property :possibleComplication, comment: %(A possible unexpected and unfavorable evolution of a medical condition. Complications may include worsening of the signs or symptoms of the disease, extension of the condition to other organ systems, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "possibleComplication".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :possibleTreatment, comment: %(A possible treatment to address this condition, sign or symptom.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze], label: "possibleTreatment".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :postOfficeBoxNumber, comment: %(The post office box number for PO box addresses.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PostalAddress".freeze, label: "postOfficeBoxNumber".freeze, @@ -10412,11 +10412,11 @@ property :postOp, comment: %(A description of the postoperative procedures, care, and/or followups for this device.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, label: "postOp".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :postalCode, comment: %(The postal code. For example, 94043.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:GeoCoordinates".freeze, "schema:GeoShape".freeze, "schema:PostalAddress".freeze], label: "postalCode".freeze, @@ -10431,32 +10431,32 @@ property :preOp, comment: %(A description of the workup, testing, and other preparations required before implanting this device.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, label: "preOp".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :predecessorOf, comment: %(A pointer from a previous, often discontinued variant of the product to its newer variant.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ProductModel".freeze, label: "predecessorOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ProductModel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :pregnancyCategory, comment: %(Pregnancy category of this drug.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "pregnancyCategory".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :pregnancyWarning, comment: %(Any precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use during pregnancy.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "pregnancyWarning".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :prepTime, comment: %(The length of time it takes to prepare the items to be used in instructions or a direction, in <a href="">ISO 8601 duration format</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HowTo".freeze, "schema:HowToDirection".freeze], label: "prepTime".freeze, @@ -10465,25 +10465,25 @@ property :preparation, comment: %(Typical preparation that a patient must undergo before having the procedure performed.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, label: "preparation".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :prescribingInfo, comment: %(Link to prescribing information for the drug.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "prescribingInfo".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :prescriptionStatus, comment: %(Indicates the status of drug prescription eg. local catalogs classifications or whether the drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "prescriptionStatus".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:DrugPrescriptionStatus".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :previousItem, comment: %(A link to the ListItem that preceeds the current one.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ListItem".freeze, label: "previousItem".freeze, @@ -10512,11 +10512,11 @@ label: "price".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :priceComponent, comment: %(This property links to all <a class="localLink" href="">UnitPriceSpecification</a> nodes that apply in parallel for the <a class="localLink" href="">CompoundPriceSpecification</a> node.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CompoundPriceSpecification".freeze, label: "priceComponent".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :priceCurrency, @@ -10531,18 +10531,18 @@ label: "priceRange".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :priceSpecification, comment: %(One or more detailed price specifications, indicating the unit price and delivery or payment charges.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:TradeAction".freeze], label: "priceSpecification".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :priceType, comment: %(A short text or acronym indicating multiple price specifications for the same offer, e.g. SRP for the suggested retail price or INVOICE for the invoice price, mostly used in the car industry.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze, label: "priceType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :priceValidUntil, @@ -10560,11 +10560,11 @@ property :primaryPrevention, comment: %(A preventative therapy used to prevent an initial occurrence of the medical condition, such as vaccination.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "primaryPrevention".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :printColumn, comment: %(The number of the column in which the NewsArticle appears in the print edition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:NewsArticle".freeze, label: "printColumn".freeze, @@ -10591,18 +10591,18 @@ property :procedure, comment: %(A description of the procedure involved in setting up, using, and/or installing the device.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, label: "procedure".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :procedureType, comment: %(The type of procedure, for example Surgical, Noninvasive, or Percutaneous.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, label: "procedureType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalProcedureType".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :processingTime, comment: %(Estimated processing time for the service using this channel.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ServiceChannel".freeze, label: "processingTime".freeze, @@ -10623,11 +10623,11 @@ property :produces, comment: %(The tangible thing generated by the service, e.g. a passport, permit, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Service".freeze, label: "produces".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Thing".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:serviceOutput).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:serviceOutput".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :productID, comment: %(The product identifier, such as ISBN. For example: <code>meta itemprop="productID" content="isbn:123-456-789"</code>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, label: "productID".freeze, @@ -10646,11 +10646,11 @@ label: "productionCompany".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :productionDate, comment: %(The date of production of the item, e.g. vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Vehicle".freeze], label: "productionDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :proficiencyLevel, @@ -10695,11 +10695,11 @@ property :proprietaryName, comment: %(Proprietary name given to the diet plan, typically by its originator or creator.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:Drug".freeze], label: "proprietaryName".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :proteinContent, comment: %(The number of grams of protein.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:NutritionInformation".freeze, label: "proteinContent".freeze, @@ -10718,13 +10718,13 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :providesBroadcastService, comment: %(The BroadcastService offered on this channel.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BroadcastChannel".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:hasBroadcastChannel".freeze, label: "providesBroadcastService".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BroadcastService".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:hasBroadcastChannel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :providesService, comment: %(The service provided by this channel.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ServiceChannel".freeze, label: "providesService".freeze, @@ -10745,18 +10745,18 @@ property :publicationType, comment: %(The type of the medical article, taken from the US NLM MeSH publication type catalog. See also <a href="">MeSH documentation</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalScholarlyArticle".freeze, label: "publicationType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :publishedBy, comment: %(An agent associated with the publication event.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PublicationEvent".freeze, label: "publishedBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :publishedOn, comment: %(A broadcast service associated with the publication event.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PublicationEvent".freeze, label: "publishedOn".freeze, @@ -10771,12 +10771,12 @@ property :publisherImprint, comment: %(The publishing division which published the comic.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "publisherImprint".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :publishingPrinciples, comment: %(The publishingPrinciples property indicates \(typically via <a class="localLink" href="">URL</a>\) a document describing the editorial principles of an <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a> \(or individual e.g. a <a class="localLink" href="">Person</a> writing a blog\) that relate to their activities as a publisher, e.g. ethics or diversity policies. When applied to a <a class="localLink" href="">CreativeWork</a> \(e.g. <a class="localLink" href="">NewsArticle</a>\) the principles are those of the party primarily responsible for the creation of the <a class="localLink" href="">CreativeWork</a>.</p> <p>While such policies are most typically expressed in natural language, sometimes related information \(e.g. indicating a <a class="localLink" href="">funder</a>\) can be expressed using terminology.).freeze, @@ -10784,21 +10784,21 @@ label: "publishingPrinciples".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :purchaseDate, comment: %(The date the item e.g. vehicle was purchased by the current owner.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Vehicle".freeze], label: "purchaseDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :purpose, comment: %(A goal towards an action is taken. Can be concrete or abstract.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:AllocateAction".freeze, "schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, "schema:PayAction".freeze], label: "purpose".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:MedicalDevicePurpose".freeze, "schema:Thing".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :qualifications, comment: %(Specific qualifications required for this role.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "qualifications".freeze, @@ -10827,11 +10827,11 @@ property :rangeIncludes, comment: %(Relates a property to a class that constitutes \(one of\) the expected type\(s\) for values of the property.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Property".freeze, label: "rangeIncludes".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Class".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :ratingCount, comment: %(The count of total number of ratings.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AggregateRating".freeze, label: "ratingCount".freeze, @@ -10846,11 +10846,11 @@ property :readBy, comment: %(A person who reads \(performs\) the audiobook.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Audiobook".freeze, label: "readBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:actor".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :readonlyValue, comment: %(Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false. Specifying this for a property that also has a value makes it act similar to a "hidden" input in an HTML form.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PropertyValueSpecification".freeze, @@ -10914,76 +10914,76 @@ property :recognizingAuthority, comment: %(If applicable, the organization that officially recognizes this entity as part of its endorsed system of medicine.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, label: "recognizingAuthority".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recommendationStrength, comment: %(Strength of the guideline's recommendation \(e.g. 'class I'\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalGuidelineRecommendation".freeze, label: "recommendationStrength".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recommendedIntake, comment: %(Recommended intake of this supplement for a given population as defined by a specific recommending authority.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, label: "recommendedIntake".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:RecommendedDoseSchedule".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recordLabel, comment: %(The label that issued the release.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRelease".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "mo:label".freeze, label: "recordLabel".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(mo:label).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recordedAs, comment: %(An audio recording of the work.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:recordingOf".freeze, label: "recordedAs".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicRecording".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:recordingOf".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recordedAt, comment: %(The Event where the CreativeWork was recorded. The CreativeWork may capture all or part of the event.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:recordedIn".freeze, label: "recordedAt".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:recordedIn".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recordedIn, comment: %(The CreativeWork that captured all or part of this Event.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:recordedAt".freeze, label: "recordedIn".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:recordedAt".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recordingOf, comment: %(The composition this track is a recording of.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRecording".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:recordedAs".freeze, label: "recordingOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicComposition".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:recordedAs".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :recourseLoan, comment: %(The only way you get the money back in the event of default is the security. Recourse is where you still have the opportunity to go back to the borrower for the rest of the money.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "recourseLoan".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :referenceQuantity, comment: %(The reference quantity for which a certain price applies, e.g. 1 EUR per 4 kWh of electricity. This property is a replacement for unitOfMeasurement for the advanced cases where the price does not relate to a standard unit.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze, label: "referenceQuantity".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :referencesOrder, @@ -10995,11 +10995,11 @@ property :regionDrained, comment: %(The anatomical or organ system drained by this vessel; generally refers to a specific part of an organ.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:LymphaticVessel".freeze, "schema:Vein".freeze], label: "regionDrained".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :regionsAllowed, comment: %(The regions where the media is allowed. If not specified, then it's assumed to be allowed everywhere. Specify the countries in <a href="">ISO 3166 format</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, label: "regionsAllowed".freeze, @@ -11008,25 +11008,25 @@ property :relatedAnatomy, comment: %(Anatomical systems or structures that relate to the superficial anatomy.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze, label: "relatedAnatomy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :relatedCondition, comment: %(A medical condition associated with this anatomy.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze], label: "relatedCondition".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :relatedDrug, comment: %(Any other drug related to this one, for example commonly-prescribed alternatives.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "relatedDrug".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :relatedLink, comment: %(A link related to this web page, for example to other related web pages.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WebPage".freeze, label: "relatedLink".freeze, @@ -11035,28 +11035,28 @@ property :relatedStructure, comment: %(Related anatomical structure\(s\) that are not part of the system but relate or connect to it, such as vascular bundles associated with an organ system.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, label: "relatedStructure".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :relatedTherapy, comment: %(A medical therapy related to this anatomy.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:AnatomicalSystem".freeze, "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze], label: "relatedTherapy".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :relatedTo, comment: %(The most generic familial relation.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "relatedTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :releaseDate, comment: %(The release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Product".freeze, label: "releaseDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :releaseNotes, @@ -11065,15 +11065,15 @@ label: "releaseNotes".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :releaseOf, comment: %(The album this is a release of.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MusicRelease".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:albumRelease".freeze, label: "releaseOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicAlbum".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:albumRelease".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :releasedEvent, comment: %(The place and time the release was issued, expressed as a PublicationEvent.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "releasedEvent".freeze, @@ -11082,53 +11082,53 @@ property :relevantSpecialty, comment: %(If applicable, a medical specialty in which this entity is relevant.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, label: "relevantSpecialty".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :remainingAttendeeCapacity, comment: %(The number of attendee places for an event that remain unallocated.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, label: "remainingAttendeeCapacity".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :renegotiableLoan, comment: %(Whether the terms for payment of interest can be renegotiated during the life of the loan.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "renegotiableLoan".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1253).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1253".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :repeatCount, comment: %(Defines the number of times a recurring <a class="localLink" href="">Event</a> will take place).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "repeatCount".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :repeatFrequency, comment: %(Defines the frequency at which <a class="localLink" href="">Events</a> will occur according to a schedule <a class="localLink" href="">Schedule</a>. The intervals between events should be defined as a <a class="localLink" href="">Duration</a> of time.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Schedule".freeze, label: "repeatFrequency".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Duration".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1457).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1457".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :repetitions, comment: %(Number of times one should repeat the activity.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "repetitions".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :replacee, comment: %(A sub property of object. The object that is being replaced.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ReplaceAction".freeze, label: "replacee".freeze, @@ -11160,11 +11160,11 @@ label: "representativeOfPage".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :requiredCollateral, comment: %(Assets required to secure loan or credit repayments. It may take form of third party pledge, goods, financial instruments \(cash, securities, etc.\)).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LoanOrCredit".freeze, label: "requiredCollateral".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:Thing".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :requiredGender, @@ -11194,11 +11194,11 @@ property :requirements, comment: %(Component dependency requirements for application. This includes runtime environments and shared libraries that are not included in the application distribution package, but required to run the application \(Examples: DirectX, Java or .NET runtime\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "requirements".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:softwareRequirements).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:softwareRequirements".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :requiresSubscription, comment: %(Indicates if use of the media require a subscription \(either paid or free\). Allowed values are <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> \(note that an earlier version had 'yes', 'no'\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MediaObject".freeze, label: "requiresSubscription".freeze, @@ -11237,11 +11237,11 @@ property :restPeriods, comment: %(How often one should break from the activity.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "restPeriods".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :result, comment: %(The result produced in the action. e.g. John wrote <em>a book</em>.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Action".freeze, label: "result".freeze, @@ -11294,25 +11294,25 @@ property :reviews, comment: %(Review of the item.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "reviews".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Review".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:review).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:review".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :riskFactor, comment: %(A modifiable or non-modifiable factor that increases the risk of a patient contracting this condition, e.g. age, coexisting condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "riskFactor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalRiskFactor".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :risks, comment: %(Specific physiologic risks associated to the diet plan.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Diet".freeze, label: "risks".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :roleName, comment: %(A role played, performed or filled by a person or organization. For example, the team of creators for a comic book might fill the roles named 'inker', 'penciller', and 'letterer'; or an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Role".freeze, label: "roleName".freeze, @@ -11327,15 +11327,15 @@ <li>Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the <a class="localLink" href="">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> node.</li> <li>Note 2: You may also link to a <a class="localLink" href="">QualitativeValue</a> node that provides additional information using <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a></li> <li>Note 3: Note that you can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:BusOrCoach".freeze, "schema:Car".freeze], label: "roofLoad".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :rsvpResponse, comment: %(The response \(yes, no, maybe\) to the RSVP.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:RsvpAction".freeze, label: "rsvpResponse".freeze, @@ -11344,40 +11344,40 @@ property :runsTo, comment: %(The vasculature the lymphatic structure runs, or efferents, to.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:LymphaticVessel".freeze, label: "runsTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Vessel".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :runtime, comment: %(Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies \(Example - Java v1, Python2.3, .Net Framework 3.0\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, label: "runtime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:runtimePlatform).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:runtimePlatform".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :runtimePlatform, comment: %(Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies \(Example - Java v1, Python2.3, .Net Framework 3.0\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, label: "runtimePlatform".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :rxcui, comment: %(The RxCUI drug identifier from RXNORM.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "rxcui".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :safetyConsideration, comment: %(Any potential safety concern associated with the supplement. May include interactions with other drugs and foods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, known adverse reactions, and documented efficacy of the supplement.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, label: "safetyConsideration".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :salaryCurrency, comment: %(The currency \(coded using <a href="">ISO 4217</a> \) used for the main salary information in this job posting or for this employee.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:EmployeeRole".freeze, "schema:JobPosting".freeze], label: "salaryCurrency".freeze, @@ -11392,11 +11392,11 @@ property :sampleType, comment: %(What type of code sample: full \(compile ready\) solution, code snippet, inline code, scripts, template.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, label: "sampleType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:codeSampleType).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:codeSampleType".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :saturatedFatContent, comment: %(The number of grams of saturated fat.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:NutritionInformation".freeze, label: "saturatedFatContent".freeze, @@ -11435,11 +11435,11 @@ property :season, comment: %(A season in a media series.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "season".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:containsSeason).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:containsSeason".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:hasPart".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seasonNumber, comment: %(Position of the season within an ordered group of seasons.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, @@ -11450,11 +11450,11 @@ property :seasons, comment: %(A season in a media series.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "seasons".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:season).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:season".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seatNumber, comment: %(The location of the reserved seat \(e.g., 27\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Seat".freeze, label: "seatNumber".freeze, @@ -11474,15 +11474,15 @@ type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seatingCapacity, comment: %(The number of persons that can be seated \(e.g. in a vehicle\), both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): C62 for persons).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "seatingCapacity".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seatingType, comment: %(The type/class of the seat.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Seat".freeze, label: "seatingType".freeze, @@ -11491,21 +11491,21 @@ property :secondaryPrevention, comment: %(A preventative therapy used to prevent reoccurrence of the medical condition after an initial episode of the condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "secondaryPrevention".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :securityScreening, comment: %(The type of security screening the passenger is subject to.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:FlightReservation".freeze, label: "securityScreening".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seeks, comment: %(A pointer to products or services sought by the organization or person \(demand\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "seeks".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Demand".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seller, @@ -11525,26 +11525,26 @@ property :sensoryUnit, comment: %(The neurological pathway extension that inputs and sends information to the brain or spinal cord.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Nerve".freeze, label: "sensoryUnit".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :serialNumber, comment: %(The serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular product. When attached to an offer, it is a shortcut for the serial number of the product included in the offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:IndividualProduct".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "serialNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :seriousAdverseOutcome, comment: %(A possible serious complication and/or serious side effect of this therapy. Serious adverse outcomes include those that are life-threatening; result in death, disability, or permanent damage; require hospitalization or prolong existing hospitalization; cause congenital anomalies or birth defects; or jeopardize the patient and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes in this definition.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze], label: "seriousAdverseOutcome".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :serverStatus, comment: %(Status of a game server.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:GameServer".freeze, label: "serverStatus".freeze, @@ -11559,18 +11559,18 @@ property :serviceArea, comment: %(The geographic area where the service is provided.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:ContactPoint".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], label: "serviceArea".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, "schema:GeoShape".freeze, "schema:Place".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:areaServed).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:areaServed".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :serviceAudience, comment: %(The audience eligible for this service.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Service".freeze, label: "serviceAudience".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Audience".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:audience).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:audience".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :serviceLocation, comment: %(The location \(e.g. civic structure, local business, etc.\) where a person can go to access the service.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ServiceChannel".freeze, label: "serviceLocation".freeze, @@ -11639,32 +11639,32 @@ property :siblings, comment: %(A sibling of the person.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "siblings".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:sibling).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:sibling".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :signDetected, comment: %(A sign detected by the test.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, label: "signDetected".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalSign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :signOrSymptom, comment: %(A sign or symptom of this condition. Signs are objective or physically observable manifestations of the medical condition while symptoms are the subjective experience of the medical condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "signOrSymptom".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalSignOrSymptom".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :significance, comment: %(The significance associated with the superficial anatomy; as an example, how characteristics of the superficial anatomy can suggest underlying medical conditions or courses of treatment.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SuperficialAnatomy".freeze, label: "significance".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :significantLink, comment: %(One of the more significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WebPage".freeze, label: "significantLink".freeze, @@ -11673,29 +11673,29 @@ property :significantLinks, comment: %(The most significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WebPage".freeze, label: "significantLinks".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:significantLink).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:significantLink".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :skills, comment: %(Skills required to fulfill this role.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "skills".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :sku, comment: %(The Stock Keeping Unit \(SKU\), i.e. a merchant-specific identifier for a product or service, or the product to which the offer refers.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "sku".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :smokingAllowed, comment: %(Indicates whether it is allowed to smoke in the place, e.g. in the restaurant, hotel or hotel room.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, label: "smokingAllowed".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :sodiumContent, @@ -11731,11 +11731,11 @@ property :source, comment: %(The anatomical or organ system that the artery originates from.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Artery".freeze, label: "source".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :sourceOrganization, comment: %(The Organization on whose behalf the creator was working.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "sourceOrganization".freeze, @@ -11744,27 +11744,27 @@ property :sourcedFrom, comment: %(The neurological pathway that originates the neurons.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Nerve".freeze, label: "sourcedFrom".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:BrainStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :spatial, comment: %(The range of spatial applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a dataset of New York weather, the state of New York.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "dc:spatial".freeze, label: "spatial".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(dc:spatial).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:spatialCoverage).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:spatialCoverage".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :spatialCoverage, comment: %(The spatialCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the place\(s\) which are the focus of the content. It is a subproperty of contentLocation intended primarily for more technical and detailed materials. For example with a Dataset, it indicates areas that the dataset describes: a dataset of New York weather would have spatialCoverage which was the place: the state of New York.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "dc:spatial".freeze, label: "spatialCoverage".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(dc:spatial).freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Place".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:contentLocation".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :speakable, comment: %(Indicates sections of a Web page that are particularly 'speakable' in the sense of being highlighted as being especially appropriate for text-to-speech conversion. Other sections of a page may also be usefully spoken in particular circumstances; the 'speakable' property serves to indicate the parts most likely to be generally useful for speech.</p> @@ -11777,16 +11777,16 @@ <p>3.\) XPaths - addresses content via XPaths \(assuming an XML view of the content\). Use the <a class="localLink" href="">xpath</a> property.</p> <p>For more sophisticated markup of speakable sections beyond simple ID references, either CSS selectors or XPath expressions to pick out document section\(s\) as speakable. For this we define a supporting type, <a class="localLink" href="">SpeakableSpecification</a> which is defined to be a possible value of the <em>speakable</em> property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Article".freeze, "schema:WebPage".freeze], label: "speakable".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:SpeakableSpecification".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1389).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1389".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :specialCommitments, comment: %(Any special commitments associated with this job posting. Valid entries include VeteranCommit, MilitarySpouseCommit, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "specialCommitments".freeze, @@ -11811,24 +11811,24 @@ <p>Typical unit code\(s\): KMH for km/h, HM for mile per hour \(0.447 04 m/s\), KNT for knot</p> <p>*Note 1: Use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate the range. Typically, the minimal value is zero. * Note 2: There are many different ways of measuring the speed range. You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> property.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "speed".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :spokenByCharacter, comment: %(The \(e.g. fictional\) character, Person or Organization to whom the quotation is attributed within the containing CreativeWork.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Quotation".freeze, label: "spokenByCharacter".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-271).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-271".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :sponsor, comment: %(A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution. e.g. a sponsor of a Medical Study or a corporate sponsor of an event.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze, "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "sponsor".freeze, @@ -11870,22 +11870,22 @@ property :stage, comment: %(The stage of the condition, if applicable.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "stage".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalConditionStage".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :stageAsNumber, comment: %(The stage represented as a number, e.g. 3.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalConditionStage".freeze, label: "stageAsNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :starRating, comment: %(An official rating for a lodging business or food establishment, e.g. from national associations or standards bodies. Use the author property to indicate the rating organization, e.g. as an Organization with name such as \(e.g. HOTREC, DEHOGA, WHR, or Hotelstars\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:FoodEstablishment".freeze, "schema:LodgingBusiness".freeze], label: "starRating".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Rating".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :startDate, @@ -11905,15 +11905,15 @@ property :status, comment: %(The status of the study \(enumerated\).).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, "schema:MedicalProcedure".freeze, "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze], label: "status".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:EventStatusType".freeze, "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :steeringPosition, comment: %(The position of the steering wheel or similar device \(mostly for cars\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "steeringPosition".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:SteeringPositionValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :stepValue, @@ -11943,74 +11943,74 @@ property :strengthUnit, comment: %(The units of an active ingredient's strength, e.g. mg.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugStrength".freeze, label: "strengthUnit".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :strengthValue, comment: %(The value of an active ingredient's strength, e.g. 325.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:DrugStrength".freeze, label: "strengthValue".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Number".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :structuralClass, comment: %(The name given to how bone physically connects to each other.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Joint".freeze, label: "structuralClass".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :study, comment: %(A medical study or trial related to this entity.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, label: "study".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :studyDesign, comment: %(Specifics about the observational study design \(enumerated\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudy".freeze, label: "studyDesign".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :studyLocation, comment: %(The location in which the study is taking/took place.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, label: "studyLocation".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :studySubject, comment: %(A subject of the study, i.e. one of the medical conditions, therapies, devices, drugs, etc. investigated by the study.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalStudy".freeze, label: "studySubject".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalEntity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subEvent, comment: %(An Event that is part of this event. For example, a conference event includes many presentations, each of which is a subEvent of the conference.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:superEvent".freeze, label: "subEvent".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:superEvent".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subEvents, comment: %(Events that are a part of this event. For example, a conference event includes many presentations, each subEvents of the conference.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, label: "subEvents".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:subEvent).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:subEvent".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subOrganization, comment: %(A relationship between two organizations where the first includes the second, e.g., as a subsidiary. See also: the more specific 'department' property.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:parentOrganization".freeze, label: "subOrganization".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Organization".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:parentOrganization".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subReservation, comment: %(The individual reservations included in the package. Typically a repeated property.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ReservationPackage".freeze, label: "subReservation".freeze, @@ -12019,25 +12019,25 @@ property :subStageSuffix, comment: %(The substage, e.g. 'a' for Stage IIIa.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalConditionStage".freeze, label: "subStageSuffix".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subStructure, comment: %(Component \(sub-\)structure\(s\) that comprise this anatomical structure.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, label: "subStructure".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subTest, comment: %(A component test of the panel.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTestPanel".freeze, label: "subTest".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subtitleLanguage, comment: %(Languages in which subtitles/captions are available, in <a href="">IETF BCP 47 standard format</a>.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:ScreeningEvent".freeze, "schema:TVEpisode".freeze], label: "subtitleLanguage".freeze, @@ -12046,15 +12046,15 @@ property :subtype, comment: %(A more specific type of the condition, where applicable, for example 'Type 1 Diabetes', 'Type 2 Diabetes', or 'Gestational Diabetes' for Diabetes.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "subtype".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :successorOf, comment: %(A pointer from a newer variant of a product to its previous, often discontinued predecessor.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ProductModel".freeze, label: "successorOf".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:ProductModel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :sugarContent, @@ -12094,20 +12094,20 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :superEvent, comment: %(An event that this event is a part of. For example, a collection of individual music performances might each have a music festival as their superEvent.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:subEvent".freeze, label: "superEvent".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:subEvent".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :supersededBy, comment: %(Relates a term \(i.e. a property, class or enumeration\) to one that supersedes it.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Class".freeze, "schema:Enumeration".freeze, "schema:Property".freeze], label: "supersededBy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Class".freeze, "schema:Enumeration".freeze, "schema:Property".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :supply, comment: %(A sub-property of instrument. A supply consumed when performing instructions or a direction.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HowTo".freeze, "schema:HowToDirection".freeze], label: "supply".freeze, @@ -12117,11 +12117,11 @@ property :supplyTo, comment: %(The area to which the artery supplies blood.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Artery".freeze, label: "supplyTo".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :supportingData, comment: %(Supporting data for a SoftwareApplication.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareApplication".freeze, label: "supportingData".freeze, @@ -12130,11 +12130,11 @@ property :surface, comment: %(A material used as a surface in some artwork, e.g. Canvas, Paper, Wood, Board, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze, label: "surface".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:artworkSurface).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:artworkSurface".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:material".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :target, comment: %(Indicates a target EntryPoint for an Action.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Action".freeze, @@ -12169,11 +12169,11 @@ property :targetPopulation, comment: %(Characteristics of the population for which this is intended, or which typically uses it, e.g. 'adults'.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:DietarySupplement".freeze, "schema:DoseSchedule".freeze], label: "targetPopulation".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :targetProduct, comment: %(Target Operating System / Product to which the code applies. If applies to several versions, just the product name can be used.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SoftwareSourceCode".freeze, label: "targetProduct".freeze, @@ -12185,11 +12185,11 @@ label: "targetUrl".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:URL".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :taxID, comment: %(The Tax / Fiscal ID of the organization or person, e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "taxID".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:identifier".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze @@ -12202,29 +12202,29 @@ property :temporal, comment: %(The range of temporal applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 \(in ISO 8601 time interval format\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, label: "temporal".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:temporalCoverage).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:temporalCoverage".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :temporalCoverage, comment: %(The temporalCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the period that the content applies to, i.e. that it describes, either as a DateTime or as a textual string indicating a time period in <a href="">ISO 8601 time interval format</a>. In the case of a Dataset it will typically indicate the relevant time period in a precise notation \(e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 would be written "2011/2012"\). Other forms of content e.g. ScholarlyArticle, Book, TVSeries or TVEpisode may indicate their temporalCoverage in broader terms - textually or via well-known URL. Written works such as books may sometimes have precise temporal coverage too, e.g. a work set in 1939 - 1945 can be indicated in ISO 8601 interval format format via "1939/1945".).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "dc:temporal".freeze, label: "temporalCoverage".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(dc:temporal).freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:DateTime".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :termsOfService, comment: %(Human-readable terms of service documentation.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Service".freeze, label: "termsOfService".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1423).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1423".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :text, comment: %(The textual content of this CreativeWork.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, label: "text".freeze, @@ -12275,11 +12275,11 @@ property :tissueSample, comment: %(The type of tissue sample required for the test.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PathologyTest".freeze, label: "tissueSample".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :title, comment: %(The title of the job.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:JobPosting".freeze, label: "title".freeze, @@ -12308,15 +12308,15 @@ <li>Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the <a class="localLink" href="">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> node.</li> <li>Note 2: You may also link to a <a class="localLink" href="">QualitativeValue</a> node that provides additional information using <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a>.</li> <li>Note 3: Note that you can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "tongueWeight".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tool, comment: %(A sub property of instrument. An object used \(but not consumed\) when performing instructions or a direction.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:HowTo".freeze, "schema:HowToDirection".freeze], label: "tool".freeze, @@ -12331,15 +12331,15 @@ <ul> <li>Note 1: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined \(e.g. reference RPM\) using the <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a> property.</li> <li>Note 2: You can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:EngineSpecification".freeze, label: "torque".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :totalPaymentDue, comment: %(The total amount due.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Invoice".freeze, label: "totalPaymentDue".freeze, @@ -12357,18 +12357,18 @@ label: "totalTime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Duration".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :touristType, comment: %(Attraction suitable for type\(s\) of tourist. eg. Children, visitors from a particular country, etc.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:TouristAttraction".freeze, label: "touristType".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Audience".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :track, comment: %(A music recording \(track\)&#x2014;usually a single song. If an ItemList is given, the list should contain items of type MusicRecording.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MusicGroup".freeze, "schema:MusicPlaylist".freeze], label: "track".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:ItemList".freeze, "schema:MusicRecording".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :trackingNumber, @@ -12386,11 +12386,11 @@ property :tracks, comment: %(A music recording \(track\)&#x2014;usually a single song.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MusicGroup".freeze, "schema:MusicPlaylist".freeze], label: "tracks".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MusicRecording".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:track).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:track".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :trailer, comment: %(The trailer of a movie or tv/radio series, season, episode, etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWorkSeason".freeze, "schema:Episode".freeze, "schema:Movie".freeze, "schema:MovieSeries".freeze, "schema:RadioSeries".freeze, "schema:TVSeries".freeze, "schema:VideoGame".freeze, "schema:VideoGameSeries".freeze], label: "trailer".freeze, @@ -12401,15 +12401,15 @@ <p>Typical unit code\(s\): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound * Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the <a class="localLink" href="">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> node. * Note 2: You may also link to a <a class="localLink" href="">QualitativeValue</a> node that provides additional information using <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a>. * Note 3: Note that you can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "trailerWeight".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :trainName, comment: %(The name of the train \(e.g. The Orient Express\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:TrainTrip".freeze, label: "trainName".freeze, @@ -12434,14 +12434,14 @@ rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :translationOfWork, comment: %(The work that this work has been translated from. e.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On the Origin of Species”).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:workTranslation".freeze, label: "translationOfWork".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:workTranslation".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :translator, comment: %(Organization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market, or that translates during some event.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:Event".freeze], label: "translator".freeze, @@ -12450,36 +12450,36 @@ property :transmissionMethod, comment: %(How the disease spreads, either as a route or vector, for example 'direct contact', 'Aedes aegypti', etc.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:InfectiousDisease".freeze, label: "transmissionMethod".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :trialDesign, comment: %(Specifics about the trial design \(enumerated\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTrial".freeze, label: "trialDesign".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tributary, comment: %(The anatomical or organ system that the vein flows into; a larger structure that the vein connects to.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vein".freeze, label: "tributary".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AnatomicalStructure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :typeOfBed, comment: %(The type of bed to which the BedDetail refers, i.e. the type of bed available in the quantity indicated by quantity.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BedDetails".freeze, label: "typeOfBed".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:BedType".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :typeOfGood, comment: %(The product that this structured value is referring to.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:OwnershipInfo".freeze, "schema:TypeAndQuantityNode".freeze], label: "typeOfGood".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Product".freeze, "schema:Service".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :typicalAgeRange, @@ -12491,21 +12491,21 @@ property :typicalTest, comment: %(A medical test typically performed given this condition.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, label: "typicalTest".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :underName, comment: %(The person or organization the reservation or ticket is for.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Reservation".freeze, "schema:Ticket".freeze], label: "underName".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :unitCode, comment: %(The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code \(3 characters\) or a URL. Other codes than the UN/CEFACT Common Code may be used with a prefix followed by a colon.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, "schema:TypeAndQuantityNode".freeze, "schema:UnitPriceSpecification".freeze], label: "unitCode".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :unitText, @@ -12515,16 +12515,16 @@ label: "unitText".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :unnamedSourcesPolicy, comment: %(For an <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a> \(typically a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a>\), a statement about policy on use of unnamed sources and the decision process required.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: ["schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, "schema:Organization".freeze], label: "unnamedSourcesPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:publishingPrinciples".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :unsaturatedFatContent, comment: %(The number of grams of unsaturated fat.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:NutritionInformation".freeze, @@ -12558,11 +12558,11 @@ property :usedToDiagnose, comment: %(A condition the test is used to diagnose.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, label: "usedToDiagnose".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalCondition".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :userInteractionCount, comment: %(The number of interactions for the CreativeWork using the WebSite or SoftwareApplication.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:InteractionCounter".freeze, label: "userInteractionCount".freeze, @@ -12571,30 +12571,30 @@ property :usesDevice, comment: %(Device used to perform the test.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:MedicalTest".freeze, label: "usesDevice".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:MedicalDevice".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :usesHealthPlanIdStandard, comment: %(The standard for interpreting thePlan ID. The preferred is "HIOS". See the Centers for Medicare &amp; Medicaid Services for more details.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:HealthInsurancePlan".freeze, label: "usesHealthPlanIdStandard".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1062).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1062".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :validFor, comment: %(The time validity of the permit.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Permit".freeze, label: "validFor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Duration".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :validFrom, comment: %(The date when the item becomes valid.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:LocationFeatureSpecification".freeze, "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, "schema:Permit".freeze, "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze], label: "validFrom".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :validIn, @@ -12603,11 +12603,11 @@ label: "validIn".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:AdministrativeArea".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :validThrough, comment: %(The date after when the item is not valid. For example the end of an offer, salary period, or a period of opening hours.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:JobPosting".freeze, "schema:LocationFeatureSpecification".freeze, "schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze, "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification".freeze, "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze], label: "validThrough".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :validUntil, @@ -12622,18 +12622,18 @@ <ul> <li>For <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">MonetaryAmount</a>, the recommended type for values is 'Number'.</li> <li>For <a class="localLink" href="">PropertyValue</a>, it can be 'Text;', 'Number', 'Boolean', or 'StructuredValue'.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MonetaryAmount".freeze, "schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], label: "value".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Boolean".freeze, "schema:Number".freeze, "schema:StructuredValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :valueAddedTaxIncluded, comment: %(Specifies whether the applicable value-added tax \(VAT\) is included in the price specification or not.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PriceSpecification".freeze, label: "valueAddedTaxIncluded".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :valueMaxLength, @@ -12660,11 +12660,11 @@ label: "valuePattern".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :valueReference, comment: %(A pointer to a secondary value that provides additional information on the original value, e.g. a reference temperature.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], label: "valueReference".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Enumeration".freeze, "schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, "schema:StructuredValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :valueRequired, @@ -12673,117 +12673,117 @@ label: "valueRequired".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Boolean".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :variableMeasured, comment: %(The variableMeasured property can indicate \(repeated as necessary\) the variables that are measured in some dataset, either described as text or as pairs of identifier and description using PropertyValue.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Dataset".freeze, label: "variableMeasured".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:PropertyValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1083).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1083".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :variantCover, comment: %(A description of the variant cover for the issue, if the issue is a variant printing. For example, "Bryan Hitch Variant Cover" or "2nd Printing Variant".).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ComicIssue".freeze, label: "variantCover".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vatID, comment: %(The Value-added Tax ID of the organization or person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], label: "vatID".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleConfiguration, comment: %(A short text indicating the configuration of the vehicle, e.g. '5dr hatchback ST 2.5 MT 225 hp' or 'limited edition'.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleConfiguration".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleEngine, comment: %(Information about the engine or engines of the vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleEngine".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:EngineSpecification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleIdentificationNumber, comment: %(The Vehicle Identification Number \(VIN\) is a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleIdentificationNumber".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:serialNumber".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleInteriorColor, comment: %(The color or color combination of the interior of the vehicle.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleInteriorColor".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleInteriorType, comment: %(The type or material of the interior of the vehicle \(e.g. synthetic fabric, leather, wood, etc.\). While most interior types are characterized by the material used, an interior type can also be based on vehicle usage or target audience.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleInteriorType".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleModelDate, comment: %(The release date of a vehicle model \(often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleModelDate".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Date".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleSeatingCapacity, comment: %(The number of passengers that can be seated in the vehicle, both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): C62 for persons.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleSeatingCapacity".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleSpecialUsage, comment: %(Indicates whether the vehicle has been used for special purposes, like commercial rental, driving school, or as a taxi. The legislation in many countries requires this information to be revealed when offering a car for sale.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleSpecialUsage".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CarUsageType".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vehicleTransmission, comment: %(The type of component used for transmitting the power from a rotating power source to the wheels or other relevant component\(s\) \("gearbox" for cars\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "vehicleTransmission".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:QualitativeValue".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vendor, comment: %('vendor' is an earlier term for 'seller'.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BuyAction".freeze, label: "vendor".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Organization".freeze, "schema:Person".freeze], - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:seller).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:seller".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:participant".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :verificationFactCheckingPolicy, comment: %(Disclosure about verification and fact-checking processes for a <a class="localLink" href="">NewsMediaOrganization</a> or other fact-checking <a class="localLink" href="">Organization</a>.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], domainIncludes: "schema:NewsMediaOrganization".freeze, label: "verificationFactCheckingPolicy".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:CreativeWork".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1525).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1525".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subPropertyOf: "schema:publishingPrinciples".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :version, comment: %(The version of the CreativeWork embodied by a specified resource.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, @@ -12814,41 +12814,41 @@ label: "videoQuality".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Text".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :volumeNumber, comment: %(Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:PublicationVolume".freeze, + equivalentProperty: "bibo:volume".freeze, label: "volumeNumber".freeze, - :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(bibo:volume).freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Integer".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], subPropertyOf: "schema:position".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :warning, comment: %(Any FDA or other warnings about the drug \(text or URL\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Drug".freeze, label: "warning".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Text".freeze, "schema:URL".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :warranty, comment: %(The warranty promise\(s\) included in the offer.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Demand".freeze, "schema:Offer".freeze], label: "warranty".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:WarrantyPromise".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :warrantyPromise, comment: %(The warranty promise\(s\) included in the offer.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:BuyAction".freeze, "schema:SellAction".freeze], label: "warrantyPromise".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:WarrantyPromise".freeze, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:warranty).freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:warranty".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :warrantyScope, comment: %(The scope of the warranty promise.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:WarrantyPromise".freeze, label: "warrantyScope".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:WarrantyScope".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :webCheckinTime, @@ -12857,11 +12857,11 @@ label: "webCheckinTime".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:DateTime".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :weight, comment: %(The weight of the product or person.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:Person".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze], label: "weight".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :weightTotal, @@ -12873,25 +12873,25 @@ <li>Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the <a class="localLink" href="">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="">QuantitativeValue</a> node.</li> <li>Note 2: You may also link to a <a class="localLink" href="">QualitativeValue</a> node that provides additional information using <a class="localLink" href="">valueReference</a>.</li> <li>Note 3: Note that you can use <a class="localLink" href="">minValue</a> and <a class="localLink" href="">maxValue</a> to indicate ranges.</li> </ul> ).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "weightTotal".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :wheelbase, comment: %(The distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels.</p> <p>Typical unit code\(s\): CMT for centimeters, MTR for meters, INH for inches, FOT for foot/feet).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Vehicle".freeze, label: "wheelbase".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:QuantitativeValue".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :width, comment: %(The width of the item.).freeze, domainIncludes: ["schema:MediaObject".freeze, "schema:Product".freeze, "schema:VisualArtwork".freeze], label: "width".freeze, @@ -12910,15 +12910,15 @@ label: "wordCount".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:Integer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :workExample, comment: %(Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition, first edition, or eBook.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:exampleOfWork".freeze, label: "workExample".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:exampleOfWork".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :workFeatured, comment: %(A work featured in some event, e.g. exhibited in an ExhibitionEvent. Specific subproperties are available for workPerformed \(e.g. a play\), or a workPresented \(a Movie at a ScreeningEvent\).).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Event".freeze, @@ -12953,21 +12953,21 @@ subPropertyOf: "schema:workFeatured".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :workTranslation, comment: %(A work that is a translation of the content of this work. e.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation “Journey to the West”,a German workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a Vietnamese translation Tây du ký bình khảo.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - inverseOf: "schema:translationOfWork".freeze, label: "workTranslation".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:CreativeWork".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:inverseOf": "schema:translationOfWork".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :workload, comment: %(Quantitative measure of the physiologic output of the exercise; also referred to as energy expenditure.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:ExercisePlan".freeze, label: "workload".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Energy".freeze, "schema:QualitativeValue".freeze], - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :worksFor, comment: %(Organizations that the person works for.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:Person".freeze, label: "worksFor".freeze, @@ -12979,16 +12979,16 @@ label: "worstRating".freeze, rangeIncludes: ["schema:Number".freeze, "schema:Text".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :xpath, comment: %(An XPath.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:SpeakableSpecification".freeze, label: "xpath".freeze, rangeIncludes: "schema:XPathType".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1389).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1389".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :yearlyRevenue, comment: %(The size of the business in annual revenue.).freeze, domainIncludes: "schema:BusinessAudience".freeze, label: "yearlyRevenue".freeze, @@ -13009,270 +13009,270 @@ # Extra definitions term :Abdomen, comment: %(Abdomen clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Abdomen".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :ActiveActionStatus, comment: %(An in-progress action \(e.g, while watching the movie, or driving to a location\).).freeze, label: "ActiveActionStatus".freeze, type: "schema:ActionStatusType".freeze term :ActiveNotRecruiting, comment: %(Active, but not recruiting new participants.).freeze, label: "ActiveNotRecruiting".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :AerobicActivity, comment: %(Physical activity of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process; during activity, the aerobic metabolism uses oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise.).freeze, label: "AerobicActivity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :AlbumRelease, comment: %(AlbumRelease.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "AlbumRelease".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumReleaseType".freeze term :AllWheelDriveConfiguration, comment: %(All-wheel Drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives all four wheels.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "AllWheelDriveConfiguration".freeze, type: "schema:DriveWheelConfigurationValue".freeze term :AnaerobicActivity, comment: %(Physical activity that is of high-intensity which utilizes the anaerobic metabolism of the body.).freeze, label: "AnaerobicActivity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :Anesthesia, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to study of anesthetics and their application.).freeze, label: "Anesthesia".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Appearance, comment: %(Appearance assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Appearance".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :AudiobookFormat, comment: %(Book format: Audiobook. This is an enumerated value for use with the bookFormat property. There is also a type 'Audiobook' in the bib extension which includes Audiobook specific properties.).freeze, label: "AudiobookFormat".freeze, type: "schema:BookFormatType".freeze term :AuthoritativeLegalValue, comment: %(Indicates that the publisher gives some special status to the publication of the document. \("The Queens Printer" version of a UK Act of Parliament, or the PDF version of a Directive published by the EU Office of Publications\). Something "AuthoritativeLegalValue" is considered to be also <a class="localLink" href="">OfficialLegalValue</a>".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "AuthoritativeLegalValue".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalValueLevel".freeze term :Ayurvedic, comment: %(A system of medicine that originated in India over thousands of years and that focuses on integrating and balancing the body, mind, and spirit.).freeze, label: "Ayurvedic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze term :Balance, comment: %(Physical activity that is engaged to help maintain posture and balance.).freeze, label: "Balance".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :BroadcastRelease, comment: %(BroadcastRelease.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "BroadcastRelease".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumReleaseType".freeze term :CDFormat, comment: %(CDFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CDFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :CT, comment: %(X-ray computed tomography imaging.).freeze, label: "CT".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze term :Cardiovascular, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of heart and vasculature.).freeze, label: "Cardiovascular".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :CardiovascularExam, comment: %(Cardiovascular system assessment withclinical examination.).freeze, label: "CardiovascularExam".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :CaseSeries, comment: %(A case series \(also known as a clinical series\) is a medical research study that tracks patients with a known exposure given similar treatment or examines their medical records for exposure and outcome. A case series can be retrospective or prospective and usually involves a smaller number of patients than the more powerful case-control studies or randomized controlled trials. Case series may be consecutive or non-consecutive, depending on whether all cases presenting to the reporting authors over a period of time were included, or only a selection.).freeze, label: "CaseSeries".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze term :CassetteFormat, comment: %(CassetteFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CassetteFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :Chiropractic, comment: %(A system of medicine focused on the relationship between the body's structure, mainly the spine, and its functioning.).freeze, label: "Chiropractic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze term :Clinician, comment: %(Medical clinicians, including practicing physicians and other medical professionals involved in clinical practice.).freeze, label: "Clinician".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalAudience".freeze term :CoOp, comment: %(Play mode: CoOp. Co-operative games, where you play on the same team with friends.).freeze, label: "CoOp".freeze, type: "schema:GamePlayMode".freeze term :CohortStudy, comment: %(Also known as a panel study. A cohort study is a form of longitudinal study used in medicine and social science. It is one type of study design and should be compared with a cross-sectional study. A cohort is a group of people who share a common characteristic or experience within a defined period \(e.g., are born, leave school, lose their job, are exposed to a drug or a vaccine, etc.\). The comparison group may be the general population from which the cohort is drawn, or it may be another cohort of persons thought to have had little or no exposure to the substance under investigation, but otherwise similar. Alternatively, subgroups within the cohort may be compared with each other.).freeze, label: "CohortStudy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze term :CommentPermission, comment: %(Permission to add comments to the document.).freeze, label: "CommentPermission".freeze, type: "schema:DigitalDocumentPermissionType".freeze term :CommunityHealth, comment: %(A field of public health focusing on improving health characteristics of a defined population in relation with their geographical or environment areas).freeze, label: "CommunityHealth".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :CompilationAlbum, comment: %(CompilationAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "CompilationAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :Completed, comment: %(Completed.).freeze, label: "Completed".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :CompletedActionStatus, comment: %(An action that has already taken place.).freeze, label: "CompletedActionStatus".freeze, type: "schema:ActionStatusType".freeze term :CrossSectional, comment: %(Studies carried out on pre-existing data \(usually from 'snapshot' surveys\), such as that collected by the Census Bureau. Sometimes called Prevalence Studies.).freeze, label: "CrossSectional".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze term :DJMixAlbum, comment: %(DJMixAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DJMixAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :DVDFormat, comment: %(DVDFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DVDFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :DamagedCondition, comment: %(Indicates that the item is damaged.).freeze, label: "DamagedCondition".freeze, type: "schema:OfferItemCondition".freeze term :Definitive, comment: %(Indicates a document for which the text is conclusively what the law says and is legally binding. \(e.g. The digitally signed version of an Official Journal.\) Something "Definitive" is considered to be also "<a href="/Authoritative">Authoritative</a>".).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "Definitive".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalValueLevel".freeze term :DemoAlbum, comment: %(DemoAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DemoAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :Dentistry, comment: %(A branch of medicine that is involved in the dental care.).freeze, label: "Dentistry".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Dermatologic, comment: %(Something relating to or practicing dermatology).freeze, label: "Dermatologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"schema:supersededBy" => %(schema:Dermatology).freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, + "schema:supersededBy": "schema:Dermatology".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Dermatology, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of skin.).freeze, label: "Dermatology".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :DiabeticDiet, comment: %(A diet appropriate for people with diabetes.).freeze, label: "DiabeticDiet".freeze, type: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze term :Diagnostic, comment: %(A medical device used for diagnostic purposes.).freeze, label: "Diagnostic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalDevicePurpose".freeze term :DietNutrition, comment: %(Dietetic and nutrition as a medical speciality.).freeze, label: "DietNutrition".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :DigitalAudioTapeFormat, comment: %(DigitalAudioTapeFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DigitalAudioTapeFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :DigitalFormat, comment: %(DigitalFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DigitalFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :Discontinued, comment: %(Indicates that the item has been discontinued.).freeze, label: "Discontinued".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :DoubleBlindedTrial, comment: %(A trial design in which neither the researcher nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.).freeze, label: "DoubleBlindedTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :DrivingSchoolVehicleUsage, comment: %(Indicates the usage of the vehicle for driving school.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "DrivingSchoolVehicleUsage".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:CarUsageType".freeze term :EBook, comment: %(Book format: Ebook.).freeze, label: "EBook".freeze, type: "schema:BookFormatType".freeze term :EPRelease, comment: %(EPRelease.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "EPRelease".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumReleaseType".freeze term :Ear, comment: %(Ear function assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Ear".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :Emergency, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that deals with the evaluation and initial treatment of medical conditions caused by trauma or sudden illness.).freeze, label: "Emergency".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Endocrine, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of endocrine glands and their secretions.).freeze, label: "Endocrine".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :EnrollingByInvitation, comment: %(Enrolling participants by invitation only.).freeze, label: "EnrollingByInvitation".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :EventCancelled, comment: %(The event has been cancelled. If the event has multiple startDate values, all are assumed to be cancelled. Either startDate or previousStartDate may be used to specify the event's cancelled date\(s\).).freeze, label: "EventCancelled".freeze, type: "schema:EventStatusType".freeze @@ -13289,56 +13289,56 @@ label: "EventScheduled".freeze, type: "schema:EventStatusType".freeze term :EvidenceLevelA, comment: %(Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses.).freeze, label: "EvidenceLevelA".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalEvidenceLevel".freeze term :EvidenceLevelB, comment: %(Data derived from a single randomized trial, or nonrandomized studies.).freeze, label: "EvidenceLevelB".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalEvidenceLevel".freeze term :EvidenceLevelC, comment: %(Only consensus opinion of experts, case studies, or standard-of-care.).freeze, label: "EvidenceLevelC".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalEvidenceLevel".freeze term :Eye, comment: %(Eye or ophtalmological function assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Eye".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :FDAcategoryA, comment: %(A designation by the US FDA signifying that adequate and well-controlled studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy \(and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters\).).freeze, label: "FDAcategoryA".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze term :FDAcategoryB, comment: %(A designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.).freeze, label: "FDAcategoryB".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze term :FDAcategoryC, comment: %(A designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.).freeze, label: "FDAcategoryC".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze term :FDAcategoryD, comment: %(A designation by the US FDA signifying that there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.).freeze, label: "FDAcategoryD".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze term :FDAcategoryX, comment: %(A designation by the US FDA signifying that studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and the risks involved in use of the drug in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits.).freeze, label: "FDAcategoryX".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze term :FDAnotEvaluated, comment: %(A designation that the drug in question has not been assigned a pregnancy category designation by the US FDA.).freeze, label: "FDAnotEvaluated".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPregnancyCategory".freeze term :FailedActionStatus, comment: %(An action that failed to complete. The action's error property and the HTTP return code contain more information about the failure.).freeze, label: "FailedActionStatus".freeze, type: "schema:ActionStatusType".freeze @@ -13351,66 +13351,66 @@ label: "Female".freeze, type: "schema:GenderType".freeze term :Flexibility, comment: %(Physical activity that is engaged in to improve joint and muscle flexibility.).freeze, label: "Flexibility".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :FourWheelDriveConfiguration, comment: %(Four-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine primarily drives two wheels with a part-time four-wheel drive capability.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "FourWheelDriveConfiguration".freeze, type: "schema:DriveWheelConfigurationValue".freeze term :Friday, comment: %(The day of the week between Thursday and Saturday.).freeze, label: "Friday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :FrontWheelDriveConfiguration, comment: %(Front-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives the front wheels.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "FrontWheelDriveConfiguration".freeze, type: "schema:DriveWheelConfigurationValue".freeze term :Gastroenterologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of digestive system.).freeze, label: "Gastroenterologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Genetic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics and disorders.).freeze, label: "Genetic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Genitourinary, comment: %(Genitourinary system function assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Genitourinary".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :Geriatric, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, debilities and provision of care to the aged.).freeze, label: "Geriatric".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :GlutenFreeDiet, comment: %(A diet exclusive of gluten.).freeze, label: "GlutenFreeDiet".freeze, type: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze term :GraphicNovel, comment: %(Book format: GraphicNovel. May represent a bound collection of ComicIssue instances.).freeze, label: "GraphicNovel".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(Comics).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:category": "Comics".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:BookFormatType".freeze term :GroupBoardingPolicy, comment: %(The airline boards by groups based on check-in time, priority, etc.).freeze, label: "GroupBoardingPolicy".freeze, type: "schema:BoardingPolicyType".freeze term :Gynecologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to the health care of women, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive system.).freeze, label: "Gynecologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :HalalDiet, comment: %(A diet conforming to Islamic dietary practices.).freeze, label: "HalalDiet".freeze, @@ -13420,37 +13420,37 @@ label: "Hardcover".freeze, type: "schema:BookFormatType".freeze term :Head, comment: %(Head assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Head".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :HearingImpairedSupported, comment: %(Uses devices to support users with hearing impairments.).freeze, label: "HearingImpairedSupported".freeze, type: "schema:ContactPointOption".freeze term :Hematologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of blood and blood producing organs.).freeze, label: "Hematologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :HinduDiet, comment: %(A diet conforming to Hindu dietary practices, in particular, beef-free.).freeze, label: "HinduDiet".freeze, type: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze term :Homeopathic, comment: %(A system of medicine based on the principle that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.).freeze, label: "Homeopathic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze term :InForce, comment: %(Indicates that a legislation is in force.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "InForce".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalForceStatus".freeze term :InStock, comment: %(Indicates that the item is in stock.).freeze, label: "InStock".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze @@ -13459,16 +13459,16 @@ label: "InStoreOnly".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :Infectious, comment: %(Something in medical science that pertains to infectious diseases i.e caused by bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections.).freeze, label: "Infectious".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :InternationalTrial, comment: %(An international trial.).freeze, label: "InternationalTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :ItemListOrderAscending, comment: %(An ItemList ordered with lower values listed first.).freeze, label: "ItemListOrderAscending".freeze, type: "schema:ItemListOrderType".freeze @@ -13485,40 +13485,40 @@ label: "KosherDiet".freeze, type: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze term :LaboratoryScience, comment: %(A medical science pertaining to chemical, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, or bacteriological diagnostic analyses or research).freeze, label: "LaboratoryScience".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :LaserDiscFormat, comment: %(LaserDiscFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LaserDiscFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :LeftHandDriving, comment: %(The steering position is on the left side of the vehicle \(viewed from the main direction of driving\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LeftHandDriving".freeze, type: "schema:SteeringPositionValue".freeze term :LeisureTimeActivity, comment: %(Any physical activity engaged in for recreational purposes. Examples may include ballroom dancing, roller skating, canoeing, fishing, etc.).freeze, label: "LeisureTimeActivity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :LimitedAvailability, comment: %(Indicates that the item has limited availability.).freeze, label: "LimitedAvailability".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :LiveAlbum, comment: %(LiveAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "LiveAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :Longitudinal, comment: %(Unlike cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Longitudinal studies are also used in medicine to uncover predictors of certain diseases.).freeze, label: "Longitudinal".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze term :LowCalorieDiet, comment: %(A diet focused on reduced calorie intake.).freeze, label: "LowCalorieDiet".freeze, type: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze @@ -13535,143 +13535,143 @@ label: "LowSaltDiet".freeze, type: "schema:RestrictedDiet".freeze term :Lung, comment: %(Lung and respiratory system clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Lung".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :MRI, comment: %(Magnetic resonance imaging.).freeze, label: "MRI".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze term :Male, comment: %(The male gender.).freeze, label: "Male".freeze, type: "schema:GenderType".freeze term :MedicalResearcher, comment: %(Medical researchers.).freeze, label: "MedicalResearcher".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalAudience".freeze term :Midwifery, comment: %(A nurse-like health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period \(including care of the newborn\), besides sexual and reproductive health of women throughout their lives.).freeze, label: "Midwifery".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :MixtapeAlbum, comment: %(MixtapeAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "MixtapeAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :Monday, comment: %(The day of the week between Sunday and Tuesday.).freeze, label: "Monday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :MultiCenterTrial, comment: %(A trial that takes place at multiple centers.).freeze, label: "MultiCenterTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :MultiPlayer, comment: %(Play mode: MultiPlayer. Requiring or allowing multiple human players to play simultaneously.).freeze, label: "MultiPlayer".freeze, type: "schema:GamePlayMode".freeze term :Musculoskeletal, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of muscles, ligaments and skeletal system.).freeze, label: "Musculoskeletal".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :MusculoskeletalExam, comment: %(Musculoskeletal system clinical examination.).freeze, label: "MusculoskeletalExam".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :Neck, comment: %(Neck assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Neck".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :Neuro, comment: %(Neurological system clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Neuro".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :Neurologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that studies the nerves and nervous system and its respective disease states.).freeze, label: "Neurologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :NewCondition, comment: %(Indicates that the item is new.).freeze, label: "NewCondition".freeze, type: "schema:OfferItemCondition".freeze term :NoninvasiveProcedure, comment: %(A type of medical procedure that involves noninvasive techniques.).freeze, label: "NoninvasiveProcedure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalProcedureType".freeze term :Nose, comment: %(Nose function assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Nose".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :NotInForce, comment: %(Indicates that a legislation is currently not in force.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "NotInForce".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalForceStatus".freeze term :NotYetRecruiting, comment: %(Not yet recruiting.).freeze, label: "NotYetRecruiting".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :Nursing, comment: %(A health profession of a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm person.).freeze, label: "Nursing".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :OTC, comment: %(The character of a medical substance, typically a medicine, of being available over the counter or not.).freeze, label: "OTC".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPrescriptionStatus".freeze term :Observational, comment: %(An observational study design.).freeze, label: "Observational".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze term :Obstetric, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that specializes in the care of women during the prenatal and postnatal care and with the delivery of the child.).freeze, label: "Obstetric".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :OccupationalActivity, comment: %(Any physical activity engaged in for job-related purposes. Examples may include waiting tables, maid service, carrying a mailbag, picking fruits or vegetables, construction work, etc.).freeze, label: "OccupationalActivity".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :OccupationalTherapy, comment: %(A treatment of people with physical, emotional, or social problems, using purposeful activity to help them overcome or learn to deal with their problems.).freeze, label: "OccupationalTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :OfficialLegalValue, comment: %(All the documents published by an official publisher should have at least the legal value level "OfficialLegalValue". This indicates that the document was published by an organisation with the public task of making it available \(e.g. a consolidated version of a EU directive published by the EU Office of Publications\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "OfficialLegalValue".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalValueLevel".freeze term :OfflinePermanently, comment: %(Game server status: OfflinePermanently. Server is offline and not available.).freeze, label: "OfflinePermanently".freeze, type: "schema:GameServerStatus".freeze @@ -13684,11 +13684,11 @@ label: "OnSitePickup".freeze, type: "schema:DeliveryMethod".freeze term :Oncologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that deals with benign and malignant tumors, including the study of their development, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.).freeze, label: "Oncologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Online, comment: %(Game server status: Online. Server is available.).freeze, label: "Online".freeze, @@ -13702,16 +13702,16 @@ label: "OnlineOnly".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :OpenTrial, comment: %(A trial design in which the researcher knows the full details of the treatment, and so does the patient.).freeze, label: "OpenTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :Optometric, comment: %(The science or practice of testing visual acuity and prescribing corrective lenses.).freeze, label: "Optometric".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :OrderCancelled, comment: %(OrderStatus representing cancellation of an order.).freeze, label: "OrderCancelled".freeze, @@ -13745,26 +13745,26 @@ label: "OrderReturned".freeze, type: "schema:OrderStatus".freeze term :Osteopathic, comment: %(A system of medicine focused on promoting the body's innate ability to heal itself.).freeze, label: "Osteopathic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze term :Otolaryngologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the ear, nose and throat and their respective disease states.).freeze, label: "Otolaryngologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :OutOfStock, comment: %(Indicates that the item is out of stock.).freeze, label: "OutOfStock".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :PET, comment: %(Positron emission tomography imaging.).freeze, label: "PET".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze term :Paperback, comment: %(Book format: Paperback.).freeze, label: "Paperback".freeze, type: "schema:BookFormatType".freeze @@ -13772,20 +13772,20 @@ comment: %(A parking map.).freeze, label: "ParkingMap".freeze, type: "schema:MapCategoryType".freeze term :PartiallyInForce, comment: %(Indicates that parts of the legislation are in force, and parts are not.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "PartiallyInForce".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalForceStatus".freeze term :Pathology, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the study of the cause, origin and nature of a disease state, including its consequences as a result of manifestation of the disease. In clinical care, the term is used to designate a branch of medicine using laboratory tests to diagnose and determine the prognostic significance of illness.).freeze, label: "Pathology".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :PaymentAutomaticallyApplied, comment: %(An automatic payment system is in place and will be used.).freeze, label: "PaymentAutomaticallyApplied".freeze, type: "schema:PaymentStatusType".freeze @@ -13806,44 +13806,44 @@ label: "PaymentPastDue".freeze, type: "schema:PaymentStatusType".freeze term :Pediatric, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that specializes in the care of infants, children and adolescents.).freeze, label: "Pediatric".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :PercutaneousProcedure, comment: %(A type of medical procedure that involves percutaneous techniques, where access to organs or tissue is achieved via needle-puncture of the skin. For example, catheter-based procedures like stent delivery.).freeze, label: "PercutaneousProcedure".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalProcedureType".freeze term :PharmacySpecialty, comment: %(The practice or art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines.).freeze, label: "PharmacySpecialty".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Physiotherapy, comment: %(The practice of treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery..).freeze, label: "Physiotherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :PlaceboControlledTrial, comment: %(A placebo-controlled trial design.).freeze, label: "PlaceboControlledTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :PlasticSurgery, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to therapeutic or cosmetic repair or re-formation of missing, injured or malformed tissues or body parts by manual and instrumental means.).freeze, label: "PlasticSurgery".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Podiatric, comment: %(Podiatry is the care of the human foot, especially the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders.).freeze, label: "Podiatric".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :PotentialActionStatus, comment: %(A description of an action that is supported.).freeze, label: "PotentialActionStatus".freeze, @@ -13857,93 +13857,93 @@ label: "PreSale".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :PrescriptionOnly, comment: %(Available by prescription only.).freeze, label: "PrescriptionOnly".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugPrescriptionStatus".freeze term :PrimaryCare, comment: %(The medical care by a physician, or other health-care professional, who is the patient's first contact with the health-care system and who may recommend a specialist if necessary.).freeze, label: "PrimaryCare".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Psychiatric, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, using both medical and psychological therapies.).freeze, label: "Psychiatric".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :PublicHealth, comment: %(Branch of medicine that pertains to the health services to improve and protect community health, especially epidemiology, sanitation, immunization, and preventive medicine.).freeze, label: "PublicHealth".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalBusiness".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :PublicHolidays, comment: %(This stands for any day that is a public holiday; it is a placeholder for all official public holidays in some particular location. While not technically a "day of the week", it can be used with <a class="localLink" href="">OpeningHoursSpecification</a>. In the context of an opening hours specification it can be used to indicate opening hours on public holidays, overriding general opening hours for the day of the week on which a public holiday occurs.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "PublicHolidays".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :Pulmonary, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to the study of the respiratory system and its respective disease states.).freeze, label: "Pulmonary".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Radiography, comment: %(Radiography is an imaging technique that uses electromagnetic radiation other than visible light, especially X-rays, to view the internal structure of a non-uniformly composed and opaque object such as the human body.).freeze, label: "Radiography".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: ["schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze, "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze] term :RandomizedTrial, comment: %(A randomized trial design.).freeze, label: "RandomizedTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :ReadPermission, comment: %(Permission to read or view the document.).freeze, label: "ReadPermission".freeze, type: "schema:DigitalDocumentPermissionType".freeze term :RearWheelDriveConfiguration, comment: %(Real-wheel drive is a transmission layout where the engine drives the rear wheels.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "RearWheelDriveConfiguration".freeze, type: "schema:DriveWheelConfigurationValue".freeze term :Recruiting, comment: %(Recruiting participants.).freeze, label: "Recruiting".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :RefurbishedCondition, comment: %(Indicates that the item is refurbished.).freeze, label: "RefurbishedCondition".freeze, type: "schema:OfferItemCondition".freeze term :Registry, comment: %(A registry-based study design.).freeze, label: "Registry".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalObservationalStudyDesign".freeze term :ReimbursementCap, comment: %(The drug's cost represents the maximum reimbursement paid by an insurer for the drug.).freeze, label: "ReimbursementCap".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugCostCategory".freeze term :RemixAlbum, comment: %(RemixAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "RemixAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :Renal, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to the study of the kidneys and its respective disease states.).freeze, label: "Renal".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :RentalVehicleUsage, comment: %(Indicates the usage of the vehicle as a rental car.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "RentalVehicleUsage".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:CarUsageType".freeze term :Researcher, comment: %(Researchers.).freeze, label: "Researcher".freeze, type: "schema:Audience".freeze @@ -13964,36 +13964,36 @@ label: "ReservationPending".freeze, type: "schema:ReservationStatusType".freeze term :RespiratoryTherapy, comment: %(The therapy that is concerned with the maintenance or improvement of respiratory function \(as in patients with pulmonary disease\).).freeze, label: "RespiratoryTherapy".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, subClassOf: "schema:MedicalTherapy".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :ResultsAvailable, comment: %(Results are available.).freeze, label: "ResultsAvailable".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :ResultsNotAvailable, comment: %(Results are not available.).freeze, label: "ResultsNotAvailable".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :Retail, comment: %(The drug's cost represents the retail cost of the drug.).freeze, label: "Retail".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugCostCategory".freeze term :Rheumatologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that deals with the study and treatment of rheumatic, autoimmune or joint diseases.).freeze, label: "Rheumatologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :RightHandDriving, comment: %(The steering position is on the right side of the vehicle \(viewed from the main direction of driving\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "RightHandDriving".freeze, type: "schema:SteeringPositionValue".freeze term :RsvpResponseMaybe, comment: %(The invitee may or may not attend.).freeze, label: "RsvpResponseMaybe".freeze, @@ -14007,159 +14007,159 @@ label: "RsvpResponseYes".freeze, type: "schema:RsvpResponseType".freeze term :Saturday, comment: %(The day of the week between Friday and Sunday.).freeze, label: "Saturday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :SeatingMap, comment: %(A seating map.).freeze, label: "SeatingMap".freeze, type: "schema:MapCategoryType".freeze term :SingleBlindedTrial, comment: %(A trial design in which the researcher knows which treatment the patient was randomly assigned to but the patient does not.).freeze, label: "SingleBlindedTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :SingleCenterTrial, comment: %(A trial that takes place at a single center.).freeze, label: "SingleCenterTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :SinglePlayer, comment: %(Play mode: SinglePlayer. Which is played by a lone player.).freeze, label: "SinglePlayer".freeze, type: "schema:GamePlayMode".freeze term :SingleRelease, comment: %(SingleRelease.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "SingleRelease".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumReleaseType".freeze term :Skin, comment: %(Skin assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Skin".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :SoldOut, comment: %(Indicates that the item has sold out.).freeze, label: "SoldOut".freeze, type: "schema:ItemAvailability".freeze term :SoundtrackAlbum, comment: %(SoundtrackAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "SoundtrackAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :SpeechPathology, comment: %(The scientific study and treatment of defects, disorders, and malfunctions of speech and voice, as stuttering, lisping, or lalling, and of language disturbances, as aphasia or delayed language acquisition.).freeze, label: "SpeechPathology".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :SpokenWordAlbum, comment: %(SpokenWordAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "SpokenWordAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :StrengthTraining, comment: %(Physical activity that is engaged in to improve muscle and bone strength. Also referred to as resistance training.).freeze, label: "StrengthTraining".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalActivityCategory".freeze term :StudioAlbum, comment: %(StudioAlbum.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "StudioAlbum".freeze, type: "schema:MusicAlbumProductionType".freeze term :Sunday, comment: %(The day of the week between Saturday and Monday.).freeze, label: "Sunday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :Surgical, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that pertains to treating diseases, injuries and deformities by manual and instrumental means.).freeze, label: "Surgical".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :Suspended, comment: %(Suspended.).freeze, label: "Suspended".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :TaxiVehicleUsage, comment: %(Indicates the usage of the car as a taxi.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "TaxiVehicleUsage".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:CarUsageType".freeze term :Terminated, comment: %(Terminated.).freeze, label: "Terminated".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :Therapeutic, comment: %(A medical device used for therapeutic purposes.).freeze, label: "Therapeutic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalDevicePurpose".freeze term :Throat, comment: %(Throat assessment with clinical examination.).freeze, label: "Throat".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:PhysicalExam".freeze term :Thursday, comment: %(The day of the week between Wednesday and Friday.).freeze, label: "Thursday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :TollFree, comment: %(The associated telephone number is toll free.).freeze, label: "TollFree".freeze, type: "schema:ContactPointOption".freeze term :Toxicologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that is concerned with poisons, their nature, effects and detection and involved in the treatment of poisoning.).freeze, label: "Toxicologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :TraditionalChinese, comment: %(A system of medicine based on common theoretical concepts that originated in China and evolved over thousands of years, that uses herbs, acupuncture, exercise, massage, dietary therapy, and other methods to treat a wide range of conditions.).freeze, label: "TraditionalChinese".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze term :TransitMap, comment: %(A transit map.).freeze, label: "TransitMap".freeze, type: "schema:MapCategoryType".freeze term :TripleBlindedTrial, comment: %(A trial design in which neither the researcher, the person administering the therapy nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.).freeze, label: "TripleBlindedTrial".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalTrialDesign".freeze term :True, comment: %(The boolean value true.).freeze, label: "True".freeze, type: "schema:Boolean".freeze term :Tuesday, comment: %(The day of the week between Monday and Wednesday.).freeze, label: "Tuesday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :Ultrasound, comment: %(Ultrasound imaging.).freeze, label: "Ultrasound".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze term :UnofficialLegalValue, comment: %(Indicates that a document has no particular or special standing \(e.g. a republication of a law by a private publisher\).).freeze, - :"dc:source" => [%(, %(], + "dc:source": ["".freeze, "".freeze], + exactMatch: "".freeze, label: "UnofficialLegalValue".freeze, - :"schema:category" => %(issue-1156).freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, - :"skos:exactMatch" => %(, + "schema:category": "issue-1156".freeze, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:LegalValueLevel".freeze term :Urologic, comment: %(A specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases pertaining to the urinary tract and the urogenital system.).freeze, label: "Urologic".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalSpecialty".freeze term :UsedCondition, comment: %(Indicates that the item is used.).freeze, label: "UsedCondition".freeze, type: "schema:OfferItemCondition".freeze @@ -14175,40 +14175,40 @@ comment: %(A venue map \(e.g. for malls, auditoriums, museums, etc.\).).freeze, label: "VenueMap".freeze, type: "schema:MapCategoryType".freeze term :VinylFormat, comment: %(VinylFormat.).freeze, - :"dc:source" => %(, + "dc:source": "".freeze, label: "VinylFormat".freeze, type: "schema:MusicReleaseFormatType".freeze term :Wednesday, comment: %(The day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday.).freeze, label: "Wednesday".freeze, - :"schema:sameAs" => %(, + "schema:sameAs": "".freeze, type: "schema:DayOfWeek".freeze term :WesternConventional, comment: %(The conventional Western system of medicine, that aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making. Also known as conventional or Western medicine.).freeze, label: "WesternConventional".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicineSystem".freeze term :Wholesale, comment: %(The drug's cost represents the wholesale acquisition cost of the drug.).freeze, label: "Wholesale".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:DrugCostCategory".freeze term :Withdrawn, comment: %(Withdrawn.).freeze, label: "Withdrawn".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalStudyStatus".freeze term :WritePermission, comment: %(Permission to write or edit the document.).freeze, label: "WritePermission".freeze, type: "schema:DigitalDocumentPermissionType".freeze term :XRay, comment: %(X-ray imaging.).freeze, label: "XRay".freeze, - :"schema:isPartOf" => %(, + "schema:isPartOf": "".freeze, type: "schema:MedicalImagingTechnique".freeze term :ZoneBoardingPolicy, comment: %(The airline boards by zones of the plane.).freeze, label: "ZoneBoardingPolicy".freeze, type: "schema:BoardingPolicyType".freeze