lib/rdf/vocab/geonames.rb in rdf-vocab-2.1.0 vs lib/rdf/vocab/geonames.rb in rdf-vocab-2.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -7,9 +7,37 @@
# # Vocabulary for <>
# class GEONAMES < RDF::StrictVocabulary
# end
class GEONAMES < RDF::StrictVocabulary("")
+ # Ontology definition
+ ontology :"",
+ :"cc:license" => %(,
+ comment: %(Modifications from version 3.01 :
+ Added : gn:GeonamesFeature, subclass of gn:Feature.
+ Added : explicit property gn:geonamesID, mandatory and unique for each gn:GeonamesFeature instance.
+ Deleted : owl:FunctionalProperty declarations for properties attached to gn:Feature, replaced by local cardinality restrictions on gn:GeonamesFeature
+ The gn:Feature class and attached properties can therefore be used in the open world for features not necessarily identified in the Geonames data base, or with partial descriptions.
+ Modified : Equivalent classes and superclasses of geonames:Feature in other vocabularies.
+ Added : new feature codes for historical features.
+ Improved metadata.
+ ).freeze,
+ :"dc:contributor" => [%(Erik Bolstad \(norwegian and swedish translations\)).freeze, %(Roman Rachkov \(bulgarian translation\)).freeze, %(Valery Hronusov \(russian translation\)).freeze],
+ :"dc:creator" => %(,
+ :"dc:description" => %(The Geonames ontologies provides elements of description for geographical features, in particular those defined in the data base).freeze,
+ :"dc:issued" => %(2006-10-14).freeze,
+ :"dc:modified" => %(2012-10-29).freeze,
+ :"dc:publisher" => %(,
+ :"dc:title" => %(The Geonames ontology).freeze,
+ :"foaf:homepage" => %(,
+ :"" => %(gn).freeze,
+ :"" => %(,
+ :"" => %(,
+ :"owl:priorVersion" => %(,
+ :"owl:versionInfo" => %(Version 3.1 - 2012-10-29).freeze,
+ :"rdfs:isDefinedBy" => %(,
+ type: "owl:Ontology".freeze
# Class definitions
term :A,
comment: %(country, state, region ...).freeze,
label: "A".freeze,
type: "geonames:Class".freeze