lib/rdf/vocab/fcrepo4.rb in rdf-vocab-0.8.4 vs lib/rdf/vocab/fcrepo4.rb in rdf-vocab-0.8.5
- old
+ new
@@ -14,15 +14,10 @@
comment: %(A bitstream, with no further data properties.).freeze,
label: "binary".freeze,
"owl:disjointWith" => [%(fcrepo4:NonRdfSourceDescription).freeze, %(fcrepo4:Container).freeze],
subClassOf: "fcrepo4:Resource".freeze,
type: "owl:Class".freeze
- term :Blanknode,
- comment: %(An entity that is a representation of an RDF blank node.).freeze,
- label: "blank node".freeze,
- subClassOf: "fcrepo4:Thing".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :Configuration,
comment: %(A container for transform configuration.).freeze,
label: "Fedora transform configuration".freeze,
subClassOf: "fcrepo4:Thing".freeze,
type: "owl:Class".freeze
@@ -65,19 +60,20 @@
term :Resource,
comment: %(An entity that has been committed to the repository for safekeeping. For example, Fedora objects and datastreams are resources. A Fixity is not, because the provenance of the instance is entirely internal to the repository.).freeze,
label: "Fedora resource".freeze,
subClassOf: "fcrepo4:Thing".freeze,
type: "owl:Class".freeze
- term :ResourceStatus,
- comment: %(Values of the status property. The default values are active and deleted -- but additional values can be created.).freeze,
- label: "resource status".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :ServerManaged,
comment: %(The system-generated triples for a given resource \(as opposed to explicity-declared properties\).).freeze,
label: "server managed".freeze,
subClassOf: "fcrepo4:Thing".freeze,
type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ term :Skolem,
+ comment: %(An entity that is a representation of an RDF Skolem node.).freeze,
+ label: "skolem".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "fcrepo4:Thing".freeze,
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :Thing,
comment: %(Something that is contemplated in the Fedora repository model.).freeze,
label: "Fedora thing".freeze,
type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :Tombstone,
@@ -148,13 +144,10 @@
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :createdBy,
label: "createdBy".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "owl:topDataProperty".freeze,
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
- property :digest,
- label: "digest".freeze,
- type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :exportsAs,
label: "exports as".freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :frozenMixinTypes,
@@ -260,15 +253,10 @@
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :lastModifiedBy,
label: "lastModifiedBy".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "owl:topDataProperty".freeze,
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
- property :mimeType,
- label: "mimeType".freeze,
- range: "xsd:string".freeze,
- subPropertyOf: "owl:topDataProperty".freeze,
- type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :mixinTypes,
label: "mixinTypes".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "owl:topDataProperty".freeze,
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :numFixityChecks,
@@ -505,16 +493,10 @@
"rdf:subPropertyOf" => %(owl:topDataProperty).freeze,
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :sparql,
label: "has sparql service".freeze,
type: "owl:ObjectProperty".freeze
- property :status,
- comment: %(Describes the status of a resource, such as active or deleted.).freeze,
- domain: "fcrepo4:Resource".freeze,
- label: "status".freeze,
- range: "fcrepo4:ResourceStatus".freeze,
- type: "owl:ObjectProperty".freeze
property :uuid,
label: "uuid".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "owl:topDataProperty".freeze,
type: "owl:DatatypeProperty".freeze
property :writable,
@@ -524,16 +506,10 @@
# Extra definitions
term :"",
comment: %(Ontology for the Fedora data model, intended primarily to make it possible to expose Fedora-curated RDF predicates via de-reference-able URIs.).freeze,
label: "Fedora Commons Repository Ontology".freeze,
+ "owl:priorVersion" => %(,
+ "owl:versionInfo" => %(v4/2015/05/15).freeze,
type: "owl:Ontology".freeze
- term :active,
- comment: %(The resource is active.).freeze,
- label: "active".freeze,
- type: ["owl:NamedIndividual".freeze, "fcrepo4:ResourceStatus".freeze]
- term :deleted,
- comment: %(The resource has been marked for deletion.).freeze,
- label: "deleted".freeze,
- type: ["owl:NamedIndividual".freeze, "fcrepo4:ResourceStatus".freeze]