lib/rdf/vocab/extensions.rb in rdf-vocab-2.0.0 vs lib/rdf/vocab/extensions.rb in rdf-vocab-2.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-require 'rdf'
# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rdf'
require 'rdf/vocabulary'
require 'rdf/vocab'
# Monkey-patch RDF::Vocab.each to load all vocabularies
@@ -18,18 +18,491 @@
def each(&block)
# This is needed since all vocabulary classes are defined using
# Ruby's autoloading facility, meaning that `@@subclasses` will be
# empty until each subclass has been touched or require'd.
RDF::Vocab::VOCABS.each do |n, params|
- class_name = params.fetch(:class_name, n.upcase).to_sym
require "rdf/vocab/#{n}"
rescue LoadError
# Transient error
warn "Failed to load #{n}"
+ begin
+ require 'rdf/turtle'
+ ##
+ # Generate Turtle representation, specific to vocabularies
+ #
+ # @param [RDF::Queryable] :graph Optional graph, otherwise uses statements from vocabulary.
+ # @param [Hash{#to_sym => String}] Prefixes to add to output
+ # @return [String]
+ def to_ttl(graph: nil, prefixes: nil)
+ output = []
+ # Find namespaces used in the vocabulary
+ graph = {|g| each_statement {|s| g << s}} if graph.nil? || graph.empty?
+ prefixes = vocab_prefixes(graph).merge(prefixes || {})
+ pfx_width =
+ prefixes.each do |pfx, uri|
+ output << "@prefix %*s: <%s> .\n" % [pfx_width, pfx, uri]
+ end
+ # Determine the category for each subject in the vocabulary graph
+ cats = subject_categories(graph)
+ writer =, prefixes: prefixes)
+ {
+ ont: {
+ heading: "# #{__name__.split('::').last} Vocabulary definition\n"
+ },
+ classes: {
+ heading: "# Class definitions\n"
+ },
+ properties: {
+ heading: "# Property definitions\n"
+ },
+ datatypes: {
+ heading: "# Datatype definitions\n"
+ },
+ other: {
+ heading: "# Other definitions\n"
+ }
+ }.each do |key, hash|
+ next unless cats[key]
+ output << "\n\n#{hash[:heading]}"
+ cats[key].each do |subject|
+ po = {}
+ # Group predicates with their values
+ graph.query(subject: subject) do |statement|
+ # Sanity check this, as these are set to an empty string if not defined.
+ next if [RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::RDFS.comment].include?(statement.predicate) && statement.object.to_s.empty?
+ po[statement.predicate] ||= []
+ po[statement.predicate] << statement.object
+ end
+ next if po.empty?
+ po_list = []
+ unless (types = po.delete(RDF.type)).empty?
+ po_list << 'a ' + {|o| writer.format_term(o)}.join(", ")
+ end
+ # Serialize other predicate/objects
+ po.each do |predicate, objects|
+ resource = predicate.qname ? predicate.pname : "<#{predicate}>"
+ po_list << resource + ' ' + {|o| writer.format_term(o)}.join(", ")
+ end
+ # Output statements for this subject
+ subj = subject.qname ? subject.pname : "<#{subject}>"
+ output << "#{subj} " + po_list.join(";\n ") + "\n .\n"
+ end
+ end
+ output.join("")
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ # No Turtle serialization unless gem loaded
+ end
+ begin
+ require 'json/ld'
+ ##
+ # Generate JSON-LD representation, specific to vocabularies
+ #
+ # @param [RDF::Queryable] :graph Optional graph, otherwise uses statements from vocabulary.
+ # @param [Hash{#to_sym => String}] Prefixes to add to output
+ # @return [String]
+ def to_jsonld(graph: nil, prefixes: nil)
+ context = {}
+ rdfs_context = ::JSON.parse %({
+ "dc:title": {"@container": "@language"},
+ "dc:description": {"@container": "@language"},
+ "dc:date": {"@type": "xsd:date"},
+ "rdfs:comment": {"@container": "@language"},
+ "rdfs:domain": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "rdfs:label": {"@container": "@language"},
+ "rdfs:range": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "rdfs:seeAlso": {"@type": "@id"},
+ "rdfs:subClassOf": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "rdfs:subPropertyOf": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "schema:domainIncludes": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "schema:rangeIncludes": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "owl:equivalentClass": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "owl:equivalentProperty": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "owl:oneOf": {"@container": "@list", "@type": "@vocab"},
+ "owl:imports": {"@type": "@id"},
+ "owl:versionInfo": {"@type": "@id"},
+ "owl:inverseOf": {"@type": "@vocab"},
+ "owl:unionOf": {"@type": "@vocab", "@container": "@list"},
+ "rdfs_classes": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"},
+ "rdfs_properties": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"},
+ "rdfs_datatypes": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"},
+ "rdfs_instances": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"}
+ })
+ rdfs_classes, rdfs_properties, rdfs_datatypes, rdfs_instances = [], [], [], [], []
+ ontology = {
+ "@context" => rdfs_context,
+ "@id" => to_uri.to_s
+ }
+ # Find namespaces used in the vocabulary
+ graph = {|g| each_statement {|s| g << s}} if graph.nil? || graph.empty?
+ prefixes = vocab_prefixes(graph).merge(prefixes || {})
+ prefixes.each do |pfx, uri|
+ context[pfx.to_s] = uri.to_s unless pfx.to_s.empty?
+ end
+ # Determine the category for each subject in the vocabulary graph
+ cats = subject_categories(graph)
+ # Generate term definitions from graph subjects
+ cats.values.flatten.each do |term|
+ next unless Array(term.qname).length == 2
+ context[term.qname.last.to_s] = term.to_uri.to_s
+ end
+ # Parse the two contexts so we know what terms are in scope
+ jld_context =[context, rdfs_context])
+ {
+ ont: {
+ heading: "# #{__name__.split('::').last} Vocabulary definition\n",
+ bucket: ontology,
+ },
+ classes: {
+ heading: "# Class definitions\n",
+ bucket: rdfs_classes,
+ rev_prop: "rdfs_classes"
+ },
+ properties: {
+ heading: "# Property definitions\n",
+ bucket: rdfs_properties,
+ rev_prop: "rdfs_properties"
+ },
+ datatypes: {
+ heading: "# Datatype definitions\n",
+ bucket: rdfs_datatypes,
+ rev_prop: "rdfs_datatypes"
+ },
+ other: {
+ heading: "# Other definitions\n",
+ bucket: rdfs_instances,
+ rev_prop: "rdfs_instances"
+ }
+ }.each do |key, hash|
+ next unless cats[key]
+ cats[key].each do |subject|
+ node = {"@id" => subject.pname}
+ po = {}
+ # Group predicates with their values
+ graph.query(subject: subject) do |statement|
+ # Sanity check this, as these are set to an empty string if not defined.
+ next if [RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::RDFS.comment].include?(statement.predicate) && statement.object.to_s.empty?
+ po[statement.predicate] ||= []
+ po[statement.predicate] << statement.object
+ end
+ next if po.empty?
+ node['@type'] = po.delete(RDF.type).map {|t| jld_context.compact_iri(t, vocab: true)}
+ po.each do |predicate, objects|
+ term = jld_context.compact_iri(predicate, vocab: true)
+ node[term] = if jld_context.container(term) == '@language'
+ lang_map = objects.inject({}) do |memo, o|
+ raise "Language-mapped term #{term} with non plain-literal #{o.inspect}" unless o.literal? && o.plain?
+ memo.merge(o.language.to_s => o.value)
+ end
+ # Don't use language map if there's only one entry with no language
+ lang_map = lang_map[""] if lang_map.keys == [""]
+ [lang_map]
+ else
+ do |o|
+ expanded_value = jld_context.expand_value(term, o)
+ jld_context.compact_value(term, expanded_value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ node.each do |property, values|
+ case values.length
+ when 0 then node.delete(property)
+ when 1 then node[property] = values.first
+ end
+ end
+ # Either set bucket from node, or append node to bucket
+ if hash[:bucket].is_a?(Hash)
+ hash[:bucket].merge!(node)
+ else
+ ontology[hash[:rev_prop]] ||= hash[:bucket]
+ hash[:bucket] << node
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Serialize result
+ {
+ "@context" => context,
+ "@graph" => ontology
+ }.to_json(::JSON::LD::JSON_STATE)
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ # No JSON-LD serialization unless gem loaded
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate HTML+RDFa representation, specific to vocabularies. This uses generated JSON-LD and a Haml template.
+ #
+ # @param [RDF::Queryable] :graph Optional graph, otherwise uses statements from vocabulary.
+ # @param [Hash{#to_sym => String}] Prefixes to add to output
+ # @param [String, Hash] jsonld
+ # If not provided, the `to_jsonld` method is used to generate it.
+ # @param [String] template The path to a Haml or ERB template used to generate the output using the JSON-LD serialization
+ # @return [String]
+ def to_html(graph: nil, prefixes: nil, jsonld: nil, template: nil)
+ # Find namespaces used in the vocabulary
+ graph = {|g| each_statement {|s| g << s}} if graph.nil? || graph.empty?
+ # Get JSON as an object
+ json = case jsonld
+ when String then ::JSON.parse( jsonld)
+ when Hash then jsonld
+ else
+ ::JSON.parse(to_jsonld(graph: graph, prefixes: prefixes))
+ end
+ raise "Expected JSON-LD data within the '@graph' key" unless json.has_key?('@graph')
+ template ||= File.expand_path("../../../../etc/template.erb", __FILE__)
+ prefixes = vocab_prefixes(graph).merge(prefixes || {})
+ prefixes[:owl] = RDF::OWL.to_uri.to_s
+ # Make sure ontology is typed
+ json['@graph']['@type'] ||= ['owl:Ontology']
+ jld_context =[json['@context'], json['@graph']['@context']])
+ # Expand the JSON-LD to normalize accesses
+ expanded = ::JSON::LD::API.expand(json).first
+ expanded.delete('@reverse')
+ # Re-compact keys
+ expanded = expanded.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)|
+ term = RDF::Vocabulary.find_term(k)
+ k = term.pname if term
+ memo.merge(k => v)
+ end
+ # Normalize label accessors
+ expanded['rdfs:label'] ||= %w(dc:title dc11:title skos:prefLabel).inject(nil) do |memo, key|
+ memo || expanded[key]
+ end || [{'@value' => json['@graph']['@id']}]
+ %w(rdfs_classes rdfs_properties rdfs_datatypes rdfs_instances).each do |section|
+ next unless json['@graph'][section]
+ json['@graph'][section].each do |node|
+ node['rdfs:label'] ||= %w(dc:title dc11:title skos:prefLabel).inject do |memo, key|
+ memo || node[key]
+ end || [{'@value' => node['@id']}]
+ end
+ end
+ # Expand each part separately, as well.
+ %w(rdfs_classes rdfs_properties rdfs_datatypes rdfs_instances).each do |section|
+ next unless json['@graph'][section]
+ expanded_section = ::JSON::LD::API.expand(json['@graph'][section], expandContext: jld_context)
+ # Re-compact keys
+ expanded[section] = do |node|
+ node.inject({}) do |memo, (k, v)|
+ term = RDF::Vocabulary.find_term(k)
+ k = term.pname if term
+ memo.merge(k => v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Template invoked with expanded JSON-LD with outer object including `rdfs_classes`, `rdfs_properties`, and `rdf_instances` sections.
+ case template
+ when /.haml$/
+ require 'haml'
+ haml =
+ haml.render(self, ont: expanded, context: json['@context'], prefixes: prefixes)
+ when /.erb$/
+ require 'erubis'
+ eruby =
+ result = eruby.evaluate(binding: self, ont: expanded, context: json['@context'], prefixes: prefixes)
+ else
+ raise "Unknown template type #{template}. Should have '.erb' or '.haml' extension"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create HTML for values (Helper method, needs to be public)
+ def value_to_html(property, value, tag)
+ do |v|
+ %(<#{tag} property="#{property}") +
+ if v['@value']
+ (v['@language'] ? %( language="#{v['@language']}") : "") +
+ (v['@type'] ? %( datatype="#{RDF::URI(v['@type']).pname}") : "") +
+ %(>#{v['@value']})
+ elsif v['@id']
+ %( resource="#{RDF::URI(v['@id']).pname}">#{RDF::URI(v['@id']).pname})
+ else
+ raise "Unknown value type: #{v.inspect}, #{property}"
+ end +
+ %(</#{tag}>)
+ end.join("\n")
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Prefixes used in this vocabulary
+ #
+ # @param [RDF::Graph] graph
+ # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
+ def vocab_prefixes(graph)
+ vocabs = graph.
+ terms.
+ select(&:uri?).
+ map {|u| RDF::Vocabulary.find(u)}.
+ uniq.
+ compact.
+ sort_by(&:__prefix__)
+ vocabs << RDF::XSD # incase we need it for a literal
+ # Generate prefix definitions
+ vocabs.inject({}) do |memo, v|
+ memo.merge(v.__prefix__ => v.to_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Categorize each subject in the graph
+ #
+ # @param [RDF::Graph] graph
+ # @return [Hash{RDF::URI => Symbol}]
+ def subject_categories(graph)
+ cats = {}
+ categorized = {}
+ uncategorized = {}
+ graph.query(predicate: RDF.type) do |statement|
+ # Only serialize statements that are in the defined vocabulary
+ next unless statement.subject.start_with?(self.to_uri)
+ case statement.object
+ when RDF.Property,
+ RDF::OWL.AnnotationProperty,
+ RDF::OWL.DatatypeProperty,
+ RDF::OWL.FunctionalProperty,
+ RDF::OWL.ObjectProperty,
+ RDF::OWL.OntologyProperty
+ (cats[:properties] ||= []) << statement.subject unless categorized[statement.subject]
+ categorized[statement.subject] = true
+ when RDF::RDFS.Class, RDF::OWL.Class
+ (cats[:classes] ||= []) << statement.subject unless categorized[statement.subject]
+ categorized[statement.subject] = true
+ when RDF::RDFS.Datatype, RDF::OWL.DataRange
+ (cats[:datatypes] ||= []) << statement.subject unless categorized[statement.subject]
+ categorized[statement.subject] = true
+ when RDF::OWL.Ontology
+ (cats[:ont] ||= []) << statement.subject unless categorized[statement.subject]
+ categorized[statement.subject] = true
+ else
+ if statement.subject == self.to_uri
+ (cats[:ont] ||= []) << statement.subject unless categorized[statement.subject]
+ categorized[statement.subject] = true
+ else
+ uncategorized[statement.subject] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Add all uncategorized subjects as :other
+ uncat = (uncategorized.keys - categorized.keys)
+ cats[:other] = uncat unless uncat.empty?
+ cats
+ end
+ module VocabFormatExtensions
+ ##
+ # Hash of CLI commands appropriate for this format
+ # @return [Hash{Symbol => Lambda(Array, Hash)}]
+ def cli_commands
+ super.merge({
+ :"gen-vocab" => {
+ description: "Generate a vocabulary using a special serialization. Accepts an input graph, or serializes built-in vocabulary",
+ parse: false, # Only parse if there are input files, otherwise, uses vocabulary
+ help: "gen-vocab --uri <vocabulary-URI> [--output format ttl|jsonld|html] [options] [files]\n",
+ lambda: ->(files, options) do
+ $stdout.puts "Generate Vocabulary"
+ raise ArgumentError, "Must specify vocabulary URI" unless options[:base_uri]
+ # Parse input graphs, if repository is not already created
+ if RDF::CLI.repository.empty? && !files.empty?
+ RDF::CLI.parse(files, options) do |reader|
+ RDF::CLI.repository << reader
+ end
+ end
+ # Lookup vocabulary, or generate a new vocabulary from this URI
+ vocab = RDF::Vocabulary.find(options[:base_uri]) || begin
+ raise ArgumentError, "Must specify vocabulary prefix if vocabulary not built-in" unless options[:prefix]
+ RDF::Vocabulary.from_graph(RDF::CLI.repository, url: options[:base_uri], class_name: options[:prefix].to_s.upcase)
+ end
+ prefixes = {}
+ prefixes[options[:prefix]] = options[:base_uri] if options[:prefix]
+ out = options[:output] || $stdout
+ case options[:output_format]
+ when :ttl, nil then out.write vocab.to_ttl(graph: RDF::CLI.repository, prefixes: prefixes)
+ when :jsonld then out.write vocab.to_jsonld(graph: RDF::CLI.repository, prefixes: prefixes)
+ when :html then out.write vocab.to_html(graph: RDF::CLI.repository, prefixes: prefixes, template: options[:template])
+ else
+ # Use whatever writer we find
+ writer = RDF::Writer.for(options[:output_format]) || RDF::NTriples::Writer
+, options) do |w|
+ if RDF::CLI.repository.empty?
+ vocab.each_statement {|s| w << s}
+ else
+ w << RDF::CLI.repository
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ options: [
+ symbol: :prefix,
+ datatype: String,
+ on: ["--prefix PREFIX"],
+ description: "Prefix associated with vocabulary, if not built-in."),
+ symbol: :template,
+ datatype: String,
+ on: ["--template TEMPLATE"],
+ description: "Path to local template for generating HTML, either Haml or ERB, depending on file extension.\n" +
+ "See for built-in templates."),
+ ]
+ }
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ # Add cli_commands as class method to RDF::Vocabulary::Format
+ # TODO: in Ruby 2.0, `prepend` seems to be a private method of the class singleton; works okay elsewhere.
+ Format.singleton_class.send(:prepend, VocabFormatExtensions)
\ No newline at end of file