lib/rdf/vocab/ebucore.rb in rdf-vocab-3.0.3 vs lib/rdf/vocab/ebucore.rb in rdf-vocab-3.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -16,30 +16,32 @@
"dc11:description": ["Guidelines: for the purpose of flexibility and interoperability with a wider range of implementations, some properties purposefully do not have a range and accept either a resource or a literal. When a resource is used, it is recommended to reuse objects defined in the model (e.g. pair hasEvent/Event or hasRole/Role). Example 1: x hasRole 'actor'. Example 2: x hasRole _:Role_1 (a reference to the Concept Id from a SKOS Role vocabulary defined in the ontology).".freeze, "Note to implementers: The EBUCore ontology is used by a variety of users with different needs. Several EBUCore properties have no range to allow different implementations using entities or literals. As an implementer, it is your choice to go for one or the other for each property to have consistent expectations when parsing individuals. EBUCore also provides different classes defined as subclasses of skos:Concept. You can use these classes as entities in range of several properties currently left without range. EBUCore is expressed in RDF in order to facilitate such modelling and flexibility. As a consequence, propoerties appear in the documentation as annotation properties.".freeze, "The EBUCore has been designed to make users benefit from the flexibility of RDF to adapt the names of Classes and properties to their respective needs. This means users are welcome to add their own subclasses (e.g. to define the most appropriate BusinessObjects or Resources or Agents) and subproperties.".freeze, "The development of the EBUCore ontology is a joint effort of the EBUCore and PBCore communities.".freeze],
"dc11:rights": "Copyright 2015 EBU".freeze,
"dc11:title": "EBUCore - the Dublin Core for media".freeze,
"": "".freeze,
"": "".freeze,
+ "owl:backwardCompatibleWith": "".freeze,
"owl:imports": "".freeze,
- "owl:priorVersion": "".freeze,
- "owl:versionInfo": ["Add CreativeCommons subclass to Rights.".freeze, "Add FIMS Classes: BMContent, BMEssence, BMTemplate, etc.".freeze, "Add Identifier as a class.".freeze, "Add event start and end times and dateTimes".freeze, "Add for each class an ids, a name a description when missing".freeze, "Add frameHeight and frameHeightUnit".freeze, "Add hasAudioCodec and hasVideoCodec".freeze, "Add hasAudioTrack and hasVideoTrack".freeze, "Add numberOfAudioTracks and numberOfVideoTracks".freeze, "Add resourceType property.".freeze, "Add videoEncodingLevel and audioEncodingLevel properties as subproperties of encodingLevel".freeze, "Add videoEncodingProfile and audioEncodingProfile properties as subproperties of encodingProfile".freeze, "Added eventPeriod property.".freeze, "Added locationCode and hasLocationPicture".freeze, "Added social medias: agentFacebook, agentTwitter, agentInstagram".freeze, "Added two Classes: Action and Emotion.".freeze, "Align with CCDM properties touching EBUCore classes".freeze, "Alignment with EBUCore schema: add missing rightsClearanceFlag".freeze, "CORRECTION: change PublicationPlanning into PublicationPlan".freeze, "Clean the definition of equivalent classes and properties from external vocabularies like foaf: and core:".freeze, "Extend bitRate properties with audio and video bitRate properties".freeze, "Harmonisation with EBU CCDM: businessObjectId, businessObjectType, editorialObjectId, editorialObjectType, storageId, storageType .".freeze, "Improved the relations around the notions of \"hasContributor\", \"Character\", \"Cast\".".freeze, "Introduce Person as a superClass of Contact and rename Contact properties accordingly".freeze, "Introduce new classes Artefact/Props/Food...".freeze, "Introduced new TextLine Class and associated properties for timed text, annotation, etc.".freeze, "Manage addresses as locations".freeze, "Sanity check on property domain and ranges and definitions or labels".freeze, "Support of specific timecode drop frame".freeze, "Version 1.8".freeze, "seasonNumber, Episode and episodeNumber.".freeze],
+ "owl:priorVersion": "".freeze,
+ "owl:versionInfo": ["Add Award (for BO/EO, Contributor) and associated properties.".freeze, "Add Licensing as a subclass of Rights".freeze, "Add Locator class.".freeze, "Add Person weight and height.".freeze, "Add Platform as a subclass of Service.".freeze, "Add agentFee and agentAge.".freeze, "Add agentPreviousName.".freeze, "Add agentRelatedInformationLink and agentRelatedPressLink.".freeze, "Add artefactComment.".freeze, "Add dateOfRetirement".freeze, "Add dateProduced with domain Resource or BusinessObject.".freeze, "Add ebucore:placeOfDeath as subproperty of core:placeOfDeath".freeze, "Add firstShowingThisService with domain PublicationEvent.".freeze, "Add flag midRollAdAllowed with domain Essence.".freeze, "Add geoblocking, licensing, copyright, targetPlatform as a subproperties of description as a shortcut to provide such usage restrictions without the heavy use of asset.".freeze, "Add hasAgentBiography".freeze, "Add hasAgentRelatedArtefact".freeze, "Add hasArtefactRelatedLocation.".freeze, "Add hasBeenAwarded with domain Agent.".freeze, "Add hasCountryOfBirth and hasCountryOfDeath".freeze, "Add hasEventRelatedLocation/Event/Artefact/BusinessObject/Event".freeze, "Add hasImageCodec as subproperty of hasCodec.".freeze, "Add hasLocationRelatedAsset.".freeze, "Add hasProducer as subproperty of hasContributor.".freeze, "Add hasRelatedPublicationChannel to PublicationEvent".freeze, "Add hasRelatedPublicationChannel with domain PublicationEvent.".freeze, "Add isAgent relation".freeze, "Add isDistributedOn with domain EditorialObject and range string or Platform.".freeze, "Add isPartOf with domain Part and range EditorialObject.".freeze, "Add missing artefactBrand.".freeze, "Add missing class Element.".freeze, "Add missing relations from EBUCore schema: has/isParent, has/isChild, has/isMaster...".freeze, "Add new class UsageRestriction as subclass of Rights.".freeze, "Add personName for compound names".freeze, "Add relation hasRelatedAsset with domain BusinessObject.".freeze, "Add rightsStart/EndDateTime and righst Duration.".freeze, "Add rightsTerritory/includes/Excludes.".freeze, "Add tag as a subproperty of description to provide tags.".freeze, "Add timeCreated to BusinessObject and Resource".freeze, "Add totalNumberOfgroupMembers with domain Group and totalNumberOfEpisodes with domain Series or Season.".freeze, "Change AudioChannelPurpoose into AudioTrackPurpose, a subclass of skos:Concept.".freeze, "Change Domain of isAgent from Cast to Agent.".freeze, "Change artefactPriceCurrency into hasArtefactPriceCurrency to allow using Concept / currency codes.".freeze, "Change countryOfResidence and agentNationality into hasAgentCountryOfResidence and hasAgentNationality".freeze, "Change domain of seasonNumber to EditorialObject for more flexibility in implementation.".freeze, "Change hasEvent and hasLocation into hasRelatedEVent and hasRelatedLocation.".freeze, "Correction: empty range for hasRelatedEvent and hasRelatedLocation".freeze, "Define Resource and BusinessObject as subclass of Asset. Add properties hasAssetRelatedResource, hasAssetRelatedBusinessObject and hasAssetEditorialObject (for harmonisation with CCDM).".freeze, "Enrich list of EOs from CCDM school discussion e.g. BreakingNewsItem...".freeze, "Move Character as subclass of Agent to allow characters other than persons (e.g. animals)".freeze, "Move cast, crew, staff as subclasses of Agent.".freeze, "Remove placeOfBirth and placeOfDeath in conflict with hasPlaceOfBirth and hasPlaceofDeath".freeze, "Replace AudioChannel with AudioObject for better ADM compliance. Change AudioChannelPurpose into AudioTrackPurpose, Change audioChannelNumber into audioTrackNumber. Add a relation hasRelatedAudioObject with domain MediaResource.".freeze, "Version draft 1.9".freeze],
type: "owl:Ontology".freeze,
"vs:term_status": "stable".freeze
# Class definitions
term :AccessConditions,
comment: %(The conditions under which content can be accessed.).freeze,
label: "Access conditions".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Action,
+ comment: %(A class to log Actions.).freeze,
label: "Action".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :ActiveFormatDescriptorCode,
label: "Active format descriptor code".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Affiliation,
comment: %(An Organisation to which a Contact is affiliated \(with period of validity\).).freeze,
label: "Affiliation".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Organisation".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -63,11 +65,11 @@
subClassOf: "ebucore:DataFormat".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Artefact,
comment: %(To identify and describe artefacts used in a production \(on and behind the stage\).).freeze,
label: "Artefact".freeze,
- subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Asset,
comment: %(The Class "Asset" is an
object to which an identifier will be associated at commissioning. It will serve as a
central reference point to manage rights associated to EditorialObjects, Resources,
@@ -93,24 +95,10 @@
comment: %(The audience by which the Resource can be
seen according to ratings like MPAA \(\) or other organisational / national / local standards.).freeze,
label: "Audience rating".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
- term :AudioChannel,
- comment: %(An audioChannel represents a single sequence of audio samples. It
- is sub-divided in the time domain into audioBlocks, which is must contain at
- least one of. The typeDefintion of the audioChannel format specifies the type of
- audio it is describing, and also determines which parameters are used within its
- audioBlock children.).freeze,
- label: "Audio channel".freeze,
- subClassOf: "ebucore:Essence".freeze,
- type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
- term :AudioChannelPurpose,
- comment: %(To describe the purpose of an AudioChannel e.g. dubbing.).freeze,
- label: "Audio channel purpose".freeze,
- subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :AudioCodec,
comment: %(To provide information about an audio codec.).freeze,
label: "Audio codec".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Codec".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -130,10 +118,14 @@
term :AudioEncodingFormat,
comment: %(The encoding format for the audio.).freeze,
label: "Audio encoding format".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:EncodingFormat".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :AudioObject,
+ label: "Audio object".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Essence".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :AudioProgramme,
comment: %(A set of one or more audioContent that derive from the same material,
i.e. an audioMultiplex, and the definition of its multiplexed audioContents \(e.g.
foreground and commentary, background music\).).freeze,
label: "Audio programme".freeze,
@@ -151,10 +143,19 @@
should be usually defined by many attributes such as ID, format \(e.g. 48 kHz/24
bits\), linkage information \(e.g. odd/even\)…).freeze],
label: "Audio track".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Track".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :AudioTrackPurpose,
+ comment: %(To describe the purpose of an AudioTrack e.g. dubbing.).freeze,
+ label: "Audio track purpose".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :Award,
+ label: "Award".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :BMContent,
comment: %(The FIMS BMContent.).freeze,
label: "BMContent".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -177,19 +178,23 @@
comment: %(A group of EditorialObjects having a Brand as a
common denominator.).freeze,
label: "Brand".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :BreakingNewsItem,
+ label: "Breaking news item".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Item".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :BusinessObject,
comment: %(An image, a document, an annotation
\(descriptive textual metadata or audio/video tag\), a tag \(time related in audiovisual
media resources\), or an audiovisual media resource \(optionally composed of one or more
fragment / part and / or audio, video data tracks\). Other types of BusinessObjects may
be defined as subclasses.).freeze,
label: "Business Object".freeze,
"owl:disjointWith": "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
- subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Captioning,
comment: %(To signal the presence of hard of hearing
label: "Captioning".freeze,
@@ -205,22 +210,22 @@
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Cast,
comment: %(A member of the cast list \(a list of performers/actors and associated fictitious
label: "Cast member".freeze,
- subClassOf: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Character,
comment: %(E.g. a fictitious contact / person.).freeze,
label: "Character".freeze,
- subClassOf: "ebucore:FictionalPerson".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :CityCode,
comment: %(To allocate a city code.).freeze,
label: "City code".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :ClosedCaptions,
comment: %(Closed captioning is provided as separate
label: "Closed caption".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Captioning".freeze,
@@ -298,11 +303,11 @@
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :CountryCode,
comment: %(To identify a country by its ISO code.).freeze,
label: "Country code".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :CoverageRestrictions,
comment: %(To provide information on possible restrictions
regarding the temporal and spatial coverage for publication.).freeze,
label: "Coverage restrictions".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
@@ -313,17 +318,17 @@
subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Crew,
comment: %(A member of the Crew.).freeze,
label: "Crew member".freeze,
- subClassOf: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :CurrencyCode,
comment: %(To identify a currency by its ISO code.).freeze,
label: "Currency code".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :DataFormat,
comment: %(To provide addtional technical information on
the characteristics of data streams in a MediaResource including but not limited to
AncillaryData, Subtilting and Captioning. Additional specific data format may be defined
as subclasses of DataFormat.).freeze,
@@ -385,13 +390,14 @@
label: "Editorial Object".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Emotion,
+ comment: %(A class to log Emotions.).freeze,
label: "Emotion".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :EncodingFormat,
comment: %(To provide a definition of the encoding format
for audio and video. This is provided as free text in an annotation label or as an
identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme e.g. or
@@ -402,13 +408,11 @@
term :Episode,
label: "Episode".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Essence,
- comment: %(In some audiovisual standardisation groups,
- Essence is preferred to MediaResource. In also has subclasses well known as MediaObject
- clustered in AudioObjects and VideoObjects.).freeze,
+ comment: %(Essence is content ready for distribution. Essence can become a MediaResource in further production processes.).freeze,
label: "Essence".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Event,
comment: [%(Additional types of event shall be defined as
@@ -513,15 +517,10 @@
annotation label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification
label: "Image format".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
- term :IntendedAudience,
- comment: %(To identify the audience for which the content was created.).freeze,
- label: "Intended audience".freeze,
- subClassOf: "ebucore:Type".freeze,
- type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :IntentionCode,
comment: %(To indicate the purpose for which content was created.).freeze,
label: "Intention code".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Type".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -565,20 +564,32 @@
or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.Other language
specific types may be added as subclasses of language.).freeze,
label: "Language".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :Licensing,
+ label: "Licensing".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :Link,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Location,
comment: [%(A location related to the media resource, e.g.
depicted in the resource \(possibly fictional\) or where the resource was created
\(shooting location\), etc.).freeze, %(A type of location is defined as a sub-class of
location.).freeze, %(This is provided as free text in an annotation
label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.).freeze],
equivalentClass: "".freeze,
label: "Location".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :Locator,
+ comment: [%(Custom attributes are to be associated by implementers.).freeze, %(To provide information about complex locators.).freeze],
+ label: "Locator".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :Logo,
comment: %(A Logo allows to visually identify an
organisation, publicationService, publicationChannel, or ratings /
label: "Logo".freeze,
@@ -589,11 +600,11 @@
label: "Media Fragment".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :MediaResource,
comment: %(The use of MediaResource is reserved to
- audiovisual content.).freeze,
+ audiovisual content. In a production process, several MediaResources can be edited and assembled to realsie an Essence ready for distribution \(see IMF package and OPL\)).freeze,
label: "Media Resource".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :MediaType,
comment: %(To provide additional information on the type of media.).freeze,
@@ -679,10 +690,14 @@
comment: %(To describe a Person.).freeze,
equivalentClass: ["foaf:Person".freeze, "".freeze],
label: "Person".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :PhysicalResource,
+ label: "Physical resource".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Pictogram,
comment: %(A visual / graphical representation of a concept.).freeze,
label: "Pictogram".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Picture".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -694,10 +709,15 @@
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :PictureDisplayFormat,
label: "Picture display format code".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :Platform,
+ comment: %(A platform like a network or operator platform.).freeze,
+ label: "Platform".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Service".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Programme,
comment: %(An EditorialObject corresponding to a
MediaResource ready for publication.).freeze,
label: "Programme".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
@@ -729,11 +749,11 @@
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :PublicationMedium,
label: "Publication medium".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :PublicationPlan,
comment: %(A collection of PublicationEvents organised as a PublicationPlanning.).freeze,
label: "Publication History".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -750,16 +770,20 @@
label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.).freeze],
label: "Rating".freeze,
"owl:disjointWith": ["ebucore:Asset".freeze, "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze],
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :Relation,
+ comment: %(To define links and relations.).freeze,
+ subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze
term :Resource,
comment: %(A manifestation of a
label: "Resource".freeze,
"owl:disjointWith": "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
- subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Rights,
comment: %(To provide information on the rights, including
intellectual property, related to a BusinessObject or Resource.).freeze,
label: "Rights".freeze,
@@ -808,11 +832,11 @@
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :SignLanguageCode,
comment: %(To identify a sign language by its code.).freeze,
label: "Sign language code".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Signing,
comment: %(To signal the presence of Signing for hard of
hearing users. The type of Signing \(e.g. incursted in or else\) or language of Signing
can be specified using the appropriate properties.).freeze,
label: "Signing".freeze,
@@ -831,11 +855,11 @@
subClassOf: "ebucore:Item".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Staff,
comment: %(A member of Staff.).freeze,
label: "Staff member.".freeze,
- subClassOf: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Standard,
comment: %(identifies the technical video standard of a resource, i.e. NTSC or PAL.).freeze,
label: "Standard".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
@@ -882,10 +906,15 @@
comment: %(A programme for distribution on television
label: "TV Programme".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Programme".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :TargetAudience,
+ comment: %(To identify the audience for which the content was created.).freeze,
+ label: "Target audience".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Type".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Team,
comment: %(To define a Team.).freeze,
equivalentClass: "foaf:Group".freeze,
label: "Team".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
@@ -897,21 +926,21 @@
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :TerritoryCode,
comment: %(To identify a territory e.g. by its UN code.).freeze,
label: "Territory code".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :TextLine,
comment: %(To provide lines of text extracted from or additional to the resource.).freeze,
label: "Text line".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :TextUsageType,
comment: %(To specify the usage of a text.).freeze,
label: "Text usage type".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Thumbnail,
comment: %(A thumbnail is a low resolution picture that
can be associated with EditorialObjects or e.g. MediaResources or
label: "Thumbnail".freeze,
@@ -936,11 +965,11 @@
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :TimelineTrack,
comment: %(To define a time sequence of EditorialObjects.).freeze,
label: "Timeline track".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
- type: "owl:Class".freeze
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Topic,
comment: %(A type subject for use in some contexts. This
is provided as free text in an annotation label or as an identifier pointing to a term
in a classification scheme.).freeze,
label: "Topic".freeze,
@@ -955,10 +984,15 @@
term :Type,
comment: %(An expression of type in textual form or as a term from a classification scheme.).freeze,
label: "Type".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
+ term :UsageRestrictions,
+ comment: %(To define a set of UsageRestrictions.).freeze,
+ label: "Usage restrictions".freeze,
+ subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :UsageRights,
comment: %(Usage rights associated with content.).freeze,
label: "Usage rights".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
@@ -1106,15 +1140,10 @@
comment: %(The age of a Contact/Person.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
label: "Age".freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
- property :agentCountryOfResidence,
- comment: %(To indicate the country of residence.).freeze,
- domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
- label: "Country of residence".freeze,
- type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentDbpedia,
comment: %(A reference to a dbpedia page.).freeze,
label: "dbpedia".freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentLinkedData".freeze,
@@ -1129,10 +1158,15 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentFacebook,
label: "Facebook".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentSocialMedia".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :agentFee,
+ comment: %(The fee of an Agent.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Agent fee".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentFlickr,
label: "Flickr".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentSocialMedia".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentId,
@@ -1169,28 +1203,48 @@
Agent \(Contact/person or organisation\)).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Mobile".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
- property :agentNationality,
- comment: [%(Range: a string or a Concept.).freeze, %(To provide the nationality of an Agent.).freeze],
+ property :agentName,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
- label: "Nationality".freeze,
+ label: "Agent name.".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentNickname,
comment: %(To provide a nickname of a Contact/person.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
label: "Nickname".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :agentPreviousName,
+ comment: %(To provide the previous name of a Contact/person.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ label: "Previous name".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :agentRelatedInformationLink,
+ comment: %(To provide a link to a web resource containing
+ information related to an Agent \(Contact/Person or Organisation\).).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Related information link".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentRelatedLink,
comment: %(To provide a link to a web resource containing
information related to an Agent \(Contact/Person or Organisation\).).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Related resources".freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :agentRelatedPressLink,
+ comment: %(To provide a link to a web resource containing
+ information related to an Agent \(Contact/Person or Organisation\).).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Related press link".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentSocialMedia,
comment: %(Agent's social media hooks.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Social media".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1255,16 +1309,27 @@
comment: %(To indicate the availability of an Artefact.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Artefact availability".freeze,
range: "xsd:boolean".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :artefactBrand,
+ comment: %(To specify the brand of an Artefact.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
+ label: "Artefact brand".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :artefactColour,
comment: %(To specify the colour of an Artefact.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Artefact colour".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :artefactComment,
+ comment: %(To provide a contextual comment about an Artefact.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
+ label: "Artefact comment".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :artefactDateOfPurchase,
comment: %(The date when an Artefact was purchased. .).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Artefact date of purchase".freeze,
range: "xsd:date".freeze,
@@ -1306,15 +1371,10 @@
property :artefactPriceAmount,
comment: %(To specifythe price of an Artefact.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Artefact price".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
- property :artefactPriceCurrency,
- comment: %(To specify the currency into which the price of an Artefact is expressed.).freeze,
- domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
- label: "Artefact price currency".freeze,
- type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :artefactReference,
comment: %(To specify a reference of an Artefact.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Artefact reference".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
@@ -1388,17 +1448,10 @@
property :audioBitRateMode,
comment: %(The audio bitrate mode.).freeze,
label: "Audio bitrate mode".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:bitRateMode".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
- property :audioChannelNumber,
- comment: %(The total number of audio channels contained in
- the MediaResource.).freeze,
- domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
- label: "Audio channel number".freeze,
- range: "xsd:nonNegativeInteger".freeze,
- type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :audioEncodingLevel,
comment: %(The encoding level as defined in specifications.).freeze,
label: "Audio encoding level".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:encodingLevel".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1412,10 +1465,46 @@
\(e.g. stereo pair\) in a MediaResource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
label: "Audio track configuration".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :audioTrackNumber,
+ comment: %(The total number of audio tracks contained in
+ the MediaResource.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
+ label: "Audio track number".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:nonNegativeInteger".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :awardCeremony,
+ comment: %(To provide an Award ceremony name).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Award ceremony".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :awardDescription,
+ comment: %(To provide a description for an Award).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Award description".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :awardId,
+ comment: %(To provide an id to an Award).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Award id".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :awardId_1,
+ comment: %(To provide an date when an Award was delivered).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Award date".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:date".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :awardName,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or concept).freeze, %(To define an Award category).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Award category".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :bitDepth,
comment: %(To provide the video encoding bit depth.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
label: "Bit depth".freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
@@ -1533,10 +1622,18 @@
property :comments,
comment: %(To provide a comment.).freeze,
label: "Comments".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :copyright,
+ comment: %(To provide information on copyright.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
+ equivalentProperty: "ma:description".freeze,
+ label: "copyright".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "dc11:description".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :costumeGender,
comment: %(To specify the gender associated with a Costume.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Costume".freeze,
label: "Costume gender".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1672,10 +1769,25 @@
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "".freeze,
label: "Date of death".freeze,
range: "xsd:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :dateOfRetirement,
+ comment: %(The date when a Contact/Person has retired.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ label: "Date of retirement".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:date".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :dateProduced,
+ comment: %(The date when the Resource was produced.).freeze,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ label: "Production date".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:date".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateReleased,
comment: %(The date when the Resource was first made available to the public for purchase, download, or online access.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "ma:creationDate".freeze,
label: "Release date".freeze,
@@ -1994,10 +2106,15 @@
comment: %(The Episode Number).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Episode".freeze,
label: "Episode number".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :essenceId,
+ domain: "ebucore:Essence".freeze,
+ label: "Essence id".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :eventDescription,
comment: %(To provide a deescription for an
domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
label: "Description".freeze,
@@ -2103,10 +2220,16 @@
comment: %(A flag to indicate that this is the first time the event occurs.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
label: "First showing".freeze,
range: "xsd:boolean".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :firstShowingThisService,
+ comment: %(A flag to indicate that this is the first time the event occurs on this service/channel.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
+ label: "First showing this service".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:boolean".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :folksonomy,
comment: %(Provides a user/audience-generated description, tag, or label for resource content.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Folksonomy".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
@@ -2202,10 +2325,15 @@
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "".freeze,
label: "Gender".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :geoBlocking,
+ label: "geoblocking".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :givenName,
comment: %(To provide one or more given names.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "foaf:givenName".freeze,
label: "Given name".freeze,
@@ -2245,10 +2373,30 @@
comment: [%(A property to establish the relation between a
Contact/person and an Organisation.).freeze, %(Range: Affiliation or string).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
label: "Affiliation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAgentBiography,
+ comment: [%(Range: a string or an anyURI.).freeze, %(To provide a biography of an Agent.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Biography".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAgentCountryOfResidence,
+ comment: %(To indicate the country of residence.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Country of residence".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAgentMember,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or Agent.).freeze, %(To associate an Agent to another Agent e.g. a Team.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Agent member".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAgentNationality,
+ comment: [%(Range: a string or a Concept.).freeze, %(To provide the nationality of an Agent.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Nationality".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasAgentRelatedPicture,
"dc11:description": "A link/locator to a picture related to an Agent.".freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Related picture".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Picture".freeze,
@@ -2291,21 +2439,37 @@
property :hasArtefactOwner,
comment: %(To identify the owner of an Artefact.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Owner".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasArtefactPriceCurrency,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or Concept).freeze, %(To specify the currency into which the price of an Artefact is expressed.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
+ label: "Artefact price currency".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasArtefactRelatedAgent,
comment: %(To associate an Artefact/Prop or else with an Agent.).freeze,
- domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
- label: "Associated artifact".freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
+ label: "Associated agent".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasArtefactRelatedEditorialObject,
comment: %(To establish a relation between an Artefact and an EditorialObject.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Related editorial object".freeze,
range: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasArtefactRelatedLocation,
+ comment: %(To associate an Artefact/Prop or else with a Location.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
+ label: "Associated location".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasArtefactRelatedPhysicalResource,
+ comment: %(To establish a relation between an Artefact and a PhysicalResource.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
+ label: "Related physical resource".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:PhysicalResource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasArtefactRelatedResource,
comment: %(To establish a relation between an Artefact and a Resource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Related resource".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
@@ -2318,21 +2482,42 @@
property :hasArtefactSupplier,
comment: %(To identify a supplier of an Artefact.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
label: "Supplier".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAssetRelatedEditorialObject,
+ domain: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
+ label: "Related editorial object".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAssetRelatedResource,
+ domain: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
+ label: "has asset related resource".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAssociatedArtefact,
+ "dc11:description": ["A Artefact related to an Agent.".freeze, "Range: string or Artefact".freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
+ label: "Related Artefact".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasAssociatedAsset,
comment: %(To identify an Asset associated with a PublicationPlan.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:PublicationPlan".freeze,
label: "Publication plan associated asset.".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAssociatedRelation,
+ comment: %(To establish Relations with BusinessObjects.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasAssociatedRights,
comment: %(To associate Rights with a PublicationEvent.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
label: "Rights".freeze,
- range: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:rights".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasAudioCodec,
label: "has audio codec".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasCodec".freeze,
@@ -2356,10 +2541,31 @@
comment: %(To identify AudioTracks in the Resource.).freeze,
label: "Audio track".freeze,
range: "ebucore:AudioTrack".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasTrack".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAwardRelatedAgent,
+ comment: [%(Range: string ro Agent.).freeze, %(To link an Agent to an Award.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Agent".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAwardRelatedBusinessObject,
+ comment: %(To link a BusinessObject to an Award.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Business object".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasAwardRelatedResource,
+ comment: %(To link a Resource to an Award.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Award".freeze,
+ label: "Resource".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasBeenAwarded,
+ comment: [%(Award.).freeze, %(Range: a string or an Award.).freeze],
+ label: "Agent".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCaptioning,
comment: %(To signal the presence of
domain: term(
type: "owl:Class".freeze,
@@ -2393,10 +2599,22 @@
property :hasCharacter,
comment: [%(Range: a string or a "fictitious" Person.).freeze, %(To list characters in a fiction.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Character".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasChild,
+ comment: %(To link a BusinessOject or Resource to a child.).freeze,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ label: "Child".freeze,
+ range: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCodec,
comment: [%(Range: a string or a Codec).freeze, %(To identify the Codec with which the Resource has been encoded.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "ma:hasCompression".freeze,
label: "Encoder / Codec".freeze,
@@ -2432,10 +2650,22 @@
Organisations who have contributed to the BusinessObject and associated Resource.).freeze,
equivalentProperty: "ma:hasContributor".freeze,
label: "Contributor".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:contributor".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasCountryOfBirth,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or Concept).freeze, %(The country where a person is born.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ equivalentProperty: "".freeze,
+ label: "Country of birth".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasCountryOfDeath,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or Concept).freeze, %(The country where a person is dead.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ equivalentProperty: "".freeze,
+ label: "Country of death".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCoverage,
comment: %(A property to identify the Events and or
Locations, all real or fictional, covered by the
equivalentProperty: "ma:hasRelatedLocation".freeze,
@@ -2496,11 +2726,10 @@
label: "Dubbed language".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasLanguage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasEOContributor,
comment: [%(Range: Agent or string).freeze, %(To identify Agents who contributed to the EditorialObject, according to their respective Agent Role.).freeze],
- domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Contributor".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasContributor".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasEmotionRelatedAgent,
comment: %(To associate an Emotion with an Agent \(e.g. Person or Character\).).freeze,
@@ -2520,24 +2749,48 @@
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasEpisode,
comment: %(To identify an episode of a
Series or a Season.).freeze,
- domain: term(
- type: "owl:Class".freeze,
- unionOf: list("ebucore:Season".freeze, "ebucore:Series".freeze)
- ),
+ domain: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:isEpisodeOf".freeze,
label: "Episode".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Programme".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasEventRelatedAgent,
+ comment: [%(An Agent relates to an Event.).freeze, %(Range: string or Agent).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
+ label: "Agent".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasEventRelatedArtefact,
+ comment: [%(An Artefact relates to an Event.).freeze, %(Range: string or Artefact).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
+ label: "Artefact".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasEventRelatedBusinessObject,
+ comment: %(A BusinessObject relates to an Event.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
+ label: "Business object".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasEventRelatedEvent,
+ comment: [%(An Event relates to an Event.).freeze, %(range: string or Event).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
+ label: "Event".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasEventRelatedLocation,
comment: [%(Range: a Location or a string).freeze, %(To associate a Location with an Event.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
label: "Location".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasEventRelatedResource,
+ comment: %(A Resource relates to an Event.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
+ label: "Resource".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasFileFormat,
comment: %(To specify the file format.).freeze,
label: "File format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -2576,10 +2829,14 @@
property :hasIdentifierType,
comment: [%(Range: code/Concept or string).freeze, %(To define a type of Identifer \(e.g. UUID, ISAN, EIDR, in-house production Id\).).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Identifier".freeze,
label: "Id type".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasImageCodec,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or Codec).freeze, %(To specify the codec of an Image.).freeze],
+ label: "Image codec".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasImageFormat,
comment: %(To specify the format of an Image.).freeze,
label: "Image format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -2622,10 +2879,16 @@
comment: %(A picture associated with a Location.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
label: "Picture".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Picture".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasLocationRelatedArtefact,
+ comment: [%(Range: a string or an Artefact.).freeze, %(To associate an Artefact with a
+ Location.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
+ label: "Event".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasLocationRelatedEvent,
comment: [%(Range: a string or an Event.).freeze, %(To associate an Event with a
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
label: "Event".freeze,
@@ -2640,10 +2903,17 @@
comment: %(Logos can be used in a variety of contexts.
Logo can be associated with an Organisation or a Service or a PublicationChannel.).freeze,
label: "Logo".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Logo".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasMaster,
+ comment: %(To identify the master of a Resource).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ label: "Master".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasMediaFragment,
comment: %(To define relation to MediaFragments
withiin a MediaResource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "ma:hasFragment".freeze,
@@ -2699,10 +2969,22 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasOriginalLanguage,
label: "Original language".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasLanguage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasParent,
+ comment: %(To link a BusinessOject or Resource to a parent.).freeze,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ label: "Parent".freeze,
+ range: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasPart,
comment: %(To define Parts \(segments, fragments, shots, etc.\)
within an EditorialObject.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Part".freeze,
@@ -2729,10 +3011,14 @@
comment: [%(Range: a Location or a string).freeze, %(The place where a person has passed away.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "".freeze,
label: "Place of death".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasProducer,
+ label: "has producer".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasContributor".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasProductionLocation,
comment: [%(Range: a location or string).freeze, %(To identify the Location of a production).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Production location".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -2758,10 +3044,15 @@
property :hasPublicationMedium,
comment: [%(Range: string or concept PublicationMedium).freeze, %(To identify the publication medium of a PublicationEvent.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
label: "Publication medium".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasPublicationPlanMember,
+ domain: "ebucore:PublicationPlan".freeze,
+ label: "Publication plan member".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:PublicationPlan".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasPublicationRegion,
comment: [%(Range: string or Location).freeze, %(The region where the publication takes place.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
label: "Publication region".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -2796,63 +3087,75 @@
label: "Related artefact".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Artefact".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedAsset,
comment: %(To identify related Assets.).freeze,
- domain: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:Asset".freeze, "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze)
+ ),
label: "Related asset".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedAudioContent,
comment: %(To identify the AudioContent associated with an AudioProgramme.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:AudioProgramme".freeze,
label: "Audio content".freeze,
range: "ebucore:AudioContent".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasRelatedAudioObject,
+ domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
+ label: "Audio object".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:AudioObject".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedAudioProgramme,
comment: %(To identify the AudioProgramme.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Audio programme".freeze,
range: "ebucore:AudioProgramme".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasRelatedAudioTrack,
+ domain: "ebucore:AudioObject".freeze,
+ label: "Audio Track".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:AudioTrack".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasRelatedAward,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or Award).freeze, %(To identify an Award related to EditorialObject.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
+ label: "Related aaward".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedBusinessObject,
comment: %(To aggregate properties defining a relation to BusinessOjects.).freeze,
label: "Business object".freeze,
range: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
- property :hasRelatedEditorialObject,
- domain: "ebucore:Asset".freeze,
- label: "Related editorial object".freeze,
- range: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
- subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
- type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedEvent,
- comment: %(A property to identify the
+ comment: [%(A property to identify the
Events, all real or fictional, covered by the
- BusinessObject.).freeze,
+ BusinessObject.).freeze, %(Range: Sting or Event).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Event".freeze,
- range: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasCoverage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedImage,
comment: %(To associate an Image with a BusinessObject.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Image".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Image".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedLocation,
- comment: %(A property to identify the
+ comment: [%(A property to identify the
Locations, all real or fictional, covered by the
- BusinessObject.).freeze,
+ BusinessObject.).freeze, %(Range: String or Location).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "ma:hasRelatedLocation".freeze,
label: "Location".freeze,
- range: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasCoverage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedMediaFragment,
comment: %(To associate a Part of an EditorialObject with a MediaFragment within the association MediaResource instantiating the EditorialObject.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Part".freeze,
@@ -2866,10 +3169,14 @@
equivalentProperty: "ma:hasRelatedImage".freeze,
label: "Picture".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Picture".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasRelatedPublicationChannel,
+ domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
+ label: "Publication channel".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedPublicationEvent,
comment: %(To identify the PublicationEvent associated with a MediaResource \(manifestation of an EditorialObject\).).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
label: "Publication event".freeze,
range: "ebucore:PublicationEvent".freeze,
@@ -2888,10 +3195,18 @@
property :hasRelatedTextLine,
comment: [%(A TextLine or free text related to an EditorialObject.).freeze, %(Range: string or TextLine.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Related text line".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasRelationIdentifier,
+ comment: [%(Range: a string or an Identifier.).freeze, %(To define a Relation using an Identifier.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :hasRelationSource,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or anyURI/Agent.).freeze, %(To identify an Agent associated with a Relation.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRightsContact,
comment: [%(Range: a string or a Contact.).freeze, %(To identify a Contact/person who can provide
assistance / guidance regarding the associated Rights.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
label: "Contact".freeze,
@@ -2908,25 +3223,19 @@
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Role".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSeason,
comment: %(The Season of a Series.).freeze,
- domain: term(
- type: "owl:Class".freeze,
- unionOf: list("ebucore:Series".freeze, "ebucore:Brand".freeze)
- ),
+ domain: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:isSeasonOf".freeze,
label: "Season".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Season".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSeries,
comment: %(A Series.).freeze,
- domain: term(
- type: "owl:Class".freeze,
- unionOf: list("ebucore:Brand".freeze, "ebucore:Season".freeze)
- ),
+ domain: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:isSeasonOf".freeze,
label: "Series".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Series".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -3154,10 +3463,14 @@
comment: %(The date when the identiifier was generated.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Identifier".freeze,
label: "Date of creation".freeze,
range: "xsd:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :identifier,
+ label: "identifier".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "dc11:identifier".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :identifierValue,
comment: [%(Range: string or anyURI.).freeze, %(To provide the value attribued to an Identifier.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Identifier".freeze,
label: "Identifier value".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -3176,13 +3489,14 @@
label: "Business object".freeze,
range: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isAgent,
- comment: [%(Range: a string or an Agent.).freeze, %(To identify a Contact/person or Organisation as part of a cast list.).freeze],
- domain: "ebucore:Cast".freeze,
+ comment: %(To establish a link between two Agents.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Agent".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isBrand,
comment: %(To identify a Brand.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:hasEpisode".freeze,
@@ -3193,10 +3507,22 @@
property :isCharacter,
comment: [%(Range: a string or a FictionalPerson/Character.).freeze, %(To identify the character personified by a Cast individual.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Cast".freeze,
label: "Character".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :isChildOf,
+ comment: %(To link a BusinessOject or Resource to a parent.).freeze,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ label: "Parent".freeze,
+ range: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isClonedFrom,
comment: %(Identifies relationship between a digital instantiation of a resource and its direct copy, with no generational loss.).freeze,
domain: term(
type: "owl:Class".freeze,
unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
@@ -3233,17 +3559,26 @@
range: term(
type: "owl:Class".freeze,
unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :isDistributedOn,
+ domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
+ label: "Platform/Service/PublicationChannel".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isDubbedFrom,
comment: %(Identifies relationship between a physical instantiation of a resource and a duplicate physical copy that may involve generational loss.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:dubbedTo".freeze,
label: "Dubbed from".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :isEditorialFormatOf,
+ domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
+ label: "Same editorial format".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isEpisodeOf,
comment: %(The Episode of a Series or a Season.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Programme".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:hasEpisode".freeze,
label: "Parent season / series".freeze,
@@ -3267,10 +3602,17 @@
property :isIssuedBy,
comment: [%(Range: Agent or String).freeze, %(To identify the issuer of an identifier.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Identifier".freeze,
label: "Issuer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :isMasterOf,
+ comment: %(To identify the derivations of a master Resource).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ label: "Derivation".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isMediaFragmentOf,
comment: %(To identify the MediaResource to which the MediaFragment belongs to.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaFragment".freeze,
equivalentProperty: "ma:isFragmentOf".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:hasMediaFragment".freeze,
@@ -3285,11 +3627,11 @@
label: "Member of".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isMemberOfPublicationPlan,
domain: "ebucore:PublicationPlan".freeze,
- label: "Member of publication plan".freeze,
+ label: "Parent publication plan".freeze,
range: "ebucore:PublicationPlan".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isNextInSequence,
comment: %(A link to a an BusinessObject or a Resource following the current BusinessObject or Resource in an ordered sequence.).freeze,
domain: term(
@@ -3314,10 +3656,28 @@
Organisation\) who owns a Service operating a PublicationChannel.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Service".freeze,
label: "Owner".freeze,
range: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :isParentOf,
+ comment: %(To link a BusinessOject or Resource to a parent.).freeze,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ label: "Child".freeze,
+ range: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :isPartOf,
+ comment: %(To identify and EditorialObject to which a Part belongs to.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Part".freeze,
+ label: "Part of".freeze,
+ range: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isReferencedBy,
comment: %(To express references across Assets, BusinessObjects or Resources.).freeze,
domain: term(
type: "owl:Class".freeze,
unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
@@ -3391,10 +3751,15 @@
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
inverseOf: "ebucore:hasVersion".freeze,
label: "Version of".freeze,
range: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :licensing,
+ comment: %(To provide information on licensing.).freeze,
+ label: "Licensing".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :lineNumber,
comment: %(To provide the number of the line on which
ancillary data is being carried and the equivalent in the digital domain.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:AncillaryData".freeze,
label: "Line number".freeze,
@@ -3644,10 +4009,16 @@
property :mediaResourceType,
comment: [%(Range: anyURI, string).freeze, %(To identify a type of media resource, e.g. a template'.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
label: "Media Resource type".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :midRollAdAllowed,
+ comment: %(A flag to indicate whether it is allowed to insert ad breaks in mid-roll.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Essence".freeze,
+ label: "Midroll ad allowed".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:boolean".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :middleName,
comment: %(To provide one or more middle names.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
label: "Middle name".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
@@ -3818,10 +4189,26 @@
property :partType,
comment: [%(A type of Part.).freeze, %(Note: this can also be done defining subClasses of Part.).freeze, %(Range: a string or code/Concept).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Part".freeze,
label: "Part type".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :personHeight,
+ comment: %(To indicate the height of a person.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ label: "Person height".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :personName,
+ comment: %(To provide e.g. compound names).freeze,
+ label: "Person name".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :personWeight,
+ comment: %(To indicate the weight of a person.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
+ label: "Person weight".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :pictureIdLocator,
comment: %(The location from where a Person Id picture can be accessed.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Person".freeze,
label: "Picture id locator".freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
@@ -4085,10 +4472,43 @@
associated values of the height and width.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Region delimiter (y-axis)".freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relation,
+ comment: %(To define a Relation.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relationLink,
+ comment: %(To define a relation using a link.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relationNote,
+ comment: %(A note to provide additional information about a Relation.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relationOrderedgroupFlag,
+ comment: %(A boolean to define if a relation is defined within and ordered group.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:boolean".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relationRunningOrderNumber,
+ comment: %(The order number in a list.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relationTotalNumberOfGroupMembers,
+ comment: %(The total number of members in a group to which a relation refers to.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :relationType,
+ comment: [%(Range: string or anyURI/Concept.).freeze, %(To define a type of Relation.).freeze],
+ domain: "ebucore:Relation".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :replaces,
comment: %(To identify substitution.).freeze,
domain: term(
type: "owl:Class".freeze,
unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
@@ -4176,10 +4596,22 @@
comment: %(A flag to indicate that righst have been cleared).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Rights clearance flag".freeze,
range: "xsd:boolean".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :rightsDuration,
+ comment: %(To define the duration of the period when Rights are applicable.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ label: "Rights duration".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:duration".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :rightsEndDateTime,
+ comment: %(To define the end time until when Rights are applicable.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ label: "Rights end date time".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:dateTime".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :rightsExpression,
comment: %(The expression of Rights as free
domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
label: "Rights expression".freeze,
@@ -4195,10 +4627,26 @@
the rights can be found and consulted.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
label: "Rights web resource".freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :rightsStartDateTime,
+ comment: %(To define the start time since when Rights are applicable.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ label: "Rights start date time".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:dateTime".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :rightsTerritoryExcludes,
+ comment: %(A list of country or region codes to which rights do not apply.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ label: "Excluded territories".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :rightsTerritoryIncludes,
+ comment: %(A list of country or region codes within which rights apply.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
+ label: "Applicable territories".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :rightsType,
comment: [%(Range: string or code/Concept).freeze, %(To identify a type of Rights.).freeze],
domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
label: "Rights type".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -4247,11 +4695,11 @@
label: "Script".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :seasonNumber,
comment: %(To provide a Seaon number.).freeze,
- domain: "ebucore:Season".freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Season number".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :serviceDescription,
comment: %(A description of the Service.).freeze,
@@ -4370,16 +4818,27 @@
property :tableOfContent,
comment: %(To provide a Table of Content.).freeze,
label: "Table of Content".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :tag,
+ comment: %(To provide a list of tags.).freeze,
+ label: "Tag".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :targetAudienceSystem,
comment: %(To define the system used to provide a TargetAudience.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:AudienceLevel".freeze,
label: "Target audience system".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :targetPlatform,
+ comment: %(To provide information on the platforms on which this content can be distributed.).freeze,
+ label: "Target platform".freeze,
+ subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :textLineContent,
comment: %(To provide the content of a text line.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:TextLine".freeze,
label: "Text line".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
@@ -4453,10 +4912,18 @@
property :textLineStartTimecodeDropFrame,
comment: %(The start time of a TextLine expressed as timecode with drop frames.).freeze,
label: "Text line start timecode drop frames".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:textLineStartTime".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :timeCreated,
+ domain: term(
+ type: "owl:Class".freeze,
+ unionOf: list("ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze, "ebucore:Resource".freeze)
+ ),
+ label: "Time created".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :timelineTrackDurationNormalPlayTime,
comment: %(To provide a duration as normal
label: "Duration (time)".freeze,
range: "xsd:time".freeze,
@@ -4503,9 +4970,21 @@
resource. A root for the definition of subproperties defining ebucore titles of different types. The ebucore title type can be used to define sub-properties to optionally refine the category of
the title.).freeze],
equivalentProperty: "ma:title".freeze,
label: "Title".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:title".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :totalNumberOfEpisodes,
+ comment: %(To provide the total number of episodes in a series or a season.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
+ label: "Total number of episodes".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
+ type: "rdf:Property".freeze
+ property :totalNumberOfGroupMembers,
+ comment: %(To provide the total number of members in a group.).freeze,
+ domain: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
+ label: "Total number of group members".freeze,
+ range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :trackDefinition,
comment: %(To provide a definition associated to a
domain: "ebucore:Track".freeze,