lib/rdf/vocab/ebucore.rb in rdf-vocab-0.8.8 vs lib/rdf/vocab/ebucore.rb in rdf-vocab-2.0.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file generated automatically using vocab-fetch from
require 'rdf'
module RDF::Vocab
+ # @!parse
+ # # Vocabulary for <>
+ # class EBUCore < RDF::StrictVocabulary
+ # end
class EBUCore < RDF::StrictVocabulary("")
# Class definitions
term :AccessConditions,
comment: %(The conditions under which content can be accessed.).freeze,
@@ -74,11 +79,11 @@
label: "Audio content".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:AudioProgramme".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :AudioDescription,
label: "Audio description".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Audio description).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Audio description).freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:AudioTrack".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :AudioEncodingFormat,
comment: %(The encoding format for the audio.).freeze,
label: "Audio encoding format".freeze,
@@ -114,25 +119,25 @@
label: "Audio stream format".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:AudioFormat".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :AudioTrack,
comment: [%(An audioTrack is the basic audio data container of a medium. Attribute is
- an unambiguous reference to this container in a given medium.).freeze, %(Represents a physical container or carrier to hold an audio stream. This
+ an unambiguous reference to this container in a given medium.).freeze, %(An audioTrack object defines a component of an audioStream.
+ A single set of samples or data in the storage medium.).freeze, %(Represents a physical container or carrier to hold an audio stream. This
should be usually defined by many attributes such as ID, format \(e.g. 48 kHz/24
- bits\), linkage information \(e.g. odd/even\)…).freeze, %(An audioTrack object defines a component of an audioStream.
- A single set of samples or data in the storage medium.).freeze],
+ bits\), linkage information \(e.g. odd/even\)…).freeze],
label: "Audio track".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Track".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :AudioTrackFormat,
comment: %(The format of an AudioTrack e.g. PCM_FrontLeft.).freeze,
label: "Audio track format".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:AudioFormat".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :BibliographicalObject,
label: "Bibliographical object".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Bibliographical object).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Bibliographical object).freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Brand,
comment: %(A group of EditorialObjects having a Brand as a
common denominator).freeze,
@@ -328,13 +333,13 @@
clustered in AudioObjects and VideoObjects.).freeze,
label: "Essence".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Event,
- comment: [%(An event related to the media resource, e.g.
- depicted in the resource \(possibly fictional\), etc.).freeze, %(Additional types of event shall be defined as
- new sub-classes of event.).freeze],
+ comment: [%(Additional types of event shall be defined as
+ new sub-classes of event.).freeze, %(An event related to the media resource, e.g.
+ depicted in the resource \(possibly fictional\), etc.).freeze],
label: "Event".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :ExploitationIssues,
comment: %(To highlight potential exploitation
@@ -342,11 +347,11 @@
label: "Exploitation issues".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Feature,
label: "Feature".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Feature).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Feature).freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :FileFormat,
comment: %(A file format for Resources other than
audiovisual resources. The format is defined as free text or pointing at a term in a
@@ -364,11 +369,11 @@
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Generation,
comment: %(Identifies the generation of a version of a resource, i.e. master, edit master, distribution copy, etc.).freeze,
label: "Generation".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Generation).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Generation).freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Genre,
comment: %(This class shall be used to provide information
on the genre of the BusinessObject or Resource. This is provided as free text in an
@@ -442,15 +447,15 @@
specific types may be added as subclasses of language.).freeze,
label: "Language".freeze,
subClassOf: "skos:Concept".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Location,
- comment: [%(This is provided as free text in an annotation
- label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.).freeze, %(A location related to the media resource, e.g.
+ comment: [%(A location related to the media resource, e.g.
depicted in the resource \(possibly fictional\) or where the resource was created
\(shooting location\), etc.).freeze, %(A type of location is defined as a sub-class of
- location.).freeze],
+ location.).freeze, %(This is provided as free text in an annotation
+ label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.).freeze],
label: "Location".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Logo,
comment: %(A Logo allows to visually identify an
@@ -477,11 +482,11 @@
label: "Medium".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :MetadataTrack,
label: "Metadata track".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Metadata track).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Metadata track).freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Track".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :MimeType,
comment: %(The definition of the container if available as
a MIME type. This is provided as free text in an annotation label or as an identifier
@@ -585,14 +590,14 @@
label: "Radio Programme".freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Programme".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Rating,
- comment: [%(This is provided as free text in an annotation
- label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.).freeze, %(All the information about the rating/evaluation
+ comment: [%(All the information about the rating/evaluation
given to a media resource by an Agent i.e. a person/Contact or
- Organisation.).freeze],
+ Organisation.).freeze, %(This is provided as free text in an annotation
+ label or as an identifier pointing to a term in a classification scheme.).freeze],
label: "Rating".freeze,
subClassOf: "owl:Thing".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Resource,
comment: %(A manifestation of a
@@ -663,11 +668,11 @@
subClassOf: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :Standard,
comment: %(identifies the technical video standard of a resource, i.e. NTSC or PAL.).freeze,
label: "Standard".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Standard).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Standard).freeze,
subClassOf: "ebucore:Format".freeze,
type: "rdfs:Class".freeze
term :StorageType,
comment: %(The type of storage used for the repository.
This is provided as free text in an annotation label or as an identifier pointing to a
@@ -850,11 +855,11 @@
property :agentEmailAddress,
comment: %(To provide the email address of an agent
\(Contact/person or organisation\).).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Email".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:mbox).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:mbox).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :agentMobileTelephoneNumber,
comment: %(To provide the mobile telephone number of an
Agent \(Contact/person or organisation\)).freeze,
@@ -892,17 +897,17 @@
property :agentWebHomepage,
comment: %(To provide the address of the webpage of an
Agent \(Contact/person or Organisation\).).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Homepage".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:homepage).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:homepage).freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :alternativeTitle,
comment: %(To provide an alternative title.).freeze,
label: "Alternative title".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:alternativeTitle).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:alternativeTitle).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc:alternative".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :appliesOutOf,
comment: %(To define the Location \(e.g. country, region\) to which Rating and TargetAudience do NOT apply.).freeze,
label: "Exclusion area".freeze,
@@ -941,11 +946,11 @@
property :bitRate,
comment: %(To provide the bitrate at which the
MediaResource can be played in bits/second. Current bitrate if constant, and average bitrate if variable.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
label: "Bitrate".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:averageBitRate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:averageBitRate).freeze,
range: "xsd:nonNegativeInteger".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :bitRateMax,
comment: %(The maximum bitrate when variable, in bits per second.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
@@ -979,11 +984,11 @@
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :clonedTo,
comment: %(Identifies relationship between a digital instantiation of a resource and its direct copy, with no generational loss.).freeze,
label: "Cloned to".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isClonedFrom).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isClonedFrom).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :codecFamily,
comment: %(To provide information on the product family of the Codec.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Codec".freeze,
@@ -1051,103 +1056,103 @@
property :contactUsername,
comment: %(The username by which a Contact / person is
known e.g. when attributing a rating value.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Contact".freeze,
label: "Username".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:nick).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:nick).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateBroadcast,
comment: %(The date when the resource was first broadcast publicly on television or radio.).freeze,
label: "Broadcast date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateCreated,
comment: %(The date of creation of the Resource.).freeze,
label: "Creation date/time".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateDeleted,
comment: %(The date when the resource was removed from institutional holdings.).freeze,
label: "Deletion date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateDigitised,
comment: %(To provide the date of digitisation of the Resource.).freeze,
label: "Digitisation date/time".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateDistributed,
comment: %(The date when the resource was first made available to the public for purchase, download, or online access.).freeze,
label: "Distribution date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateIngested,
comment: %(The date when the resource was removed from institutional holdings.).freeze,
label: "Ingest date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateIssued,
comment: %(To provide the date of release of the Resource.).freeze,
label: "Publication date/time".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:releaseDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:releaseDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc:issued".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateLicenced,
comment: %(The date when the license for the resource begins.).freeze,
label: "License start date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateMigrated,
comment: %(The date when the resource was copied or converted from an obsolete or endangered original format to a more updated format for preservation.).freeze,
label: "Migration date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateModified,
comment: %(To indicate the date at which the Resource has been modified.).freeze,
label: "Modification date/time".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc:modified".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateNormalized,
comment: %(The date when the resource was converted from its original format into a format pre-selected by the institution for preservation.).freeze,
label: "Normalization date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateTransferred,
comment: %(The date when the resource was moved from one digital or physical location to another.).freeze,
label: "Transfer date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dateValidated,
comment: %(The most recent date when the resource was confirmed to be valid through manual or digital QC.).freeze,
label: "Validation date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :derivedTo,
comment: %(Identifies a content-based relationship between two resources.).freeze,
label: "Derived to".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isDerivedFrom).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isDerivedFrom).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :description,
comment: %(This can be specialised by using sub-properties
like defined in
implemented as examples as e.g. 'summary' or
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Description".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:description).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:description).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:description".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dimensions,
comment: %(Describes the physical dimensions of a media resource, with units of measure concatenated to become part of the value.).freeze,
@@ -1161,18 +1166,18 @@
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:description".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :dubbedTo,
comment: %(Identifies relationship between a physical instantiation of a resource and a duplicate physical copy that may involve generational loss.).freeze,
label: "Dubbed to".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isDubbedFrom).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isDubbedFrom).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :duration,
comment: %(To provide information on the duration of a MediaResource. It corresponds to 'duration' in the
Ontology for Media Resources.).freeze,
label: "Duration".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:duration).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:duration).freeze,
range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :durationNormalPlayTime,
comment: %(To provide a duration as normal
@@ -1248,11 +1253,11 @@
range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :endLicenceDate,
comment: %(The date on which the license for the resource expires.).freeze,
label: "License expiration date".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:creationDate).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:date".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :endNormalPlayTime,
comment: %(The start time expressed using a time
@@ -1312,11 +1317,11 @@
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :familyName,
comment: %(To provide a family name / last name.).freeze,
label: "Family name".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:familyName).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:familyName).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentName".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :fictitious,
comment: %(A flag to indicate if an agent of fictitious
\(set to true\).).freeze,
@@ -1348,26 +1353,26 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :frameRate,
comment: %(The frame rate of the video signal in frame per second.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:VideoTrack".freeze,
label: "Frame rate".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :frameSizeUnit,
comment: %(The unit used to express the frame width or
height. The unit by default is 'pixel'.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:VideoTrack".freeze,
label: "Frame size unit".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameSizeUnit).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameSizeUnit).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :framesPerSecond,
comment: %(Identifies the frames per second at which a visual resource should be played back for human consumption.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Frames per second".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:playbackSpeed".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :frequency,
comment: %(To provide the frequency of an AudioChannel filter).freeze,
@@ -1376,11 +1381,11 @@
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :givenName,
comment: %(To provide one or more given names.).freeze,
label: "Given name".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:givenName).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:givenName).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentName".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :groupDescription,
comment: %(A textual description of a
@@ -1445,22 +1450,22 @@
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasDataFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCastMember,
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Cast member".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Cast member).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Cast member).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCharacter,
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Character".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Character).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Character).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCodec,
comment: %(To identify the Codec with which the Resource has been encoded.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Encoder".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasCompression).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasCompression).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasColourSpace,
label: "Colour space".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1480,36 +1485,36 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasContributor,
comment: %(To provide information on Contacts/persons or
Organisations who have contributed to the BusinessObject or Resource.).freeze,
label: "Contributor".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasContributor).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasContributor).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:contributor".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCoverage,
comment: %(A property to identify the Events and or
Locations, all real or fictional, covered by the
label: "Coverage".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRelatedLocation).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRelatedLocation).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:coverage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCreationLocation,
comment: %(The Location where content has been created.).freeze,
label: "Creation location".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:coverage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCreator,
comment: %(To identify an Agent involved in the creation of the Resource or BusinessObject.).freeze,
label: "Creator".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasCreator).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasCreator).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:creator".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasCrewMember,
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Crew member".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Crew member).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Crew member).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasDataFormat,
label: "Data format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1534,11 +1539,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasEpisode,
comment: %(To identify an episode of a
Series or a Season.).freeze,
label: "Episode".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isEpisodeOf).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isEpisodeOf).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Programme".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasEvent,
comment: %(To associate an Event with a
@@ -1552,11 +1557,11 @@
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasFormat,
comment: %(A property to define the Format of a Resource.).freeze,
label: "Format".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasFormat).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasFormat).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:format".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasGeneration,
comment: %(Identifies the generation of a version of a resource, i.e. master, edit master, distribution copy, etc.).freeze,
label: "Generation".freeze,
@@ -1565,22 +1570,22 @@
property :hasGenre,
comment: %(To define a Genre/category associated to the
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Genre".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasGenre).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasGenre).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasType".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasHomepage,
label: "Homepage".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Homepage).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Homepage).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasIdPicture,
domain: "ebucore:Contact".freeze,
label: "Id picture".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Id picture).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Id picture).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasImageFormat,
label: "Image format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1598,22 +1603,22 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasKeyword,
comment: %(To associate a concept, descriptive phrase or
Keyword that specifies the topic of the BusinessObject or Annotation.).freeze,
label: "Keyword".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasKeyword).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasKeyword).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasLanguage,
comment: %(To associate a Language to a Resource or
BusinessObject. A controlled vocabulary based on BCP 47 is recommended. This
property can also be used to identify the presence of sign language \(RFC 5646\). By
inheritance, the hasLanguage property applies indifferently at the MediaResource /
Fragment / Track levels at which the usage is being defined. Best practice recommends to
use to best possible level of granularity fo describe the usage of language within a
MediaResource including at Fragment and Track levels.).freeze,
label: "Language".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasLanguage).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasLanguage).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:language".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasLocation,
comment: %(To associate a Location with a BusinessObject.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Event".freeze,
@@ -1627,12 +1632,12 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasMediaFragment,
comment: %(To define Parts \(segments, fragments, etc.\)
withiin a MediaResource.).freeze,
label: "Part".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasFragment).freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isMediaFragmentOf).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasFragment).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isMediaFragmentOf).freeze,
range: "ebucore:MediaFragment".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasMedium,
label: "Medium".freeze,
@@ -1695,18 +1700,18 @@
range: "ebucore:PublicationHistory".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasPublisher,
comment: %(To identify an Agent involved in the publication of the Resource or BusinessObject.).freeze,
label: "Publisher".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasPublisher).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasPublisher).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:publisher".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRating,
comment: %(To identify the presence of Rating attributed
to a Resource or BusinessObject.).freeze,
label: "Rating".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRating).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRating).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRatingSource,
comment: %(To identify an Agent \(Contact/person or
Organisation\) who has proposed a Rating.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
@@ -1774,11 +1779,11 @@
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasMediaFragment".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedPicture,
comment: %(To associate a Picture with a BusinessObject or a Resource.).freeze,
label: "Picture".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRelatedImage).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRelatedImage).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Picture".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedPublicationEvent,
comment: %(To identify the PublicationEvent associated with a MediaResource \(manifestation of an EditorialObject\).).freeze,
@@ -1788,17 +1793,17 @@
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRelatedResource,
comment: %(To identify a Resource associated with an Asset or a BusinessObject or a PublicationEvent or another Resource.).freeze,
label: "Related resource".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRelatedResource).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRelatedResource).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRights,
label: "Rights".freeze,
- "skos:prefLabel" => %(Rights).freeze,
+ :"skos:prefLabel" => %(Rights).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasRightsContact,
comment: %(To identify a Contact/person who can provide
assistance / guidance regarding the associated Rights.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rights".freeze,
@@ -1818,28 +1823,28 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSeason,
comment: %(The Season of a Series.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Series".freeze,
label: "Season".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isSeasonOf).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isSeasonOf).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Season".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSigning,
comment: %(To identify the presence of Signing associated
to the BusinessObject/Resource.).freeze,
label: "Accessibility - signing".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasSigning).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasSigning).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSigningFormat,
label: "Signing format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasVideoFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSource,
comment: %(To identify a Resource as the source of another Resource.).freeze,
label: "Source".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasSource).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasSource).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:source".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasStaff,
comment: %(To identify staff working within an Organisation.).freeze,
@@ -1866,11 +1871,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSubtitling,
comment: %(To signal the presence of Subtitling associated
with the EditorialObject or MediaResource.).freeze,
label: "Subtitling".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasSubtitling).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasSubtitling).freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasSubtitlingFormat,
label: "Subtitling format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasDataFormat".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
@@ -1878,11 +1883,11 @@
comment: %(To associate a TargetAudience \(e.g. for
parental guiddance or targeting a particular social group\) with a
domain: "ebucore:BusinessObject".freeze,
label: "Target audience".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasTargetAudience).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasTargetAudience).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasType".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasTheme,
label: "Theme".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasKeyword".freeze,
@@ -1893,11 +1898,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasTrack,
comment: %(To associate audio/data/video tracks with a MediaResource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
label: "Track".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasTrack).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasTrack).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Track".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasType,
comment: %(To define a type of BusinessObject is not declared as a subClass of BusinessObject.).freeze,
@@ -1906,11 +1911,11 @@
subPropertyOf: "dc11:type".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasVersion,
comment: %(To identify another version of an Asset, BusinessObject or Resource.).freeze,
label: "Version".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isVersionOf).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isVersionOf).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :hasVideoEncodingFormat,
label: "Video encoding format".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasEncodingFormat".freeze,
@@ -1931,11 +1936,11 @@
comment: %(The height of e.g. a video frame typically
expressed as a number of lines or the height of a picture/image expressed in millimeters
or else.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Height".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameHeight).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameHeight).freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :heightUnit,
comment: %(The unit used to measure a Height e.g. in
pixels or number of lines or millimeters or else.).freeze,
@@ -1958,25 +1963,25 @@
which an Agent \(Contact/person or Organisation\) holds Rights.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Asset, resource, object".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :identifier,
- comment: [%(This property is intended to provide an
- alternative identifier for the resource, which has no URI counterpart. In the case where
- the alternative identifier can be expressed as a URI, it is recommended to use
- owl:sameAs instead.).freeze, %(Corresponds to 'identifier'
+ comment: [%(Corresponds to 'identifier'
in the W3C Ontology for Media Annotation. The URI may be used to express an alternative
identifier of the resource, or to share an identifier used by other instances of the
- same resource \(equivalent to the fucntionality owl:sameAs\).).freeze],
+ same resource \(equivalent to the fucntionality owl:sameAs\).).freeze, %(This property is intended to provide an
+ alternative identifier for the resource, which has no URI counterpart. In the case where
+ the alternative identifier can be expressed as a URI, it is recommended to use
+ owl:sameAs instead.).freeze],
label: "Identifier".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:identifier".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :inchesPerSecond,
comment: %(Identifies the inches per second at which an analog audio tape should be played back for human consumption.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Inches per second".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:playbackSpeed".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :instantiates,
comment: %(To link a particular manifestation of a
@@ -1997,43 +2002,43 @@
label: "Character".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isClonedFrom,
comment: %(Identifies relationship between a digital instantiation of a resource and its direct copy, with no generational loss.).freeze,
label: "Cloned from".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:clonedTo).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:clonedTo).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isCopyrightedBy,
comment: %(Copyright statement.).freeze,
label: "Copyright".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:isCopyrightedBy).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:isCopyrightedBy).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRights".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isCoveredBy,
comment: %(The Rights or policy applicable to the
BusinessObject, Asset, Resource or PublicationEvent.).freeze,
label: "Rights".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => [%(ma:hasPolicy).freeze, %(ma:hasPermissions).freeze],
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => [%(ma:hasPermissions).freeze, %(ma:hasPolicy).freeze],
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRights".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isDerivedFrom,
comment: %(Identifies a content-based relationship between two resources.).freeze,
label: "Derived from".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:derivedTo).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:derivedTo).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isDubbedFrom,
comment: %(Identifies relationship between a physical instantiation of a resource and a duplicate physical copy that may involve generational loss.).freeze,
label: "Dubbed from".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:dubbedTo).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:dubbedTo).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isEpisodeOf,
comment: %(The Episode of a Series or a Season.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Programme".freeze,
label: "Parent season".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasEpisode).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasEpisode).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isFictitiousContact,
comment: %(To identify Contact/persons being fictitious.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Character".freeze,
@@ -2041,20 +2046,20 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isMediaFragmentOf,
comment: %(To identify the MediaResource to which the MediaFragment belongs to.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaFragment".freeze,
label: "Source".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:isFragmentOf).freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasMediaFragment).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:isFragmentOf).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasMediaFragment).freeze,
range: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedResource".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isMemberOf,
comment: %(To identify a Group to which an EidtorialObject is a member of.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:EditorialObject".freeze,
label: "Member of".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasMember).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasMember).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Group".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isNextInSequence,
comment: %(A link to a an BusinessObject or a Resource following the current BusinessObject or Resource in an ordered sequence).freeze,
@@ -2084,11 +2089,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isRelatedTo,
comment: %(To establish relationships between Assets,
BusinessObjects, PublicationEvents, Ratings and Resources.).freeze,
label: "Related to".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:isRelatedTo).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:isRelatedTo).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isReplacedBy,
comment: %(To identify substitutions.).freeze,
label: "Replacement".freeze,
@@ -2101,18 +2106,18 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isSeasonOf,
comment: %(The Season of a Series.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Season".freeze,
label: "Parent Series".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasSeason).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasSeason).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Series".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:hasRelatedBusinessObject".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :isVersionOf,
comment: %(To identify related versions.).freeze,
label: "Version of".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasVersion).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:hasVersion).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :keywordDefinition,
comment: %(To provide a definition for a Keyword.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Keyword".freeze,
@@ -2166,11 +2171,11 @@
property :locationAltitude,
comment: %(To define the altitude of a Location in
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
label: "Altitude".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationAltitude).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationAltitude).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locationCoordinateSystemName,
comment: %(To specify the name of the gps coordinate
system used for the Location.).freeze,
@@ -2186,27 +2191,27 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locationLatitude,
comment: %(The latitude of the Location.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
label: "Latitude".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationLatitude).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationLatitude).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locationLongitude,
comment: %(To define the longitude of the
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
label: "Longitude".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationLongitude).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationLongitude).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locationName,
comment: %(The name by which a Location is
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
label: "Location name".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationName).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locationName).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locationRegion,
comment: %(To provide a description of a particular region assocoated to the Location.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Location".freeze,
@@ -2215,11 +2220,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locator,
comment: %(A locator from where the Resource can be accessed.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Locator".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locator).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:locator).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :locatorTargetInformation,
comment: %(Information about storage accessed by the locator.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
@@ -2279,11 +2284,11 @@
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:title".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :nameTitle,
comment: %(To provide a salutation title e.g M. Ms, Dr, Pr.).freeze,
label: "Salutation title".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:title).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:title).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentName".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :noiseFilter,
comment: %(A flag to signal that a noise filter has been
@@ -2298,11 +2303,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :numberOfTracks,
comment: %(The number of Tracks composing the MediaResource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:MediaResource".freeze,
label: "Number of tracks".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:numberOfTracks).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:numberOfTracks).freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :objectTypeDefinition,
comment: %(To provide a definition of an AudioObject type.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:ObjectType".freeze,
@@ -2348,11 +2353,11 @@
property :officeHomepage,
comment: %(To provide an office/professional/company web
homepage of an Agent \(Contact/person or Organisation\).).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Homepage (office)".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:workplaceHomepage).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:workplaceHomepage).freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentWebHomepage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :officeMailAddress,
comment: %(To provide the professional / office address of
@@ -2388,19 +2393,19 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :originalTitle,
comment: %(To provide the original title attributed to the
media resource e.g. in its original language.).freeze,
label: "Original title".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:mainOriginalTitle).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:mainOriginalTitle).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:title".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :owns,
comment: %(To identify the service \(s\) that an Agent
\(Contact/person or Organisation\) owns.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Owns".freeze,
- "owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isOwnedBy).freeze,
+ :"owl:inverseOf" => %(ebucore:isOwnedBy).freeze,
range: "ebucore:Service".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:relation".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :packageByteSize,
comment: %(The size of a media package in
@@ -2444,11 +2449,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :playbackSpeed,
comment: %(Identifies the rate of units against time at which the resource should be played back for human consumption. If the unit of measure is known, use sub-properties framesPerSecond or inchesPerSecond.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Playback speed".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameRate).freeze,
range: "xsd:double".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :playlist,
comment: %(To describe a playlist.).freeze,
label: "Playlist".freeze,
@@ -2493,11 +2498,11 @@
property :privateHomepage,
comment: %(To provide an private web homepage of an Agent
domain: "ebucore:Agent".freeze,
label: "Homepage (private)".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:homepage).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(foaf:homepage).freeze,
range: "xsd:anyURI".freeze,
subPropertyOf: "ebucore:agentWebHomepage".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :privateMailAddress,
comment: %(To provide the private / personal address of an
@@ -2582,41 +2587,41 @@
property :ratingScaleMax,
comment: %(The maximum value of the scale used for rating
a media resource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
label: "Rating scale (top value)".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:ratingScaleMax).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:ratingScaleMax).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :ratingScaleMin,
comment: %(The minimum value of the scale used for rating
a Resource.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
label: "Rating scale (min. value)".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:ratingScaleMin).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:ratingScaleMin).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :ratingSystemEnvironment,
comment: %(To identify the environment in which rating applies.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
label: "Rating environment".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRatingSystem).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRatingSystem).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :ratingSystemName,
comment: %(To identify a rating system by its name.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
label: "Rating system".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRatingSystem).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:hasRatingSystem).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :ratingValue,
comment: %(To express a free text rating value defined in
a rating classification scheme.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
label: "Rating".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:ratingValue).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:ratingValue).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :reason,
comment: %(To provide a reason for which Rating as been attributed as provided.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Rating".freeze,
@@ -2703,11 +2708,11 @@
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :sampleRate,
comment: %(The frequency at which audio is sampled per second. Also called sampling rate.).freeze,
label: "Sample Rate".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:samplingRate).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:samplingRate).freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :sampleSize,
comment: %(The size of an audio sample in
bits. Also called bit depth.).freeze,
@@ -2819,19 +2824,19 @@
domain: "ebucore:Annotation".freeze,
label: "Note".freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :title,
- comment: [%(Specifies the title or name given to the
- resource. A root for the definition of subproperties defining ebucore titles of different types. The ebucore title type can be used to define sub-properties to optionally refine the category of
- the title.).freeze, %(All value of the EBU title status
+ comment: [%(All value of the EBU title status
classification scheme
\(\) are candidates
subproperties of the title property as implemented for an example with
- alternativeTitle.).freeze],
+ alternativeTitle.).freeze, %(Specifies the title or name given to the
+ resource. A root for the definition of subproperties defining ebucore titles of different types. The ebucore title type can be used to define sub-properties to optionally refine the category of
+ the title.).freeze],
label: "Title".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:title).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:title).freeze,
subPropertyOf: "dc11:title".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :trackDefinition,
comment: %(To provide a definition associated to a
@@ -2841,11 +2846,11 @@
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :trackName,
comment: %(The name attributed to a Track.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Track".freeze,
label: "Track name".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:trackName).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:trackName).freeze,
range: "xsd:string".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :translationTitle,
comment: %(A translated version of the title.).freeze,
label: "Translation title".freeze,
@@ -2859,10 +2864,10 @@
property :width,
comment: %(The width of e.g. a video frame typically
expressed as a number of pixels, or picture/image in millimeters.).freeze,
domain: "ebucore:Resource".freeze,
label: "Width".freeze,
- "owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameWidth).freeze,
+ :"owl:equivalentProperty" => %(ma:frameWidth).freeze,
range: "xsd:integer".freeze,
type: "rdf:Property".freeze
property :widthUnit,
comment: %(The unit used to measure a width e.g. in pixels
or number of lines or millimeters or else.).freeze,