lib/rdf/ldp/non_rdf_source.rb in rdf-ldp-0.2.0 vs lib/rdf/ldp/non_rdf_source.rb in rdf-ldp-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,27 @@
module RDF::LDP
+ ##
+ # A NonRDFSource describes a `Resource` whose response body is a format other
+ # than an RDF serialization. The persistent state of the resource, as
+ # represented by the body, is persisted to an IO stream provided by a
+ # `RDF::LDP::NonRDFSource::StorageAdapter` given by `#storage`.
+ #
+ # In addition to the properties stored by the `RDF::LDP::Resource#metagraph`,
+ # `NonRDFSource`s also store a content type (format).
+ #
+ # When a `NonRDFSource` is created, it also creates an `RDFSource` which
+ # describes it. This resource is created at the URI in `#description_uri`,
+ # the resource itself is returned by `#description`.
+ #
+ # @see RDF::LDP::Resource
+ # @see for
+ # a definition of NonRDFSource in LDP
class NonRDFSource < Resource
+ # Use DC elements format
+ FORMAT_TERM = RDF::DC11.format
# @return [RDF::URI] uri with lexical representation
# ''
# @see
@@ -11,8 +31,225 @@
# @return [Boolean] whether this is an ldp:NonRDFSource
def non_rdf_source?
+ end
+ ##
+ # @param [IO, File] input input (usually from a Rack env's
+ # `rack.input` key) that will be read into the NonRDFSource
+ # @param [#to_s] c_type a MIME content_type used as a content type
+ # for the created NonRDFSource
+ #
+ # @raise [RDF::LDP::RequestError] when saving the NonRDFSource
+ #
+ # @return [RDF::LDP::NonRDFSource] self
+ #
+ # @see RDF::LDP::Resource#create
+ def create(input, c_type)
+ { |io| IO.copy_stream(input.binmode, io) }
+ super
+ self.content_type = c_type
+, @data).create('', 'text/plain')
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # @see RDF::LDP::Resource#update
+ def update(input, c_type)
+ { |io| IO.copy_stream(input.binmode, io) }
+ self.content_type = c_type
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Deletes the LDP-NR contents from the storage medium and marks the
+ # resource as destroyed.
+ #
+ # @see RDF::LDP::Resource#destroy
+ def destroy
+ storage.delete
+ super
+ end
+ def etag
+ "#{Digest::SHA1.base64digest(}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # @raise [RDF::LDP::NotFound] if the describedby resource doesn't exist
+ #
+ # @return [RDF::LDP::RDFSource] resource describing this resource
+ def description
+ RDF::LDP::Resource.find(description_uri, @data)
+ end
+ ##
+ # @return [RDF::URI] uri for this resource's associated RDFSource
+ def description_uri
+ subject_uri / '.well-known' / 'desc'
+ end
+ ##
+ # @return [StorageAdapter] the storage adapter for this LDP-NR
+ def storage
+ @storage_adapter ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the MIME type for the resource in `metagraph`.
+ #
+ # @param [String] a string representing the content type for this LDP-NR.
+ # This SHOULD be a regisered MIME type.
+ #
+ # @return [StorageAdapter] the content type
+ def content_type=(content_type)
+ metagraph.delete([subject_uri, FORMAT_TERM])
+ metagraph << RDF::Statement(subject_uri, RDF::DC11.format, content_type)
+ end
+ ##
+ # @return [StorageAdapter] this resource's content type
+ def content_type
+ format_triple = metagraph.first([subject_uri, FORMAT_TERM, :format])
+ format_triple.nil? ? nil : format_triple.object.object
+ end
+ ##
+ # @return [#each] the response body. This is normally the StorageAdapter's
+ # IO object in read and binary mode.
+ #
+ # @raise [RDF::LDP::RequestError] when the request fails
+ def to_response
+ (exists? && !destroyed?) ? : []
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Process & generate response for PUT requsets.
+ def put(status, headers, env)
+ raise'Etag invalid') if
+ env.has_key?('HTTP_IF_MATCH') && !match?(env['HTTP_IF_MATCH'])
+ if exists?
+ update(env['rack.input'], env['CONTENT_TYPE'])
+ headers = update_headers(headers)
+ [200, headers, self]
+ else
+ create(env['rack.input'], env['CONTENT_TYPE'])
+ [201, update_headers(headers), self]
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # @see RDF::LDP::Resource#update_headers
+ def update_headers(headers)
+ headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
+ super
+ end
+ def link_headers
+ super << "<#{description_uri}>;rel=\"describedBy\""
+ end
+ ##
+ # StorageAdapters bundle the logic for mapping a `NonRDFSource` to a
+ # specific IO stream. Implementations must conform to a minimal interface:
+ #
+ # - `#initailize` must accept a `resource` parameter. The input should be
+ # a `NonRDFSource` (LDP-NR).
+ # - `#io` must yield and return a IO object in binary mode that represents
+ # the current state of the LDP-NR.
+ # - If a block is passed to `#io`, the implementation MUST allow return a
+ # writable IO object and that anything written to the stream while
+ # yielding is synced with the source in a thread-safe manner.
+ # - Clients not passing a block to `#io` SHOULD call `#close` on the
+ # object after reading it.
+ # - If the `#io` object responds to `#to_path` it MUST give the location
+ # of a file whose contents are identical the IO object's. This supports
+ # Rack's response body interface.
+ # - `#delete` remove the contents from the corresponding storage. This MAY
+ # be a no-op if is undesirable or impossible to delete the contents
+ # from the storage medium.
+ #
+ # @see
+ # for details about `#to_path` in Rack response bodies.
+ #
+ # @example reading from a `StorageAdapter`
+ # storage =
+ # # => [string contents of `an_nr_source`]
+ #
+ # @example writing to a `StorageAdapter`
+ # storage =
+ # { |io| io.write('moomin')
+ #
+ # Beyond this interface, implementations are permitted to behave as desired.
+ # They may, for instance, reject undesirable content or alter the graph (or
+ # metagraph) of the resource. They should throw appropriate `RDF::LDP`
+ # errors when failing to allow the middleware to handle response codes and
+ # messages.
+ #
+ # The base storage adapter class provides a simple File storage
+ # implementation.
+ #
+ # @todo check thread saftey on write for base implementation
+ class StorageAdapter
+ STORAGE_PATH = '.storage'.freeze
+ ##
+ # Initializes the storage adapter.
+ #
+ # @param [NonRDFSource] resource
+ def initialize(resource)
+ @resource = resource
+ end
+ ##
+ # Gives an IO object which represents the current state of @resource.
+ # Opens the file for read-write (mode: r+), if it already exists;
+ # otherwise, creates the file and opens it for read-write (mode: w+).
+ #
+ # @yield [IO] yields a read-writable object conforming to the Ruby IO
+ # interface for storage. The IO object will be closed when the block
+ # ends.
+ #
+ # @return [IO] an object conforming to the Ruby IO interface
+ def io(&block)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(path_dir) unless Dir.exists?(path_dir)
+ FileUtils.touch(path) unless file_exists?
+, 'r+b', &block)
+ end
+ ##
+ # @return [Boolean] 1 if the file has been deleted, otherwise false
+ def delete
+ return false unless File.exists?(path)
+ File.delete(path)
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def file_exists?
+ File.exists?(path)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build the path to the file on disk.
+ # @return [String]
+ def path
+ File.join(STORAGE_PATH, @resource.subject_uri.path)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build the path to the file's directory on disk
+ # @return [String]
+ def path_dir
+ File.split(path).first
+ end